May 25, 1939 Honorable W. C. McDonald County Attorney Coke County Robert.Lee, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-586 Re: Enumeration of soholastlos In the distrlot of their residence. We are inreoelpt of ,your letter of April 4, 1939, ln which you,request the opinion of this department upon the following question: "Whatschool district Is legally.entltled to enumerate Florlne Presslar, a girl age 16 years?" You submit the following facts: The parents of this girl reside in Sanco Common School Dlstrlct and'olalmthls to be the'irhome. "'Herfather, Green Presslar, rented an apartment In the town of Robert Lee in the Robert Lee Independent Sohool District ln September, 1938, and his daughter, Florlne Presslar, has been re- siding ln Robert Lee, Texas, attending the Robert Lee Independent Sahool'during the 1938-1939 term; she and her father both claiming Robert Lee Is her home and where this child now resides except on some wee,k-endsshe vLsits her father and mother In said Sano,oCommon School District and spends her summer vacations ln said Sanco Common School District. Her father has refused to enumerate this child In the Sanco Common School Dlstrlct, and did, on the 29th day of March, 1939, enumerate her ln the Robert Lee Independent School Dist,rlct,which he olalms to be her home, and as she fs physically pesent and re- siding In said Robert Lee Independent School Dlstrlot, he refuses to enumerate her elsewhere; except in said Robert Lee School Distrlot, claiming that under the law he has the right to enumerate hls child ln the school district In whiah she'ls physically present and in which she resides; also claiming it to be her intention to reside ln said Robert Lee Independent School~District until she flnlshes school." Honorable W. C. McDonald, May 25, 1939, Page 2;G-586 We assume that Green Presslar and his wife reside In Sanco Common School Dlstrlot. Article 2816, Revised Civil Statutes, provides that the census trustee of each distrlot shall show on the proper form "the name and number of the school district In which the children reside", and It is provided In Article 2901, Revised Civil Statutes that "every child In this State of scholastic age shall be permitted to attend the public free schools of the district or independent district ln *Ioh it resides at the time It applies for admission, notwithstanding that it may have been enumerated elsewhere, or may nave attended sohool elsewhere part of the year." It Is also provided ln Article 2892, as follo&s: "F&erg ohlld in the State who Is seven years, and not more than sixteen years of age shall be re- quired to attend the pub110 sohool In the dlstrlot. of Its resldenoe, or in some other dlstriot to which It may be transferred~as provided by law, for the period of~not less than one hundred and twenty days. 99%" Other statutes provlde for the transfer of a child attending school in a dlstriot other than Its residence. We think the statutes are sufficiently olear in expressing an Intention that a ohild of scholastic age shall be enumerated for the soholastla cenms In the district in which It resides. The Attorney General's Ruling as set out in "The Handbook of Texas School Law", page 546, to which you refer Is cited as making the following ruling In said handbook: YSoholastics should be enumerated only In the dlstr$,ctwhere.they are physl~callJpresent and reside on April lst, notwithstanding the domicile of their natural guardian, and the state apportionment oan be Kide only on suoh basis." (Letter Opinion Book NO. 381, p. 586, dated May 18, 1936.) This opinion distinguishes between "residence" and "domicile", but the language oontalned in this opinion, when ;aken alone, is susJeptlble to the construction given and probabl::makes a broader ruling than the ,faats presented required. However, when the opinion as whole is read In the light of the specifio faots therein presented the result of the opinion, we think, .ls correct. In that case the writer had under consideration the enumeration of children who lived with their parents in one school district and there was an attempt - - Honorable W. C. McDonald, May 25, 1939, Page 3, O-506 to enumerate these children ln the dlstrlot in which the father worked. This department rendered an opinion on November 4, 1905, to the Honorable R. By.~ouslns, State Superintendent of Public Instruction on a similar question which we think substantially expresses the proper rule to be applied In the Instant ease. It was there stated: "If the children have merely an ostensible and not a substantial residence in the district, If they were sent to Rookdale for the sole purpose, or even for the main purpose, of psrtiolpating in the advantages of the public sohools of Eockdale, they are not entitled to free tuition. "But If they were sent toreside In Rookdale in good faith In order to~glve them suitable homes, with the intention on the part of the father, and of the persons In whose care he plaaed them, that the ahlldren should reside there permanently; If the educational advantages of the residents in Rockdale were merely incidental to their going there, and other oonslderations induoed the father, In good faith, -to select that plaae aa their home, I think the children-are residents of Rookdale within the meaning of the school law, and entitled to free tuition there, notwithstanding that the domicile of the father is elsewhere." While we reoognlze that a minor child may acquire a bona fide resldenoe separate and apart from Its parents within the oontemplatlon of our aohool laws, we do not think that such bona fide resldenoe Is established by the mere physical presenoe of the minor in another distrlot or by living temporarily In another district for the purpose of attending school. School Dlstrlot No. 1, eta. vs. School District (Sup. Ct. Mloh. 1926), 211 NiW. 60; Yale vs. West Middle School District,
59 Conn. 489, 13 L.R.A. 161; Anno. 26 L.R.A. 581. We understand that the opinion herein expressed is in accord with a long established construction placed upon our census laws by the State Department of Education. It Is our opinion that if the facts develop that Florine Presslar Is living In the Robert Lee Independent Sohool Distriat for the sole or principal purpose of at- tending the schools of that district, she Is a resident of Sanco Common School District for the purpose of scholastic enumeration, and should be enumerated~,inthe saholastic census of that district. However,, if.she has in good faith Honorable W. C. McDonald, May 25, 1939, Psge 4, O-586 established a substantial residence, and not' a mere ostensible residence for the purpose of attending school, she may properly be enumerated In the Robert Lee Independent School District. In your brief you raise some question as to whether the County Superintendent has authority to change an enumeration which has been,llstad in the wrong district. In this connection we call your attention to Article 2919, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925, which requires the County Superintendent to make affidavit to the correctness of his consolidated cerisusrolls and whichfurther povides: "In making these consolidated rolls, he shall.scrutinlze carefully the work of the census trustees, and shall shave power to summon witnesses, take affidavits and correct any errors he may find inany census trustee's roll, ,end he shall carefully exclude all duplicates." Yours very truly ATTOR1v GENERAL OF TEXAS s/ Ceoll C. Cammack JXY Cecil C. Cammadk Assistant CCC:FG-og APPROVED: s/Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS APPROVED: Opinion Committee By REK Chairman
Document Info
Docket Number: O-586
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017