Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •                                                ,_ .
    IIonorehleCharlsgLvokhWt, Pegs 2
    lmtrumentshellbe flleao~ reoor&4by
    any County C&31-kin this Stnte until thee
    ha8 been efflxed to such lnstrtnnentstsrgs
    f;n,gzaNlce titk the r017bit0~!3 of tt38
    , . ..!nlll aeceIonsbrrllh~t hp*
    ply toinstrumenta,notacr~or other &Ii:
    gationa taken by or on behalf of the
    United Statea or of the St&e of Texas, or
    wr oorporate agency or instrumentalltp
    of the UnlttxlStates Or of the State of
    Toxus Ln 0arryi.w out 8 governmentalpur-
    pose (LBexpresse6 ln any Aot of t&O con-.
    gresrrof the Tilted States or of the
    Le,-lslatureof the State of Texas, . . .
    "(b) Pugnsnt of the tax a8 hereby
    lev:ed ahall be evldenoebby aillslas,the
    stampa hereIn provided for, to ml.1katru-
    bChd~    WithhI the 3l'OVi6~O~f tb.6
    hot, . . ."
    The h&f6 own worda say that it "&ml1 not apply
    to inetruments, notoe or other obllgntlomattken by or on
    4 ate of Toxra . . . or any oorporate
    behalf of . '.. the L)
    egency or lnstrumentmllty. . . of the State of Tom    In uar-
    rylng out a governmentalput-gone taperpresse4 in my Aat
    US . . OS the Stnte.of Temee
    A aounty come8 oleuly rlth%n the phrrei %orporate
    eganoy or instrumentality. . . of the State of TOM."   In
    11 Tex. Jur. 524, It is rnldt
    "Counties are Lnstmnrrsntelltlas of tbQ
    stats* They are polft1oa.leubalvlsionswhloh
    ora oroated by tha 8overelgnwill for the
    ``~080 OS awhprgi~        the 8t8ws autm
    towarclita Inhabiter&a. They are agonoies
    for the fA&i.l.strmtion   of msttsra whloh em
    of t3tat.e   - as dlstlnguishedfron IEuulcipal-
    conoern such QS theaJlleatlon'oftaxes,
    the 4lShuion of education, the constrtaation
    ariba&tsr;ctn.ce   of public hletrmgs, the'eb
    mfnistration    of justice and the care of t&9
    Emorablc Chw-ley Jkakhart, P8ge 3
    see also ‘thecrisesOS city.OS Galvsston VW PosaaWq 62
    ='a. ll3, so Art.rtop.517 end Wldraas Couufq V. &s&e,
    127 Tex. 543
    , 92 SI Z. c2f 1011.
    iholts &so comes r1th.l.n
    tb.ephrase "aorpomte
    agency or instrumentality. w w of ths Stats OS Texas.'
    Inl~h;Qoaseof CZty of Goose Creek VI Evmlcutt, 120 Tex.
    I    S. Z..(2) 611, It was saldr
    “The mare aat of Inoorporatinga
    munlclpullty,whether such incorpor&lon
    to efieotedunder the harrerule nmen4-
    xmlt (cbnmt.,urt.11, par. 3) or not
    ambraaes nchhlng more than the creetion
    of P -overmental agency, which beoomes
    lnve&d nlth tawh powers ea the lrr
    aonfer~. It is Mae tha~leglslatl*h
    power to lnoarpOrat8e hem% rule Oity
    1s by oonstitutlonalprovlslon,dele-
    g&d   to the lnhabitmtr of the terrl-
    tokl affected neverthe       a olt ao
    incorporatedfa a polltlaal auk&v f sfon
    of thewatcts far governmentelpurposu8
    Seenlao thA cobes of Son Fellpo da &dAn Corporationv.
    State Ill.Tex, 100, 229 SW W. 845 Yatt  PI Cook, ll3 TM.
    eo&6;   S+a3f;'w
    0371 pnd 's"rentVW RMGolph, (Civ. App.1
    . **   .
    This bringa ua to the OOXIO1?lSioIi
    that the wt doe8
    n$aapf;r to Instrumantst&en by or on behalf of a oounty
    *in carryins,out a lcovemurrsntlil
    purRone 0 0%
    prczlae4iInsny act . .. * of the Strte of T8xa1~"
    A couuty asn do only t?nosothings Efr& are protide
    for by the constltut1oncc statutes,   'Countiesbea    oom-
    ponent parts of t&e State, have no powars or CutZea exoapt
    those nhloh are clearly set forth snd'deflned3.nthe eon-
    st1tut1on trndstatutes.   The 8tbtutedl
    have clorrly deSlned
    the powera, prescribe4 the duties1 aa?,131posedthe Ueblll-
    ties of the oox63.t8319~6tcourts, the tih3awUlrouGhtbich
    the dirferent countlea act en4 Srom tlm9e stotutsgfgt
    COT38all the authorl.ty wscao in the C0mt1iHi."
    363. see also m.lla county vo Laqpassa Comtq, QO'Tex.
    EmoraMo    c%:rlep Lookhart, Pw4      4
    c‘os;, 40 s. ... 4053 azd Landman v. Xato, 97 Se V. (2) 2%
    LlkCWkk2 R city can cc:or.17t?losotki.n~sthat are provId44
    l.orky tlL-3 constltuticnor statutes. Vt Is a ~4n4ral and
    uncilsputed  ~roposttlo``i       0 f law that a xunIolpal corporation
    po5sc,oscs  an< can exercise the following powers, and no
    othero:    firat tkoao rrantod in express words SaCOnd,
    tf~osenecessarilyor Glrly ImplI4d in or lnolLn t to the
    powers 4x~ressly        granted;      turd those ese4ntl.d to'the
    accorqAla&ent of L34 declared o6                  and gurpo8ss of the
    corporation,- not sl.q~lyconven                    but Indispensables
    . . . Of every mnlolpnl corporation 4 uherter              or stat-
    ute by which It is orented Is Its or.gmla aat. lieltherthe
    corporationnor its offlcsrs can do sny atit,or make any
    contract,or incur any llsbillty,not authorIted,th4r4by,
    or by sme 14~lslatIveact y?pliaableth4nto. Ali acts
    beyond the scope of the powers gmntod are void." Poster
    v. Cltg of ?~oco,113 Tex. SQ, 67 S. F. (2) lO$& See else
    xantel v* state 55 Tax. Cr. Rep. 456, 117 53.I% 855, X51
    Ari.St+*Rep, O&            ..Dsvls.v~  City of Tsylor, 125.Teak.SQ,
    67 3. h'.(2) 10%~ and 30 '&ix*Jur! 27,
    *4 t&n& Wet the doing of sn ict authorbed by
    the conatltut.ut!on
    or stwtutes would oonstitut8aarryIng out
    a go+amsentaiLpurposa~ Therefore, m@iaIngthatacomty
    or:.acity #i-Ad do, If It uss don4 Lu-ly,     mkld b4 i&-
    cludedulthInth6phrasb "inoarqIq        out 8``ovllmrsrsntti
    purpose as expressed ln any act . t . ol the State of Taxad'
    88 xust prosu3ae that the rots Of a mty    Or s oi    or tha9
    offloera themoS, are lawful* "There Is a pretnnsp 7 km In
    favor of the regularityof ol?fI~Ialtits, andrfien 4 pub110
    offia~al dlechargeeor undertakea to dlsehW@ a d+ with
    wh,ich.hela char@ by law, It wIl1 be pr4sumsd~ In the sb-
    sonce of evidence ta the uontrnry, tit
    end ln a lawful xmmer, an&that he sated r2t
    not in exceaa of, his power and cruttmrl
    278. See also Rooters Q. Rail, 61 Tex,
    v. Fareley,37 s.'g, (2) 559.
    Our answ4r to yo*urquestlon ia that the z-wording
    stem:,tax provided for ln Ax%lole 70470 (VernonCs Annotated
    Clvll .Statutesof Texas) is not due on lnstrtnaentsand
    7, 1939

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1113

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017