Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    Honorable Gee. Ii.Sheppard
    comptrollerof wbliu Aoeountr
    Dear S1rr          0plnlon no. O-la
    Re: ReduotioA OS
    are In rmml
    0 stat0 or Led-
    tlon with the
    d La Texas.
    806lrb8 your
    the taxpayer la
    sd would be a'e-
    r&r    the YenQr'o lion Bate
    rt themof ior taxes in T-s.*
    EOnorablO Go. B.
    hrtiole 7147, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925, reads
    as   r0110r0:
    ii registered in this State, whether at
    hams or abroad, and all oapite3.lnvestod
    theraln; allmonem at interest. elthar
    dthin or without the State, due the per-
    son, to be taxed over ,andabove what h
    pays interest fbr. and all other debts'
    due such person over and aboro hls lXl-
    debtedneos;all pubiic stook and eecurlr
    tfee; all stock in turn-pikes,railmada,
    osnals and other corporations (exoept na-
    tlOndl banka) out Or ths State, owned by
    inhabitants or thla Stats; all personal
    lState Of moneyetd corporations,whothor
    the mars thenof re8ide In or out of
    this 8tate, snd the Imom or any anup
    ity, unless the oapitfikor such annnl$y
    be taxed within thir State; all aharea
    1x1any bank orgsnlaed or that may be or-
    garbed under the laws or theunlted
    St&em; all lmprovavnta made by persons
    upon lsnde held by them, the title to
    which Is still tasted In the State Of
    Texas, or ln any railroad company, or
    which have been exempted imar taxation
    ror the benerit or IMT railroad 'aoapaay,
    or any other oorporationtihose.pro$arty
    is not nubfeat to the same tie and rule
    or taxation as other property.*
    It lo provided in Artiols 7149, Rerls.6 Civil
    Statutes, 1925, that:
    "'Ceddlts.' - me term 'credits,'
    wherever useUd:inthis title, shall be
    held to mean and lncllodoevery olaim
    and demand ror mney or other valuatble
    th*,   and etev   .dutmity   or   Mimi of
    receivableat stated period&
    Honorable Gee. B. Sheppard*Page S
    due or to become due,.and all olaime and
    dsmenda scoured by deed or mortgage, due
    or to beoome dueru
    The taxable sltua or the $lS,OOO.OOvendor*8
    lien note, in the kbsence of addiflonal rac*i, Is the
    domicile or the owner, whether seaured.orunseoured.
    Ferris vs. Xemble (S. Ct. l&39) l&
    S.W. 689
    Connorsvs. City or Waxehaohle (8. ct.
    laS9) 19,S.W. SO
    Great Southern Lirs Znsura~a co. VB.
    alty or Austin (s. ct. 1922)
    243 S.W. 770
    Article 7147 lnaludeswithin the deflnltlonof
    p~r6ondL property *all moneys, oredits,bonds and other
    ovidmoe   of debt owned by cltizsns of this State, whether
    the 661~ be in or’out or the State.* Artiole 7149 defin-
    lng ?zedlts* gives to such term a broad meaning so as to
    include orerg claim and demand iormoney whether sbcumd
    or unsecured. No dlstlnat'ion 15 made between aredlts
    whether satniredby reel or personal @ropertp or whether
    the property seeurlng same 1s looatsd~wlthinthis Stats
    or without It,6jurisdlotlon. ,A,claim or demand ior money,
    unless otherw$ss provided by statute, woul``e~sarlybe a
    *debt due suah person* as set out in ArtfdI.e'?147,al-
    thou@ evldenaed by a promieeorynote. As we aonstrue
    Artiole 7147,'lta srreot is to tax‘ths "net oredlts*
    owned by a person by allowing a deduction of the debts
    wed by him from the debts due auoh per60nr The result
    of thls la to arrlve at the taxable value or one ltea
    0r personal property, i.e., "oredits.* Thla oonstruation
    1s supportedby ZIUobservationmade by ;TustloeGaines in
    Griffin vs. Heard (S. Ct. 1890).
    14 S.W. 892
    , a8 follows:
    "The effect of these provisions
    1s simply to eubjeot to taxation,‘in
    addition to tangible property, all
    moneys aotuallybelonging tothetax-
    payer, end any sxaees t&at may exist
    0r his areaits over hie lndsbtedness.'
    The tax in the instant aese la levied against mn
    item 0r intangiblepersonal property or whlah the taxpayer
    18 the owner whether eecured or uneeaured, end not egelnst
    the undarlylng tangible prop&Q by which lt may be meeured.
    Whatever the situ5 or the aeourltg, we think i'tls nonethe-
    Honorable Gee. H. Sheppard,Page 4
    less an indebtednessof the taxpayer and may be dsduotad
    in arriving at his taxable oredits.
    Nor do we think the faot that there is no oonneo-
    tlon between the $lS,OOO.OOand 87,GOO.OO items, and that
    they do not arias out of the same transaoti~n pretant a de-
    duction. The apparent purpose oi the statute is to arrlre
    at the balanos of the total debts due suoh person over and
    above @Is total indebtedness.
    It Is our opinion. under the iaOt8 stated, that
    the taxpayer would be reqdred to reader as his taxable
    oredlte the value of the $15,000.00note less the $7.000.00
    Item or indebtedness.
    Your5 very truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1226

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017