Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • 33 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. JamesE.Xilda~, DireOtor, page Z *Ia t&lo operatfon subject to th4 juda- dietion of the Railroad Gommlselon of Tew? 'zstpo flewprOpoMl8an6 oQer4tlo4 on0 whloh,la arderto be vtU6, weuldre@m a eertiflwte0r publlao~nrsntwaoand nwu8%- ty or la it Qno or UhlQhthe com4iaa;oa lm ulthout jori8dlot "ron?" Arti Ollb or veraal*s Annot8tQ6 civil stat- utea establlshk the jurladlotlon or the Raifmad Oaa- mission of Texas over motor oarrbrn operatingu 0-1 raonoerriors (motur wrrfera for hire) and motor urrion oparatingas ocmtraotoarri4ira. Ia this oonnootlonwe deem lt suiiioiant only to quota Swtion 4(a) of sal& Aot Whloh reads am follomst .atie 4(a). 'Ph.Coimiaslm 1s heroby-Y.&- ed rith power aa4 authority an6 It ia hereby mads ita duty to ~lpemiw and -to tb trsnt3p0rt4tiar0r propert~ibr00``6fkti~ er hire by potor vahiole ~00 any pabllo hi#may i.nethzzg tp& geaoxlba ar approY0 mximlm aad .minlmaa rates, fares ad t&ergo8 ef ewh mot&r wrrbr in aaoordanoe with the epeokiio proWlsMu herein otmtaiao&, to preawibe all r&m and regulations nsooemry ior the gorernmmt oi m- tor oarriem,,to presoribo tier and re@.a- tlons ior the saretr of operatloaisof each of t3~ah 3sot.m oarriers, to~require the riibg 0r such monthly, annualandotIi8r report8and oth- er data oi motor oarrims am the Gcauuterlonmay deemneoerimry, to prsuarfbo the sohe6ules an6 8emioes OS mttu oarrlera ~oper8tiagaa ooaw mm oarriera, and tab 6U&Wd60 and ~8gulate mater crarrien in all a&tars airwtingthe re- lationehlp between auoh Oa~iarP ad the 8hl.p $yn.h`` whethso herein spaoitloally IQekitifXS- . seetiti 3 0r ~4id 8rtiaia rsq~irsi mtar 44r- criers0 mating ibe oomion oarrlsrs to obta#n sertliioate8 of pub1f E eospsnienee and neoQsaitpI antI rmotor oarri~a subd:ritb~.~ (h) &tat+4 th.:tthe tama"'oosrtmat 0arrfcP nwns: "(h) The tsma 'oontraotaarriar' mssss 4ay moteraerrler aahrweinabovea6rinsdtmtiiport- or hire over 4ay irigproperty for oortpenwtiar.~ highway 0r titleLitrIte other than au ocsaay oar- IliOl?.* It le svldsntthmt as esssstisl psQl?s``lrStO of the sttatua of both tbs Motor oarrler operst~ a~84 acmurm oarrfor WC a Qontr4ot Q#riel? W30rdbl6 to the abve definlUcm61 iethetsarmperta&ofpmpLdyoi the pMl0 r0r ooopsna4tlon or alra Jmerblm to the raats nutnfetsb, osrtain bud4484 msn and murlsr* 44- gge in the joint owittm or cgeratlnga tmmk oa the hauls of preratad ex me8 r0r ths -60 ot truupod- l.ngthetr own proParrytoWu&onitPnrthsiPrs8~tfW toLU* Thsy.ore allwxmrs OS as interest in thotrask teether hire 4 ariclor,qnt 4rs3ululirrgweir am pro@- ertiy+ Under tlio5efiats they en not op6s4#.ag a tmok elther4s4aamon0srriar:iarhlrsoras4 oaatrwt 0~29~ ritti the ;wwmt 421mf0i~ oubr riearsaa5~thstthetcuokiatmns~ the pro~rty W lta mess and that they are not &lb- 5ng tbsneelrrsoout 8s rssdytr. mrgagei inthe tr5naporta- tlon bualneos but srs haullag gjoodstar thoiP mm mb- epwtlve beadlts. me w3e or the wer6 “&wlaral4” ln your letterwhims you r&ate thd the truok is us@ ior "oa*Yh$ aow5Qaftlw ohem of ths truak? our 'm@h8aiaing this wpy attaaheb of this l3spfmtrwerat, It is our oplaion th5t thfJRailYo8% cocsduiaa ha0 no juriodiotica over a motor te:iio& opwats& Joint- l.y by a @QUp Of bWiil9&6 hOUsQ0 tQr: the tZ%W@CUt5tt~ 02 prchu~te and oadobitfeo of the aufners on tha pYbU0 idghwaro ana not em#qpU in,the trfumwtian &prop erty' the &wblLc for uoa@Dnsatiooror hire kod OODH- quentUthe~Uailroaac~01on~otMuireaa~i- floate of oonvenia~nooen% aeoessity thers3m or a pesJPit* 3

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1207

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017