- OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 0nu.o 0. UA)IU lgoJh-@ r.- ..I- i&n. 0.8. 8toroq rro8laat sueou Rtver uoneon8tia L Reolautlar Dlotrlot ,/c uorpu ahrmi, Tau I ! Doer SW .. Op1e:csrw* 0-m Ro: The htroe8 Rlror rlamtlao Dlstrlo I tofbm18hto ~oQUI+~1ao1te4lllub l8th e4 lo tr lo t, 4 08lr la tkgola a o , l8r ml.a 6a 1 tit8la lo a no o tl~ uitkth eo o a a uv6tlm o r tlio8o ll8, a 81r a rth odetemla a tlfm u to r h e th - o r o r no ta 8y o&h o o untluo h o ul4bo 4oolQutea 68a a la dlvmlaa l tlb o r 4 l- rut0 Uotrlot.* YmA ~qtlO#tan oplalyioi t:io tlaprt- rert 60 to ukotheror net the suaoeo amr u&k- lemtlai & lteokrtlak Dlotrlot may furaloh ~84 tho Caamlrrolaioro &art ex;~ezd oouaty funds la p6JIcaf tor ouch lbgbrrrlag data, l8tirste8 an4 .atkmr lcfonatloae The suooe8 Bite caAoerv6tlao an6 Ro- olaAloa Dirwlot lo a mtato gw*maatmI amnor with delegated authority. It bar 80 lutt;oc%tr other than is granted by tho Coaotltutlo ax& 0t6tti080r TW* Nmilarly, tho Caadoolcaoro Court ho no l bority other than lo @entad by tb 00mitwa -4 8t6tut08 0r ``88. x0 qtlOt0 8O&h0 Or tm l~80i6 Ut d of tho Abta ai 1955, tort 0th 4 27 l r e6tf8g -Saurthbglolatwo r5rotOdlodSmolou,`` Lo the SWo R uive? Oo a eUV6 tlc 8’& ReOhaiti~ Dir trf0t 80 r0im0: SeOtiQ 4(O) pVi6081 . 0.m. 6trton8, my l6, lhs, Pago 8 7 o rUN lto r la8o g nr mllla a nd g l060a r T1o r a to m,h o o da n4 p a t04 r%u uators o r th emmo““p u p fz a$&8tl&bUtlviO8, and tho gr8Vuttlon 0r ~ty 0-h wet8 ah- out tho da E am of publlo lsnloo for tho premntlcm of Omstatloa o? La4 i re6Urront OVcPfbO8, aB6 tho m t630tim 0r ut0 ad pmparty~i.0 =oh vaterohedortmftua rrwaatrollodflood . u8tEro.. Vho Boar4of Dlrootoro 8hUl.o dwit0a and direotad to cake mu- Toy8 aad oo&ioU~ iOVOOti&OthL8 r0r tho losorrrtlon of tho aiotrlot and detorsinotho plans neooooaryto - tho mmcmpllahmeatoi the purposoa r0r r.-.loh the dlotriotlo oreato&, a0 Upr68Sed lo tho p0*101ale or tti8AOti 8lId````U&.IMW8, lttoruy8, one all otbr aobnloal aadacm-toehaloel~wlst8nk oruplqew anI fir and prowl& tbo uumt and ma- n0c 0fth0ir00onpe000ti~ r0r th0 =ldag o f owh lMOy8. the RrqWatiUt of @.OO8oadtho .oUo&ioai ot tho bt8 looentlalto t&lodotamdaatlac oftha ohamotor, atat and oost or 011 por- 8ibtb00t irprombmto 0O0enthl ior the 00md 0slt0o n.d ii004 nt0n 0r tho Utrlot an4 thoSr di8trfbutiai tsbanotlolalwo lamy end all praotloalmeaco throughout the area or the cUotrletu heroirr bolard, 8d fa0 apdit~ur0~ad 00O0dlrl ia the nnlntaanoo an& l&clnlotratlai of th e diotrlot~l , I l Toild11 note that tho above quoted lootkmo aster broad &merd 2owcro a the 1DU00O8 rim. Oaf.st0Ton8.4 l8, lo*, two 4 Utmr co8-tias L l1dlamtla Dlstrlotr%ow- eves, thoro 18 so up r ~o l outhOdty ior tha uk 0.f *0r~log bata, 00tivt00 ~6 hr~wi0a, and us do not bolhro that than lo my aeoeoaa- ry irpil04tla 0r lu0t1 ht!:otltf oontem& them- by, The rutriot iurniWla( luo ha 6la c lo la 6 lotlmatu 4 a ta , and lnforuath oannot sbu8* u6 raaelro pamant tharotar. muBtia( thlo a¶tlofuotorf~ a?Jmmn pAr inwry, wo uo YopPe?Ory truly
Document Info
Docket Number: O-715
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017