Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    May 5, 1989
    Honorable Lee Freenell
    Oouuty Attorney
    3Ypahur County
    Dear Slrr
    f your letter or April
    of this Department
    the authority,
    e boundaries of
    the Texas Coastltutlon pro-
    qegulatlng the ma~gement of publio
    aohools, the building & repding or
    sohool houses, and the raising of money for
    such purposes;
    *And in all other oases where a general
    law can be made applloablo,~no+l~o,``or
    speoial law shall be enaotedl
    Honorable Lee Presnell, Kay 5, 1939, Page 2
    Prior to 1927, Section 3, Article 7    of   the State
    Constitution contained the following language:
    "And the legislature may also provide
    for the formation of school districts by
    general or special law without the local  -
    notice required In other cases of speolal
    This seotion of the Constitution was re-adopted
    e$Zeotive January 20, 1927, and the above provlslong was
    ohanged to read as follows:
    "And the legislature may also provide
    for the funmatfon of eohool districts by
    general laws.*
    After this ~onstltutloual provisions was changed the   -
    14% Legislature in 1933 passed a speoial aot, provl~dingfor
    $he fOrmat&ionof a oouuty-wide oozmon sohool dlstrlot in Kln-
    .ney County on a majority vote of the qualified voters of said
    oouuty, abolishing existing sohool distriots and providing
    ior the op.erationof said dlstriot. In Fritter v. West (T.C.A.
    1933) 65 S.W. (2) 414, this speolal sot was held 'unoonstltu-
    .$:oual, the Court stating:
    *It is clear that, by eliminating from
    the Constitution the provision that school
    districts oould be formed by speoial law, It
    was Intended that such distrlot be oreated
    by general laws.
    the oonstitution now pro-
    vides a speoirio manuer in which sohool dla-
    trlcts may be formed, that ls,.by general
    law. This would exclude the formation of
    school districts in any other ~aaMer than
    that expressly provided -ior in the oonatitu-
    tion.T* * *v
    '5. B. Ho. 542, being a speoial law
    and repugnantto seotion.~.Artiale 7 and
    geotion 56 of Article 3,&f our State
    Const$tutlon, i'unoonstituional and
    In Brownfield v. Tongate, ( :?C.A. 1937) 109 S.W. (2)
    352, the 44th Legislature bad passed T%lll
    a      validating the
    action of the Connty Board of Sohool Trustees in Terry County
    Honorable Lee Presnell, I&y 5, 1939, Page 3
    In detachinr:thirteen sections fro= theRed Onion Common
    Sahool District and atteching it to the Union Independent
    School District in Terry County under and by virtue of
    Mticle 27421 or Article 2742m. In holding such act to
    be unconstitutional the court stated:
    "Since under its provision this act ap-
    plies to Dimmitt and Terry Counties only and
    oould never have atfeoted any othera, we oon-
    elude Senate Bill No. 19 was a looal law. The
    Legislature$8 peraltted to provide for the
    formation of sohool dlstrlote by general laws
    only, aonstltotionArtiole 7 Seation 9, and
    not by epeoial laws, henod we are of the opin-
    inn that the 'legislaturewas without authority
    to validate the order of the Sohool Board of
    We are of the opinion that when Article 5 Seation
    56, and Artlole 7 Seation Sof the Texas Constitutionare
    oo~strukd together, the Legislature ia without authority to
    ohsnge the boundariesof a common aohool disttiiotby epeoial
    or looal law.
    Very truly your8
    By    (signed) %eoll C. C&u&k
    Ceoil C. Gammaok

Document Info

Docket Number: O-675

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017