Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •             TIEXEATTORNEY           GENERAL
    April 28, 1939
    Honorable Geo. R. Sheppard
    Comptroller-of Public Accounts
    Austin, Texas
    Dear Sir:                OplnlotiI?o. O-651
    Re: Wh6theYtti6 Ci-Unlnal~Dl~trict
    __.-. ~__.
    ~receipt of 'gotir‘.letteti
    our oIjixil6n&s``to~j~hi%hM~,tii?``hti~m'iiiaI``&ls
    -. .,_
    ls~entltl6& to--receivean iiriz-'
    fPotithe,Sttite6f T%%as,
    aaaltiohiil-to'thesalary provided iv Article 3912e, Revised
    Civil Statutes.
    The-Leglslattie of T&as';'~in.1931,by Hou~6~'B'lT1'49~,
    Ch&pt&r~23,~Acts``Flrst~Calle&Ses$Zon,42nd ~LeZjii%l&tur6,-created
    DIktrFct-fbP Gregg CNnty; '&a. lfii"BEe--
    scriblfig'th6t'organii&tlon        "-tii%atea``th0
    ttietiebf             bfflze Of'CiYm-
    itial~Dlst``~tAttorney. The ktirt 'ka&.cr6&t& fbr ti'pez+lod-
    of-four year$,and iioialahave‘e%plri%IOI--Aiigiist
    ~12, 1933. By
    House Bill 226~,/Chapt-e??
    4; Acts 44tti~L6giBlEku%, 1935;the
    Juaiblal District, and in addltlon~i?tietited~tin
    Dl~t~f&t~YCourtof ~Gregg CMfitg, ~kndwlii@ ,~h``Sp``d~l-Di~-ttriCt
    Cbbrt.for Giiegg'County,.Texas,'toekpire~.f-our y&irs'Vfromth%"-'
    effective date of th@ Act, Janutirg-25;1935: ~The~L&glX&tiire
    bj Hou'se-BilI.82,Chapter 34,``Acts,Fijrty-f;l~th'Leg~:slat~re,--
    2fia‘CglledSession, 1937,'.extendedthKexprr&tSbti date of-t%-
    SpticialCourt to-'January25, 1943:'``Bbthof these Gregg County
    District Courts are in continuous session.
    Section 20, of Chapter 4, Acts 44th LegisL@ure,   pro-
    vided :
    Hon. Geo. H. Sheppard, April 28, 1939, page 2          o-651
    salary of Five Hundred Dollars per annum allowed to
    District Attorneys, to be paid by the State of Texas in
    the manner provided by law for paying the salary of
    District Attorneys, be pald'the same fees which are now
    allowed and paid to County and District Attorneys In
    counties where less than three thousand votes were ca'st
    at the preceding presidential election."
    Section 21 of Article 5 of the Constitution of Texas,
    provides as follows:
    "A county attorney, for counties in which there
    is not a residentcriminal district'attorney shall.be
    Governor,‘and hbl&'hTs~
    offI.ce'~forthe t'erm'oftwo years;. 'In case of-.vacancy
    the co~lssloners'~court~of‘~the'countyshall have the
    potjer~to'appointa county attorriey~unt'il the‘hextgen-
    eral"eIection.. The'county attorney shall represent
    _.       ln~all cases In the District and-inferior
    courts in their respective counties; but If any'-county
    shall be incluaed~ln a-dlstrict~in'which.there‘sh~ll-
    be B-``strlct 'attbmey; the'res'pectliie‘autles ofdis-
    trlct'and county attorneys.shall'
    .,. In such EountieKbs
    The-Legislatur~ may'.
    provlde'for'the election of distriCct-attorneysinsuch
    alstrlcts as may be seemed necessary; ana make RrWi-
    sions for the compensation-of alstrict attorn'eys
    .   and
    countyattorneys; provide&, aistrict~at'torneysshall
    recexve an annual--salaryof five hunarea dollars,-'to
    begpala by the~state, and such fees,-~commisslonsand
    perqulsltles as may be provided by law."
    On August 24, 1935, the people of Texas adopted Sectlon
    61 Article 16 of the Constitution reading
    . as follows:
    "All district officers in the State of Texas
    and all county officers in counties having a pop;nla-
    tlon 'of20,000 or more, according to the then last
    prec~edingFederal‘Census, shall from the first day 0.f
    January and thereafter and subsequentto the first Reg-
    ular or Special'Session of the Legislature afterthe--
    a&option of‘this Resolution, be compensate&on asalary
    basis." In all counties in the State; the Commissioners
    Court shall-Abeauthorii&to   determine whether precTnct
    compensatea ona fee basls``orona
    salary basis;'and-‘in~countleshaving~a populatiotiof
    less than 20,000 accorCTl-ng'to
    ~the then last preceding
    ~,``                   _~,.._
    F-&era1 Census~,the'Cominls~slonersCourt shall~also
    have the authority to determine whether county officers
    .   .
    Hon. Geo. R. Sheppard, April 28, 1939, page 3           o-651
    shall be compensated on a fee basis or on a salary
    basis . . . ."
    Article 3912e. Section 15, reads in part as follows:
    "Sec..15. The Commissioners' Court"Sn counties hav-
    ing-.apopulatxon of less than ttientythousand '(20,COO)
    inhabitants, according to.'thelast preceding Federal.
    Censusat the.first regular meeting in January of -each'~
    calendar-'year,may pass an'order proviaing'forcompensa- ~.
    tlon‘of-all county and precinct officers ona salary basis.
    Th~eComitilssloner~sCourt in-each of such'counties ls~.~
    to fixthe
    salaries of~C~iminal‘DlStribt``A~to~n~ys.~‘~In~the````eiit
    Sibh Coiitit
    @sses such~order they shal'l'pay-.to each of
    LBTa~Disfrict'dnd  County officer‘s'
    siifargmu tw-~lve (12T~.MtiaI.~    insmohejian‘annua.l
    than the~tbtal~s``.ea``~-as~cornpens~t~o~‘ljysna officer
    IglhIssaM ~of?Ycial~caijacity  forttie fisbal-~e``--of'.1935
    such officer under
    laws existing August 24th, 1935, . . . .
    '~ "(a) The compensation of's Crimlnal``'DistrSct~Attor-
    nw,``-or County'Attorney~whd performs thedutIes
    _      of --
    District'~Attoi+neys t~ogeth'er~with
    the~compensation of,
    hTsY$ssistants;~shall be pala-'out-ofttie~Count.y  OffiE?$sV
    SaI&,,ji'En& 'but.t.ieState"$hal-ipgig~.lieita
    -.. --
    g&XF atiamount'ijqualto a‘bum'tihichbears thensame prop-or-
    tfon to the'tdtal salkry~of~suc.hCrlminal'DTs:trictAttor-
    ney;-or County~Attorney performing-the-duties-of a
    District Attorney, together Yith``the‘salarybf‘hls
    hsslstants, as ~a11 felony 'fees-collectedby suchoff~cTa1
    dUr;rrigthenyear of1935 bear to-the total fees collected
    by such official during such year."
    -Article 391263,RevIsedCivil Sta;tutes;alas- enactaiI-for
    thenpurpose of carrying Into effect said Section 61 of the"-
    Constltiitionof Texas. ‘We are'advised that"Gi;eggCounty~has
    a“RopuIat'Lonof less than -2O',COOinhabitants accoraing'to the
    last-Faeral Census. From-'theinformationgiven us; we also
    und'erstand~thatthe crlmfnal'alstrlct~attdrney of-Gregg County
    Is receiving the'full compensation provided in Section 15 of
    said Article 3912e.          -
    From said Article 3912e, Section 15; It appears .thatthe
    coimnisslonbrs~court in each county-'ofless thank20,000 inhab-
    itaiitsis adthoriied to fix the salaries of aIIU'dXstrFctaria
    county officers, and Is required to fix the~'salaryof'the crlti-
    inal district attorney. The amountof``the salary Is not to be
    less than the total sum earned as compensation by an officer
    Honorable Geo. H. Sheppard, April 28, 1939, page 4       o-651
    3~nhis offlcial~capacity for the fiscal year of 1935 and not
    more than the maxltiumallowed him under laws existing August
    24, '1935. The total sum earned by-the criminal district
    attorney of Gregg County ln.the-year 1935 included the con-
    stitutional salarjiof $5OO.OG, ana he has aIrea8y had~the-‘
    benefit of'thatfact in the-fixing of~'hissalary. The statute
    that the-.compensationof the criminal'dis-
    trict attorney shall be paid out of the County Officers'
    Salary Fund.
    It is quite clear that it was Intended-'forttie'salapy
    of a criminal aTstrIct-attorney of a county having a popula-
    tlonof‘less‘than 2O;OGO lnhabi~tants~   to-be~.fi~xed.b~.Sectio;h15
    XArficle    3912e. To--allow"  him ah``addltional-$5Gti.O0 tb'be...
    the State woiilklbe td~give whim
    a-$500-.00salary advantage.over a11 other-distrlct~and-.couiity
    officers, and it would be ~to alTow t-hefixing~'oftilsUnaximiiii~-
    as-being $500';00~more'thanttie"m&?imum-allow&3him uMer.laws
    existmng August 24;``1935~.~“'~Manif~stlJi's~cti
    _._               Fiirthermore,~ that ArtTcle-"provides ttiat-the
    comp``s~tron-6f.the-~rimSiial   ``Strlctattoriiey~shall Mpald
    out-of the'county Oeficers'~Sal~ry~Fund;~"Aotti````is    sald
    about paying $500.00
    ,..    of   it out of the State  Treasury.
    ..._.,                                                   _
    fin splte~of~the factthatthe' Legisiatiire'hasplainIy
    provided, or attempted to provlde.;~that~  hllssalary stiall'be
    f'ik%iatiiotless than~thetotal'sum earned‘by'him'forthe
    year of~l935'~(lnE1udlng%he '$500:00'&ohstiCitibiUil'~
    s%ilarg)-aiidnot-more than the-maximum amount'allowti~tiimYinder
    24,.  1935, 1s.the'crf,i,ifigI'~
    by reason of-the pro- _
    vUSons-in Section-2Yof Ar~t;lcle'5~'6f'ttie"Co``tituti-on?--We
    think not;. The~'~fflcer"~is-redelvLng~-the ~alarij.fFxed``for-.h~m.
    It-~doesnot appear to us-to'.be-'of  great impdrtarice'~heth~r-'a
    parficular$500'~00 of such salary comes'-from-theState Trea-
    sury-or from-themCounty"Officers' Salary P'uhd.  ~-.'~We
    the opinion of.Chief Justice-Phlllips in the case of Bexar
    Co. vs. Linden, 
    220 S.W. 761
    , as follows:
    "It was within the Legislature's power, insour
    OpQilon, to provide for the"drspositlon of the excess
    fees of'~DlstrIctAttorneys'as Is done by theStatute.
    We do not regardthe disposition-made as in any sense
    a~grantsof pubIlc man-ey,.The statute Is in our view,
    therefore, a valid enactment.
    "This holding Fs base?lupon thenreIatlon whFch'the
    coiintlesof the State bear t&the sovereignty of~the
    State; upon their character as mere political~subdivi;
    slons of the State; created for the convenience of the
    .   .
    Hon. Geo. H. Sheppard, April 28, 1939, Pam 5   o-651
    .   .-
    Hon. Geo. H. Sheppard, April 28, 1939, page 6        o-651
    Yours very truly
    By s/Gldn R: L&ii3
    GleniiR. Lewis
    APPROVED     ..
    s/Gerald C. Mann

Document Info

Docket Number: O-651

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017