see L8tter oplnlon Boor 80. 188 t8gs61g;m~ 4, 19l4, M. OS mute*8 ot XSD are not rai&ubed to ednr8ln iw bids for the lno tio nof 8ehoOl’hou808 bunt Honorable T. Il. Trimble First As,&itaAState gupsrlatendmt ta nc th lo e r -lp er r i8io n Austlr, Texas Dear sir, OpimiOB HO. 0-62s*i RIB:msthsr bumtoss or oomon~sohool distriubzmy,auaM a buildiagORB- tractwithout admrtia~ for Mds. (Bee rots klew) Ws an ia rsseiptof your lettsr of Huoh 17, 1939,whsr~im$ou requestour oplaion.i*respoasoto the followlagquestions: *l@'ti trGtesi of a o-c& sohooldistriotlegallybt a buildingoo* traot agaiti thCbolla,ft+dwithouttflrsfhrpI% adwrtissd fisrMds? If ths tmstssi tie not psrmittsdto do tbls,rhat would bs the requiredldmd of adwrtisiag?* !&s authori* for ths trustws of ocwoa,soimol distriotsIW mrrh suoh oomtraatsis folud In Artiole 2762, Rsvistid Civil 6tatntss,lhioh ma&s as follows: "The trust088of a sohooldirtriotshall ooatraot, for the ereotioaof ths &buildings ad ~mperl~o~d,thaooartraotiomof the 8a-w``~udtho oouatysup erimttidat Shilldr*ohis wuramt upoa the sohool fund so appropriated oaly upon the aoooumtsfirst apprmsd bp them. 1pomsohanio,oomtraotor, matsrlalmm, or other psnoa, oam ocmtraotfor, or ia my otbsr.mmmsr have or aoqairew Lisa npo~ Mm houn so oreotedor the lamd upon whioh the same is situated;and all oontraotswith suoh partiesshall qossly stipulatefor a miwr of such lien." It till la loted that same oontainsno requirsmsatfor the trus- tees to sulmitwoh oo``traots to oompstitlvebiddimg. Wtiole 2566a, Revised8tatats8,make* rsquiremmntsof that nature psrtaini8gto osrtda oontraotsof oitissaad ooumtiss(the latteraoting throughtheir oonmissior ers( oourts),but neitherthat statutsnor w other ekes q suoh pro~i- sioa relativeto the oontraotsmentionedin your inquiry. ++ Rote: f?ssLetterOpinion &ok 166, Page 619. Bard of trusteesof in- depemdslltsohooldistriotsnot requiredto advertisefor bids for the erectionof sohoolhousesbailt under their supervision. July 14, 1914. Hon. T. M. Trimble,page 2 (0.525) The aearsst case la point rbiohws have been able to Piad Is that of Staplubonv. Trussall,
196 S.W. 269. Thereinthe trustw had a@mrtiwd for bids lxatuthad not 1st the oontraotto the lowsrt Udder. Mter.quotiag ths abwe,Artiols 2762, ths Court said: *So doubtlessthe tmstw oomplaimd of la this aotior had the pcmer, under ths law, to advertiseamd rsoelveMds for th& ersotioxof a sohoolhoussla oomo8 schooldistrlotRo. 673 but thsrs is nothlag ir the la1 that'arbltrarilyrsquirw such 'boardto aooept the lowestMd that may be rsoslted. As speoiflsdin the law, thsir power in making suoh oomtraots IS g8n0ral,d ix the m83t00 0r mitatm8, thsp PTO requiredmerely to aot faithfullyaad la the oxoroissof their best judgmsprtso as to best remoths iatsrwt of their dis- triot.* In wrigh% v. Jomos, 120 5.X 1190, It -8 heldtit the trustaos of m independentschool could cppoitia oomittos to lot suoh a oontraot, tho board of trustsosauthorizingand adoptingthe same. There is mo xosd to answsryour sooondquestion,siaoom answeryour first imtho afflrmatioe. Your0 wly lmlly ATTQRNZYGENERALOF BXAS Ey /s/~Glon B. Lawis Gleap R. Inrim Assistant GFiL:N:egw APPROWD: .- /s/ H. F. Moore FIRsTASSIS!r!mT ATTORNEY GRNRRU
Document Info
Docket Number: O-525
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017