OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS . 3onoraLle ,;.;. iiiirron 2ouIltpAttorney a-ines county Antiixson,';cxas / This will ao or Apprlle3, 1939, in of thle Deprtsent the to 4h to your lnqutry, a aapy of a coming 6rdinen4e passed by the gmerninF: b4odyof the oity of Ravasota, Texas; dated IiscmmberlS, 1938, the purpose of : .:' Zen. 5. KY.Barron, Kay 6, 1939, Page 2 w. whloh was to prevent the erection of tilling stations within the city of lievasotaexcept within certain desfg- nated areas. Attaohed to your letter of Kay 5, 1939, IS a supplemental statement or faots reading as rollows: "'Theoity of N``t%sota,during the nonth of Deoember,1938, pass6da8onlng ordlxmnae, 8 oopyofrhloh isattaahedtotheorl&nal brlaf furnlahad you. The aity amnaIl of the olty of Ravasota aoting on a patltlon 01 8oma fVty oltlrena oalled a wetlag for the pur- r&Qa$nththe aoningordinanao and pau- w$ out -648 notloo,or without notlooof any length to cay- 0s -puUla hear~wnotha4 ltthomctt- lng'aiAuEioh the ordlnanoa was pa8seL *The olty or lfavaaotaha4 not pr@r t0 raquirod by 8tatuto." You oonaludoprrs?lppl-tal &amtor Saota by askin& the tollowIag qu.88tlonr lx8 the ordiz~a``o~ a8 &1888d by the 6itr or Havaaota a valla ordInuw8 an6 d008 it rat t&e 8tatUtO~ aCrd OOII8titUtiOSlal l=O@Ub.- Wt8?" Artloles 1Olla to loll& .both Imolumlvo, tlltoa 02w'8 pawar to adopt a a and pra~IU0 themtuner ofltsa nsoeesary prerrequlsltssto its adoption. Art101e lOll6, Revis&-'ClTll Satuteee of mm8 lOi%, reads: Hon. Vi.L 3rron, Xay 8, 1939, Page 3 suoh regulatlana and restrictions snd the boundaries of such dlstrlots shall be deter- mined, established, and enroroed, and from time to time amended, sup$lemented, or chsnged. However, no such regulation, re- strlotion, or boundary shall beoome eifea- tlrb until after a public hearing in rela- tion thereto, et whloh parties in interest 8nd oltizeas Shall hare an OppOrtUdty to be heard. At loafa 15 aap* natloa af the time and plaoa of 8uah haarlng shall begpabllehad in an O?tlolal papar, or a papar of gozmral olraulatlon, ia 8uah mm&elpallty.~ htiah lOll.f,Ravl8ad Clril Statute8 O? Teloa8 I@=, r88d8r ,, *'fnorda to 8vail it8eU of the paWar aonfarredbj this Aot (&t8.~10~8-lOllj.‘j), suah leglslatlre bady shall appoint a aaa- mlaedon, to be known a8 tha zaulng aamalssl~n, to reaawnd the baundal'ia8Oi the tarhuE orlglnal dlatrld'ksand approprlata regala- tlons to be anforaed tharoirr, .Suoh aom-‘ Bi88iOIlShall.Wl3kO~8 ~SliStit~ rOmt Md bald pub116 ha8rlng8 tharaan bsforo 8ub- mlttlng lte tinal report, and 8uah xagl83+ .~ tlra bady shall not hold its pub116 hearlug 'br t8ko aotion until it ha8 raooired tho final report of rmoh oamal8slon. Whare a olty plan oammlsslon alrasdy axlsts, it may ba ap~lntad (~11 the ronlng aamml8alon.* It 1s alaar that the abova aantlonad raqulra- mants as to natlae, length of tima raqulred far suah notlao and haarlng tharaon are mandatory apaa the govaru- lng body of a munlalpall~. The court, in the oase a.1potera, Mayor at al vs. aou@ et al, 0
5 S.W. 2nd515, ,$ndlsansslng the regnire- manta of ths above mentioned statute8 said: Thase statutory requlramants are ~lntend- ed for the proteotlon of tha property ownor : - Hon. yi.2. Barron, &ay 8, 1939, Page 4 and are his safeguards against bn arbltmxy exerciee of the poiwr granted by the statute. Hence it would appear that suah preliminary steps required by the statute are essential to the exerolse of such jurlsdiotion. The railure of the council to give the statutory notice of the public hearing prior to the adoption of the ordlnanao Tender8 tha ordln- 8noe lnwlld.w Aaoaptlng a8 true, the.faots aontalnad in raur 8tatamaatol faat8 horalnaboro quoted, it Us tha oplulan of this DeparWent and yau axa (10advisa& that the or- dlnnnoa in quostlan 18 lnvalit¶for want OS proper not~aa ud oppartunlty for hearing th8raan. Having 80 anm8r8d your third qua8tlon,it beaorn ummwaary for U8 to furtbm bi8auw your qUa8tiOM ]ro8. 1 and a. Trusting that this 8atl8raotarlly answer8 four lnquiry.waare fqtlFUlyyOttr8
Document Info
Docket Number: O-674
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017