OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xay 8, 1939 gonorabldT. ld.Trimble first Assistant State Superintendent Austin, Texas Dear 8lr: opinion x0. o-no eaaent Sob001 Did&t was orsated br authorizedat an eleotion held Deaeaber 51, lQ2l. The 8prlnglake IndspcndentSahool DlaWlot nae~omatea j&l925 by Hotwe Bill'Ho. 234, Chaptar 45, page.153, ThlrtpElghth Zeghlature, Re&er Session, eifeatlve Naroh 24, 1923. ,~,ThlsAat provides In part: Woo. 5.~A part of the territory deaoribed in Se&ion 1 of thle Aot ie takqn iram the Su- dan IndependentSohool Dietriot of Lamb CoFIBtf, T. M. Thimble, May 8, 1939, Page 2 Texas, and said territory so taken away from said Sudan IndependentSohool District ahall remain and be ohargeablewith its prorata part of the indebtednessrepresentedby any bonds heretoforevoted by the Sudan Independ- ent School DIetrIot In proportion as the tax- able values of that part of the territory so taken away from the Sudan IndependentSohool Distriot bears to the total taxable values of the Sudan IndependentSohool District ao- aordlng to the last officiaI approved asseas- ment role; provided,however, that the Board of Trustees ot the Sprlhglake Iadepsndant sahool Dlstrlot, wlthout the qeaeeslty or a petition therefor may cwder an eleotlon in said Uatrlot to detemlno rhether or not the said diatrlat M herein oreated as a ``&sl~tilqm much prorata part of out- Question x0. 1. Doas ths Aot ors8tin6 the 8prln#lake In- Sahool Dlstriot aitsatlvelydataah that portion ot;ita rormsrly oontained in the Sudan Indspendsnt8ohool.D18- triot l’mm the Zatter dlatriat? We amilvmrthis queotlon. in the afflmmtive. we iot onat& the springlakaaidriot, uhioh la later lzitirs or enaot- mnt.and eiieotltedate than either of the A&a atisoting tha Su- aan amriot, ~4rp~f58ly doi8 M. A. iaia by xr. JugtiM critz la Xqfmi'dIndepemhmt suhool Dir&riot ~8. Willmmr Indepm&mt Sohool Diatriot (Terc Corn.. App.) 54S.W. (2d) 854: *It is witlea that a soho amriot ha6 no oantraot or vested right in laws fixing the botmdarlea,and oaruwt assert that a.atatuta re- au0ing its arsa riolate any ooatraot right. El Dorado Independent8ohool Dietx$ot vs. Tlsdsle (Tex. COIL App.) 5 S.W. (2d) 420." Quoetion Wo. 2. What obligation,if any, relating to the (40.000.00bond Issue or the Sudan dlstriot atkaohes to,the Sprlnglakedlstviot, or that part thereof aetaohed fmm the Sudan distrlot and made a part of the Springlakadietriot? Seation S of the Aot &eating the Springlake dl8triot, Quoted above, provides that: "Said territwyawtsken awayrmm said Su- dan IndependentSohool Distrlot shall remain and be ohargsablewith Umprorata part of any bonds Honorable'f.M. Trimble, May 8, 1939, Page 3 heretofore voted by the Sudan Independent School lxstrict . . ." Mr. Boles states in his letter: Vhere was no agreement a8 to assumption0r bonded indebtedness so far as the written reoords show and this copy of the County Board minutes coatsins the only County reoord of'the transac- tion. No assumption eleotion was over ordered or held. The involved territory has been oonsidered a part of the Springlake territory einae that date and the matter has not been bmught to the atten- tion oi the County Board again-Untilthle year.* . It appears, therefore,that no action -hasbosn’3aken rOr $ha la sump tlo ofnany part of the #40,0CCAC 1nUebtedneas bytha gprlnm diatriot in oonromity with the above quoted awtloa of the Aot oroating the Sprlngl#&o diatriot. Nor has the Co?mty~ ?oard of Truatoea of Lamb Couutytakan auy aotlon In thla oonneo- on as authorizeaby Aota 1987, Fortloth Legirlature, ?irat Called : ~aaloa,pow 228, Chapter84, whi.ohAot Walso aeslgnatea w Art- .P,942b,Revised Civil 8tatutee of Texas. We quote from seotlon &.that lii$ Aott "When the boundaries of may aohool dietriot having on outstandingbolded inaabtsunoss ha+s ~ ,~' beeu ohanged or its territory divi&ed, or. two or more of suoh diatriota oonaolidatod,It shalt. ``,e bethe dutyof tha County Boardof Truateea to make auoh m adjustment oi ouoh ind~btedneaa and ' dietriot pr0portloa betraw the distrlets of- tooted and betwepn the territory divided, dstaohed or added, aa may be Just end equitable,taking in- to oonolderatlonthe value of aohool bmperti6s and the taxable wealth ot the diatriots effeoted and the territory so divided, detaohod or added as the oaae maybe. And when 8da.mard has ar- rived at a aatlafaotory baals ot +oh im adjust- ment, it shall have the power to make euch-orders in relationthe-to as shell be oauolualvoand binding upon the distrioti and the territory there- by offeotod.R We also oell yoti &tontion to that portion of Seation t' of the above quoted Aot which oreated the Bpringlake distriot 8&l& P~ldos that the Sprfngleko diatriot ee a whole may assume this ~Xmita share of the debt aeolared to be -ains t that portion 0r P@ alatriot which wa8 rormerly a part 0r the Sudan aiatrlotupon m elOQtion 80 deciuing hold in'the f&pr&n@ake dlatriot~ This eleo- %OO la expresslyauthorizsd ta be oalled by the ,Truateoaof the gosornble T. K. Trircblo,hay 8, 1959, Page 4 Springlake district without the necessity of a petition. Almost the identical situation as here presented arose in the ease or Lyford Independent Sohool District vs. Wlllamar Indo- pendent School Distriat (Comm. App. of Tel.1 34 S.?:. (26) 854. In th& ease the Lyrord Independent Sohool Dlstriot was first created by apeoial act ot the Legislature. Thereafter the Willamar Indo- pendont Sahool Dlstriot was creeted by speoial aat, end the newly arested Willamar district was given a part of the territory roimer- ly belonging to the Lyford district. Section 4 of the Act creating the Willsmar district provided: Vhat the Willamar Independent Sohool Dla- trlot as created by this Aot ahall pay Its share or any indebtednessnow duo to the Lytord lude- psadaat Sohool Dlstrlot to be pIw8ted aooordIllg to the aaaeased value or that part or thIa dIetrIot whioh Ia a part or said Lyford dIatrIot.* The COmmIaeIon Of Appeola ex#reSaadmom doubt as to tha oOnafItutIonalItyof the Aot OreatIagthe Willamar dirtriot,but sala that all auob doubt had boon reamed by b aubaequentvalidat- ing aat of tha~&gIalature, being Senate Bill Eo. SS4, Chapter S98, pw 666, General Lswa, Re&.ar Sosalon, Rmty-Flrat Legislature. Said validating aot being inoorporatea in Vernon’s hotatea Stat- utes *a hrtlole 2SC28. ThIa ralIdatIa.8 aat rotildapply with aqual foroe to the 8atsareatIngthe Sudaa a&t&s SprInglakedIat``.aa~a. The COmmIasion Of Appeoli raa~lved all question8 ralat- ine tathe adJuataantof bondad indebte6ueaa between the tno aohool diatrIat8 by reterring to Art1010 2942b,~Ravl88dClril Statutas, fgz 0r whi.ahwo quoted abare.- The 00urt u8ea the rsll~ Wnder Seotion 9 It is provided that whore the bmndarlea of say aohooldiatriot~ hsving au outstandIngband~d~lndebtoaneasha6 been ohangedl or Its territorydividea, oto., It la the duty 0r~ the County Board 0r mmteiis to asks a Just and equitable addjuatment of the propertlee and inaebtodnosses lnvol~e&. Seotion 10 of the Aot provides maus and methods ot oer- rying into effect the orders of the County sohool Board made under Sootion 9. Seation 11 provides ror taking aare of IadebtedneasaaIH oases where necessary refunding bonds ars voted down, or the County Board,is Othemlso unable tm arrange sn ~adJaalaaent 0r suah aattors. Seoti.on12 Ia gener- al in its provlnlons and gives the Board parer to arrange such mattero in any lega and equit- Bonorsble T. M. Trimble, May 8, 1939, Page 5 able manner." Ke therefore rerer you to Sections 10, 11 and 12 of Ar- tiole 2742b, Revised Civil Statutes, wblch we quote as follows: Wee. 10. To carry into erreot orders ad- justlag bonded Indebtedness when changes are made in 6ohool di6triot.6,the County Board Of Trust&es shall hp.vethe power to order the Trustees or the districts effected, to order 6Il elsotion ror the 166Uitlgor suoh refUnd5ng bonds as may be neOe666ry to carry out the pur- peso of suoh order; and, In su0h oaso, it shall be the duty of the dletrlot trustee to order such slaotion, oauso th4 s654 to bs hold, ana, ii the proposition i6 earrlsd; to iSSU4 the bOnda vetod. Sueh bonds shall be or the ssae denominationand oerry the s4m4 interest rete ana mature at the 6ams tlmo as the'outstnnd~ bonds orpIngby ths distriot issuing them; and wh4B 80 iSSUea, shdli if p0Stibh b4 OXOhfi@g4d for ths outstandingbonds for whioh thk dls- triet issuing thsa-shall still be liable, ao- ooralng to ths order adjusting suoh inaebtsd- MM;. en& in 01848 tier4 suoh an -esohangooan- not be made~-th4~newbonds Of the dlatriot, to the munt Oftho 016 bonds fOE whloh It is still liable and to whioh no oxOhsng4 oan be made, shall be deposited in ths County Treasury to the aoeount of suoh di8trfot. l’herotaftertar~s shall belrrl4d' and earneased 0tilyforth4 paymat Or lnt47?48t, sinking i’bndand prinolpal of the now bonds se lo- 8uad; and the'iMds arlslng from suoh taxatlori shall be used to alsohergsthe prinolpel ona intoc- eat of suoh now bonds an ham been lssuod ana OX- oheugad and suoh old bonds as have aot beon ox- ohangodi ?shsntaxes qre 00114Ofed applloeblato. n4~ bonds not sxohangea aa the pro044as applied to payment on old bonds not exohangod,the oorrm- ponding now bonds in the County Troasurf shsll b4 oredlted with ouoh payment nnd retired wasthe old unoxohangod bonds 4r4 retired. "'940.11. In oe646 wbero ohaog46 ar4 maa4 and distriots having outstandingbonded lndobtad- nose and wber4 the neoesaary refunding bonds are ' voted down or where ths County B~ardlgt~Trustess ark ~therwlss un&bls to arrange an tidjUstI64nt Or Honorable T. M. Thimble, Hay 8, 19?+, Page 6 settlement of 6uoh bonded indebtedness, it shall ba the duty Of.the tXXl6t446t0 OOrtify the r4Ot and the territories alrooted by suoh ohanges, to the Commissioners* Court and thereupon it shall beoomo the ctutyof the CO~iSSiOnOrS' Court to thereaftsr annually levy and c6u64 to bs a66o68- ed and oolleotsd from the taxpayer6 or euoh dis- triota es they existed before the ohanges were made, the tax neosasery to pay the interest, the sinking fund and discharge the pripoipal of suoh indsbtedness aa it mat&roe. And it shallbs the duty of eeoh IndependentSohool Distriot so of- feotoa, to oeuso all fund8 ln fts hands, whether sinks ftmde or otherwise, tiloh have beon ool- 140t8a on eooount of euoh bonded lndebtedneee,~ t0 b4 tmhti8r8ma t0 the county Treaeuror 0r the ootzatyin whioh 8uoh aistriot is situated aa euoh dietriot ehall thereafter oean to levy arrdool- loot en$ tar on aooamt of eu0h bondei ena it ehellbe the duty of th4 county Treesurer fo k44p the funas se treneforroa sndfhose arising trar taxation, la 8eparete *000unte eed applrthe eeme only to the dleaharge of e?mh bonded inaebteane88 sad the inte~et thsmm, 88 th4 leme eieturee. %40. le. Rothins la the pmvis~on oi this lloteh :$u?event the County Board oS~Truet488 . rr06iarr % ag any other method for the edJust- msnt end'bettlomentof outstanding bonded ipdebt- 4aa488 or soho ai8tri0t8 in whfoh ohangee er8 mea8 abut ther shell hey4 full power ena euthority ta meke any legsl and equlteble adjustment,+6 set+ tlenent In suoh 0~48 that oen bs erfoogd.* 'Applyingthe above quoted 8eotlons'~iArtlol8~874Sb,R.C. 8. t0 the ~qu4stloneasksa by Mr. Boise, ,m r48peotfUly eavlee that the County Board or Sohool Truet.448shell meke en #djustment,otthe indebtodxwiebetween the Sudan and’thq Sprin@ske dietriots,aad itj may Uirsot ths trustess of the Sprlnglako dletrlot @ oell sn.eleo- tioa within the said dietriot ror the assumption or its prorate 8har4-of,ths$4O,OOO.OO.,bondea lndobtodnessof the Sudan dlstriot. Should suoh an aseumptian of Indebtednosebe voted down by the Springlakodietriot, the County Board of Sohool Trusteoe shell Obr- ti?y the fact to the Ocmmiseioaera* court or Lamb county 88 airoot- 4a by Seotlon 11, above quotsd. The Commlssionsra~Oourt of Lamb County shall tharsupon *oauso fo be 8864684a and oolleoted frw the tarpdyersof euoh dietriots as they exieted bofors th4 ahengos war4 .thotar nooeeeary to pay the tnteMst, the 8-a 111164, fund and disoharg4 the principal.or BUOh lndobtodnsss as it matures.: Sootion
11, supra. @norable T. X. Thimble, Liay 0, 1939, Fag4 7 ;uostlon Eo.Zi. If territory is detached from one school district and edded to another, does tht territory hkvo an interest In the school properties ol the first district (which have been phfd, for by taxes or bond issues) end is the llrst district obll@ted to reimburse the district to vblch the territory is attached ror the prorata Interest ol'the detached territory in the properties of the first school district? This question is one which the County Board of School Trustees, or the County Commlsaioners ' tiourt rzy take Into consid- eration in aajustlng the indebtedness between the two dlstriots. Brmmer, "there le 00 euthorltyeStabliShed by law for deter&&q the VaLoe or the coa8lder8tloa to be recelred by an ext4nA4d die- trlot for as 8uOh iIid~bt&llaSS"- - M. -O&t 3ldSpOll- &at Sohool R. (Ed) Sl4, efflr&wd by ColoDissionof AppBb, s4 &lStiOS CX'itzin &,#CU'd 33Ld8~4!ll&Wlt sOhOC& DJstr%st 78. wlllale8r In aepeaamt School Distriot, 34.s. vi. (2a) Em, ssidr "U``frorthe~fhat``op- .. ertieesoriginal4 oumd by the Lyfoml distrlat rrcntlett SitUaw in suoh diSt.dCt a8 Ohan@ by the Aet ereatlng the ~lllamar afetrlat end thSl-8 $8 M dhpUt8 bStWSW2 the twa al@&t* as to the owmxwhlp OS the88 ~rqert28s.~ S&Y&U yw thet the SprX8gl8ka aetrl.et bee e~btarast~anyof~t?i8ihfpl~ ~188 of the Sudan Ub5triat. BY m Q9& Belt4r8. f BKK:YC A48l8t8nt
Document Info
Docket Number: O-710
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017