Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •                                     April 14, 1939
    Ronor~hle TOXI 3rc,-
    County Attorney
    rotter county
    fmrarillo. Texas
    Dear Sk:
    Oplnlon Ro. O-580
    owned vehlolea in the .uotlrw of the:'
    perroxylanae.0r their d&Au?,     .’
    : we ares in reaeipt of 'youi bitter or:G‘%,
    lOSO, in ubloh ymrefer    to the definition  aS. ahati-
    .teur oontalmd’la Artiale 0wVa, Sm..1 (g),.Revised
    Clrll.Statute*, 1928, ae aaeMe& br Aotal937~4Sth
    Legi<twe``p. vbe, 8h. 369, aid-reqlestan op%nlon ':
    baaed 'on the r0u0dng paeation:    .      i.~'.
    doea the above deilini-
    tut 0f *Ohdrtte     ina       ``IHZMUI,
    troublemen,meter readers,.mter    teet-
    em, aolleotor, loeal manager, an ongi-
    neer, a mohanio, a departmenthead, .and
    .' a power salesman, the duties of eaoh 41
    aaid elassiiiaatfOB being as 8t Oat
    in tha attaohed lettqr;*
    The letter referred to kmarate8   the dutierr
    oi the various ola*sltloatloBs of omplOpMs6 and reo1tea
    iionorable Tom Seay, iqrll i4, 1939, ga6.e 2
    that in the performance aI their respective jobs these
    employees all drive corpny-owned vehicles. It la ad-
    mitted th& the men who hole the v~fcus jbs are in
    every instance employees of what is presumably a gas
    utllltp system.
    Artlole 6687*, Sect105 1 (a), or Vernon*8
    Annotated Stntutes, above more fully identified, reads
    as r0110wa:
    Honorcble lo= Seay, kpril 13, 1979, Fase 3
    irccorClng to the above definition, a "chaui-
    feurw was an employee whose prlnclprzl duty was the
    operation of a motor vehicle for his e57loyar or any,: _
    perSOl; who opercted a motor vehicle a& used it ror.
    purposes of hlre.                                                $'
    Limiting our dlscuesion to the first c: the
    tso classifA.catlons set out, namely, "evary person
    who is employed for the prlnolpal purp0m of oprat-
    .                          it 18 ObTlow that  the key
    %wiifE:F$&             t&o soopo of the dofihiflon.
    18 th8 word *peinol~*. A.por608 rho oporatod
    lnaidentallya 0~            dotor   rehlale ran not
    an emplqoe rithln the appUo@tlon of the anb6eotlon.
    !Cholan@s@la     oloarand l x p llo l’4    .
    The p=poae    0r
    the -alatare    wan obviously~ to +xolUdo fro8 the
    parTlaw or the 8tatuto  the ~?maaber,    or o@oYaoa
    Jho oporatbd 04imw             mtormBMdal88,;-~butwara
    wpi~pd       for .th0 prih~ipal p+qmm .si:.``            :   .
    another taclk and.only f!o;t.ths
    ipoidontal-pUQOao QS.
    spook   a oar or. truok, or othU?pa   of motor     :
    Qhan the lioomslIq:iawxcmt into orroot
    ~1~ 192S1'thod+finition $if ~ohulff8U+“OOYltd+
    'thoroiwakd iot out abwo~plelsl``uould not-.       ..
    braoo employeesllko llnomn, tro~blaaan, ~,mtbri
    readers,,-tar .tMters, a eolleotor,loaa&.+yagors,
    ongl&rs,,  ~ohaalo8., dopartmnt ,hmda, and a #ow-
    ir sal&pan-uhqri'oporatlon'ofaompany-cmnodoara
    was B&z tarr'prlaolpal
    .Thedefinltlon lb a
    doubt as to tho lntontionof the Logi8latar~ f0
    oxolude a large ola&a of rohkolo.,
    OpomtQr8 iron
    kglalat&,   howwor, ai lti
    regular session l.sl957, rati-    ohm&ad and
    revlsod the aefinltlon or *ohamffowrm or%&e~ly
    Honorable Tom Sesy, kpril 14, 1939, iage 4
    given in Yexao iMverel License Law, same being ilrti-,
    6687*, supra
    . Eouaa i3lll 8io. 16, Genarel anO
    Special Laws, 45th J.agialsture, Regular Session, oh.'.',
    S69, p. 732, revising the Texea Drivers* License Law,
    beoameeffective on At&y 19, 1937. Section 1-A 61
    House El11 Ko. 16 reads as follow:
    That  section 1 (6) 0s soneto BL31,
    Ro. 15, ah, 466, paoood 8t
    -,_       called so68lon es tIMiUtB
    0s th0 9kk.0r m..d
    *Bootion (9) clmtffoar.-Anyporooi
    wha opera         a motor rohlolo for aqy
    P=P-0, ti%lo.srpm$t$aoum
    Mp10y.0, 8-t.                  or lndopen-
    ~gontoontsa-*tar,     *eTi!z *paid in
    Ml-     or 0oramQlsi`` and orexy
    person.who operapbs a mater tehiolo
    ublle such roli$-&oto in ueo for hire
    .ftle iamdlatalydl``~b~.thattlmk~-
    abnding.lta def$altlonof~?&hmarfotm~,in
    the rlrat part, dls$eaaesthiske# words “30x the
    prUa.elpilparpc80 0s opu6ting a~*tor ~melo- and
    aubstltatosthe.o~uallyoloar and ymmb&uouo b9t
    rmoh broader 1-o:      *who eporatoa'anator rohlolo
    for any ~umoso. whole or mart tIm8 (mdqramjting
    oura ..'.....
    The Legislaturemaoixbo pr&mm&tb    knorr
    what it Is doing. In ooa         urJ.lo&3latlve
    ‘onactmnt, the intent 0s tho log%olaturo‘aadthe
    Whenthe Leglslaturo or' the state at ow. 88ssIon
    renders a derlnItIon 9ndmdylng ko8trlotlro.l~-
    ago and then et the vary next ab88ion redbfinas
    the word ramming the reatriotlon and In'lemguage
    %EOrt3ble Ton Seay, April 14, 1939, rage 5
    of nnmlstakable meaning extends the scope of the
    definition, the Intention ia olear as oryatal and
    the language must be viewed as indioativa of that
    lnt ent .
    The conclusion that t&s Legislature
    asant to extend the definition of -0hfmme     to
    raeeh the la+   gro~g,````~oesuho      drore oom-
    p8qy-ornsd rotor rahhlo~ iorbthw    thantheprin~
    0iptk1prqpoae 0r tbi?: w-at           i8 u08
    on the basil8 of both tlu hintoq     oi +Jta‘I-Tb”dative
    deWiltlon and itrr romling.
    rtia     a word and that dafi~Ztl.on ~i8 oleu   end ax-
    .plhit,     the court8 rillsmtroeogala@    other            .
    59 Tear. Jiwi 202:
    "Rh&e the Legislaturs balr not de-
    iined a tom emplo~0Lla a statute.
    it 113titbb the protins 0r a court
    to defilw lt loaor&lag.tolib0tittMd
    rules 0r oonstruatioa. Bat .*ea the
    IaglslatuM ddiaesa word or group
    *or  wards,which it has power to do
    aeb frsquentl~doau, the ~&flnitl~a
    being oloar and unt@&ww,      la bind-
    iB&  QpOn tha 00-8 a8 6B 8XJWS8iOSi
    of the legislativ6 %nteat, regardlea
    0r meaning or the word in omq*
    laaoe or in other oomm~tlona.    ¶%I*
    rule la afrfrpad by a rowl``lon OS
    thePsnalCo&     (Art. 8T that fuorda
    which have theirrrcoi&   apOoial4
    derlnedshall be un&aYmmd In that
    sense, though It be contrary t0.thel.r
    tmual meanlag.*w
    Hurt. et al v. CooDer. et al 3.lO 8. Vi- (21 E!@.
    iion.   Toa: Seay,   April   14,   1939,   Page 6
    Zuprexe   Court of Texas
    G def inltion of the ward *store* was
    Involved. "The court said:
    "The statute (Cbaln Store !ikxSaw
    acts 44th Lqlslatnro, X+&H, Calla&.
    c;ssslon,HoPeo a5J.l60. l8; oh. 400)
    having deriaed tho'uord,we are mrt
    oonaernsQwith lt8 umml annlngL
    lion.   Tom Seay, kpril 14, 1939, Page 7
    tbrt *the Le&slsturehssapplleC~
    definition of Lha tcra  -hioh we do mt
    rind In tbs dictionary.' For the k~r-
    poses of taxation in Texas tb   legfs-
    lattfve definition of *tract* will tala3
    grecedenoe over Kebster's Unabridged,
    tin International, or any other diotion-
    The La&alaturs has tIm aathorlfy to
    rake its own doflnltlon. Ths hot that a la&s-
    lath    ddmti0fi ml&t clash dth the oriu.nary
    or commonly undaratcad. msanlq or words would sot
    rsNsl?ltnugatory.    'phrpolior  or the le&lolatuPe
    to color ``rbln   ordsrto     &a  ~erpresz4lon
    intent 1s reeogeizd by the aoarts.
    It is~our oplaion that the dsfinftian'~
    of chaufreur giren la Artisle 6687a. Seotim k (61,
    vsrBonL1'sABBotateu 8tatutss, as aaiended, and above
    quoted, ia appllcrabla to ell &mr80+1 who mat
    tame spaoirlaations 0r the d~initiOB~ Fest,.
    such lndividaUs met operata a motar-rehlale,
    tha purpose Wing iwaterial, any reason bslng
    uufricieBt. 8eoOnd. the opereitfan,may  ??.eltbr
    allot the tims or part of the t&us. 73&U, sqdh
    psrsmm muet be supl.oyess, 'bsmant``, sgents-, or
    inQepaadsnt SontraotaPS.   pa uann+r or ,+mutt or
    payment 18 lwaterbl.
    Ap@yi!Ig th.la F-          to tlm a&&*,
    ths tros.xblwaed,tha mH%rreaUsra,    fimtertastams,
    tlm soUeator, losal aanaimm, en&mm,         msahanl.68,
    dspartmd   beads, &nil power sataemga, the desor%p-
    tJnn at whose duties simply WsntIfIes them as
    employees driviagaompany   -owned cars In ptirsaanoe
    or their prinsry duties, we rind that they mset
    all the ~ondftibns oi th3 detinttien   and as a re-
    sult rall wIthin the statutory definltion~qf
    A series of Hew Pork decfsions bn``lviag
    Hon. Tom Seay, ;;pril14. 1939, lage 8
    the saze xcarterhivir@ a bearing on the questim at
    -he first refer to the case of People v,
    Fulton, 162 N-Y.=:. 125 (1916).  In this case it
    was held th.;tan employee of a gas company, using
    a motor car in his business or tronble hunting, is
    a *chauffeuP within the purview of a statute de-
    rfBhg  a "ohaufreur" as any one operating or driv-
    ing a mtor yhlcle as an employee or rar him.
    The court stated:
    "The dofondant,balag anemployee,
    1s sqasrslywLtMa tb prohibitionof
    the atatvlte. To&ldothsrulsswoold
    na.ury th0 plain isngnags or th8 lar,
    aad, in my oplaian,the intent of the
    The court than calls attention to a om-
    Nict    on the sribjeot:
    "My attentlm hau been called to
    the aam of Peopla V. Dennis, wheein
    tbs lekxmd county Jtla@ of SOhsneotady
    aounty, upon similar raots, that tb
    omplayssu8s act rsquirsdtoharea       ~.
    abaurrear~e liosnse.
    with him in hi8 i.nt,:St~:     Oy%
    lsu, bsaauss it seamu to 16 that tha
    law r&erred to perits ao exceptlone,
    and I oaaaot read lato it that an em-
    pl~yee saaomrate   aaautserPbl.leulth-
    Outobtainingaaha&~eur*a     lisense.
    I, therefore, aftirm tha cmviotlon of
    the   dereng8nLw
    The caty Of People v. Dennis, 166 B.Y.S.
    918 (1915) held that a telephone repairer, using
    an auton#blla iqrniehed him by MS employer, for
    the sole purpose of oonveylng himseli end necessary
    Son. Tom Seay, Aprlll4,      1059, Page 9
    materials from place to place, was not a cheuf-
    ieur wlthln the purview of the definition discus-
    rri;n in People v. 
    hilton, supra
    . The aourt de-
    *The only use he made of the nntor
    car was merely iacldental to his re&l.hr
    As pointad out in PaoQla Y. Anthony,
    al   H.Y.S., 591,tha aontmwr8~iathalkuYerk
    Coonty caa-te.wu aettld bran ammlmmt of the
    derlatiop   llhhh changed it fwm . . .
    lny p o nr o or p ena ting
    o r fo r h tr e....”
    to .....
    auy-psraonwha Iaemployed
    fo r 2     j&ilpal ptuvou of operatlmg
    a rotor wh lo la ...l-( u nden4 o r ~g ~o ``
    The hlfbtory ot the~hf    York deflnltion
    of    -0hwr0tw   mabntaatiates   oar   o~inioa   that   therm
    18 a   olear and d+fiprk   UMat -tAoa        be%umea
    the Befinitlonso? a ``ha~ffe~P gkre~ in artio-
    le 64870, a8 pastiedby tb 44th 3&6lattWe, apd
    g;aw~atae   krticle, as am&d,      by t&m UthLag-
    To exclude from the purvi~ at the lat-
    tef   statutory  defiaftlon eaployeo# rho operate
    oonpany-omed vehiolerr ios any ptrrrpew whatever,
    whole or part tlpls. would be to nullify tha plain
    language or the aat and circumvent the intoat of
    Hon. Ton SeBy, April 14, 1939, Tage 10
    the Le&tlt.iture.
    iiewish to point out that Seation 3 of
    Artlola 6687a, ~6 amended, spaclriee certain es-
    emptlons, but they do not reach the character of
    ocoupatlons, under scrutiny.
    Attention is called to..oplalaa
    no. O-03
    of this departmant          boldingthat a oouaty arrri+
    sloaer wh%le drlrlag en autolsbile beti&                    %o.
    the aaunty ud on county buslneqe is not                 a ehauf-
    rertrrithfntb08~0rtb            (rti4ti~aw.n-
    riau. This situat.Los 18 d%atln@shablei fkumtiba
    .asseat hrrd in that the deolaioa turns QIPth
    taot tlmt a sounty ouoaissionerla bbld not *aa
    employee"ufthin tb   terms of tlm 8tatutory doi&
    tit&n,            Opta%*    Ho. O-470 l.8to the effeat     that
    per%mns employed by A; k X. College,whose daties
    'iasludooperating oollem swaed traaks, tsllrlthd
    in tbs definitionand should obtain 4haui'T4ar*s
    WI are in acaord with tlm rindlngs in-
    eaohtithe skne OpblhlS, batwe QaMot 4ORQW ia
    the nasodng af the oplaica rendered by tJn De-
    pertasnt          oa July   &7, L92V4, liiaofer   as tlm reaaaa-
    inc,at    that      opinion awttbe 4anclasloasrea4hed
    aonflht          with this oplaioa, w sre ompelled-to
    owrmle            it.
    It is our opinion that llassmen,trouble-
    men, aeter readers, aster testers, a aolleetor,
    a loop1 aaaa@r, an ea&aeer, mahaala, bepark-
    lasntbsad,ad ponersalesmaa,rho sreemployess
    oi a gas otllity aompeny operating eoqmny-wned
    lpDtoryehiales la the aourse of ths paformaaee or
    their dutlea, are w4hauffe`` rlthin tlwMopa    oi
    the definitionaontained in Article eWVa, Seat&on
    '1 (g), Veraon* Annotated C1rl.lStatutes,a8
    aaended, andthatthay              are r+qulred under the Jar
    to obtcln atiuffsur*e lioemes.
    Yo-a-8 very trzrly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-580

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017