7undra pzaprlmt.4 b E. B. Ho. SS6; sew R e g u la rPo n,4 6th Ja Tg lla turm8J a ,no t bo lmoa to pay .lalu, oQpoMatlon or 4amger f0r rbtt~ ehm70d wer.t.0~ 0r mi0ia TS, Ror1ra Clrll Rtatut.8, lBR5. OTYICEOF Tm AlToramYmumAL June 17, 19SQ Chlof Cloric~ Doparuult ot&rloultura Aumtin, Toam Cpllllon Ro. 0-9E7 Ret Fmylmntor danmgw ror oat ton dwtroyml under Art, 7S, R. C. 8. 1985, out at funb appro- prlatrd w H. B. Ro. SW, 49th &&8htW, Regular sw~lon. k ara ln reoalpt & four btter of June R, 1939, In whioh you request the opinion of thin department .II to rhrthor 01sf.m ax damages arlslng out 02 tho.&mtruotlon of ootton under the prorlrlon~ of Artlole 75, Rerlml Clvll Statutes 1985, xay be psld iron funam appropriated by IIouS. Biil Ro. W,,#ota Rqulrr Sesnlon Z6th Xq.lal&ue. Chaptor s, nth 4 hmra fatut00,1985, amthor- hew the Oomdmlmer of AgrfwultMe todeatroy ootton which la lnfoc!tod or ooatmlxmtod dth pink boUwupon oompll- an00 with the provlrionn of the Aot. Chnpter~9, Title 4 ilao provides ror the preaentatlon and addudloatlon of olalms by lifrotod praoua miring out af the mforoemnt of the provisions bhordn oontalwl. The Tltlo and Bootion 1 of Eoure Blll Ro. 596, ~o~w~ylalaturs, Aata 1939. Regular &wlon, proride as *AN ACTmcurmgan omorgsnoy appropriation Bononblo ~rlw f. Dm@mu~, June 17, 19S9, Paga L "6ootlcmL Th.tthe wmof~lwoaTholuuld Dollds (#l&000),or so muohthonof lm ry bo aoomcmry, L hmroby appropriated out of my ronoya In the Oenonl Rovonuo not horotaiora &ppro@etodI arid 1one la to ba lpproprlmtad In om~pllanoe with the iitetutm gororning the wpwdlturw oftha Agrloultural Department in with lo o o r da no e thr appropriation mda by the h?Uhr WWiOn Of the ?lftY-fifth LWlml&.ura an& the uw la horoby l ppx$prlat.ed ior the rollor- aalarlrs and other 0 S. Title 4 R la d Cl 11 Statutea or the bto g,sd or Texae-. 16~9.%& l a’tha Pink Bollworm mmndimntmthemto, no salary to OXOOO~ thowmd, Four Hundred and Fifty par ynr.” llw appropriation fnund on p&lS68, Aatrr at the ?orty-fifth Iaglmlaturm, to whloh this mugonoy approprla- .,tlon in .*\tppMmntal, pzwldos in part an rom+f~r ‘AtxtIcuLToRAL=AItTbmT For the YOU8 &lllg WL Sa la r ay ndlth u lxpwu10~In mootion u~daQalnlstretlon~0r Cha or S Tltlo 4 mbrii or- &ii st&t.ct, lS85, known AS the2dxk Roilwurm XAW,no mlary to ‘broeod I)l&O per par #lEpULQ? #16,000.00* That .ther@ la a al&r dlstlnatlon betweitmthe appropriation of money6 tor thr payment ob 01aiPI m6 damages uisln out of the enf.co(llllomt of the piwvlalonrr of Chapter S, 4l tie 4i and the payment of 8alnrlea and other adminlatratlrs erpxwea, we think le manlfent. Without ``romlng at length to the rarloua ionnsr dopart- mental appropdatlon billa, we note that the Legislature ha8 regularly appropriated in the general departmental appropriation bllle, money6 in mubstentlally the.same amounts, and for aubstantlally the name purp=er a6 those reolted in that *ion or the Aat or the +orty-rirth Legislature quoted above. Frc@ time to tlmo it ha6 El80 beon neoawaxy to Igka owirgenoy lp roprlatlonn in nub- =tmtl8llr th. .me -u&t anO-ia Pikm *urposs* .s that Oontlne~ in Rouse Bill Ho. SS6, Aots Fmty-mizq, bgiah- turo. ArtlUla 81, Rorllred Clrll Statutes, 1926, provides ELIr0iiarn: *All olaime for dnnartea and olairmr for eommn- satlon uisinp r the (IpllorOllpentor the provision8 -6 law shalf?o.paldon oortlfled utatenent by the Ohairman or the Compensation Claim Board, or up” oertlried’oopy or the riw judmnt or ,t$ gooorablo Char168 Z. hughmn, Juno 17, 19S9, Pa&e S fll eelerlr end other •XDOM~O lnourredin the ad- Unletntlon or thle la wlhall bo pld in the wul rry upon 6 86rtlrlod etatemont of tho Ommleelona Again Ln~lWZltho hgleleturondm l appropriation la the cum qr #600,000.00 ior the paymnt or oW.ae aoau&ulatod ``~oob~re lQg9 thro lose, arlelng out or tho lnforooment . Aote, 4Srd% g., let C. 1., oh. 87, 8. B. Ro. 68, p. 2&c. fn~pmvldlng that the ronoy approprletod by Houet Xl1 Ro. X536,4dth hglel6tU-6, 6h0uld be 84604 "to p6y e.1+06 end othor lxponeo at tho lnepootloa work’lnoldent to they *% o&ion of tho p lli bollwom md the admlnletmtionof ChapterS: TM10 4", tho general oleueo, "aad tho ldmialetratlon oi Chapter S, Title 4," IO llmlted ln ranlng to lxpeneee or a genmrel . ldminletretlvo oheraoter, ae that torn 16 geaerelly uaderetood, nooeeearyor lnaldont.to the lnforoement of tho rovl6lone of the sot. For a prtlal llet o$Noh ltome000 tiet portlonor 8. B. Ro. 15, Slth.Lgleleture, qwtod .boro. Tho tltl& of Rouee Bill Ro. SS6 olouly dome not iaoludo the payment of damages or olalme 6ut ooat~pktoelnepeotlohend lafcrooraent of the pink bollwom hi. It le our opinion ttit Rouee Bill Rc. SS6, Aote Regular Soeelon, 46th bgln.laturo; doe6 not mithorleepayment or olaliae,oompeneatlon or damage., out of the iundo theroln epproprlatod, for oottonwhloh ha6 been deotroyOd.by virtue of the term8 of Art1010 73, Revleed Civil Sthtutoi$ 1965. Yours very truly ATIORNIYWiF&U OF Tl$fiS By (el@ed ) Cecil C. C-ok Cool1 0. Cenmmok Aosletant ocotoo This opinion ha6 been ooneldered la sonforenoo, approved, end hereby ordered moorM. t$yi;di GEE C,:MAI’m Attorney’Oeneral of Texas
Document Info
Docket Number: O-927
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017