62 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN -. s._ . . ‘-~: . ” . cepted all copies of in6trments as if they were oris+;lnrr2s and accept their recitations as correct. We have also ac- cepted verbal i?xplanationa bearing upon tbc operations of both the state and federal cmmissions and their agonts..dt the risk of unduly lengthening this opinion Ye consider it advisable to refer to this additional evAdeno at eon6 length, Ulth reference to the phMostatio copy of the let- ter referred ti on page 6 of our Original opinion, saidlet- terbeingaddrese6dto thoUon. UalterF. Eoodul~ m 4&ml6sUnofControlfor Cerrtendnl eelebrrfian,&talJmm- Uy & S3Ta 8iQWd by fbe amber8 Of 4h6 !&I%- -S&t86 Te6a6 c wa ’~dn, me8a ll lttwtto nw th e &at .:fbcrf thbletter, rhiobdkes aloo8tion ior~kai$u,p#v~eo~ li6``ewh pro~eot 8na glvau the 0peaf%o6momlt~Tbsai h88 beerr~Oocrfedufbe``t~r\ilsin~.in~. Theletterfhea at&es aaatthewrkon fih868.@6486t6 m be gpmcned by the .fellowlng r8gulatWm Aft6r 68tt!lng 8ut YU%OUO ,OthW itap& t&%6 fOttW 6tSti U. f@$lOW@:~>i. POD. roxr c. JCLII~ hay 13, 1939 - Page 3 fate the progress of the work t&c Federal C+mmdssion had *de- ofdod to transfer by check to the Commission of Control the frmds whloh are necessary t0 Complete the aontraots negotiated to date." It wag ale0 resolved that the Federal Coumdseion transfer to the Comlfmion 0P Control an odaitional $2,61J0.00 for administrative expenses. The order further states that *the smCtuntroquiredforthispurpoSe tots&~ $50&l49.6l, in- ibdbg abalanaeor $to74,aS remaining of the orlgIaal all,ot- nent of $30,000.0@ for Pdmiaistrative 8xpe66es. 8nd the add%- tioaal aYilotaneat of $2,600.00, and a check In this amount will be f’ormrded to the Commission of Control wlth3.n the next oeveral days.= Th0 Order thW 6t6t.86: .g Son. Ton C. King, Nay 13, 1939 - Page 4 On Novmber 10, 1937, the stato Boa.173of Control for- warded a letter to the Uon. Water F. Wood& Cha~mmn of the TC~S ~I1Dni6siOnOf Control for Texas Ce.utennial Celebration pointing out that the State Board of Control had made II av- iI& Of $5,067. 34 Out Of ibderti tilocations on jobs which it had completed for the Federal Cosnn~sslon, and in view of fh8 fact that the administrative expense money allored by the state was &reatiy df?pl8ted and there would be a necessity for further s&ulnistratlvc moneya, thechaimiauof theTexasCom- tieion 8as requested to file 8 request with the United States Greater Texas andl%n-Am~l~an &posUi.~n Cosmiesion @he NO- 08sOOP Of th8 th 8. %8X66 thd8Wid .au8ulk8iaa) ior l#a dlot- rent of UL Lddittiaal$lfl&oO.oo out OS federal fwd6 fur ad- dla6tratlY0 expaMes* It ~.sflrtber *t6teatbat there wtud P``~beOfhar-U``orp````.~l~ mdw8se 8dd%-Ilal 66Vilh@ 88tlld b8 ~ttU’M& fo th8 pnit8d 8kt66 ureawry. . unSed stat86 Oreater rexa wd Pmm4merlom lbp66itLrm Qan- d6SlW. OnlI~r&~b~ Is, 19cw, Ur)ot,.~q.~ these 16tt8IF6 t6 th8 ilnice4 St6t86 et’86t6@ $6?,66 rad P6U-&E8l%86Zl ENpodtion coImliulaa ia U66hhghJ~ Ik:’ a*, snd reammlwded that they 6UtbOX3.68 pryrrsllt Of th8 U6~8dd8d bdWW6 011 d- lotmm~ ~O~eriagtaE'i.8UaUWO@O~p~jerrf& hnfo th8 'state treawry for the Camlso28n of #eat+el to 66&8t6 t-he. YiWhlS pZWj8Ots, 8Ild wooplll8aded SIW tb8t %usmmoh LB the Sfetei)oardoP CoatrolneededaddltloaaI a&h&strative fuul% h8d aode M-6On Other pX’6~86t6 , and the request 18s mot unreasaaable, that $S,OOO.Ot.l additionil UIOg8$ t)8 tilQ+Bated to whet for mhulnlotrative purposes. m8r8 wae alss enclosed a letter dated Geptanber 14, lQ37* from fih8 ~tmll8r Of Pub- 110 AocQtlats statiag that Ilnsllp8nd8d balauaes on dlff8rebti pm- jests could properly be retummd to th8 Pnit8d Sfatee Fresw Hon. Ton C. iiin& iijay13, ~139 - Page 6 In response to the above requests the United States Greater Texas and ParAmerIcan Exposition Co``~issio& d&cd November 28, 1837, i'orwrdcd the follorlng letter to Major W. L, Dart&y, Budget Offioer, U. fh Greater Texas and Pan- dnerioan Lxpoaitlon Commlesion: *In order that the aff+alrs of this Corn- mission may be terminated at the earliest practicabledate, and sin08 aertata projects undertakenby the- State of Texas Par the Cam- rnieslonwlll~tbeoompIe+6&ior~rorSm8t+ 1rOne~ey'. it~8tb66p~Otth6tbmd6., aJonthat funds lmaaaag ia aloweat awolaut CiOVWiX& fhese~8SIIQht$..~UYhOdd ti,, p+l4ltotheGomiulm - < &al 6~8bl'6t&6660rth08bt6~0t'%8%66f6r Ue &are a photOefetQi45Opy6S Ohe'fCb~OUhg letter, iated Deewber 22. 109*r Hon. Ton 1). kiing, hay 13, mS? - Page 6 *Air. 3ohn V. Singleton, Chlef, Centennial Division Stntc: iioard of Control Austin, Tcsas Dear Am. Slng3eton: Verewlth vouchers for Governor Woodul*s signature covering transferg of $210,987.m representing the balanoe due on allotments for 3nwmplete profeots pl @boo 00 addita . Onal sllotanent fur 6&b&&8 exp enses. ~rourillnvt8hatth6r8a6raltffoma8 fYuz the United States ~overni3cnt WI be used on statc~coopcrativc .md GthCr Federal pro- jects and program5 in Texas Including ccn- structicn CX public buildings, repairs, and L~rGvments. Any of such Federal funds as nay bc clqwsited 3x1 tl~c state treasury are hercbr ~prcpriated tc the specific p&poec euthorlzed by the ti&cral gaveme&- .to boeaao state funi&,-‘But rare deposit&l in the a$8te,$oreuuq as ?o&m.l maneyc in trust to omplete h&eril projoatm; t&at the zoxas aomml~clGnof control and ita qpBa& the Boar&of+ Con- trol, mere nterely aotlng ao egenta.of tbo Federal Ooomio8ion, and not In their otilclal aqmoitios et3 agents of the stat0 gomrmmat, and therefore not llm%tod Iry onaatiaeuts of t&o State Leglalatuie in handllug mob money. Umlor the odditionlrl facts ae presented tcr ua, ue thlalcthis pToposltlonbeoomoa ha- material. It Is aoonceded that it the money SE ctafG fuadc, there ianc a4~tlonal appmprlat%oniiDr general otlmi.uistwti~.expeneo. Accuse that it IS federal fundsr as suggested. We are, then face& with the fact that the properly authorized ftieral Gnmission, by circler, &ircCtCii that certcio mucys bc used to cuxpletc designated projects, .a.udthat unexpended bo3anccs be returned to the United States Treasury. At the same time *,OOO.OO tidltional money was tlllocatedl *to cover admlnlstra- tlvc cxpcnsc incident to the completion of these various pro- jects. l Additionalmoney was allocated for adminletrative ex- pense, specific q axiraux mount8 were set aside for oomplet~on of variaus projects, the Bedoral Cmmission speclPied and the Coma.iseion of Control agreed that unexpended balances on these pxwjeots should be returned to the Unit& States Treasury. It musthwebeenoanteql8ted thattheremuldboueexpePbeabal- sua oo cr lsaTla@ on the projeots. Tim cleN-lynogat%woal9 oanteattonthat uue3paPQdhelcmooe or *sadage* ti9bouMdfor M-Pmpooe,~o-rc-e- a&dnUtretivo expouae. That the Fderal 4fwdadaa ad&b h~0 d0?1e or &a+¶ aUtbOrify CO 60 i8 be- d6s thopalnt; remuaflook to wh8t it did ?h¶.6imon~,isheld SnmoBktoTreasuiy 8ubje0tte thomeqmcifieotS0nrMtho camptrcller'Lpdmaamrer. *uet ho'&Q-a, fbawby. _ .. TO raaoQda0 tzuf~oart4.n budships ts8ybe emoonfsred ``eriarrohrro~botntfaal~dlledfot6oaon- alustinpndeaultl~ shatinouroplntonthomamxo?Qontrol moynotp``~e8``guemoiits~lo9,ecniorg`` rrsnrnrstratiro oapez1~0 out of anoqmaibd bahuaom or .aadn@ t-mm adeal allotmnta held b the etato troamny Wp,aoy&y t&an of they proJaats*: The Maima eaa tanl qllorw Wm. M tollorsr a(i).gbaold mt t&0 f&i&~ for rQle fir0 m-08 have boon &waod in t&o stata.. xrauuryaldup~trraacorduumdththe p~vi.mtoa8 of @ko AHi Of th0 LO@l~torS mn- troll* tha oxpoaaAtaroof the money8 am-o- prtrted for CoatennUl pmrpornt *(a) Barnthe ae(Ua!*r cantrca any leepl rigattopay saXar%ea in eMeo*of the limit of $4mm.co - M prescribed b9 Bouse Bill NO. 11 - out of'the funda fmmiehed b9 the IkdfmaI Gcrernment for Contennkalpmp080et* a mmer tc the second question It res~rolo.6that the $~,ooo.oo ellooeted rdr edmimietrativoexpense in the otier Of fbe United States Tesas Centtid -6Sio& dota JBrmsrSr 8~ SW, &ould have been plooed in the atate treasury aad emended non. TOE C. mg, ASLY 13, 1939, Page 9 in accordance~rith the provisions of the Act of the Legisla- ture controlling the expenditure of tbe moneys appropriated by the state for Centennial purposes. You were advised in answer to question Lo. 3 that the funds in qUeStiOn tiOU$l nOt be USSd t0 pay Sah14.e~ in excess of the limit of &000.~0, OS prescribed in 8. B. Ho. I& Acts 44th Le@slature p. 427. From the facts before us at that time it appeared and we understood that the $KI~OGG.GG allocated by the Feder- al Conmissi~n we8 paid to the Owmnlssion of Control without curoefbnee to ita expemdlftlre, exaeptreprorictedin the ordsr ot,January8, 1939. 8oa. es of ilt Be lo. 1% &tm fssbr 44th Iieg~ah,l* reBrring to allo~tloam mUlo ta t&o Casdmaian of Control by the.lrederal So+ormaeutpratidas, in part, a6 followax Gamulmsionof Goatrol te bo srgondo&ut&x:.~ proTifJ$anaOf t&lieAot ountrolllIlg '-.-the the aqmndlturo``~of thomonoyaharein app~pri-, Nea t . . l ie ahaLlrekv%owthe 8u6lttonal~faat8 prase&d,.fo BU ta d+ona¶ae mbothar the.1woral 8ovenmsnf *othew.diraat- e6* tbe tuqpenditaro of thorn Ponayar In the order of Samar9 6, ,@a?, tho Un%t-ad(Itatoa- Toxw Conteruilal mn pramulgatacl ruler for fhe'eapen~ dit~1-0 or tat0 ~)mo.00 illoortsd ior uwatwa0 08pm0. Ifraaplwid tWtpa9mntia~far aalar%oarore~tobomada flrroPghafederelmu``iormurdrprJroll~porf``a dea%guatadaart%f%aatlaaalgnad by the ahainnauof the Corn-- mimeion of C!wtroL Pravlsion use mad0 for aortlfioatteu on SdVCU-tldllg.Peyments for travdlfngarpemeee uoro tu be paid ou a per dieatbaale ma provided under Federal lawa, Other administrativeexpouao was to be @mItted on a atmdard Feller- al fOrpI Allmuchere fur expeueestero to bofSnall9 spprwoc4 for peJrpentby the Exeautive Seorotary of tne Federal olaoisa- We have been preaeuted with samples of these oapanao %khers shoring hor they uere sigu&.and countoraigpsdr lrp- pamutly i$ was luteudod that this money be used to reelat in the adnhbtret%on of jakrt lederal-State projects. in aecordanoe with the provisionsof the Act of the Legida- ture controlling the expenditure of the moneys appropriated by the state for Ceutf%mial purposes. You were advised in ausver to question lo. 3 fhat the funda in question should not be used to pay ealaries in excess of the limit of &GOG.CO, as prescribed in 8. B. Ioo. 1~ Aota 44th Leglsleture p 427. From the fasts before us et that t&e it appear- end ue understood that the $lG80G0.GG allocated by the Fe&r- el C~naalssion vas paid to the Conunlseion of Control dthout direofionas to it0 oxpead&ture,exaepteeprovueain the o-,ot.,Jsoouy 88 1P(W* paidonaperdlen badmaapro*ided'audor%YkWallm. Ofllsr apt&twtive~ erpaut~ouaa to be etgadtfeaOn e otaa&rd Fupm- . 111touoheratorerqr``s+orofobeiinill9`` for pa9nmnt b9 the Exoautivosaarottuyof the fmloral .Ooma$ae- Ion. Te heto been proaented rith amp108 OP.those oqmna~ vuuohsr's showin@; how thg wero signed.+ud mmtersipasb - parentlp it.was Inter&U that thla laone9be used to assist$I the admlnbtrnt%aa of,JoAnt po44wal-Stateprojeote. We understand that fn practice this administrative money was not paid in R lump sum'direct to the state agencies, but wheu payrolls or cxponsc vouchers for a given period were sent t0 L)aZlas C6r approval by the Federal agents, a t2eck wverinl: those items was returned with the approved vouchers. The ChCck WRS then deposited in an Austin bank and checks drawn to the various individuals entitled to the money. ms practice continued until about Juue , k937, when the balance of the $m,ooo.oo, wltich smbounted to $to74.89, was forwarded to the Commission uf Control, fogether with an additional ad- ninistrative allotmnont of $?,600.00. 8ee order flated Hay 24, llS37,hereinabove referred to. We rmderstazxl that this mmey was placed in the bank and the eamo practice was followed with respect to presentationof vowhers and appror~ by Fob .srrI autltorlfiee before sndirtdrut 8beoM mre drmn: Zhe Joint Reaolutlom a@tbgirp, tae~reaeorl aOPIPd8E ion g8Ye it broad power* ia oozltroll~ tb43"asponAifmb of t?m tlhey&7ebeenplaeoAlnthe OrAm- hea beea prooonofedto ~W plaeed in the bank, or t&at paid thorem hut l 8u b o to nta .ao l o ntr o l o ver a te o a p so db ~ p r o ve o x p ea la 7 e0-q WA a a th o +w wc a p e$ M +~r tb tUd p -& B 0 tWdt0 60 -tie .- I?r P p o #i%Qn fltat @ l-.-9 7 o r h R l r g e a p lwt b etwfm th o Tea s.+7 o ta dseia n WA -i;w mlmlda n th a t th e 1 o ll~ -8b o u lAb e -wa u leA a a ta m wa y* a l a ., : letter Aa teQ & p m 4 #‘SW* ta m ,uorAaml8*hs*tBti'fsua~- minicrtntite ftmA rotsA ba pM to MO ao w 'Of:tba'4am- la2wlon of Qontlvl AD* AeJwlt9~ia 6 boaa& and that,,zm ta 1Ioeue ohooke agalnet ,tbeOaeotQlt ``-7awhqre -~iwtj& ae cot out abo7a. T0 UhoaA promam that the qents OS the Feder$l uowiseion authorl8tng and ASreeMtsg the A&mpeibion wd a80 et theFe&wd alloemt%anaie`` ever extemttheysuuharedmre eo, or the.w aahorlty. s.ariew or the addk*Smol hots *resintea, there'P(qr ormy not hare been verbal u&mdtirm or aather%eatioIi~ the rabral agents to the State authecit~ tbatthielaoney``~- p~dedcitherdse, so as to rmoreit,fm~theotherpmvieS.ozie of H. B. 100.11 wntrslllmg the exjmnd%tuFeof'state appropr%a- fions, ad there may or anaynot bars been Federal ratPPloat%fJm and direction after the lb0ve~blOaed pOl+op wae a&Opted- SW wg a fact-f%adlng boaJ, t&e 28 a queet&on which cannOtp-- perly be passed upm by this WurQararta Very truly yours ATTOlUWX GEX!NAL OF TEXA8 ..~. . . I :
Document Info
Docket Number: O-589A
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017