THEA'ITORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS April 25, 1939 Mt-iE. W. Easterllng CotiikyAttorney Jefferson Cotity Beaumont, Texas Dear Sir: OplnloiiHo. 0415 Re: Sale of abandoned buildings and geounas of-Rosedale Independent School District This department 1s in receipt of your letter of March 1, 1939, in which you request our opinion upon the questlbn of what procedure should be followed by the Board of Trustees of the.Rosedale Indepedent School District in Jefferson County in disposing of abandoned school buildings and ~grounds. .' Rosedale Independent School DlstrPct in Jefferson Cbunty was created by Special Adt of the~Legl-slature,Speclal.laws‘6f Texas 1919, 36th Legislature, Chapter 57, page 177. This Act provides in part as follows: "Sec. 10. The said Rosedale Independent School District Shall have and exercise, and 1S hereby vested with all the rlghts,'powers, prlid- leges and duties of a town or vlllage~lncorpora- ted under the general laws of the state for free school purposes only, and the Board of Trustees of said Rosedale Independent School Dlstrlct-shall have and exercise and are hereby vested and charged with all the rights, powers, prlvlleges and duties conferred and imposed by the general laws of this state upon the trustees of independent school dls- trlcts including the rights to levy taxes and issue bonds of the sala district to the extent for the purpose and subject to all the provisions, llml- tatlons and conditions that said power may now or may hereafter be exercisable under the general laws of the state by the trustees of the lndepen- dent school dlstrlcts, incorporated and organized -under the general laws of this state applicable :to the towns- and villages incorporated for free school purposes only, are applied and declared to be in full force and effect with respect toti~ said Rosedale Inde- pendent School District. Mr. B. W. Rasterllng, April 25, 1939, page 2 Q-415 “Sec. IS!” In all other titters not provided foi. In thin Act the qald board of tiiuatees shall be goveF'nedby thb General I&w& of the State of’Texas, applleable to Independent School DiBtriCtB,” Thj.sact .doeiinot in exprdae terms grant ‘to the trustees of such.district power to sell and dispose of 'BChObl property and grbunda unless provided for by”the above quoted sect$ons,.r We first consider t,hequestion of whether thatpart of section 10 which confer8 all the rights, posers, prlvlIsge.~and .dUtiOs of a toVn or vlllage incorporated nnder the general lati'B&O:f the state for free school purposes only upon the Rosedale 'dis- +lct and whether the latter part of this section defining the pC!WOPSOf ,ltBboarc,of trU&%s confers the power t0 8011 itB bulldlngs and grounds. We have made an extensive review of the leglelatlte history of the .applicablestatutes, but without referring to these various’enactments in great ‘detail,we note here that~ there la and .baebeen for many years a well defined dlstinetton “between town6 and Villages ino’orporated,for free ~chool'piu- poses only.?.and’ lndependdnt’dlatrlets ‘in,clfibsand ‘t&ins. See Title IJXXVI’;Ch; 15’~“FreeSchools,ln~Towhs~k VlIlages”~ and Chapter 16 of the same t~ltle“Free,~Sc.hoolPj’~$n; Incorporated Towns and.‘Cities,‘R;.S:,l895;,Tltl~e’48;. Chapters ,16 and 17;’’ : Title’49,’Ch. '13,Subd~lv.lslons R.8. 1911;’.- 2 and 3, ,B.S.,1925, 'Article 2773, R.S. 1925,'set otitbelow, fs klet?irfy applicable te Inbe~e~.eat~‘DistrictsIn ,cltiOs‘a’s 'cOntI?aBtk!d to ntown~ and v:llleges‘inocrRorated, for free BChQOl purposes only.n See A,@ie 1905.,p. 263..Ch’.124, See. 146. ArtQole 2773’r&ids as folloys : “nny h#u,Bea' or.lalidsheld In trust by any city'05 town for.public free school.purposes may be sold for the'&poes of investing in more convenient and.desirable school property, with the consent 6f fhe"S$ate ‘Bo’ard,by the board of Trustees of suqh city or,town;'snd, in such case, the:pre- sident of the school board shall execute his deed to the purchaser for.ttie.same, rdcitlrigthe re- solution of the’State Board giving consent thereto an& the resolutlan of the boa.rdof truateee an- thorlelng such.sale.” OrLglnal1.ythla statute gave the powerof ‘sale to the’ council or board ~of aldermen of incorporated oltles~and towne. See Article 4033, R.5. 1895. But by section 146, Acts 1905, p. Mr. E.W. Easterllng, April 25, 1939, page 3 o-415 263, this article was amended so as to vest this power in the board of trustees with the name wording as the present Article 2773. ,. ,. Sectlon~161, Acts 1905,'~. 263; provided that the trustees Of towns oi'vlllaqes should be vested'wlth all the powers, rights and duties 'that are conferred by the 1aWB of this State upon the council ahd board of aldermen of in- corp,oratedcltle~ and towns." As polnted out above, however, the council and aldermen were divested of their power of sale by this same act and such'power was placed In the board - of trustees. This was the state of the law in 1919 when Rose- dale Independent District was created, and we have therefore concluded that since the council and board of'aldermen in cities and towns did not have authority to sell school lands, Section 161 of Acts 1905, p. 263 (Art. 2853, R.S. 1911) did not expressly give trustees of schools under the laws relating to towns and villages power to tie11such lands.. This being- true, Section 10 of the Act creating the Rokedale District did not'expressly confer the power to sell by making the laws ap- plicable to town and villages apply to its trustees. We also call attention to that part of Section 10'of the Act creating the Rosedale District which provides tha~t- its trustees shall be "stibjectto all the provisions, llml- tatlons and conditions that said power may now or may here- after be exercisable" under the laws applicable to'towns.and villages lncorporated~for free act1001purposes on1 What 1s now left of Stictlon161,-~ACts1905, p. 263.(Art. 2$"' 53, R;S.'- lgll), cited above; and applicable to towns and“vlll⩾ Is now contained in Article 2758, Revised Clvll Statutes, 1925, and reads as follows: "The said board of trustees of each of such independent school districts Incorporated under the provisions of this Act shall have and oxor; else and are hereby vested wlth‘all the rights, powers, prIvlleges and dUtiOB conferred and lm- posed upon the trustees and boards of trustees of independent school districts by the general lawn of this State." 'Thus under both-section 18 and the latter part of Sec- tlon 10 of the Act creating the Rosedale District, we must'de- termlne the power of the trustees of independent school dlS- trlcts generally to sell school buildings and grounds. Article 2773 cited above applies onljrto certain lnde- pendent school diBtriCtf3,and Article 2753 applies only to com- mon school districts, and possibly independent districts having a scholastic population of less than one hundred and fifty (See Mr. B. W. Rasterllng, April-25/~1939, .psge 4. a-415 * APtlale 2763, R.C.S., 1925), glVlmg'~Euehdi8triCts pOVdr to sell school property. :Artlc~le2753a also purports to confer authority to ~611 real estate but 18 llmlted to a sueclflc population bracket. We have been udible to'flnd'any other statutes expressly otmferrlng the.power,of sale upon lnde- pendent districts.. TP'uethese,are “gen&%il laws of this State?bdt we. canno~tascribe to,the &eglslature an intention that,all laws. dealing withthe ~powersof trustees:whlch may be properly classlfled as- "general lava" a8 dlstlngulahed from "special 'law's" ihould apply to'.,tottna and village8 or to the.Rosedale Dlbtrlet. Sue6 a~conatructlon would lead to 8uch confusion ati aonfllat an to be lmpoaslble of a~pllCat,lo'n.Rattiel’tie think "the general lavs of this State as u8Od here means, the laws applicable to independent school dlstrlots generally or applicable to.dl8trlots of the 'same-class'towhich they are to be applied. In either instance, the hbove atatutes would not apply t.oth8 Rosedsle Blntrlct, tin&or the facts which have been presented. : The powers of lndepsndent school districts were-dls- CUBBOd InThompson v. Elmo~IndependeritSchoolbletrlct; (T';C.S.1925)
269 S.W. 869; and the court there expressed the opinion that ,lndependentschool dlstrlite,are local pubJ.lc eorporatlons of...the name general cbaliac~ter-a,s munlclpaI.cor- poratlon8 but for ‘bchoolR``~OBBB only. ‘Pheyare etieatures of’.thestatute8 and.thelr trustees are llmlted in exercise of powers to those expresiilygranted, those necessarily lmplled in or ireldental to powers expressly granted .and those essen~- tlal to the purposes of the corporation - not'slmply~conven- lent but lndlspenable. Any reasonable doubt aB to power ~111 be resolved against it. School trustees are-‘, ubllc offlc~ers;Schers v. Tdlfer, (T C A 1934) 74 8 W (,2p'327,&I'&it iB Etated in yt. l&th'Caivalr ~blub v:~iheppard [Sup. et, 1935) 83 S.W~; (2) 9 publle offices or officers are ereaturesof. The powers and duties of publio bfflcbrs are defined an8 limited by law.: Byebeing defined a.ndllmlted"by law, we"mean the act of a public officer must be expressly authorlted by law or lmplled therefrom." In'general, Echo& trustees are glven'general eupervi- alon, management and aontrol of the 8chooIs and school property of their districts Mid legal title to such property is vented in them, but we do not think a general power of management &%I ccntrcl includes or lmplles a power to sell and dispose of the .~property. Ordinarily, when the power to sell 1s not expressly ‘given; the tendency ‘ofthe courts has been not to extend the __ . . Mr. E.W. Eaaterling, April 25, 1939, page 5 o-415 authority by implication but to exclude such power. 2 Am. JUr. p. 112. . In Flkes v. Sharp (T.C.S. 1938) 112 S.W. (2) 774; the cburt in determining that.school trustees had nbt therefore had authority to do certain acts, took into conslderatlon'a leglsltitlveconstruction evidenced by a subsequent act of the Legislature granting that authorltg. We find just such an enactment and leglslatlve construction ln this instance. Acts 1929, 41st Legislature, 2nd CalledXiesslon, pa&e 133, Chapter 64, now appearing as Article 2753a, provide8 as follol?8: "An Act authorizing Independent School Districts in certain classes of counties to dltiposeof real pro- perty not needed for school property; and declaring an emergenty: "Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: "Section 1. In every county in this State hav- lng a population accordlngto the latest United St&es census of not less than 8,000 and not more than 8,100 each Independent School District shall be Buthol'lzed to sell and dispose of any real property owned by such district when in the oplnlon of a majority df the Board of Trustees such property 18 not needed for school purposes. "Sec. 2. The fact that there are certain ln- dependent school dlstrlcts in the class&s of counties covered by this Act owning property which they do not need for school purposes, creates an emergency- and an imperative public necessity that the constl- tutlonal rule requiring bills to bl read on threes several days in each House be aiidthe same 18.hereby suspended, and that this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it 18 80 enacted." If independent school districts have an inherent author- ity to sell their real'property this was a useless act on the part of the Legislature, andti passing the same, it has lndlcat- ed that under its construction such authority did not thereto- fore exist. From what we have said, it necessarily follows that if this question were presented to us as an original matter we' would be unable to find authorleatlon for the Board of Trustee8 ~dr.E.W. Easterllng, April 25, 1939, Page 6 o-415 of.thb Rosedale Independent School Dlstrlet to sellit8 bulld- lngs and grounds. U8 have &en able to find only one case which might be considered as aiathorltyon thisapplliiabllltjTof.Artlcle 2773. In R. B.'Spenceiz~'& Co,"~v.Brbwti;St ‘al (1917) 198 S.X; 1179, the El Paso~Court of~Clvl1 Appeals had before It for c6n$.ld- erat'ion,the valldity~of a sale of school property belonging to the Lln&l~vllle Independent School Dlijtrlct.'The cotit' appll3d ArtPole 2873,R.0. 1911i which 'isthe present Article 2773 and stated: "Artlele 2846 has no appllcatlon,.because the school dlstrlct was an 1ndLpendent school dlstrlct; Bald article appear8 in the~Revl86d~' Statutes in'ohapter 15, title 48. This chapter relate8 t0 ccmmon school~di8tslCt8, Orlgl~lly thl8 article was section 66 of chapter 124, Acts bf the Twenty-ninth Leglalature p. 263:' It'there apDdar8 under the sub-title 'School'HOUi'esand SQool Supplies I i3fthe title 'Common School Ble'trlsta'. It 18 thus manifest that this article -I'elatesto the sale of property belonging to com- mon sahool districts. "The sale of 8chool property belonglng'to t.he~Llnglevllle independent school district Is, however, governed by the'~proVlsiah8Of article 2873, R.S. which retiulresthe consent of the State Board of Education." The opinion do98 not'dlselo~e the heture'of th6 Lfagle- vi118 Independent School Dlstrlot but we have asoeFti?ilnad from an independent investigation that Ll&feville Independent " 'SchoolDistrict in Erath County wB8 created iti1912 as a'town or village incorporated fcefree tichoolpurpoirebonly uiidbti-. the provisiOns of Seotlon.l?g, C@Eipter124, Aets 29th'~L6gGla- ture, Regular Session, 1905. Tk& opinion also fails-to dltiEtis8 the basis upon whlah the Court applied the then Artle1.e2873: In 1919 the Supreme Court refused a writ Of error on as- signments of error raising other questions that those present- ed'here, and Hawkins, J. fkled a lengthy dls8enti~'bpinlOn, t;;i.;,v.Faust,, (Sup. Ct. 1919) 212 S.V. 608, in whl.chhe . : I'+* + but in my opinion, neither that principle nor those authorities are applicable 'in this state to auoh a contract for the sale of a building owned by an independent school Mr. B.W. Rasterllng, April 25, 1939, Page 7 O-415 district (whose poweri of disposition of school property seem to'be narrowly and quite rigidly re8tFiCted by law), and especially $0 when such Contract 18 not,8hOWn to"have been fully executed. R.S. art. 2873, which ~83 held by the.CCpurt 6f Civil Appeals to be appllcab;e+(tcl perhaps correctly SO), 18 a0 fOllOW8: "Upon these somewhat Complex questions there seems to be no direct previous deCl8lOn of this court or of any of our Courts of Civil Appeals. "The entire power and authority of local school board8 wlthln the optiratlonof Article 2873 (lnclualng pershaps all independent 8ChOOl district boardsj appears co rest on that statute." Until an opinion of tiCourt of Civil Appeals 1s over- ruled or the basis upon which lt rests clearly appear8 to~tiave been changed we feel compelled to follow the holding of such oplnlon without taking into ConSideration the weight which might be given to it should the question again reach our appel- late courts. You are therefore advlaed~that the proper procedure to be followed by the Board of Trustees of the Rosedalh Indep6nddnt School District in Jefferson County in sellin& abandoned adhool buildingi and'grounds 1s that set out in Article 2773, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925. Yours very truly ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS By s/Cei:llC. Cammadk Cecil C:Cammack 'ASSlStant ccc:LM APPROVID: .. s/Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-415
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017