- PI OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN H. Sheppard PUhllO Aaoowltr 484 ed or leawa sald land.- ~8 pvia6a in s00ti0n 3 th asmm3or ana aolleotor0r tame is than rqulred to,anke au ltsnriwd report ahowln8 the valuation rlxea.by the Board 0r Eqtiintion, -the amcat or bounty aa talomm taxa8 that wouldham aooruea themon,* warnTEit~iiw ma8onor the ?aderal gnlrchase,'bnsea.upon suohvalua- tloaa 8na r-a rate for the county aa at the pretall.lng ralomm tame 0a ianbs8imllarlpsltuatea. The .asswaor rriduotor 0r tame shall 8hor in 6aia report the total aaotrntoi ooontyadv~omet~a*mlahro~a have beon tk800880a a*uist XIl-lXZFkl3E3X uai& aouaty fwnwl or lonsed by ttm lWdem.l Corsrnnnmt,ani3aball foflAazdSaid mport to the Comptrollerat mbUa Aaoouat8 at AtIBtin.' Seatloa 5 makes the donation 3.athe tollwlag 1-e: Wxrm ln hamby donatad, aaiigranted to eaoh 0r ths OmatlM of JIMpar, Sabine, s6n Au@St.iM, Sb@lby,TfiDity,.Bo~dOZL,Tyl-, QO t rwh akoants M are al&awe&by law tot aoElwti- and lnmsslng aa~m, and dW,l ior- wa r d l 6u p ~ia a te o o p y o f,th e r a w1 a 6-n him by the Oounty tmswr far 2 dlllOMpt@ the comptroller.~ Xoaarabla cioa.H.Sbs~psrd,Fsga 5 A aught trsnapasltion0r the warding or Sea- &t 5 by mnder its maala& mom dsilnlk: “Them 18 ~emby donated, an& grautetlto claohof ths aoantiss of Jsspar, Eablua, San Aogwtlne, Shelby, Trinity; Bou~ton, Tyler, Angelina, San JaOltttO, and WQlkQr, all of the state al vslomm. tszes lovied aad aollooted ln wah mspsotlre aounty for general mvenw pur- poses . ... noosssary to ralmbaarsesaid avanty for the loss sustained by maid aowty or ooua- ties, and not to exoeod khl.81 amofmt, or 80 nuah or suah state ad valorem tsxas oollocted as shaUbeequalfo th~amou&tok detmslaod la aooor&anosdth Seotlon 4 hereor . . .a Ssatlon 4, aftar dlmating tha CozuptAlar to uhmk the 0ormotnoss of the report reqglmd in 6eatloa s, prawldu: Vhetotslaiwaatofaotmt~e&valoms~ tams rhiah unlil h&v8 bean~assessed~t ~&omedor3.eamdbyt3uFe6enuli3wwn- asatdthln suah aouaty, am ehwzt by the ~mpoxt af th43aonutr tar uaowar aatlaoll*okrr.and couatq,tor th4 1088 su~talne4 by Mid i``~&tq.' 9% (upor- gonay alawe reclt~ tbak *‘pbaraat that theUait484States tbmma-1 moat has parob4aeUor&~dalar~aena~ of aut mar lands in tb amatN8 aamd la iwtida I h~m0f, fh8m~ wd.ng 0rr 0s th6 tax rells gmatvsloartlansf~r taznbla rwpoasrr Eonorable ceo, H. she$pnrd, Fada 4 in eaoh or such cottntle8; ana the raot that the loss or swh taxable values ln suoh oountlas hemlnabovs enuwnted amate an amsrgenoy, et.o.- The only proYlslonwhloh -ala tenato lndloak thatlosses by subdivlslws or dlstrlats auah as sabnols, roads, oith3 and towns might ba oowiaema, is that part 01 &atl.on 8 whIah provld~ that, *the satlaoourt shalx at the saw tlw detsrminb the amouat or taxes that said aowty and pmoiaot aad dlstri&s hw lost as a nmtlt ;~;ht~ Ps~ralCorsrnresnthaviagp~hassdorl~odsaid - Thia'emotlondoes not pusport to bbta4taasux-a on th amount OS the donation but &smly tllmots a tlnd- ing to be aatb by the Board cU Hquallsatlon,other na- tloas tMsaui3ae&abow 15psoiClaUlyllmlt ths umoaat of The nqulnlmat that the oourt QQko thlllflud- ``ssatlon55, whlah enuasrates the pnrpwes for which tha moMby any bs wea p&&S: 7!lm tams hemindoaated; aridgmntadtc+ oouatles hiwelqam hemby allwatad to the 00m&a815aem~ oonrt or the nspatlve otmatlw herein named to be we6.by said ao~&ssl- ror t be pnqwee or oaxrylng 0n the eov~mlne activities oi the county, publio lapweaw&s, mtl disahsrge ot any aounty or nmainat U&debt- obviorrslythe rinabgi3OS3.0s~ewtalned by prsoinots and distrlctflas mquimd by 68otlon 83muld bs ascessary to datermIne rhioh politloal otabdlvla~ow or dfstriots r0uiaba ellglble lkkran allooatlon under %etion Se and woula serve as an equitable and jw@b+xig for a deteraLin8tlonQy the oofaulsst@``~m*court & the amouat to be allooate~ to such subdlvlsi~aa. EmwrableOeo. H. Shoppurd, FUm5 It is our oplnloa that Se~ta Bill No. 89, Aata 46th Lmglslatum, doss not donats all Bubdltlslonlos801, 8u0hM sah~ols, roads, oitiea aad ~OUM, In adamon to tlowtlng the aounty ad V``O~QQ 108sen ia saah oouaty: roumvwytna1y ATTOBHEY GIBSBAL OF TXA6 BY A=& d&+.&A Ceall c. cwwak Awiatant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1118
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017