OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN &Fril 1, 1939 Hon. II.S. Plyohs,April 1, 1939, Page 2 of Criminal Prooadnre of the Stats of Texas as to the l&sanity of a dsfenc!ant,shall oon- slst of the affidavit of the Supsrintendent of some State Institutionfor ths treetraent of the inssne, or the afridavlt of not lees than two lloensed and regularly preotloing physiaiana of the State of Texas, or ths effi- davft of the prison physloian or warden of the Panal Institution whsrsin the defendant --is in prison, or the County Health Offioer ef the Couaty where the defend&H was rlnally loavioted,whioh affidavits,if made, ahall Hate that after a pera- aaaination ef tha defendant, it la the opfnlonbf the affiant tht the defendant is lnsaae, and aald afil- datlta ahall. in addition thereto, aot fosth. the rea8oaa aad $ho oawe or WLUMB wh.loh hare justified.theopLnion,* *Al-t.~084. UO.8peOl~l f~rullt~ lr nooeaaary In sozaduotlngthe prooee(ling0w- tMrlse(. by this ohapter. The oourt ahali ase that t&o iBq*-i0 80 aonduatadbaa to laa& to a Setlefaetosy oOnoltulOat Thc~oouaael tkm the dafendant he18t&a ri&ht to open aa& oomlada t+s argument upen the trial of eueh 180w Of bmaBity." The oarre,Milllkfn va. Jeffrey,
891 WI 8923holds ammg other thlags that the sourt la rhlah the defendantwa8 oonrioted haa lxalualve juria~iotion of a prooeedin(3to iaqulm into hie alleged inoantty. Artiala 84 of the Penal Code reads as rollawar "A *oriminaladion' meana the who10 or an part of the prooedurewhloh the law proviies for bringing ofrendars to justioo; and the teras lprosecution*and 'aaousatioa' are used in the same sanse.* The prooedure adjudging one not oharged with a orlma to be a psraon of unsound mind and providing for his restraint 18 8olely through the aounty oourt sad Hon. H. S. Wyohe, April 1, 1939, Fags 3 although the state Is a party to euoh Inquiry, the ohsreotcr of the prooeeding is eseentially civil. (White vs. White,
196 SW 508; Tex. Jur. Vol. 24, page 388) However the Amarillo Court of Civil Appeale in the CA8C of Lindsay '18.Wood et ux, 27 5W 2nd 263 said that : "In our opinion, A prosecution for lunacy 1~3a quasi-orImina1 prooeeding.a brdrpraotioallyall of the authorItIeahold that 8uoh prooedbinga am laaentiallyoirll. Title U, Chapter 1 OS the Code of Or&n& Prooedure provider for a trial of the queetton of'the defendant'siinsanity where It ir made known to tha oourt at my time after oonviotion,or If the oourt has good seaeon to believe, that the defandant la la- MM, or whore a porron mho has ban oonrloted .oi a ````````````````````t well4aunded. In prooeeQIng#of this natara tham+.is no Issue or quutloa to k deternine by the oorrrli,~rr- oept the qnoeti~ of t& defendant's InsaAty and it &oannot be said that this IS a oriainal aotion or pro- oedum aa no siiminal offonae 18 obarged In ?uoh pro- oeeding. After a earoful.lnnatIgatIon and aea*oh~of the statutea,we are unable to find any statute ptiotid- Ing for or authorizingthe payment of witneaees In lwh proosedings. Title lEa,ohapter 1 of the Oode of OrWn-" al PrOOWbIrrt, mapra, iWkO8 no pSeViBi0M nor doe6 it presaribe the ma-r In whioh sooh witneaaos shall be ~aebpoeneedor brought befom ths oourt in suoh hearleg mn doso it provide for the oompenaationof 8uoh wlt- neoaeo. Artiole 1036, Oode of Criminal Prooedure pro- vides smong other thingst *1. Any witneos who may have been reoog- Hon. 2. 5. i;yohe,April 1, 1939, Page 4 nized, subpoenaed or attached, and (rivenbond lor his sp;~aaranoebefore any court, or be- fore any grand jury, out of the county of his residence to testify in e felony case, and VZLOappears.in compliance with the obligations oftouch recognizance or bond, shall be allOwe& Us- actual traveling ezpenses, not sxoeedfng four.cants per mile going tc and returning from the court or grati jury, by.tho nearr8t praetl- oal oonveyanoe,and two dollars per dar for maoh day he may neoossarilybo absent froa him0 ~II a ritneas in such oaae. ~ltnorsos &all reooive fram the Stat+, ,$or attendwoe upoa dietriot oourte and grand @lo* in counties other than th8% of the,irrosl``o*; in obedlenoe to subpaener issued under the pra- '~ visions of law their lotual tnreliag srpeime8 not erooodlng tour oonts pet mile, going fo.urj returning from the oourt er grand jury, by tho nearemt praotloal oonveyanoe,and ttsodollarr~ per day for eaoh day they may neoessarllybe absent trim home al a wlitne86,to be paid a8 nw pxivlded by law;....... %&a. 2. Witaaaa toor shall be allowed only to suah wltnesaes a8 may ham beum Mnnf110nOdon the sworn written app&loetlon of the State’8 - attorney or the defendant or his attorady al- provided In Artlole.4&5,~Code of Crlmlnal Pro- oedura, which sworn applloetion must be medo -at ths tlnm of the proou~ing oi,the subpOeM, attachment ior, or ~rsooguhanoe of, the witness. The judge to whom an applioatlon Sor attaoh- mont is made, may, In hia dlsoretlon, grant oc refuse such application, when presented IQ tena time.= Article 463, 4n ~slmlnalProcedure, readr: Veiort the clerk OT his deputy ahall be required or permitted to Issue a subpoena in any felony ease pending in any Di8trlot or Orimlnal Dl8trlot Court of this State of rrbloh Hon. R. S. I??yo!~e, April 1, 1939, PaPe 5 he IS olerk or deputy, the defendant or his attorney or the State's attorney shall make written, sworn application to such clerk for eao5 witness desired. Buch application shall state the name of each witness desired, the looation and voaotion, if known, and that t&e testimony of said witness is materiel to the state or to :tledef:TIae. As far as is praotf-. oal auoh clerk shall include in ona subpoena the n``aesof all witna8888 for the State and for defendant, and auoh prooesa ahall ahow that the wltneasaa ara ammonod for the State or ror the defendant. mqm c1WitnO haa bean 8eWed with a subpoena, attaohed ar plaoed under reaognlzauoeat tha lnatanae of’ alther party in a pertiaular oaae, suoh em- oution of proooaaaball Inure to the benorit- of the.oppo8it6'porty%n 8ueh oase in the event auoh opposite party de8ire8 to ulle suoh iitn688 on tha trial of the Oaae, pro- rided‘thet when a wltnea8 haa onoe been 8emed with a aubpoosa, no further aubpoana ahall be iasusd for dd wltne88.w The prooeed$ng provided for by Title lg, oh& ter 1 of the Coda of Criminal Prooodure, aupra, %a not the trial of the felony oaao in the diatrlot oourt. Therefore,wltneaaaa who appear in suoh oases or pro- I owdlnga are uot entitled to fees or OOZ8pan8atiOKK a0 provided ior in &Mole 10256,COae of Crlmlnal Prooe- ' dure. In view oi the foregoing atatutaa, you are r0- apaotfullyadvised that lt la the opinion of thi? Impart- ment that wltneaaes in prooesdlngaas provided for by Title 18, chapter 1, Soda ol Criminal Prooedura Oanuat hare sorlpt issued against the State ot Texae to pa7 their -per dlun and mileage and that tha State fa not liable iOr 8uoh costs. Trusting that the iora@lng anawers your in- quiry, wa remain very truly youra
Document Info
Docket Number: O-526
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017