OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable E. A. Hod,+ys County Auditor Wllllamson County Oaorgetown, Texas Baar Sir: a.businass although tsad'fti in another on the above stated question has be queliry as a justice preoinat a bualaess although an&her 3ustios Pre- Ggorgetown, Justloe FrecFnat Ho. married and owns a hose hers and home atte; business hours, his s to be performd in Justioe Prfminct Ho. &, in whloh precinot his plaoe OS busi- ness Is looated." Artiolss 2927 and 8928, Revlssd Civil Statutes, read s8 tallows: Honorable H. A. Hodges, Page 2 *Artiole 2927. No person &all be ‘&igb ble to~any State, county, preoiaot, or muni%- ipal orrloe in this State uhlees ha shall be eligible.to hold offloe under the Constitution of this state, and unless he shall have resided in this.State for the period of twelvd laonthe and~Lix:mnths in the oounty, preolnat, or mmiolpality, in whioh he offera himelf a6 a candidate, next preoe.ding any general or 8pe- ala1 eleotion, and shall have been an aotual bona fide aitixen of said oounty, preolnot, or mmioipallty for more than six mntha. lie person inellgible to hold oiiioe &.all ever hare his name plaoed upon the ballot at any general or apeoial eleotion, or at any primary eleotion where oandidates are raleoted under~primary elsation laws or this Gtata; and no such insllgible oaudidats shall ever be toted upon, nor have votes oountsd Sor him, at any such general, apeoial, or prima’ry eleotion. “Artlole 2928. Neither the &rotary of State, nor any oounty judge of this State, nor anr other authority authorized to is8u.e oertiiloatss, shall ieeue any certifloatas or eleotion or appointaent to any person eleoted or appointed to any oi’floe in this State, who 1s not eligible to bald euoh offio~ under the Constitution of this State and under the above artlolel. and the name o? no inelig- ible person, under the tinatitution and law6 ot.this Ytats, shall be oertitied by any party, oommlttee, or any authority authorized to have the names of oandidates plaoed upon the primary ballot8 at any primary eleotion in this State; and the name OS no ineligible oandidate under the Constitution and lnwa of this State shall be plaoed upon tho’ballot ot any general or epeoial elootlon by any :uthorlty wbo:oseduty it is to plaar name6 of aandidatea upon otfioial ballotr.* Artiole 6879a, Rsv-leed, Civil StatUteE, raado a8 tab lows: Honorable H. A. Hodges, Page 5 *Sea. 1. The duly eleoted oonstable in each justioe preoinot having a olty or town of less than eight thousand (8,000) population aooording to the preoedlag Federal Census may appcint one (1) Deputy and no more; and eaoh Justloe Preoinot having a oity or town of eight,thousand (8,000) and le:rs than forty thousand (40,000). population aooordlng to the preoedlng Federal Census may appoint two (2) Deputies and no more; nnd in eaoh Justioe Preoinot having c town or olty of forty thousand (40,000) population or more aooord- lug to :the reoedlng Federal Census nay ap- point 3cive s 5) Deputies and no more, and eaoh and every inatanoa said Deputy Constables shall quality us requir.ed of Deputy 8herlrft3. Tea. 2. Men the Constable in eaoh and every instanoe uamed and desorlbed in tha pra- aediug seotion of this Aot shall desira to make appointment OS a Deputy or Deputies, as the oasa may be, said Constable shall first make written applloation to the Conmlsaloners~ aourt or his County showing .that It la naoeu- sary for auoh Constable to have the Deputy or Deputies requested i&order to properly handle the business of hi8 office originating in the Preoinot in which euoh Conetable has been eleoted, giving the name of eaoh proposed ap- poiutea; and lf the Commlssionerr* Court shall find that the Qonstable Is in need of the Deputy or Deputies requested to handle ths business originating in his Preolnot, then and in that event, and in that ev6,nt only, the~Comnissionerel Court shall approve and oon- firm ths appointment of the Deputy or Deputies provided by this Act. *Sea. 3. Aay person who aerve8 as a Deputy Coustablb. without the provisions here- of having been oonrplied with relative to his appointment or any Constabls who issues a DaputpshSp without the oonssnt and approval of the Co:~elssionere* Court shall br fined not less than Fifty Dollars (#SO+OO) nor mare than One Thousand Dollars (#.1,000~00)~” - 499 Honorable H. A. Hodges, Page 4 ite quote iron the oaae of Murray et al v. State, 67 s. 7.. (2) 274, as follows: "Deputy Constables are provided for by law and qualify In the same manner aa Deputy Sheriffs. Artidle 6869, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925; iUtiOle 6809, Ae- vised Statutes, 1925, as amended by Aots of 1929~ (1st Called Session) ohapter 113 (Vernon's Annotated Clvii Statutes, Artl- cle . .. 6869). Tb?y nre also - .. vested by law _ witn some portion or tne sovereign runotions of' the government, to be exeroised by thea for the benefit of the publio. They are publia offioers clothed with the power and authority of their prinoipals. wils.on v. State, 117 Ter. Cr. Rep. 63, 36 S. W. .(e) 733." In the oase of Brown v. f&seeks, 96 S. Vi. (8) 039, it was held that the Concuinsioners * Court has no jurlsdiotion to add to or take from qualifioatlons fixed by the Lsgleluture for oandidatss for office or oonstable. Therefore, It would naturally follow that the Commissioners1 Court has no author- ity to add to or take from the qualifioatlons rlxed by the Legislature for a Deputy Constable. Under the above QUOteA Statutes no person 1s eligi- ble to any state, oounty, preoinot or munloipal office unless he shall have resided in the state for the period of twelve months and six montha in the oounty, preoinot or aunibipality in whioh he offers to serve 8~ suoh offioer. Artiole 2958, Revised Civil Statutes, provides, a- mong other things, that the reeidenae of a married man is where his wire resldea. You are respectfully advised that it .is the opinion of this department/that a man cannot legally qualify as a dop- uty oonstable for a justice preolnot in whioh he does not re- side. Honorsble IL A. Hodges, Page 5 Trusting that the foregoing answera your Inquiry, we remaln Yours very truly AT'lVRi?fl GENERALOF !I'EXAS Ardell Williams Assistant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1121
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017