Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •                            1‘HE   ATI-OISNEY GENERAL
    GSRAL.DC.MANR              AUSVIZU   II.TgxAs
    *--mm7     -.a*
    Hon.iwable  Joe J. 'Fisher
    San Augustine,   Texaa
    Dear   Sirr                  Opinion No. 0491
    Rei Ii~the Justiceof.thePeace of
    RswttinCountyentitledtothe stat-
    utcry fee mentionedin Article 1052,
    @de of CriminalProcedure,where the
    oriminalaction is dismissed.onmotion
    of the 6tate'sattorney)
    Your requestfor a8 opinionon the,abovestatedquestionha8
    been reoeived'bythii bfWo$.       .
    Article1052, Code cf CriminalProcedure,reado as follanse
    '"Three'dollars rhallbe paid by the ccunty ta the county judge,or
    judge of the court at law, end two dollarsand fifty cents she31be
    paid bythe oounfq to the justiceof the peace, for each oriminal
    actiontried and finallydispciedof befcre h5xb Presided,however,
    that in all countleahavinga populationof 20,000 or less,,the
    justiceof the peaoe shallreceive a trial fee of three dollars.
    Such judge or jurtioe&all presentte the Coxvairrionsrs'   Court
    of his countyat a regularterm thereof,a writtenlooouatspeoi-
    fylng each criminalaction in which he claims such fee, oertified
    by oertaiajydge or justiceto be acrmot and filed withthe
    countyclerk. The C!cmmOssioners'-Court &all approvesuch ao-
    oount for such amounta8 they find to be correct,and order a
    draft to be issuedupon the countytreasuryin favor of suoh
    judge or justicefor the maount so approved. Providedthe Com-
    missioners’Court shall not pay oqy amount or trial fee in any
    case tried and in which an aoquittalis had unlerrthe State of
    Texas nes representedia the trial of said cause bythe oountJl
    attorneycr his arrlntant,orimiaaldistrictattorneyor his
    assistant,and the oertifioatoof said atterneyir attachedto
    said aooountoertwig to the faot that raid causewanstried,
    md the State of Texas was reprerented,and that In hie judg-
    ment therewas suffiolentevidenoein said cause tc demanda
    trial of the acme."
    In the cadgeof Braokenridge
    v. State, 
    11 S.W. 6SG
    , the
    oourt,   in passingupon a similarquesticm,used the followinglanguages
    "The oaaemust have been tried md finallydispcsedof
    beforehim, he must bth try and finallydisposecf it,
    suoh ia the plain languageof the statute. The trial
    is an examination before a competenttriMcal, aooord-
    ing to the laws ef the land, of the facts put in issue
    Hem. Joe J. Fisher,page 2 (O-391)
    in a case, for tho purpcseof determiningruoh
    *A dilPaisra1
    of the case is to send it out of
    the oourtwithout a trial upon any issue involv-
    od in it. It ir the final dirporitionof that
    particularcase, lut it is not a trial of It."
    In the oaso; Riohardsonv. State,4 8.11.(2) 79, holdn in
    offoctthat when the case was disposedof bgmotien to quash,the County
    Judgo~8 ontitlodto a foo odor Article 1062, Cods of CriminalProooduro,
    payableby the county, m do not think the o a 8olatabliohoda different
    rule as laid down in the ease of Braokonridgev. State, rupra,for there
    is a diatinotionin amotionto quash and a motion tc dismiss.
    The plain and spooifiolanguageof Artiole 1052, SUPZ-II,is
    that the judgo and justiceof the peacemust both try and finallydispom
    of the case before him to be entitledto the ~fooprovidedthorsin.
    This doprbnont has ropoatodlyhold that a justiceof tho
    poaoo is not ontitlodto tho foes providedby Article 1032, supra,when
    tho caoo io dismissedupon motion of the &ate's attorney,
    You are rospoctfullyadvisedand it is the opinionof this
    departmentthat the justiceof tho peaoo is not entitledto 8uch foe as
    prwrdod njrArticle1052, Dpdo of CriminalProooduro,supra,whore thore
    lo 810.'
    trial of the case boforo him but is dismissedupon the motion of
    conntyattcrnoyor his assistant,the criminaldistrictlttornoyor his
    assistant,or any otherlttornoyrepresenting    the otate.
    Trustingthat the foregoingansworaycur inquiru,wo remain
    Yoursvory truly
    By /e/ArdollUllliams

Document Info

Docket Number: O-391

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017