Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • Honort&LleC. E. Alvie,Jr.                  April15,1939
    County Attorney
    Oatesvllle, Texas
    DWCSirX                           opinion
    lo. o&b
    Ber Valldifgof order OFEeailtm
    mid part to BYE& Independent
    We ars in reoslpt~of~roarlettar of April 10, 1939,where&
    you idvisethaton member .7,1938,the ba~lton county~oaraof school
    TnisteksforEamlltanComty,Tesas,psssed en o*       abolishln~the
    CottxmwoodSohoolDieiMotliumber55, being aaamnw echooldlstrietof
    HapiltonC~ty,Taxae,anrl~e~aboutsirsqaareailes           ofsald..d.lstrlot
    wlthStsrSehoolDletrlot,WllJs County,Tslas,sndthe rmainderbeing
    anexedto theXymPcIndepsndentSohoolDistrlotofCoryellCounty,Tese&,
    by said~ordiir.Yoizfii.f%her
    ,adklaedthat no Gtioe whatwaver rse~givenby
    I& Eiim%lt&-%~&ySolioolBoar(Lof ltaintended aotirPoiiDeoemb& 7 sad
    thatnohearing-VaehaiLcmthssams. Itlsouk~ruudiws~d~frcm
    youz~letterthat cm Deoember1, 1938, an eleatl& ha&been duly orderedind
    -iQA?M act-$*8uL +a waqnrr. =tll&m %?f*-         !tbolm?*n~a*:'n).
    ooneolldatewltb~:raatInde``tSohoolDletrict.       CnDeearber 22, 1938,
    said eleatianwas dulyheld &ad resultedin,fayorof c0nsolldati.m.Uhlla
    youdonetdlrwtlyso     say,we presumef+nauyoru: letter*at the el.eotlaa
    vas ordered~&held sad resultedin faror of ooasolidatl= iaboth the
    CottommcdSohoglDistrlctand themat       IndependentSohoolDletriot.We
    &stheriKrmywr letterthatthere lsno questlonbutthattbe eleotiom
    ~-dml?rcalled.~rsgalarlyheld~dChat~e          resaltshavebeenpro~ly
    You requestour opiniony   to ``rtc4tna of what was the Cottm-
    wwd SchoolDiatriotIlo.55.
    We donotflnd ltneoemary to deteminevhetber t&e failure
    to givenotioe and tohave ahearwupon     the aubjectmatterof the order
    of Decmiber7, 1938, would have mndered said order voidwitlmdLt2.m
    of other airotmetanoes.
    HonorableC. E. Awls, Jr., April 15, 1939,page 2   (O-&4)
    In the owe of State Y. Baker, 40 S.W. (2) 41, by the Supreme
    OnJan~3,~8,the          CounQJndge ofBlda@oComtyhad
    crderedsn elwtlon to beheld inCcmmonSchoolDistriotIitmber16 to de-
    tezminewhetherthesemeshouldbe inoorporatedasauJndependmtS&ool
    Mstriotenddesiepetedas EdOollchIudependentSchoolDlstriot.After
    said electionhad been orderedand due notice giwn and two daya before
    such eleatl~was tohavebeenheld, the ComtyBowdofTrustees         ordered
    a re-dlstrlctlngof said cannon sahooldistrictby which certainportions
    of the sane were cut off into adjacentemmum school districtsBumbers
    2 and l8, The eleotlonwasheldonthe date orderedandresnltedSnfavar
    of ~*orpor.atlon. The resultaof the,dlsotiaaware dalJ dsalared. An
    aatlmof quow&%mtowas       broughtbythe State to test the valialtyof the
    BdCowh Iadepend&tSchoolDlstrlat. Itwillbe notloed tbatthti was
    adlrwtattaokupwlhe       krdepaPdentsohooldletrictoreated.bytheeleo-
    tionwhiahvasheld aubseqnentto the time theBoard of 'Emsteeshad.
    atteaptadtodlvldeup ~e@&rlatandezmex        its varlou6 parts to adjacent
    sehooldlstrlata. The trlaloonrtdecl.medthe iPdependentsohooldlstrict
    invalid. !lbecourt of cl~IlAppeals, in 26 S.W. (2) 324, reversedti
    rmdered t&e ja@tent of the trial oourt. The SugreaeCourt sustainedthe
    aotlonoft&eComt ofClvl.lAppealshoMlngtbatthe eleotlonwae valid
    audthatthe order of theBoard ofTrnetees,made tvo days before the
    election,wastithout~effeot.We quote fran the opinim ofJ&e        Crltz
    "It&i our opinionthat, even ii lt be coaoe$edthat the
    xwdem of-the muutybomdwitbreferenoe     i+tihe territory
    o;i~'d~trictBo.16~ldhe``tm:inallrsspeata         lsgallnthe
    abeewb of fhe pendlngeleaticn,etillthar~tofthe       people
    tovote an hwzporatlcm, having been first lawfnlQ invoked,
    wonldnotbe   interferedwithor defeatedby the oomxtyboard
    ~m~holdlagofthe          elmtlon,eml the deolarat@nof
    . ~bisisoertalalytheoorreatmle,evenifltbe
    oonoededthatthe powerof the cotmQboardandtbe ri@tof
    t$epwplewerew-ordlnata or equal.'
    In theoaaewhloh youpreseit.,*e right'ofthcpeop3.ein the
    upon the ooasolldatfonof said distri&s had alreadybeen iu~oked at the
    tim the CouutyBosrd oonvenedend entered Zts order onDeoeanber7, lg38.
    State v.Baker,snpra,wllloontrol. Assum3ngthattbeoonsol.idatlon
    elsationwas regularthmugbonttere has beem aaonsolfdationaudthe
    order of Deomber 7, 1938, wae without f&we or,effwt.
    APPIKJVEDI                         Yours truly
    /s/ Gerald c. Naun                       -0FTRYAs
    A-      -0F’EuIs                i~lellu      B. sawb,
    Glexm R. -is
    QUA PL:ds                                   A6slst6nt

Document Info

Docket Number: O-624

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017