Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS lionorable R. 8. Wyehe countyAuditar Gregg county LonevIew,PePas Dear alrr w* have your let upon the followingqyest r, the or relies OS desiltuteper- y of this your and the cait- 4 oontraet with merchantsto nemessitiiesand lilaie warrant8 emed (lV,VVV,to pay Zer , $esO, These warrentstirebaing aerdaentsby the lwil bank at aoa that tke warrantsmay be ex- rpm~mttoOaaua~X,l9#L I Honorable R. 5. Wyahe,paga #8 u5s had against the oounty “‘(3)A juagnteat sor $8le.o0. Them being no funds on hand to pay same, a time warrant us6 Ismod due 19ovember1, 1939 for it8 payment.The holder agreesto ertend time or p5ymentto Jaxluary1, 1011. Vmper tax Levi and slaklngfund was in eaah case pmperli 6et up. *The tax ramlsslonbill reaentlypa8sadby the' lagislatum is the reasonSor extension.- ft Is not.detewinablafrom tha taota dlsoiosadwhetbar or not the wTimaWarrentsw ware 1egall.f Issued,and we are, therefore,not passingupon their le@alltr', but wu think the power of the C~aalonera * Court to extend the tlxw of their paymentmart detol~s upon the westion or whathsr the desodbsd obligationsuara intendadto be paid out of ourrentfunds or werato.avldanoealoaa agaln8tfuturefand*rmrrhiah thef were to be paid aml for rbloh a tar had ban pmvlded. TOILbare denoniln6ted the obligation*Time warianiw. ArtloleZ568a 02 tfs Retlwa Clvll Statute8deH.nas *Tiao Warr5nt?“asany warrant Issued by a oity or aountf not pay- able out oi ourrentfund*; and it definesmourrentfundsa as lnoladingmoney in the treamary, taxes in pmaesr of ool- leotionduring suah tax year and all othar revenue8rblah mar be antlolpatadwith rea8onablaaertalntyduringmah tax year. In providinga tax levy for e&h insue,it appaclrs that it wa8 Intendedthat a loan agala6truture revenue8be pade, but in settingthe maturitydata8 of tsuohharrants, January1, 1940, for the first twe issues,and Korember 1, lQS9 for the third lssae above deaorlbeb,we can not oonoelrs that it was definitelycontemplatedthat 6ua& obligationswere to be paid Srcm revenues derived rma taxes for the year lQ4V. We nunt assume,however,that the lntsntionwas to barraw against future revenues,and advise that in our opipionthe provi8iop of ArtsaleZ?MSa of tiw RevisedCivil Statutesnmat have been ~followedIn the leauanoaof the warrant8and that the refund- ing 07 +endlng thereof1s Zikewlsegovernedbr this statute. 72 HonorablsR. SI Wyche,page #3 Tha oaae of Aahby v. James,Zi%b 8. '19. 9S2, held that "tha ooamlaaionera*court has no authorityto borrow moneJrby means OS warrants;this map be done only by the isming of bonds*. And further that "bafora warrants may be laaued dlreetlngthe treaaarerto pay money out of any fund, there anaatexist an obligationvalid in law.* Artlole gSd&, known as the Bond and WarrantLaw, wae~eneeted in 1931 aubsequent to the holding in the above' quoted 0888, and in our opinion provides the only mmumr in whloh time warrant8 can be laauad,and.also the only nay in whloh aama oan be ertendedor ref'uniled,with or without the oonaent of the holders. See Seotlon9, subaeotion: (6) there- of for the steps neaeaaaryto be taken in re-ng itams at lndebts6nssa. We think that the mason underlying tha proposed ax- tension or refunding beoomes lxmt~lal In riew of our oon- elualon that Artlole .23&i of ths Raised Civil 8tatutea aUSt govara any auoh action by the ooamisaloners*oaart. It may be well to point out hera that in (LoaQrdanaa with tha deolalon handed down by the Supreme Court in the recentoaae, City of Wauo v. Mann, l89 8. W. (84) 899, that any money in the ak&lng SunU to the oredlt of any isum muat be used to retireao auiehof said debt as rraidsum ulll permit,and only aueh debt aa raaalnsunpaid ahallbe extended or rsfnaded. To:.usethese runds for any other purpore muld oonatltutae diversion of anoh fur&s es la inhibitedby Articles839 to 841 of the RetiaadOlrll Statutes of Texas. Trusting that the foregelng aatl6feetorllyanwem your question,we are Very truly years APPRC)VE“AUG 18, 1939 OPINION COMMC-TEE

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1173

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017