- C G ‘i Y OFFICR OF TRZ ATl'ORhXYGDlX~L OF TZXAS AULTIN raid c. Mann torney General April 22.1939 !I Ir’ Honorable Truett Bubb~d) County Attorney Canton, Texas -,,/iv 9' ) '\? I Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-667 Re: Whether nepotism statute ap- pllee and renders invalid a teaoher'a oontraot where dur- ing the term thereof a rela- tive of the teaoher is eleot- ed to the board of trustees We are in reoelpt of your letter of April 19, 1939, wherein you request our opinion as to whether a school teaoher's oontraot 1s rendered invalid Where during the term thereof a relative of the teaoher is eleoted to the Board of Trustees of the sohool dlstrlot employing suoh teaoher. Artiole 432 Penal Code provides in part as follows.: "No ofrioer of this State or any offl- oer of any * * * school distrlot + + * shall appoint, or vote for, or oonfirm the appointment to any offioe, position, olerk- ship, employment or duty, of any person re- lated within the second degree by affinity or within the third degree by oonsenguinity to the person so appointing or so voting, or to any other member of any suoh board, the I.e&slature. or oont of %Moh suoh person-so qpointlng or voting may be a member * * .TT A careful reading of said krtiole 432 shows that same related only to the situation existing at the time of the appointment or employrlent. Vithout this law there would be a tendency in some lnstanoec for board members to bring about the employment of close relations to the exolu- Honorable Truett Hubbard, April 22, 1939, Page 2 slon of persons better quallrled, and who could render better servios. Manifestly, the purpose of this statute wns to eliminate aa nearly as possible kinship within oertaln degrees as an ++lementor oanpetltlon. The stat- ute 1s satisfied when no suoh relationship exists at the time the oontraot is rmde. The purpose of the statute would not be added to by a voiding of a oontraot under the conditions existing in thle oase. If the oontraot wae valid when made, and the teaoher ie oomplylng with hle obligation thereunder, the sohool dietrlat oould not invalidate the oontraot by wlthdrawlng therefrom without the ooneent of the teaoher. Neither oan it do 80 by eleotlng a relative or the teaoher upon the Board of Trusteea. Our answer to your question 18 that the oontraot 1s not rendered invalid by the olroumstanoee whioh you mention. Your8 very truly ATTORNZY Gl?iNERAL OF TEXAS ikn R . Lewis GRL-UR Aeelstant APPROVED: ATTORNEY GENZRAL Ol?TEXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-667
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017