. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Joa Kuaoohlk co``lwio~r, ~cuuw or m+0r st0tiOti00 Austin, T0x.w Dur blk. imu0hlk: ttar 0f~Augwt U, ln ntJpeot to the "Dou the phrwo, l*~llulva of md.rlteMnoe writ,+ ‘~tn th m~8t •W~UOO or .000ti0n i 0r o a ta la w lmp t~8a owork h iroll the Prwalllag waga Law, when mai4 w* la don. umdor oontnot7- RonOmble Joe Kunschlk, Pege Z Section 1 of Artlolo 5159a, Vernon's Annotated Clrll statfitee, reads as r0iim: *Not leaa than the general prevailing rata or per diem wage8 ror work or a similar charao- ter In the looallty in which the work 1s per- foxmod, and not less than the general prorailing rate or per diem wagas r0r legal holiday and orertlma work, shall bo paid to all laborera, workmen and meohanlos eaaployad by or on behaLf of the State or Texae, or by or on behalf of any county, olty and oowt~, olty, tom, dl8- trlot or other wlltloal 8&dlrlslon.of thm State, engaged in tlio oomtruotion or pub110 uorka. exoluslre of malntenanoo work. Laborers, workmen, and meohanloa smployod by contractors or subo&tractors in the &&xtloh of any OOLI- traot or oontracts for pabllo workm with tha Stats, or any orrioer or publfo body thereor, or in the execution ot any oontnot or ooiitraots ror public works, with any oounty, olty and aounty,' city, town, dlatrlot or other polltl- oal mabdlrlalon or thl8 State, or any oiiloer or public body thereof, ahall be boamad to k employed upon pub110 works." (undaxWorl.n,g oumj mlntsnanca work 1s oxpnu~ ompt fmm the general premalllw wage requlromwt at th stateio, The language above quoted la oleu an4 lxpllolt to thla effoot, and thorn oan be no doubt aa to thla lxooption, Iwr la there a&y'&abt that the removal of a ooat0r old paint rr08 a prevlowly oonrtruotod oltr bridge and tbs rrpalnting 6i 8w0 OOP~ within the oatcytow 0r ``lntonanoo r~*.`` am thom worda are mod in Sootion 1 or Article 5159a., lwe q uo ted. *Otis and Fhramoa, ?lrst Sirlea, Vol 5, eon- talnm the ?ollowing dleouaslon or the word wmalntenance" on Pm 458s: -The ~malntananoe* of a atreot wlthln the .'ranlngof an ordlnanoe providing ror the ra- oonstruotl6n and fialntenanoa of a stnet for a prlod or years under ema oontraot praotloally baa the mime meaning a0 tha word ~yeuPalr,qand therefore an ordlnanoo in requlrl~ a&joining Honorable Joe Kunschlk, Page 3 owners to pay for the construction and malnten- ante 0r a street 1s in violation or St. Lou18 Char- ter, art. 6;8 18, providing that the re;;;rto;; all streets shall be paid by the city. lmalntaln* does not maan to provide or construct, but means to keep up, to keep iron change, to preserve (Worceat. Dlot.); to hold or keep in any particular atate or oondltlon, to keep up (Yebat. Dlct.). In Boon v. Dunden, 2,Bxch. 21, it was said the verb vto maln+.alrl*slgnliled to support.tiat has already been brought ln:o ex- istence. 'To repair' means to restore to a sound or good state arter decsy, injury, dllapldatlon, or partial Cestruotlon. Barber Asphalt Par-Co. Y, Hexel, 56 S. w. 449, 451, 155 z'o.391, 4s L. FL A. 285." The following definition of *malntenanoeW Is given in the aase of San Francisco & P. s. S. Co. v. SOott, 253 Fed. 854: "* i * Now, the operation of a business or property lnoludea payment for labor and mat- erials which go into the actual operation there- of, till8 maintenance meana the upkeep or pre- eerfi~ the Oondltlon of the property to be 0~ erated. and therefore, In my judgment, lnoludee the cost of ordinary repairs necessary and prop er from time to time for that purpose. m * l n -(undersooringours) Words and Phrases, Fourth Series, Vol 2, under %alntenanoew , on page 612 refers to "malntenance~ as roi- lowe: *In the qbsenoe of any showing that word *repairs* has a restricted meaning, in trade and comerce, It includes 'malntenanoe palnt- lng' of a ship, slnoe the words ~malnt.aln*and 'malntenanoe' are frequently used in the sense of keeping a thing in good condition by means or repaln. E. E. Kelly & Co., v. U. S.,
17 Cow. C. P. A. So, 32." Finally, the raot that the paint job 1s being done for a olty under oontract by laborers and workmen employed and paid by contractors, or b:!subcontraotors 1s lmmaterlal to thle question. pccordlng to the express Yonorable Joe Kuneohlk, Fafy 4 wording or the statute, such employees are deoued employ- ed upon public works when the contract for public works 1s with the State, county, city, or political subdlrlslons thereor, and payment 1s out or public runes. In the pre- sent Instance, however, %alntenancen not "oonatructlon* work 1s being oontemplated. Such work does not legally requlm the prevailing wage soale. Trusting that we hare fully answered the ln- qulrles contained in your letter, we are Yours very truly ATTORNEY GJCNERALOF TEXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1216
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017