OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN I). as to whather In the name of of this Coda, judgments and my provision of WI Cod., ahall forthwlth bo paid over by the oirIOer8 oolleotlag the ama to tha couatq treamrmr of the pmpr oounty, after first deduotlng thanfrom thr legal fees and oommIaaIons for oolleotlng the mme.‘* 8on. Willie o*rWal, Ray 26, 1939, Page 2 “Art. MO.- Commissions on Colleo- tionr. The dI8trIot or countFattorney m be entitled to ten per oent o? all riner, forioiture8 or m0neys oolleote4 ?or the state or oounty, upon judgments re- ootersd by him; and the olerk oi the court in whioh uld judgmnto are rendered shall be entitled to rive per cent of the mount o? 8aid judgments, to be paid out or the mount when oollected." Itonep ocrlleated bl fin08 In public roaoy aad belong to the St&o. The net proceeds oolleat- ad by ?lnas must be pald over k, the oounty treasur- or, uul.oeo the fina were imposed by a oorperatloa aourt or on appml ?rom a ju@ment rendered In 8uoh aourt, in rbioh oa8e the smnef oolleoted must be paid into the munloipal treasury. However, kton payin& over the anwunt o? the fines, which have been ooll8oted in the name or ior the u8e o? the State or oounty, the oiiIcer8 who are responsible ?or the c01- leotIon8 are entitled to deduct as commission rliteen per cent of this amount, ten per cent ior the district or oounty attorney, and live per cent for the clerk of the court. The clerk o? a court ahall be entitled to rive per oent on all fines. Iiart v. State, 70 S?i 948; A:oLennan County Y. Xqgess, 139 1:'1054; Tex. Jur., Vol. 19. F. 654; Tex. Jur., Vol. 9.. p. 251. "Art. 951.- CommIssIons to other or- rioera. The sherlr? or otherT?G,
Document Info
Docket Number: O-626
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017