Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Non. Robert ?. Cherr]r County Attborney Boaque county Nerldlan, Texar mar sir: Touryqu-tyrorbyo~n on the rollanlng questions: ne w ’ 0urt or rap0 allow to the OQR- moner to reimburse raveling and other or wlthout the ooun- O or the preolnotrrwhloh b c&i88iOner8w cOUti Of BU8qUe a8O autcaobilO8 or truck8 fOr foner to 1186and operatO, per- n travellug wlthln and/or without n’OOUIIty bU8inO88; 8uoh aUtOQO- ok8 to be purohaeed rfth OoUQty e eapenae or upke8p and operation or 8UO?.ehiol. to be paid out 0r county fPnd8?g ha8 been reoeired by thie orrioe. We hare carefully read Arti 23% t0 e350tE) Hon. Robert P. Cherry, Kay 16, 1959, Page e O? Vernon*8 Clvll Statute8 Of the state of Texfi8, per- tatnlng 0 salaries and compensation generally, allcnr- ed to COUnty CO8UUi88iOller8 Or the state Of Texas. From the Information which He have, the population of Basque County, qOOOrdin& t0 the la8t available United State8 oen8u8, I6 rfrte0n thou8and seven hundred and arty (15,750); Eany oountlea operate under speolal road law8 wblch provide (generallyfor a more etiioient road sys- tem In ewh oountles, and e8peoIally provide ror the payment of aOCount8 or expenses Incurred by the Oounty oocnnIseIonere In the operation of their own private auto- mobiles while supervising the maintenanoe of road8 In their counties. They rurther provide ror the purohase and payment of Yarlous kin48 of equipment lncludlnq pick- up, etc. EIowever,artiera oarerul searoh of the statutes, we are unable to find any 8peOIal etatute, or road law, under which Basque County operates, therefore, the general -4 law Is appliccibble to bisque County. The general law makes no provision ror the payment of ao- Ocunts or expenses Incui-md by oonnnlssloners wblle using their own private automobIle in conneotion with their business a8 county oommIssIanere,'nor Is there any pro-. vision made for the.purchaae of automobile8 or piok-ups, eto. ror the ocunty, to be used by the county oammission- ers ln the conduot of their offioe. You are reepeotfully advised that it la the opinion of this department that the oommlssioners' court In oountlee operating under the general road law cU this 8tate are not empowered or authorized to buy auto- mobilee, piektups or truoks ror the county to be used by the commIssIonera In the performanoe of their duties as county commissionera, nor Is the county authorized to pay the ecenses of such oQnmIsnioner8, incurred by them In the.oFeratIon of their own private automobiles In the conduot of their OPfIoe. Eon. Robsrt y. Chew, KAY 16, 1939, Fag'3 3 Trusting that this answer8 your inquiry, we are Very truly your8 Al”W?NEY OENXRAL OF TEXAS Red C. Chandler As8Istqnt FCC:AW AFFROVED:

Document Info

Docket Number: O-752

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017