Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •                                                                              380
    Honorable James E. Kllday
    i i   Dire&or
    Motor TranaportatlonDivlmi~n
    Railroad Commissionof Texar
    Au8t in, Texae
    Dear Sir:
    r of JbSy 6, 1989,
    apd (8) 80. 8088 irrorCal-
    on, Rlring Star, cab bmk
    ri08t08by purahaao rra
    44 888~4under the t8rsm of
    e of the Mator Clrrler Rot. Bsithar
    prtlon:~:~ of ~lther, ha8 evttr been m-
    ltered by the Railroad ConrLodm.
    8%of the kro ~lia.8,a&+~arentlythorn
    te operation of the two oertilieeto~,611
    and DaU.am, but Johttson'etruoks hey.
    been foithorirred
    to operate lmd.erboth 00tiiricfitt38.
    Jobni4on ha8 aede applioationto 8ever mtiri&t~
    Ho. 6089 at Bert Worth,        and to @olJ.end arelga     to gouth-
    tfawl   that               Tmuupcwtat2on
    fAoutlam8tarn                    Cempon~ &&da    oar-
    Honorable   Jamue 2. Kllday, Page 2
    tltlcatesto operate out of Dallae in an ea&isrly dlrea-
    tion, but at the present tlim has no authority to operate
    between Dallas end Fort Worth.
    The applloatlon to 80 sell and assign suoh part
    of CertificateNO. 2023 oompliee~with Seotion 5 of krtiole
    Sllb, BevIsed Clg41 Statutea, relating to the 8ale and M-
    signment ot oertifioateaof oonvenienoe end neoesrrlty, but
    it goee no further. Speaifioally,It doea not meet the mm-
    quirementsor Seotlon 10 of Artlole Qllb, *oh     met8 forth
    the raots vhleh en appllaatlonbdr a osrtirloatsor ~on~en-
    ienoe and neoeesity natstooutain. Tm ar&umeuta are ad-
    venoed by oontestantsin support or their oontentlonthat
    the Commissionoannot legally autharlze the asolgmaent:
    (1) That when both osrtirioatse.oamointo the hands of a
    common owner they beoam meaged or aonaolidatedover the
    route cmumnlytraversed bythela, to-wit:   Dallas to Fort
    Worth; and (2) under the statute, a o&rtifioateoaunot be
    broken into pleoes and a part only of a route aold and as-
    You request our opiuion In response to the fol-
    lowing two queatlonsr
    "(1) When Johnson beoaw the owner
    of   both
    oartlffoates 2028 and 2226. did
    there owe about amerger of the rlghta
    thereunder,aa far aa the line between.
    Dalla8 and Fort Worth are oonoerned,ot
    suoh nature aa to preolude his late;c,sale
    0r hie rights under one or theee so rar-
    60 the dietame between Ft. Worth iml
    Dallae      is   oonoelneb?
    *(2).tJnder all ot the Zaots present-
    ed by the enalosure8,does the COsde6iOn
    have the dlsoretionarypoker, upon prOOf
    or proper   statutory iaat8 to approve thls
    particulartranerer ,emlsale, taking into
    oonalderatlon,&Long with other iaots,
    the prcnioua oplniou of the Attorney Uen-
    eral referred   to by ChrlctopherTw
    In the oaee or aailmad Comalsslon YB. Red Amow
    PMlght Lines, 96 S.W. (2d) V&6, b+or(a the Austin Court
    of Civil Appemllr, the faots introly~dwere, brfefly, theaet
    ii. H. Ladler bee*   @A& wnar kq two ae&.fleafe~
    or oonvsnismoe    and neoeiaMi~, one to ogsrate rr0ppIiou~tott
    lioaorableJarma E. Kil.by, Page S
    to San Antonio and lnt8mmdlate points, aab the other iram
    San Antonio to the Valley via Edlnburg, and inte~diate
    pointa. He.flied an applioatlonbefore the Railroad com-
    mlsslon for a eo-calledrbroutlng to permit him to go 61-
    reotly ima Rouston to JMlnburg,wlthout serving latermeqi-
    ate points on thrt mute. .Wlthoutrequlw      him to show
    the neosseltyof this throw (lervlae,  on the theory that
    he already had authorityto serve shipment8 fmm Houston
    to Sdinburg and thencerorthinto the Valley, and vioe ver-
    sa, the Commlsdou entered 8n order grantingmob re-rout-
    ing. The trial court etitereda jud&m8nt annullingmob arc
    der, and the Railroad Conaieslon appealed. owe quote rrom
    the oplnlon of Judge MaClendon, as f0110wer
    me twu oertl.fioates  were granted
    at dlrierent tlm8e to different indivld-
    U&8. They were granted to serve twpa-
    rate and dlatinot transportationm-
    quliwneute:The ou8 served the territory
    rmm  Houston to San Antonio and into*
    nbmllatepointa; the other, that rms San
    Antonio to the Vallq and lnteaasdiate
    potte3. In oonelderingthe queatLon oi
    oomenlenoe and neoesaltr M to aaoh
    oertirioate,only the needa, require-
    ments, e.to.,of 'thetwo tominS aud in-
    terasdlatepolnt8 were fnvolved.Neither.
    oertifloat8had any relation to the
    other. The iaOt that a&non ~wuerahlp
    wem finally united in Lawler in no way
    modifted their er$eot. They were man+.
    testilynot dealgned origlmlly, nor
    through oommon own8rahlp thereafter,to
    provide a dlreot thmugh eenloe between
    Houston end Valley pointa.-
    so it Is in the oa8e berom us. Certifioateo
    Nos; 2225 and 2025 were eauted for th8 purpose of aeeting
    separate sad dlstiuot transportationrequlmments. No.
    2235 was grented for the purpose Of BW8tfIIgth8 Me@ Of
    the public ror a aervloe tmm Dallas through Wrt Worth to
    San Angelo via Abilene,while Ho. 2029 was grautedto meet
    the neede or the pubbio ior a eerviae from Dallas to Fort
    Worth,Bro~od,~on,RieingS~,and              beakto DeLeon.
    The nature of the oertirioate~granted rrednot affeoted by
    the fact that subsequentlyto the.tlm.8they w8po @mute4
    theybsoams ownedbyone pereon. One per6Qn owniagbath
    oertlfioateaoould rendem both~serrfuesthe ssme a? lf the
    aertlrloateswere dlfferantlyowned.' Subneotion (b) of
    Honorable Jams l%.gilday,   PaS8 4
    Section 12. Article Ollb,‘reads as hollows:
    MPhe Co~ssion at any time after
    hsaring had, upon notiae to the holder
    Or ~]r OeI%ifiOateOr pert& and tift8r
    opportunitygiveu suoh holder to be
    heard, nay by its order revoke, suspend
    or emend any 08~iriOate    or penalt ls-
    sued under the provirrions of this fiat,
    where In suoh &taring the Commission
    shall find that suoh oerttiioateor pee
    mlt holder has dlssontinuedoperationor
    has violated,refused or uegl8OtOdto
    observe ths Commlss~on*sIawfuL Ord8r8,
    rules, rates or regulatlousor has YIO-
    lat8d the term3 or said oertxrioate   or
    per&t; provided that fhs holder of suoh
    oertlrloateor penait shall have the
    right of appeal as provided in this Asst.*
    The raatthet the Bailroad CommlssIonhasnemr
    prooeeded to revoke or oaend either of these oertIfioates,
    under the authority above pruvided.um think Is 8uffloIent
    lri4enoe or the fast t&at the present owner of the ser$IfI-
    oaks has aalutainsdthe 88171008 required under eaoh or
    thoas oertlfioat8s. %%I8raots submitted to us do not show
    a6 a matter or law that the oorttifioateshave -booacemerged
    or oonsolldatedover the mute from Dallas to Fort Xorth.
    The qusstlonwItb Moh    viaa18 now soufronted%s
    whether CertifloateNo. 8053 oau be severed at port Worth
    andthe route,orauthority to op8rateirornFortWorthto
    Dallas, sold and MSi&n8d.  Section 5 of Artikle Qllb
    reads, In pert, aa follows:
    *Auy oertlflcateheld, outed or
    obtained by any rotor oarrier operating
    as.a aommn aarrler UUder the pFOYb3fOM'
    of this Aot may be sold, assigned,
    leased. trassrsrredor InherIted; pro-
    tided, however, that suy pmposed salo,
    lease, asslguns@ior transfer shall bs
    rirst presented In urltiug to the -comils-
    slon for Its apgrovslor dlsapgroval aud
    the Comin@slonmay disapproyesuoh pm-
    posed aale, essim8nt. lease or traus-
    rer if it be foul&and determl.usd.by the
    Cowiss%on %h,& suah proposed sale; as-
    signment,lease or treesret Ps sot in
    Bodorable James 73.Kilday, Page 5
    goad ralth or that the proposed pur-
    ohaasr, assignee,lessee or trataHtW88
    Is not able or oqmble 0s oontlnulng
    the opTrationoilthe.equlpsamtpmposed
    to be sold. assigned, leased or frem+
    fermd in suoh manner as t0 render the       .
    sarvlaes dapasdedby the public neoes-
    sity and oonvtilenoeonvlnd along the
    deslgmted mute, or that said ~mposenl
    sale, 3ssigment,.lease or trans(er la
    not best for the pub110 intereat; ?ihe
    ColrmaLsslon ln approvlsg or dlmapprovfng
    any sale,   assignment,leaae or tranrier
    or any oertlfloatemay t&e Into oon-
    siderationail of the requiramentsand
    quslfficatlons0r a regular applioant
    reqtired in this Aot,and apply same as
    neoessaryquallfIoetions0s any pmposeb
    purohamer, asdepee,     lessee.ortrans-
    isme: . . .*
    Ordin%rlly.y,of aourfm, the greater lgoludes the
    leasor, and authorityto convey thb whole would oontatltute
    authority to Oontey any part th8r00r.   We have sot over-
    looked the faot that the 8ervloes oontemplatedln the graat-
    lzigof CertifloateNo. 2023 inaludea nOt only seniaes from
    Dallas to tort Xorth, and rrom ibrt Worth to the mxt alt7,
    and theme to the next; but lt'also probably Intludelta dI-
    rest servioe bbtWkB8nDallas and DeLeon, and Dsllas asd oth-
    er statlcin&~onJibe route. We have reaohed the oonolusion,
    however, th&,~&e of a pert osu be medo, although an Inter-.
    ohange senioi~ may be substitutedror a dltiat one. Sufti-
    olent proteotion is given to the pub110 in this regard by
    that part of Seation S ot Artlo Qllb giVi~& the ColllniBSiOn
    autJ30rityto dlsappmve   any proposed ssle or eesl8nmetit, ii
    it be found and det~ermined by the CO~isslOn that s(ullb  18,
    not best for the publla interest.
    Slnoe SouthwesternTrfmsport~tionCompany already
    holds~onrtifloatesof oonvenienoeand neoesslty authorising
    operet4ons rrem Dallas Into Bast Texas, the possibll.ity
    present&d that ii this transfer la consumglakdth& south-
    western Trampor=ation Company araytie 'it8 osrtirloatosto-
    gether at Dallas and orsets a through aen&* from Fart
    Wokth into ?art Textts,tithout h%rln& plsa46~ and proven
    the nfaoessIty 0s such tMough 8ervIoe. Similar situatione
    may be presented'upgnthe uale ox assi@memt of a aertl$i-
    aate In wh?la. The tsot that 8outhwesternTraMportation
    Company already ,oms ceirtif'ioates
    authorisiagtha operation
    of aoommon oerrlerservicteeatStwardfromDaUsssh~di'&ot
    Donorable James E..Ki..lday,
    Page 6
    necessarily remove SouthwesternTransportationCompany from
    the list or eligible purchasersof the.certfSicsteiraBI
    Johnson Motor Lines. W0r should the right or Johnson Xotor
    Lines to sell the certificateheaessarilybe curtailedby s
    removal from the eligible list of all persons holding oer-
    tiflcates suthorlzlngoperationout or Dallas. We a&n
    refer to Seation 5 of hrtlole Qllb. and express the opin-
    ion that the public is given sufficientprotectionin the
    powers therein conferredupon the Commlsslonulth refer-
    ence to the appruvalor disapprovalof proposed sales and
    asslgnments. A8 reepeota competingoarriero, I$ mey be
    thet the kind of semioe uhlch SouthwesternTrsnsporta-
    tlon Company ultimately lnsu@rstes from Fort Worth into
    East Texas may present a questionwlth which vc)tue not
    now comerned.
    we understandthat on a number of occasions here-
    t&ore oertlfloateshave been severed horizontally,and
    parts thereof sold and aeslgnedunder orders of the Rail-
    mad Commls~ion. We also underetand that on a few oooa-
    slons parallel aertlfloateewhich beocme owned by a single
    person were permItted to be severed,one from the other,
    and one of them sold and conveyed In suoh s m  th& Fhe$
    were thereafteroperated by dlflerant carrier&
    tical constructionthus placed upon the statute with re-
    spaot to theme matters by the Ecallmml Commlsslon is en-
    titled to oonsldsrstlon.
    In the ease of Thompson vs. Foster, 105 S.W. (S)
    S4S. a lessee applied for approvalof 'oertslncontracts be-
    tween h5.mand Pslnter Bus Lines, Inc., for the operation
    oraroundtrlp    dailymotorbuo sahedule fromSanAntoni0
    $cDel 810 under a certificateonned by Painter Bus Lines,
    Painter Bus Lines* oertifioate euthoriz.edseveral
    bus*operatlonsbetween several cities and towns, includ-
    ing one round trip daily operation from San Antonio to
    Del Rio. Palnter.BusLines entered Into a contract with
    Poster forthe right or pritilege of operating the SOhed-
    ule iron San Antonio to Del Rio, as authorized by the Qer-
    tliioate under the supervisionend regulationof the Rail-
    mad Commission. .Forthe right or privilege of operating
    suoh schedule, Foster uss to pay Painter Bus Lines the 681
    of $S%.OO per month, and a oertain percentage of locsl
    fares for tlakets sold by him. The oon$raot was f'ora
    period of-ten years. The Commissionxel'urred to approve
    the contrsots,end threatened to arrest Foster for oper-
    ating the schedules without written approval of the OOn-
    tract. Foster obtained a temporsry injunction,end the
    trial court overruled a motion to dlesolve the temgseary
    Honorable James Z.Sl.l4ay,Pa&e7
    injunotion. We quote from the 0ourt.s opinion, a8 r0110rr8i
    *Nor do we sustain the seoond prop-
    osition that the law does not authorlee
    a laase or a contract for the operation
    of a motorbus schedule by the owaer of
    the oertlfloateof oomenlenae and ne-
    ceeslty. Such s lease or oontrsct Is
    not a treneter, lease, or an aaeign-
    ,mnt of a part of the oertifloste,but
    is merely a lease or contract0s s right
    or privilege under the certifloate,
    whleh certificatestill remains the
    property of the oeuer. The lease or
    contract ror the operation or a bus
    aoheduls under a cert1fioat.e     la suthor-
    ized by the.iportlon   of seotlon 8 of Ar-
    ticle Olla, Vernon*a Ann. Cir. St.,
    khlch reads aa follows: 'Aw right,
    privilege, permlf, or cnrfifleate      held.
    ovmed or obtained by any xaotorbuecm-
    pany under the prwlelons of this Xot
    (Art; Blla; P.C. art. 16906) may be
    sold, assigned, leased or transferred,
    or 'Inherited;provided,however, that
    any proposed sdle, esslgument,lease or
    transfer shall be flzst presented In
    writing to the Commi8slon for Its sp-
    pxwel OF disapprovaland the Commle-
    slon.any dlsapprore such proposed sale,
    aaslgnment,laase, or trsnsfer If It be
    found and determined by the Commission
    that suoh proposed sale, astQzucent,
    lease or tramfer is not made In good
    faith or that the proposed purchaser,
    assignee,   leeaee or transferee Is not
    able or ospsble of oontlnulngthe oper-
    ation of the equlpaent proposed to be
    sold, assigned, leased or transfermad,
    in such manner as to render the service
    demanded by the public necessity and
    oonvenienoeon and along the designated
    .~ In the above 0880 it is mted that the court
    drew a distinctionbetween the fsotriin that case and the
    leeee 0s a part 0s a certlrioate. liowever,the contract
    between Painter BUS L&es and Pbater came 80 alose to be-
    ing an assigsment0s a past 0s the oertlfloata for a period
    Honorable.JaassX. Kilday, Pa&e S
    of ten years .ora lease thereof that we do not believe a
    different holdingWould be warranted upon e eala or lease
    0s a pert or e oertlfloate. Your seoond question is aa-
    swered in the errlrmative.
    Yours   very truly
    Olein     FL Lewis

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1096

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017