- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUDTIN A Eonorablo QOoqa H. @wQ~u’d opinhn MO 9.1 old Cwomttollolof Pabllr Aeooantr ti, ;,-:a- # .&11 .Bo. appropr 2,46th Bear all?: LegmatlA. 6, Aotr 44th sagmatllre, SM. call. h. 478, 0, l8S4, ~ovl4.8 a8 iollow8r “mmlp en8eB o flddllo ter im& th i8lio t r im1never 1 lx o ee6 UTO p etnnt 65) o fth e tota14mwlt of state mad8 lap.a!ad ror 01a Age A8sl8tanoo;proTided,howuer, that the Tua8 Old A@ A88i8tanO~ooaiulon is empow Or.6 t0 aOO.pt tilt-8 l ?OgS'hti8 &U& allooatodta the @atO 0$ Fua 8Zo rldrfnim- tratin upan by tbr t&oral 00vUnnent or the 800181seonrltg Board, a84 memo ny k expoaaoaroraarrsirtntl~*purpoaaa in ldditia fo n that allowd tar ldalniatntirr out o fsta t. pa.rpoaea twBd0 lp endml.” Bt'AotO 44th k&ldI3M, Sr& Call. Soas. H.B. 8, Oh. 498, pa ZO40, the kai8latrrs ude 8om ohagea sll thr f- Old A@ kaitaam lot and fk 6uti.0 thontofomporf0aed bythrfuaa Old Age AaalaSanoa Qariuioa wm -008 uwr tb tboard.or 00ntrp1. nd8 ht. 00 did 8. b 06 Uf thr at& &6:i#lOtMO, f!Edtin. 0.08. 0rut.d tha Toxa8 Ql6 A&a Auiataaoe Pllauar a aopamte lo a o a alntth8 tiOa WOlW 8 rrd0 t0 8aid * a ib a ndlaalotaaoo hotion 6 Of‘H. B. ti l Word into 8. 8. . Of (lu brd 0111. 8.80. 4pYmL+dm- latare a8 ArMcUr_$Z& goo.‘g LD th8 Sollow* 18&mgor m ~8Oi~&BidOk~i~th18AOt sh a ll uvo r lx m @ flv0 par Oo a t ( !i$ o f’tlw ) to ta O lB OWA~l~a b d fbr Old-Ago Asa~taneo~ prwlWl, h o mnr ~that th ao o mluio ia a o m- p o wo m4to loeopt cuds 8p p r o Qr iao ated d o llo mtoto d tw 8ta7 0 o fTo ua fo ra tlnia S8- tmtir rlmoby tbYu4.n1oov.rnmaA*or tb&elal&oarlt Boua.0adunny.k lx p a na io lotratin ~ r l6Dl.n Jup o o la la a l- t:o ato tlmt a l& wefo r8 tmthw p ltr - -*a oa tOSB ta kem68lp ea 6.6.~ l 8& ” w The m0ts te r o r 6y -8ir th O Itoginlatum Dapartuat f lo“elf- p r wla i 8. 8. So. Sg aapmmukt``go8~pto~r1,1~9,aaang ot~rdutbO,~k~er~a~fratioa~t~ Ol6 Age Aa010tan0. Aot. Ym qwtm the follawlBg portlllut proviaionm of maid Aotl m-0. 9 r0i. ui or the righta, sumera an4 dotisa huetofom a6aforx-d by law UQO~ $ho *X88 &a. “0.0. ST (a). Thor@ la &*xmbr orntod lath8 9X'O@8-~0? th e 8b OtOfTOXU l8lWOti1ta t0 k kaownaatha *StakDopartmatoi Pablia Rolfuo mid’ , b .b rapt 8opnrate M apart nom all other funa8 by the&tat0TmaatuQ.. It 18 prarldedthat out oi mayronioa Ulooatdto the Irglalato~ar wld Tuud, ma Opproprtatomua0 ot maey maffloi0at to p-the d 8 and l8a l8ta ato n toady oltluna or ~&8~f~t&T~@rlyOiOth~8ar1~ U prw1d.d ior lnthia Aot. It la furtbr prorl6d t&&tj OUt Of Uia md, thr &8gi8htUXO.Y 4' proprlatomnloa to k uaad for the purp0008of l4 mla l8ta r th yAat.” ir l8 : ._ The doputmatal a pro&Wiatico bill of tlm ?orty-SxthkglUaturr, 8. g . lo, 409, makm oetaln ltemlrrdl pproprlAtion0 for the dlvl8lonoi 014 Am AaaIatinosof tb Etato Bopartaoatof Pub110 Wd.Sare, prml&i.agtlmtaal6 lto a ifio lppropolafiioa d 8hallbo pitlout ~T``80lb~lua~nwlhurd,~atrrrndama to tho 0tato Bo&mrta+ ai Pablla Wolfam iurd by S."B. Eoa. aao. 8. ahePpara, Page 4 mo. S6 Aota 46th lag. &(I. Bea8. iollondby thb roils& ridor to.4 8pprogtid0na %l.linborntotho TaaaOUAgeAu%s- taaoahld& a8 tamn8eorrod to tb stat*no- oarfprntbl Pabll8 Uolfarb,?uad br 8. 8. lo. S6, A8t8 46thkgWatur0,Sb&ular &uioa,to~- thurmw;;hUy b.lUO.8 OT hand at tha old oi a are 18 h o r o l bpyP r o p r la SOT k4 oaoh o tflaos m-8 .I@4 h&-t a, l@do -6 Au&uatsllB6l,totlnetakDmgartauaat Pablio Uohrb for old qa 8mslstakooand Sbr 8alarlor lW&aant lapplloa,trhml, r%8tmmnoo, cad ma&oat .apruor mmeoe8ary in tlir lrtondon Of 8rid Ou O& O l8Oi8b B blnd O ill86Nid8tb Z~ Bll the dUti08 rbuuimb* 8aid. Dlp8rtmat by tb OldAgb kal8taaoo Uw8, end. tit paymnt of nmaa68 Or Stat0 Tmaanry Oar- !i%%:%%&edtherdor togdmrwith lnt- omit themon, oatatudlngo~ Aagaat 8l 19.939 thatwam.188ord lglaottlm 9~88 Oldi0 A&a- taao8 maa andortb proTi8iooO of H. b. lo. ST, liOt8ot the UthLegllatw, Jad 0. S. and un6ar t& ~iOiOB8 Of it. B. 199,'&t8 Oi,th0 &th h@i8&tOM ti@ U & 88iOailt ,lOOO?dUOO with8bhedufaof paymats laarrthorlud+n4 41: NOW in Ii.8. f0. lT9 Urd H. 8. IlO. ZO46, Aot8,Row &aa%oa, 46th Ie~abtrru md inlocotdaaob rdth ap&WO~tLoM -48 ior r tbr biumlum, thr Boprrtmbntim authorIzab to l000pt irom th0 ~0-1 8001~ fh0Prlty Boma mf. fun60 that my bb ``Ob&Od w 8dd -d t0 th0 Ropartaoatror~ablalatratlrr apea808., and da mp4tmat 0a a ma8uoh r o a ma faindo l libeatea for adnlni8tSathO OXtill la additionto Nrul~ wpropriat0a sorthorn0 pucpou8 oat of 8tnta mntlu protia04 bylaw. Intha rreMfh* aova tot8litomi+rd rpprropriation8outof8tdo fQad0 for a&mlniLtrat~clr or0 ‘ham than fim @or oont(S#) ai UI totalupenUtf9nafor aaalatanaa out of llLftmd8, Stata sob r04. WO ba lttOB t:On t0 kOtiorr 6 & 8. B. Lb, whIohllmIt~th.amuatoC Llkto~uadawhlohooalaba ee for la8inbtration~ jmrpo8.8 to v$0s the tutu taaoa* roam k t oa dmUS8tr4tloa lr2pandltare8; In &n &room IkptIatAbaa4 T. dageaa (cc.*. lw91 am 13.u. 6w, it la 8t&Oa: 9h0gb80rur``0i88tat0d~s9m~.s~.p. --- - -_ Qathb romatmatlom~on 8otorprol rlaioathathbab~0nmu14~4 m0a80t04 c ~8~tOd,t~OirO~t~Ot~tthOO~nJ #tatutoryha``ba8 orCh8t baoa~atIfIedd, It km koa proaorrod Ilrohbagod, In outalapar- tibelara, 4 k takaa into l0miaOmiaD~ am U Old t0 tk 88OUtainwnt Oi thO .k&i8btiTO g e o f a ltatutama8t 8aIoaoi a lIgulfIoaatua fron M aaoadmat or rwoabotuat iadioatea a 6eaIm to ohaagatha offoot or lntmrpr*tatIcn 0t tb sot, 0t M tnt0nti0a to bx0irrd0 thb objabjaa~mmto'o"lOOO8Qli8hbd by thr wOrda uo &TO offrot to thi8 ralo lrd ooabtrub mot100 8 of H. 8. Ho. 0 to bo bo8authrn 8eotion8 o? H. B. M a~t~ttholImItatlo~oath, amomntoi admlnlatrrtlnox- -o. pamblo Oat Of 8tUti m&8 :I ihit t0 6$ Ot the tota mt lrpaad for 0 u8f.gwaoo aoh will ~uO~U&OTO````WO``~ k fudo oxpba4.bbLtB& mud, Wador thl8 oon8trwtlon thb 5$ pro+l8lon oonml AppmprI8tiaaBill la bat dooluatoryat tbr la?,althoryhlxpre88bd ia. llmltdioa intho UOUOXUIX 8onwbt blaar.r~l-m4+ Hon. the. H. Shep~srd, Page 7 Under the constructionwe plaoe upon Seottiu 8, Artlale 8, H. B. 8, Third Called Session, pbrty- fourth Legislature, It beoomea umeoessery to dote-e whether the liaitatlon aontainedtherein must supersad+ a provision In the DepartmentalAppropriationBill. Sfhoe the Federal Goverment has not withdrawn its pazc tloipation,we have not oonaidoredthe questionswhiah may arise upon the happettIngof this oontingenoy and reapeotfUly request that you submit such questions when the nsoesslty arises. In ensvferto your rirst queetion it Is our opinion that the limitation upon the percentage rate to be applied to administrationexpenses luaurred in pay- ment 0r Old Age Asaiatmae is S$ 0r the total mormt expended for Old Age A8aliatamoe,but we.express no opia- Ion upon what peraentagewill be applioable lr~aud wheW the Federal Govermnent dthdraws its partiolpation. With referenoe to your aeooud question,, the rive per oont linltatlon OR the payments from State f'unda ia to be measured by the total emouut expended~for014' Age Assistsme whioh inelodeaState and Federal fuada ox- pexuledby the Board. 'Tnaddition to the above advxluistrative expense allowed out or State funds, auy moneys slloeatedby tlm Federal Goveruweut to the Board for administratIveex- pense ntayelse be expended ror au,& purpose. Yours very tlu1y CCCrBT
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1198
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017