Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN Dr. T. J. Crowe, Seoretary T8xas State Board ot Mediaal ~xekrotne``ld'"(l * 'mar Dr.-Crqet “A rep&ble’mtwlio81 sQhOQt iBhS$% maintab a course coiniastruatfhi or net less than four terar'oi.eigbt : months eaoh; shall give ooarser of lnetma$ion ia the fuadamental sub- jeots named in asidols 4509 Of the: i Dr. T. J,.Orowe, May 10, 1939, Page 2 Revised Civil Stetutes of 1925, ais amended by thie hot; and shall have the neoessaryteaof.lng toroe, and possess and utilize laboystorles, squLpmentand faollltlestar the proper instructions In all of said subjeots....." When the applioatlonis presented It will be.‘frout duty to determineif the diplomaIs Srom a nputablo msbioalrdwol within the daflnitlonof tbr art1010qu0toCabove. As tb tbo *oqu$rementof 60 80mst0r ~OUXS or 00ii0tp oriaft, W* ~0 not w0r- #tati the statute to requlm that t& oredft be a~- :. q0iX.d at the Unirorrity OS TOX~S, but thof nut. be '4uOh~OXOdltnas would bo 4oo4pt4bl4to 'theUnltersity- oi~'hms fbr uredlt on a Baokolorof Art6 or 4 Baohe-z .'ZOtiof Solenor.Degme,~ .1 ~mi0l0 4601, mi4bd aid 8t4&4, ihi &ulps't$iet 6O,,hours orsdltnest 'beor bavs been * "4ooeplmbl4at:th6:tiiPb of.Oo8pl4tl4g44``4to tlm .unirerajlty 0s Texas r0r omdit on oae of the .namad We ~40not bellevetha statute requires that '~%%% orlldlt'beioqulreaprior to tb aoqulslh&on '-6$'tbadiplomatm a reputablemedloel,qoll``e.~.The j m&Nil oolle80may, if It de*lns,~enla~gstlm re- puIrem6Ms~neoossary ~or.mtrlopl~tlon.“~th~ psoplo ' 1~ of this date are protootedby the requirementthat mob person take t& mdioal wamlnatlon, and he.a& peas an axami~atloaoi ths Board beiore he 1s entltlad . 'to a lli34li44 to praotloe medio~m~ln this state, You also &kctd for &or oplnlon of the lam- guag4 oftart1014 4500, Revised Glrll Statutes,48 aawnded, with referenoeto moipx~oal granting Of 1104nsrs to phy4lolansOS other states. Th4 lImIta- tlon or this artlole Is that the Board of Madloa> Exu&ners in this state shall.Ljotgrant a 1104404 t0 praotloe msdlolne in this atate to ,4n applloant who doea not hold a lloenae issued ‘by another.state, t4r- ritory or dlstrlot of the United States, giving to him the snne right to preotloe medlolne in the &ate, territory or dlstrlot issuing said license, which a license to practicemedlolne in this state glvee to a physloian of this state in Texas. In our oplnlon, if a person has a llmlted lloenee in another state, he would not be entitled to a general lloenae to prao- tloe medicine as la leaued by the Board OS thla State. Thg applicant for 4 lloense in this state must have a lioense in the state fromwhlch he came that would permit him to engage in the same type of praotlqeas in permittedby a Tuae lioonee. ‘In4nflw~l: to’~youx question 48 to whether oreedor 4n orgnnicedgroup-maymaintain- 4 an-offl~o~ for the.auringof dineacres, .WOarq, of OOWSOi.'bOwld brthe expression of the Idgl~la~um.~ Art10104SC4 al'our RerlkmdCivil Stqtutesand arti 74C OS OtlT Penal Code both speoitloallystat4 that nothing +l this Aot shallbe oonstrued m a,"to .dlrrorlminate.-:, 1 . Dr. T. J. Crowe, P&y 10, 1939, Page 4 against any partloulorschool or system of medloal praotioe, nor to effeot or llmlt in any w&y the ap- plioatlon or use of the prlnolpal,tenets or teaohlnge of aliyohuroh in the mlnlstratloneto the slok or eufferingby prayer, wlthout the PBQ of any drug or material remedy. The above artlole does provlde, however that all of those 80 mlnleterlngor offering to Anis- tar to the olok or miiorlng by prayorshallxarraln ir o mfa r t4 fa Of.81 ~OOS l~60p tr 0rtb p p r g o,0r.. + u o ``lsfng th 0 p h a o fp or 4 bb o lfo ofs r the o h u mi gb of wilfohthey 4re boa4 tide rrrlbiru.This artiOl0``: r&or8 to thaw pomoae, orgaafwtfons Or or806bthat -4ttemptto mfafster to the* mnb.Ts by pr4yu. wo _. the nothing.in $ho Aot th4t woula.oxtone the lfBft4-~- tlonto .dllow those permom to 4doptccll *.of' thofr orwd p~slbal mafpulatfonsaa that wou&l. t parrif thmto malatalna~.0m00 tar the porpon.or:- _. rell@w igroupfrom attempt- to h+.by pxayar oo long an they did not attempt to mn any e or:~Ft4y I rm:fy+* ,.~ * wwtnart that this ii!iswL .&q&,::4s :. 04 00astTilot10n of AoLot8 4soo,``4so1, 4@og raQ ~48wort i cur Revbed Olvfl Statutm. :- Yo?& nry tTuly ABOmOPTHIs, ;

Document Info

Docket Number: O-579

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017