Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • Shamable Boscom 011~ CoamLssloarr,08ocralLand Off ice Aurt Ill,Texan Oplnt55 lo. O-940 Ro1 Oil and Oar Lcarr executed b7 Baard for Lust of PrirrM lalulr to Eawrd c. k7.r. llorlng8 me&lag of the Dan Laadr, of l&ml yBu ttbn raqu*rt for &I) oplnloa tiaa data of en 011 and “Attacked18 co97 o the Baud far ta8r of t The 8lrrcusrioa ts vhldb f3u refer quest for an opirklszi srane dlrcuarlon t&lab the lest meettag sf the Bsd for team II 1n uhlah 13818 doubt was exrmrcrlradbr the Bmd 88 to whather OF aot the I’llawl p qubrt:onbed bxplred, aad :I 19, u&ma wrm bxpzratloa accurrbd. The membera 3f thb Bald t5CUti~ furthw mada the requatt of thlr wrt atteorptto 8scertaia upon uhat date 311 uod &a8 quantlt;orwe dlscwmred um the tract af land covatsd b7 thb lbasa In qusstloa. 800. BWOW atlea, ~uao 8, 1939, me 2 Iameaate17 folloulagthe @djourMt of thr wetlag of the %6x-& uo roquertedthe propor offlal~lr of the RailroadCmlrrloa of Tern0 to 68oertala6ad re- port to 06 upw vhat deto the dlwovo~7 of 011 or we8 md8 upon the lnn4 la que8tim. OttM87 15, 19P9: a to& em vqs received b7 tbr ~ilroad Co~plmoloafrom the & put7 Wperrlaor to the Dirtrtot la mhleh thl8 lrarr lr bcatea, rtatrng that a0 pate&W teat had, l 8 p t, bean iLled, but that eertala temrts ladluted thatthrr roll ua8 m&lag twentpflto barrel8 plr hour 6a l qrmrtrr loch ahok.@.Houever, thlr report did not rkte the time upon rhlch the Ulraoreryof ollhad 66ourr6d. A oopy of cho tels&ramreferred to 18 rttaohedto thlr oploloa, We have amde verlwr attemptsslnee uld dete to 86cure fur- ther lrrformstloathrou~ the Rallrmd Comlrrloa but th87 have act aa yeat recerved eww IL 1r our ruggerka that the Manager of the Prl8onRwa won clhlahthe well ln quee- tlon 18 locatedbe reqwrteclto lnvertlgte tha matter lo order ta dotermaaethe d+te uma uhiob bloaover7of 011 uaa wde. fa vleu of 73ur rwu68t for *a oplalcuaa8 to the 011 and gbr leurrela quertt?rr, we hevc'carefuU7 bxatmg the ~otostatlc cop7 of the lea80 attachedto and ulth r68p6ct to 8u6h le66e, 730 are a&l8 or=a8 follovit 14 of the Oil aa Oer Lure Paragra* uader examlmtloa providerl8 follovrr "It 18 expre8817uaderrtood that thlr loaru 18 bolag aecuted 6aO delivereduader aad virtue of the povlrloar of t&m Aotr "30, Forty-flrrt of 19 &girl&we, Fourth Call- ed ``aaloa,page 16, Chapter 15, cad rue& statute 18 6xpr68817mxqorated la aad mle l pwt herwf, ma la eveat of any aoafllct or laoorial8tcac;l a8 betueea t&e uproar pro- vlrloa8hereof, rad the provl8loarof uld Chapter 13, lt 18 6xprc88176gr.64 that thhr prOVl819n8 of chapter13 shell c3lltro1.’ Perape* 2 of the lei8e la quertlm provlderr "It 18 agreed that thlr le68e 6hall re6mla la full force aad affect f3r a term of five (5) 7ear8, frm the d6te hsreof, rad a8 long there- after a8 011, gal, or ca8blngb66dg68, or either amar braaoa ailsa, aa. 8, 1938, Pmge s of them, la prodm6d from uld Mud la comerclal qUSE&titlSS,bf the ~8888." Borcver, Chapter 1Y of thr AOt6 of 1930, Forty- flr#t k lSktUr6, ?OoUr# CSl.lad 5k688100, UhiCh lpglWS 68 Art16 f6 620% Of V@?lrOIb'Skur6tStSd CiVil 8tStUt68, W&S2 the SUthOrlty Of rhlCh lru the lS686 ta qUSSt1Oo ~88 executeU, provldea la !hOtlorr 8 as fO11OYSl “If the Board rhall detarmlne that l utla- f6OtOr bld ha6 bb66 rbaSlV86 fOP 8616 011 md gl8, 1i till ba fllsd 1D th8 @@BS?61 ulkd of'- flC8, Mlcaevex the royalty #hall amountto 68 much 88 the yearly psaaat a8 flX@d b7 th8 bard, the 7earl7 pqmbnt Ibe7 be biSCMtinU6d. If 86. fore th6 6X2;irStiOQ of thre6 Pat8 011 *ad/or gas shall not have beet2pr9duoed la pn79.q quaa- tltlea, the 1668e 8hall t6rmlaat6.' AM ln 88attWl 5 of the Mae law, *Iah 86tS forth the r~UlrS6MQtS Of bid8 for 011 Sad ~68 hlSb8, u fOllO~lti~&WOV~@~Oa t8 Md81 "EvSr7b2.d 6&U carry the abll@loa to ~7 an emmat clot1e88 than Oar Dollar psr aare for de167 la drilllag, lucb amuat to be tlmd by the Baud la ldv6ncS of the Sdvorti8emSnt, and mhlah 6h6ll b6 p6ld aver7 ar fw flva 7eara, 6a1c** lo th6 m66ar lm6 pro6uctl6ato p67- lot qU6atlti68 18 hsd UPM the trnd. Tb6 qU68tlOR 18 thu8 pX'@S~tSd 68 t0 VhSthSr the 16880 10 qu0*t1ea 18 far a prlamr7tbrm of five. ml*, cm- dlt?oaed upon the p8)rmnatof 8``~61 &la7 rentals as pm- Vldeu ln the 16686 66d 1n the Act, or vhethar 6UCh 16a86 exp1r6d et tba t6rala6t1wtof three 7MS6 cftar It6 date, or 30 April 16, 1937, lf 011 Or &&S h88 mot 8bOIl pmdUC6d by uid d6te. la p67log qucantltles &300 flr8t r@Sdi~ Of thS hCt 14 qU@St~Oll, It 8pp66rs that Ouch Act 18 86lf-C3ntrSdl~tOrf Vlth rOSP66t to it8 provl8l9n8 68 to the aumber of JeSrS tb6 lease eeth be kept ln force by thr ``@Clt Of d@bty rOIht8l8 Sf~d vfth- out the ptiuctl3n of 011 or * la Wri lbuever, thsre has been 88~Abr 18h6d b7 a IfOn. ~UOOM~1166, ~UA6 8, 1939, mg@ 4 Oi&onS t&6 06flill61 TUlb Oi OOllSt~OtiOA # St6tUtW Whiah r6w qulrolr that: “All the l#A&wEO ln every ~63% Of a at8tUtn s&611 b@ &~@a oftact if r68GOm~ DOsSibla. fn Other #OX-d6,@ii@Ot aad meminE; should be dVba to eaoh sad *Wry EeJltcnO8,018u#@, pkOU6 @Ad Uaad Of the AOt, 66 IAOIWly eS tOi OtUl 'b8dOA OOA- olotentlywith the objeat andpurpose of th6.1nclr;16tur6.w 39 TOX. Jur. Da.209, :bO. 112. isnoth@r fuAdlllnent~.l rule rbQlllroa that1 "A StatlIt@ ohall be oomtruad 68 8 Whole 6ad that 811 Of lto perto be harnoalzed, if poarilble 80 66 to give effe6t to th6 entire Aot ecocardi~ to the evideht fnteatioa of the &@81atUX6.a 39 7%~ Jur. 209, Ceo. 14. xeoplng in znlnd the above quoted fundafiental rules OS stntutor~ oonetruotion, we h6ve oarafully exnnincd the Ad lo quaotioa With the yuqoae in view of ruoo3olltn~ ana elrlng etfeot to every prwislon ,or thb Aot, if ouah rmilt lo recnons Suoh result, ln Our oplnlon,oan raasonablybe srrlved full 8ftOOt t0 %OtiW 8 of tb ACt, wh6XOin it 16 GXprbGSl ao- vldod ‘Ait Lhe 16OlN &hull klXiartt8 after three ywkr6 if oi 1 m a shall not haV0 bean proCU00d in prryiag fpntitA6e b6iOr6 that r ate, and ot the oam the oontitrulng alut~lvlw efr6ct to thr SbW@ qurltcdprovlnionof ~ootloa5 vlt!lraopout to SAAU61 r@AtSl pSypOat8 fCS 5 jlcdcia Of filth 3'66rSe ZeotionC~(1=0661 provides tbt tha amual rental wlded for in %at fon 5 osagbc ZlSOOntlnUcd*wheA6var shr~‘Sl!lOWlt t0 UB wloh 90 th6 yOaru .&qQ'ESAt 88 ft 16 OVidant, th8rsf ore, that, uador tbs Aat, th6 -1 Pental Pp SAt oan be re:ulrcd 66Oh oAr fm fit. ~66l?6, @roll thOU&A Oii ca (;cre iti peplw OuSntit 1611#my h6v6 ken alscwered prior to the bxgiretlan of ri+b year, That 18 to Saya tX600vsryCs oil m ,!,%Ein geyw quantitlep before tha lr p ir stio n Jaure doos AOt d0 #Way with th6 neceseitty of f1V6 of MU emu81 mxtsl psymata Sor the rersoinder 0r the 5-year period wrlcrso the royultg rooolvod by tho 8tata.anwnt.o to *aa 8Wh OS the yonrl): PmAt 46 fixed by the !Xmrd." ``hi.lthe AUt lIi COii&tIIlCdUnd tUl6~zed 60 clbcY6 Set forth, it k13OEo8DOa6ibh t0 r6OOllOilOml i-jvaSffOCtto both Z8otlon5 en? !?aotion 8 oi the not, by a oon6txuotlon d tho# 86OtiVM bIdOf stated66 fOlhWf3: (I) 13 sng event, cnc! withoutrepird to mm61 rental pa@lants,a lease oxplrosmdcr section6 upon tl;ocxplrstlonof three years frun ltu G:ntQ lr 0:l ar c86 in paflrg ~uantltles h6s not baan produocd prior to thetdate. (2) hXiUt: the ffrnt throb YGGrS Of thS lUGGO, NUUA8~ r6ntsl paymint must br made uu prwidod ln Section5 u!iLesr the papwIt of mob re!It,ls ha8 been cxOU?kwl by eat&l. dr~llbe opera- tiwa ns ;?rwldedla :eotlon 9. (3) ff oil or gun in p&y- quentltiee has b66A r\?.&,,mr;A nrtA* +n +l?,rr-n.Arr.4tr.n rb Cl...--....--...I- ---.--. approve6oplalcrnocimlttoo By ':,.JT , S&rilr~sso

Document Info

Docket Number: O-940

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017