- THE ATJTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS mm14 c. xalla A- 11.TglLM m l’sp31, 1939 DaMart OplAloA rJ0.O-838 R.8 QuusLeotlau or a peroa ollglblo to t&loofriar or WUOM a ta o o Ao o llLo tdlo mo o o o h o o l a lo w1 0*. a 0o o tma 81o 0r aAr u- olo 27&5 816 2808, Rawbed Uivkl 8tetatoaOS T-0. a a lok0owleUg0 reaelpt ot your roqaoot of UoV 17, 19 rom.oa oplal2m es to the qaollflootloao OS a paratm 0ldka to the off100 ab ttaataa of 8 ooaooll6abed omaon oohool 4lotriot. AIla us quote huowith your la$~or a8 loa(lth: Rf hove been raquoa*ed to aaoure oa oplolon from year Depertunt aooeemfag the ooaotrua*loaof Aelolea wJAlf#ha par0onanal po8oesalJlarbeYtok lll& ua to th eo r tla OS o wa o k ee o f, a o o Ao o lldo to d emnm nehodl dlaWiat, pwNi~ularly dU rafannoo to the qusatlcm as to whethmr or AOt luoh ~r806 )IIIut voter In the oanae thet ho must ham b a l qunl.iflnU p&f hih poll tax. 'Artlola27b5 has r~farenooto the q~olltlaatlom Or 0peCOOA iA fBdOth r O% h r M Y k lu& b lrt0tb oftioo of ?,rustoa of a oozmton aahool dlstrlot~JXQ tldra aaohg other things,?&at ha nnaotba '0thorwE- qua&ad wtar in the 88~8 that ha neat ban pal& blo quallfledtot.? .' It is tuldu*teabinrJthat the AMor- aey tkoarol ln #a year 193 3 ruled that auah pnniolaa reqt&wl that nuoh PUBOA mint hero mid hi8 poll WX ti 0rde to ba lli&bla t0 the 0rri0a. Art10102808 ha0 ro- toroaoe to the qaal.Ulostlanaal 8 mraoa \Qo la llae8ed traotea So r 0eo a o o lldo o ate4 u0la*001 dl*Wlot, ti ho wbra la sa1a artl01*lo there My -AtiOQ that aaoh pam!wo mat bo a qQlll%fbd TOta? or woo&a of lfko LRpre, #ad auoh art1818 rkaa 00 rriawno4 to ArtLola 2745. 38 lo 8y ojdnloAthat cuber the proTloioM or Artlola 2802 a parooa d#O oat how te how 0 poll wx LL 3. RatlJ~t, Sr., my 31, 1939, Parp ? L. wpatua are olw +p~uaed by the provisioar of Artlola 2745, a@ that aaoh parooa Bust htirepaid &la poll tex in ~dsr t.0.b digibb r0r thb 0fri0~. “1 hava bean anabla to f&l eny duii#ioa of t& awrtwon this qaaoti~, and I tharorwa uabmit thr m t0 YOU iOr OPiniOA.' I do,ais out or rrapwt fob thq oplnianor the ofrioialwdaoaxnedin the F%ak Dapartaant, and baoauua of the toot that his opinfos'andny gbiw arm oppwlta tiewe.” And we f.Iuth lcekr UOwl8d& r oO d or your l*ttq of my 2s, 1939, iA reo~a to o ur fur tdp br q & , uhkoh lattur otateo, .ya ore ldviaad UIOh th elohool 6isWlot ln?ciLodwoo not 80% ap adez Artlola 27&2b, Sectlaa 5s at uq of the P&timed Clvll Ctatuteo ab Tuoo, 1925." Xn lnawar tkroto, this ‘la to advise that +otlr 6 , ..swo~ Mll2l8, Rqpler Maaion of the. &&~&ture la 1901 I8 provi~ fat the quUW%oaatlonaof eomaq aahooldlatrlet&ten, atetear -On tha first any af Ap& of eaoh too& tb lua llfla ~otuo d ol eooh oohwl d%sfcLot n6atl t&asparpoG lkallalaottluea truataao ra 8a :z. trlot,who shall antar open ttm biaehargriof thdr dotits on the first day of May noti folLrl``.* At the 38oah Callad !‘walon of the 41a3 L4tg%alakoa %oaoo Ml19 00 fouMlnChopter2,pr~ 3.a``tie6hrtlales273 sad 2747, Rrrfacd ftatutas, partsial~ to the offim of t?uo~o la mw aohocl dlatrlota a&l pmvidad for the flUlqg of vooo~oleo, mad rcpaola4all lawa la eontllot tharaulth, mblah law la now la dieot and is in part 00 follonat *Irepemma 5b5ll bo~quollfiaa 05 trantnw uoleoo he la a property tarpayco in sold dlatrlot to abidh ho is elaoted and otlmrwlsa a qunUSie&votn ln *al& ~latrlot.w * Thus it on8 be sew that the ‘~gio&tum lpaoltlaolly lntaada4 td make oertala raqaioito qual.lriaatlwmndat6ry mod aweaoary befora a ~UWA aocrld qaa1iTy es a ammoa aohool ' aiatrlottruotu. In ma sot by the Lm&lntma of 1919, Rcn150 ml&l& 48, Chaptw~65;wlth rtgard to oonoolidatbm at aomoa aohool dloWi&o, aSo., the oeooa4parogtrphot fb8tloa 5 of sold bill praib*or 940 puaoa 84sll.k all&lliLeto sama as aohool Wuotn who is aaobla to r8od md write tba lh&.Uh LeagWge uAdarateabiAgly``bnd who hia sot bean a roal6wkt of tho atata oma paar and of tha dlstriot six ma&ho prlerte tto lloetlonior *ruDetee.” ib W$ UO i$ OM k lUA th St th 0 & to r o , wulo sh o . qW~i.@tiw 02 t&t of a OOIQ~ oohool dirtsT@ t U’motoo W@Re ooooxo4 by the 1905 Aat,operLilo8~ psarlda4for othqqcullfb ao*sw iao 0 wooolldoted roetmol~aWlattw4o`` . . rooa,L. I).futliff.Tr., Yoy 31, 1939, Foe 3 - IJB1929 at thn Fifth Callad ~aealon oftthe f+lstIa~alot~, 3w$oFB~ll Xo. 30, Chapter66, pnga 2l2, tho qusUflo@tQm aa tlm . - WA8O~i?la$bd diQtr%OttXUtW IS 08 fOlhTUn? "Ho pernon nhtll be a truatoa rho onanot rwd mad urlte tha ?hgUah lnnguags undamtandingly, and who hem not been e ros?dant of this ?%ata one year aad of the distrlrit81% nonths prior to his SppotAb Aent or clCct?Ou.* : TbLa last aot woo paaaed by the f.mme&lot Le~lalatmm after thy to16thmtofora enaotedXouoo Xll9, Chapter2, w 3, 2id Called ieaabn, haraiosbovareferred to, raquiririga pare= 00 ``t~rviaa a qualtiied rater in cmfar to ba OWnOn OOhWl &atfiO~ . ifs, hold that tha'atatuta mm In afia~ thudora laar- 4 the aola OS a OQAOIL oonsolidatadwhoa1 tWN88 quall?l~atba lswt oat in Art10102808 of t&a Rarlnbd CLvtl ~tstateaof ‘PQU, tie& qwlUloo~on and nqkaf.rewatis,00 follouot 9oparaoaahallba a Wuatuwho oanwt raad and write the Kngllahlaagua&aundaratmdlngly and ah0 hem Pot bun a rwidbat of thla %btb ofn yur oad af'th0 dl.atrlist dx AOAthS jUidW to hi0 SppOiAtAWt o xl -laation.a Tour8 very tru4 NLwxmY -AL OF ?En!3 Ry ./a/ Ubo. F. Bsrry U.0 ;*~;`` U~brlrjrb Amm: /a/ Ubrald C. Uaiui ATaHrn r?m?AL OF TJ!xA.. mom a~mm aommm IfyR.?.F.,Chalrw
Document Info
Docket Number: O-838
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017