OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN GCULD C. MANN .-“” ..*UIL Honorable C. J. Vllds Co'untyAuditor Xueces County Corpus Chrlatl, Dear Slrx Your request following ques- ticnsr e of marking ossor-Colleo- d the taking of y Tax kaaessnrs by lolatlon ai Sootion farring tc oountles 00.00 per annum? d your answer to QUr?StiOn number 1 the employees did not teke an T3. Would the paynent for ovortlme to e1p- ployoea who sra drawing the maxlmm salary al- lowed under Sectloa 3 of Artlola 3902 be a violation of that Artlola?* Artlols 3902# Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, in part, reads as follows: Honorable C. J. Wilde, Page 2 Whenever any district, counte or nroo!nct officer shall require tho services of deputies, asslstnnts or olerks in the nerformanoe of his duties he shall apply to the County Covmlsslcnars* Court of his county for authority to appoint euch deputies, assistants or olerks, stating by sworn application the number needed, the position to be filled and the amount to be paid. Said applloa- tlon shall be accompanied by a statezent sbowlng the probable rocelpts from fees, aommlsslons -and oo-Apensatlonto be oolleoted by said office dur- in3 the fiscal year and the probable disbursements whloh shall lnolude all salaries and oxponsas of said oftloe; and said court shall make its order nuthorlzlng the appointment of such deputfes, assistants and clerks and fir the compensation to be paid the.mwithin the llmitat6ons herein prescribed and determine the nuzbor to be appolnt- ed as inthe dlscretlcn of said court may bo proper; prorldcd tbst in no case shall the Coms&sloners* Court or any mczber thereof sttezpt to influence the aorointzientof any person as deouty, assistant or clerk in any office. Upon the entry of suoh order the officers applying for such asslGtants, deputies or clerks shall be authorized to appoint them; provided that said compensation shall not exceed the maxlmun amount heroinafter set out. The oompensatlon which may be allowed to the deputies, as?istants or clerks above named for their services. shall be a reasonable one not to exceed the iollow- lng amounts: . . . . (Underscoring ours) Yn counties having a population of thlrty- seven tbousond five hundred and one (37,501) and not core thon sixty thousand (60,000) lnhabltonts, first assistant or cblef deputy not to exceed Twenty-one Hundred ($2100.00) Dollars per annum; other assistants, 8e2uties or clerks not to exoeed Eighteen Iiundrod ($lSOO.OO) Dollars per annui eaoh. Provided that nothing in this Act shall be oonstrued as repealing or affeotlng Section 2 of R. B. NO. 694, Chapter 315, Acts 1935, Forty-fourth Legislature, page 724. . . .* The population of Nuaces County. Texas, aooordlng to the 1930 Federal Census in 61,779. wConmlosloners* Court are courts Of llnlted jurlsdlotlon, in that their author- lty extends,only to matters pertaining to Honorable C. J. Wilde, PaFe 3 the Ganoral welBfr6 of their respootlvo oountlas and that their powers nra only those expressly or lnpllodly oonierrad u?Oir t!+emby low, - that is, by the Constitution snd statutas of ,the state.* 11 Taxes Jurls- prudence 564-565. *The appolnt:centof deputies, ctlof clerks’,or assistants by oartoln olfloera is ~poclflcolly authorized by the stetutes. Under the fianaralstatutory law, corrnty offloers oomlne within tha provlalons of the ziarlzumfee bill are required to apply to th6 oot;l:5issioners'~courtfforauthority to appoint deputies, asslstrtntsor olerks, end awh oourt may naka an order auth,orlz- lng their appolntmont, dotermine the nun- ber to be appoln!ad, and fix the cozponsa- tlon to Abe paid them within oortnln pra- scribed limits. In no ease nay the oom- slsaioaets' oourt or any member thereor atte.mptto influence the appointment of any person as deputy, assistant or clerk in any office. Prior to the Bna-tmont of the zoneral statute county offloezs deter- mined for tiiems~6lves tha qucstlon of empltiy- lng deputies, and made cont.ractsfor their oorjpansntlon,but now the State Cetorzinas tba necessity for e;nploylnethauiand their aumber ,aad oozpensatlon. "The authority thus conferred tipon the com.zlsslcners*oourt to aoslst in ths appolntzont of deputies can be exerolsad only in the ;Paanerpresorlbed. If tho stotutory reyulroments are not compllad slth, the appolntzent of a deputy IS void, rendha pap be ousted through quo warrant0 prooaedln,~sat the instance of the State. . . ." Texas Jur.Ptprudenoe,Vol. 34. I 155, p* 602. *This provlslon manifests a pub110 polloy to enpower oounty and preolnot Olfl- oera gonerally to solaot their Laputlcs and asSlst9ntS, and tc forbid the ComzAssicnera~ Col;rtfrot attospting to lnfluonoe thornin tho eeileotlonof tholr assistants.. 'The roason.fGr this polioy is that OffiOerS eleotad to dlsohargo pub110 trusts, end upon who% the respoaslblllty for tho pro- per Honorable C. J. Wilde, Pa&e 4 per dlsoharne thereof rests, should be free to seleot persons of their own oholce to assist them." Neeper vs. Stewart, 66 S. E. (2d) 812. The statutes do not provide for such offices as, vRepresent3tlves of the Cormnlssloners~Court*. The Deputy Tax Assessors-Collectors are the deputies of the Tax Assessor-Collootor, responsible to their superior and enployor, the Tax Assessor-Collector, and are not "representatives of tha Co~nmlsslGnersfCourt", .andare not responsible to the Connisslonerst Court. They may be dlsohor&ed by the Tax Assessor-Colleotor, lut not by the Com3&vsloners* Court. In answer to your quest&s, you are respect-' fully advised that it 1s the opinion of this departzient that there are no such offices atie?representatlvesof the Comzlssloners* CourtH; that the Coznlssicners* Court has no authority to employ ciameeither as Wrepresentstlves of the Coavlssloncrs* Court" or as "deputies of tho Tax Assessor-COlleotorW, regardless of whether such purported representatives of the CommloslGners* Court take an oath of off100 or not. You arc further respeotfully advised thet It la the opinion of this departslentthat the Tax Assessor- Collector of EJuecesCounty, Texas, may apply to the Coinmissioners*Court for authority to appoint dcputlos, statIn the number he de3irea to appoint, the positions tG~he'~flllad,and the anou,ntto be paid each, which shall be presented in his svorn applloatlon to sold Covn&sloners* CGUrt, cs outlined in Article 8902, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. The 3alary of the first assistant Gr ohlef deputy shall not exoeed $2.100.00 por annum and the salary of other deyutles, clerks or assistants shall not exceed $1,800.00, In your county, under Seation 3 of Artlole 3902, Revfsed Civil Statute3 of Texas. You sre further respaotrully advlsod that it 1s the opinion of this dcpartmtlhtthat the marinum solary a lecal deputy Tax Assessor-CoLIeotor, other than the flr3t aaslstant or ohlef deputy, may reoelve in one year in &,800.00. There is no provlslon made la the statutes for WovertiOe pay or salary". Honorable C..J. Wilde, Paea 5 Trusting that this sntlsfaotorl:yanswers y&r quofitlons, ue are Yours very truly ATTOSfsiPG'"?.RJ.L OF TZXAS I%. J. Fannlug Assistant APPROVEDAUG 12, 19% &u.u 4lTORKEYGENEFU OF 'I%%@
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1175
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017