Bon. R. 3. Wyebe,.Pee 2 by the CoOernor, when doe8 or when did the bill beoome a 1awV House Bill 817, Aots of 1939, 46th Le@lature, being an aot amendIng ArtIole 6869, Revised CIrIl StatuteS, 1925, as amended by the Act8 ai 1029, 41St Legislature, First Called Ses8Ion, ch. ll3, Se&Ion 1, by adtIlna a new motion thereto, to be known a8 Artlole 6f369b,dth 8eotlon 2 thereof oontolning an emergenoy'olarure,~ovldecrz "Artlole 6869b. Provided that in OOUXltie8 havingapop~tionOf1~8t``tythO\wmd (20,009),aa0ordIne to tha last preosding federal Cen8U8, and haviag a property Yaluatioa In eXOO8S of 0ae Hundred UUll.on Dollars (#lo0 OOO,OOO), acoordlng to the approved State and bounty tag rolls ror fhe preoebing year, the 8her%ff, ln the mann6rnowprssorIbed bylaw,8haUhave thea&- thority to appoint not t.6ezaeed fourteen (14) deputiee;Said number to %nalude Court kll%ff8' and jailers, and eaid depWe8 to roWIre the eompeasatlon -sow allowed by law." Sootion 2 o? the alath sot aontaI~ the emergenoy olawse, *hi&k read8 a8 fOlbWW1 veo. 2, The faot that 8otiatI88ha*... rapid oil iiel@ a*, Inorea8ed erIrd.aal aotipities, and 88Yerfd full-time DirrtriotCotlrt8 b8vs beon eompeuea to aployadditlon~l Court bailiff8 and jailers al@ the pue8tion 18 batw iW8 and jaUer8 mo8t be raised that these ba 8.l aonsidered as deptiie8 ia detiexm%&q the number of8mplOyee8,thtur hamperingthe law 8tioreMt. aotiritles, oreate an emesmey end -ratWe public neOe88lty I?W&piriagthat tbe``ZlStItUtI0~ BuleprovidIngior therea4lngof bilfsoathree SCrmrsJ.dayi3illbOth~U8W be8Usgbl%dOd,aabSaid rule i-8hereby sUspended, aad this Aat Sh& take effeot inmedIately upon bea s/gned by th& Covdr- nor, aud it IS 80 enaOtedrm House Bill 8lTmakeS noreiqenae Inlkr.prov%Sion8 to aompen8atlon payable to the deputies aad bea ELIamend- ment to ArtIo3.e6869, would not me& or broaden the 8oap, Eon. R. S. Kyche, Pa59 3 of thot provlelon of the amended article whloh provides that if In the opinion of the commIeslonersJoourt fees OS the sheriff'soiiioe are not sutfioientto juatiiy the pay- ment of salariesof such deputies, the oomml.seloners* oourt shall have the power to pay the same out of the General Fund OS the oounty. Artlole 1041, C. C. P.'lE25, aa amended, with re- ferenoe to the oompeneatlonallowed for eaoh guard or matron provides that eaoh matron neoessarilyemployad in t.hesafe- kaepln of prisoners, shall be allowed Two Bollara,aad?Mty oelitsf$2.50) for eaob day. Thls rate Is spoolfled tb be paid In all counties of leea than forty thousand Inhabitants, and ln such oountles, the artlole makes no provision for an allowaaoe for the servioes qf jailer. - Oooper et ,a1V. John- son County, 212 S. K. 528; State vi Carries,105 9. 011. (2) 597. Tbib department in our oplnlon O-122, found in Book I, Volume I, page 20 o? tha month&y reports of ths Attor~ ney General, ham held that under Artlole 16, Seation 40 of the Oonstltutlonof Tere.s;a deputy sheriff would not be author- ized to serve and aooept pap tisbaflItf.to the grand fury. You are, th.W8fOre,Oorreot in your ooaolusionthat the tmm noourt bailiff" as used InEouse Bill 817, oanaot and does not lnoludo.moh balllfrs as authorized to attend upon *ho gand jury under the provisions91 &tie10 557 and357b; 0. C. P., Ui25.~. .~ Artlolo Best, as amended, Revised CUti ,Statntos,~. 1925, provides that for every day the sherltr or his ~dsputio8 shall attend oourt, he.shall reoolte four dollare~($4.00)bo be paid by the oounty'foruaoh day that the ~sherlffby him- aelf or a deputy, tihallattana said oourt, The statutee do ziotprovide for any suoh otrlosr as %ourt balllitW. Csrtaln duties. however, are Imposed upon the dmrlfr,,among which is to donstantly.attsna~ upon,juries or provide a deputy tor uuoh servlos. Is this reapoot, the duties ImpOsed by ~8tatuta neoesearllyrequire attendanoe upon the.oourt.Sor,whfoha tea Is prorId& and In whloh aapaolty the sheriff or his de- puty assigned would be conaIder8d as a uoourt bailltfW. Your attention is alreotaa to Artlole 44, C. C. P. 1925, whioh reads as roilow8: *Whenever a duty 46 imposed by this Oode upon the sharlff.,, trhosame duty may lawfully be performed by his deputy% When there in no 8bar- US in a.aountp, the duCie8 oi that oftloe as to all prooesdings unaer.the erlmInal ;law,drvelve upon the oflloer whew,under -thelaw, is empowered EOO. R. 9, Wohe, Page 4 to alsahorge the autit38 or 8hi3L?iff; in oa8e of racanoy In the office." ATtiOl4 6869, AOtS of 1929 4lst Leg,, Ch. 113, to whlah the Eou8a Bill in queatlon 18 an ameudment, m- vi&es a8 follousr *Sheriffs 8hal.lham the power, by wrltlng, to appoint one or more dsputlw for their res- peOtiY4 OOUitis8, to aOnt&Ue h offim durj.ng the plea8ure of the sheriff who 8hall have powez au& authority fo psrfonnati the aOts and dutler of their prinoi`` and WCil?yp8r8on 80 appointed . shall, befare he enters upon the dutfee of his offlab, taka.aud SUb8Orlbe to the~offlelal oath, whIoh shall bo,lndorsad on his appol.ntmnt, to- getherwlth the aertlfleate of the offleer a&in- and 8W.h appointment and oath lCrt&?.igthe 8I.W-e; 8hall bQreoord4d itlthe 4fil4d.3of the hrnty Clerk and 48poeited in said-offloe. The number ofd4pzktl48 appointed bythe8h8rl$f of anyone OoWt~ 8hal1 be urnit& t0 Wt CfXm tbwe in the Justlee prealaot in uhloh 5.8located t&e 8o~ty8~tOf8uahOOtiy, andOn $3XeaOhJil8- tlcrepreolnct. and,8 U8t of the80 ap@&aent8~ shall b4 po8teihug In a 4on8pl4uou8 @.a00 la the C10rkt8 OfflSe. . . r- hrtlole S9OS aa a.mendm& perWAng toth+aq@nt- nl4Itt Of bspUti48, dde8! Whenwer say dl8trlst, eouuty or prealaot. offloer 8hal.lrequire tbs 8OrYlObo or d8lNltle8, ,assIatanteor clerk8 in~the performanoe of his dutlw be ahall applytotho Couut Coml8sloners~ Court of his aounty for auth&ty, ?n agolnt Such deputies, WSi8tants Or Oledf.8,8 ti!Qtby sworn applloatloa the nwb8r aeede8, tlm 8itiOll tobef%lledandtheemounttobepaLd.~ r al4 apPll4atlon8hallbe aacrosqpanledbja8tateawnt showing the probable reoeipt8 fmmtam, oom- mlaalons a04 oaolpbneatibnto be eolMut.ed by said OffiOir~dprinc;the ii8Oa bable dlsburssmbntawhloh8 arlba and expon848 0s raid ctffibotand sala oourt Shall-it8 orderautherlzZ.nSth8appolntxuent ofswhdeptrfl88,a88ista&8~ @lWkl.aXLdfi.X the oolrpanrrationto be p~ldth8mwlWlfnthellml- tatfons herein preaorlbetland determine the number to be appointed as lnthe dlsexetlon OS said oourt may be proper~ provided that in no owe bhall the Comlmloner8~ Court or any mmber thereof attempt to innuenoe the appoint- ment oi any pCW!on a(I deputy, aaalstant OT alerlc in any offlees Upon the on of auoh order the offloor appl* tTK asrrlstanta,de- fafstwo puties or alerks shall be authorlzedto a them; pro+ldedthat m.%d aompomatlonEd hai?% exoesd the maxlmm amount hemlnafter set out. The.aon&enaatlon uhloh ma be allowed to the or a1 erha abova nawd t or depUtle8, e&,irta.nttk their retiw6 Shad be a reasonable one, not to exoeed the followlug anwmtar annmaiother assistanta, to OX8Oedrmeen siunumu pex axmaaa etaah.” ‘m the oaso or Trawtel vs. sholton, 4$58% 89, the reltwautproriaionof iwtlole 6669,'~ubst~ntlaI4th4s~ as anaated inl689,whiohgrants autiharitytothesh@rifffo appoint deputiw endlialta theirnumbm;radheldto bo UirsotO~. &mh authoxity as wa8 br this artiale and pro- lowly at oowon law give to the sheriff, was by grrrsrdl law supersedsd and vwsteU la the owal68lonexe~ ant& atflex the proylsiona of Utlele MO2, mpmr. Bush a oonstm``on as rPuld harxmizethe two artio&s, 6869 and 3902, m&m, should be glve``rithtbe latter artiole ~ontrollfsg. While said Artlale r6869seelw.to llm%f the dlmx-et%on to be axmr- elm4 by the sheriff, we oanmt 6aythat arueh art%~frr would, as a matter of law, restrlat the paasr oftha aoamlssWx8* oourt under Artlale 5902, as:'Wended, .shouldthe:ae~ war- rant the noeessltyfor the appointnmnt b the rrhmiff at more depatlea than wuld bo patitted uaiar th6 pxovhtons of &tie19 68(19. In Y&JW of the am6truotloa glaoaU upon the art&- 018 ammde&bythe bill Itn puwst&%i, ~tneoeusarllgioUors that 3~usse Bill SW should be ~etx18truedwith Artlole 5902 as amatzdeu* our lntexpretat5.w eg ihe aot lathat*& u4&brr" incrlnde e&ah deputy and jailer, inelusiw~ of the80 am f gned Hon. R; S. Wyoha, P-8 6 i '. and who may attend a8 ubaillfisto the oourt", and who map at- tend the duties of wjallern,who is appointed as a regular ds- putp and is authorizedunder the prorlelons of Artlole 390!?,, as amended. In answer to your first question, you are qdrised that in the opinion OS thlg departmnt, Rouse BI.11817, Aats of the 46th ~eglslature,Regular Sosslon,~smendlngArtlole 6069, to be known as Artlole $&fib, la to be oonstrued with Artlole 3908, Revised Civil Statutes, 1928. as amended, with aald lat- ter art1018 oontrolliq. Hour8 Bill 817 does not pertain to nor in anywise aiteot the salary or oaapensatlon of deputies as provided to bq fixed under the provisions or Artlola 5902, as amended. Th&tizm "deputJes"an used in the bill algnlilaa and 1s lnaluaItsor such deputies assigned to the 00~1% as *oourt balll~fs" and suoh deputies, If any, assigned to tid who may dl?oharge the duties of njallersw. In answer to your seoond puastlon, you are adrlred that in the opinion of this dopartmnt Houso Bill 817 46th Legislature,authoricesany one OS the fourteen d~pu&s named, Inoludlng jails&q wha 1s duly appointed by the sheriff as a regular deputy and who 1s authorizedunder the provisionsof Artlole 5908, a,semehdsd and puallfles as suoh, to psrrorn t&o duties of sheriff. The oompenaationto be paid a matron IJI oountles of less than forty thoussnd inhabitants1s eontrolled by the provisions of Artlolr
1041 C. 0. P. a8 amemddd, bofng fixed at Two Dollars~audFl'iityCants (#&SO) per day. Wlth.refersaaato your third aad last queatlon pro- pounded, we examincrd the original House Bill 817 as tiled In tba offlor or the Seoreteiry of State and find that saniaraa passod by over a two-thirds majoslty of both houses; filed In the Governor's offloe on Jlaroh88, 1953, and in the offloe OS the Seoretary of Stat., without the %vernor*a signature on the 7th day of April, 1939. Artlole 5, sCotion 99 of the Constitutiondf Texas provides: WE& law passed by the Legislature,exoept the, general appropriationaot, bhall take lffeot or go Into foroe until nfaety days aftrr the +djour#uasnt of~the session at whloh It naa OXlagted,unless in aase of an emergenoy, whioh emeraenoy must be ox- pressed in a preamble or in the body of the set, the LsgIslature shall;by a vote of tm-thirds of all the nmmbera eleoted to aaaohRouse, otherwise dlreati said vote to be taken by yeas andnays, and entered upon the journalsiw. Bon. R. a. wyche, Pa&e 7 Artlo 4, Seotlon 14 of the Ccm5tltutlo~ of Texas in part proyldesr 93very -._ blll - whloh _ - . shall _ hare -_ _ passed both . _ . nouses or tne urglelature shau be presentea to the Ooveraorror his approyal.. If he approy8 he shall sign it; but ii he dlsapprooe It, he shall return it, with his objeotions, to the House In whloh It orlglnat8d, whloh House aholl enter the objeotlona at large upon Its Journal, and prooeed to rooonslderit. . . , If any bill shall not ba returnedby the Clovernor with his objeotlons within ten days (Sundays exoepted) after it shall hay8 been presented to him the same shall be R law, lnllkemauuer as if be had slgned,lt, unless the Lsglslature, by its ad- journment, prerent its return, in whloh oase it shall be a law' unless he shall rile the same, with his objeo~lons, in the off108 of the Seore- tory ot State and &lyen notlos thereof by pub118 proolamatlon wlthln tvnty days after suoh ad- journwnt. . . .” It will be noted that the only pmylalon a&the 'effective date of the eat 1s contained ln the emergenay o&ause .whloh reads that the aot w&all take erieot lnsnedlate~ upon belng signed by t&e Goyxmmr, and it 1s so Maoted.* Berore any such bill oould becoma atfeotlva as a law, the LXmernor OS the stat8 1s glrsa a oonstltutloaal right to approve, dlsap- pro~e,orpermltablllto beoome alawwlthouthlss;lgnature. Uader the provislon6 OS Ml018 4, Seotloa X4 above set forth, lf a bill remains in the hands OP the Oopemor without action far tea days troa the date OS ite gresentmsnt to him, rush bill carryln& an auu8tigenoy olause beoooms a law at the expiration of ten days, (Sundays excepted) prwidsd there 1s expr8ssed stipulation in the bill that it shall be- oome effeotlve upon its pass.age`` In order to &iv8 9ifeOttO the intsutiOn Or the Legislature la the passage of this bill bJian emsz?genqyolauss, we oonstrue the word *imnedlatsl~ as being synoagraouswith the use of such rrordaas "upon its paefkage*or W?om and after its pawa@ or words of llk9 import. Hon. R. S. Wyohe, Page S I&answer to your third quastion;lt ia the opin- fonofthfs d4partmentthatBo~e Bill al7 beoame qiieotive on the 8th day of &pril, 1939. Trusting the above nnaw8rs your questions, we re- Your6 rsry truly AlToRwEYoIwIp\ALoFT1M9
Document Info
Docket Number: O-925
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017