- OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN ITOR.c. 2. ~Iiiykendall, Clmirrnan Earl-dof Examiner8 Stbte ??epartzellt of Sducation Austin, ?exaE "(1) Is it not in order for the Camp- troller*8 ~artment to ooatfnue to iame dafiaiencywarrants in meeting the oblige-~ t&ma or the Soard of Wmu.inemQ fm- salary warrants to be issued for ser- vlces rendered sever&l months prior to the date of the v:arsanta?w lirticle I&vised CivrilStatutes,reads 2J.377, an.follows: Vhe State Superintendentshall be authorized to appoint a State Board ot Tmuuiners, consiotlngof not lese than t.hreaccmpatent teaahera, living in the State,.toserve during his pleasure and he may Inomse or deorease the II -b M varybag oonditioasmay bake nea4ssary.m ArtlalsZf370, RstfsedCIvfl Statutes,pr#- rides In part a8 follcma ....*s oounty superIntondizlt #Ihall dent, ell papara of qapliaantaapplying for State oer8iSlsate8, them to be 6ub mitted'80 the State Boerd of Rsamlner8, togetimywith the report80r the county boerd of exemlnere,on a pmsor$bed form 'fumlshed by the State Dqmrtment of IMama- tfoa, wlthafee ottwodollara fromthe ioapaldto hlmby wahofth&applIaanta applyI rot Stats 04wtIfiaates.a BenateBIllI?oq158, bdng ChapterSO4, -naral and GpeoIalLawa oi Twaa, RegularSeaaIon,45th bgI@la- fura, Is the generalappropriationMl1 for the support and malntenantwof the exeoutlvsand a4minIa8mtivsd* pertmentaand agmmlss of the stats governam& iOr the two year period beginningSopWmber 1, 19S7. At 141s we fIn&the tollowingpr6vIeIonarkinglP P xYx o pLle of tmS.4Boardof EupnIn*irrr for~the r3ttlntenrume t0r Uid bienniuma "Boardof lwminere Mrlef0n "It la hereby provided that amount0 for the salaries ai all pereons engaged In the ezlamimtionand aert~iioat~ono? a;:pliccrntsfr;rteachers’ certfflostes and for ctLer oxpxwws inaidont thereto shall never exceed the amounts 0r the pior y0ar.a balenccs of fees aollected Iron applicants for certlfloatesplus currant fens collect- ed, and thtitnot exaeedingthe following mounts per year tor salaries shall be paid to the followingmembers azd er~loyoesof ouid Rortrd: ~,7,0Ci0.00 to the Chaiman-knber; $2,750.00 to the College Examiner~embar; $laoo.oo to the se0mtary4?emlber:#lmo.Oo to the CertIfIoataClerk: and all other halp at the rate not sxaaading 5ll&60 germomth; also $S,OOO.OO each year ror maIntananob, equtpmOnt, travel and oongent expenses; and Said balan~efi and fees are hereby appro- pdatedfortha purposes&paying said salartes and expenaea for each of the two ilsoal jrearaending suguet Sl, 193f3,and August 91, 19a9." X8 uI,llbe notti that neitherArt10108897 nor my other ststuw rixes ths @ary or the state Board of Sxemtim nor dobe any generalstatutefix the sislaryof auy wploycy3of the board. All of suoh aalarI*e8md all expen8se oi the bawd are left to be prwlded lor S&aeaoh‘ gapproprlatlonbillsas ara exmotod for the pnrposaoi &nab1agthsboardto f'unotlo& The o*appFoprZation mada fi @r the ourrant biennium has been quotedabore. A&$&A&8, Section6 of th? state Ganstitutionm&s as wRouwaep shallbe&awnfmmthe Wsaaury but In pursuanoo of 8 eol~lo appro- prIatIonsmade by law; nor shaP1 any appro- priatlonof money be made for a longertern than two yeare, exaept by the first Le@sla- ture to assemble under this ConstItutIOn,.:, whioh my tie the necessary approprIatIona to carry an the overnaent until the asdam- bl&P of the sIxfeenth Le&slaturerW rr the above aonstl*utlonalprovIsion nesds any lio,l. c. :.. j!uykendall, Way 26, 1939, ?:epe4 foriiticutian it I.?provided in tkz:r? raze of : ickle vs. Finley, 44 f;jl 4E0, by the Suj~rezeCourt, w!lereinit 18 held Cat a warrant cannot irsue fcr a salary prwlded by statute unless there has bre::e:tt:-:;-rqriation there- ior. %e a~praprlationfor the .%ard of l~xtucfnsrs for tf:ecm-runt fiscal year is of whatever SW! that was on hand cn ::epte.zber 1, 1938, plus fees collecteEdurInE ttiio fiscal year. :?oother mm 10 aprroprfatadror suc?ipur::osefind no anoun t in excess therect can bo paid fror;the atate treasury. If the Comptrollershould Iosue werrentta for pmsont eelarlssand expenseaand It should develop that the fees rtliohare oolleoted far this auuouxt betwean nQw nnd septmber 1, 1959, should not be euftlulent to pay smh outstendIngwar- rents, then It would follow that such unpaidwermnts had been issuedwithoutauthorftl of 3.6~ and in aontru- wntlon of the above eonstltutlanalpmrlslon. There- fore, the Co@zouer Oea i58uS swh werrents qly upon peril oi that dwelopqrsnt. we do n&i beliffe that ua oen take judlOIt&l Knowles ~fwhatwer the gemsral praotioe-be in oonneatlon with the matter lnqulredabout in your waml question. Fkwwer, If -ta aw not Issued at thla timre,ea the eenloes era performad~there would be LU) legal Inhlbftlonagainstthe mabsmqtnmtIsmmnoo of swh warxanw lnthemountofthesrarronheudfromt%.meto t%me drtrjlng'thob&ma? of the fluaal year, forth8 pap meat of muh 8drvluea. Yours very truly
Document Info
Docket Number: O-785
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017