Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN Honorable W. fns O*Danlel cbvemor or Texar hatla, Texa8 Dear Sir: oa808./ /,/y \ letter oi X8y 5, 8 t0 the OCll8titUp n 1 Of thi8 bill dlotion heretotoro ty 00~ or ylri0n Oountg Jubge oi Marion 6 aounty Oourt 8hsu hare on aounty of ml1 orlIalnal rdeme8nor Over rhloh the On ~Oullty TeXa8, now ha8 9 jLWi8diotfOn Ot 8aid OOUTt8 all be oonourrent, prodded n of the Di8trlot Court of 8hd.l be and rmain a8 1101 ande~in no riles affected by th18 t ths jurirdiotlon ty Judge of J&Ion U&b Odly t0 tbO8S are enter8d by the detendant in any Oa8ta9 of ml868meanor riled in 8aib OOUrt. The quoatlon rhloh you 8ubmit in your latter 18 *whether or not thi8 sot YlOlate8 the oon8titutional pro- ri81on8 in T8felmOO to th6 jtUi8dlotion Of OOuntJr OOUFtIlr* Honotable W. Lee O'Danlel, &y 6, 1939, Page II htiC.10 v, 80OtiOU &?i, Of the COII8t~tUtiOliOf ?0Xa8 &trwldes a8 fO11OW8: -ha b&$8hturo 8hl.l hato power,by looal or general law, to inoNa8e, didni8h or oh8ugo the OiYll ad Or~nd jnri8diotion Of COUnty cO~t8; ind In oa8e8 of any 8uoh oh-0 of juri8diotlon, the bgi8latUre 8h811 8180 OOIifoW the jUri8diOtiOR Of the Othar OOUI’t8 t0 8uOh 0han@.' 1s YJ k pointsa oat that uudor 350080 Bill MO. 872, tad ~uri8dlotlon or the oouuty wntrt la 4opon4oat upon the plo8 whloh ruy bo ontoredby the dofondait. It tho the oi dotaratUOdOnly when the dsfenduat 18 oadod upon to titer hi8 plOa. fs tho defMdAUt ont0r8 a plOa Of not mty, and 8ll prior the ooart rlll bo wlthoutJPri8dlotlon prooedding8 ~- io the 08urt dll b0 r8naoroa row. *o do not tina any 8tatute oontain~ proti8iOIW rimtl8r to &use Biu Ho. 872 nor any deoirions roforrLPlg to. W 8lmllar statutoryprOr18lOlA8. Uu4ar Art1010 5, 88otlonat, of th8 cou8titution ~quotoa *bore, the b@818ttAH 18 girem very broad pOwor8.with mforenoe~ to the regulation of the $xrl8&lotfon or 0ounty 0OUl-t8 Md ~0 .do aOt find 0Ily ~Y181Oll Of th0 aO~t.itUtiOn prohlbklw the &&SlAtttro from lieiting tho OOUUty OOUrt’8 jUFi8diOtiOlt in the War PrOYidsd in mU80 Bm 190. 878. Yo u a rl eooordl*~ add804 that It 1s 6mr .o@inlon that EOu80 Bill PO. 878 doe8 ndt riolate 0ny ooMtitutioM1 proYi81On8 ln mierenoe tq the jtmi8dfotioa of the ooanty OOort8.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-771

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017