Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •                             -h    29, 1939
    Ccumudmione~of the GeneralLand Office
    OpinionNo. O-523
    Be: $ffect of sectionlo, ch. 271
    of 1931,cm pro-
    edsting river bed oil and &as
    Dear M?. Giles
    This aoknowledgesreceiptof and la in reply to your letter
    of Maroh 17, 1939,~in which you requestthe opiuionof this Departmant
    upmi the~questionof irhether or not .%&ion 10 of Chapter 271, General
    Iawa of 1931, repealedthe $2.00 par aore lease remtal provisioncm-
    tained inChapter lkO,GeneralLawa of 3gthLegialature;1925. Youfur-
    ther request0115'opinion aa tovhether or not you ahm.l.dissuea renewal
    iease to Mrs. Ibnie O'Brienupon the erpiratlm of the presentoil.ai~d~
    gas leasewhich she holda covering398.229 aores in the TrinityRiver bed
    in LibertyCounty,Texas.
    As ve understandyour letter,on October5, 1928,permitNo.
    .?724 toprospect for oil and Sac W'iasued to Mre. Ronie W8rien cover-
    ing the portionof the TrinityRiver bed in question; On April 30, 1929,
    after proper proof of the discoveryof oil had beti made to your office,
    ollaud gas lease Iio.I2724 vaa issuedto Mrs. IVouieOIBi%n, her heirs
    and asslgu~,sald,leasehavingbeen issueduuder the terms aud provisiona
    of Chapter 83, Ads of lgl?, as amendedby Ch. 140, Acts of 195, 39th
    De&siature, which latterstatuteappearsaa Artlole5344,Verno~'dCivil
    AnuotatedStatutes,1925,said artioleread- as follows:
    "Uponthe paymentof$2.00 (two dollars)per aore
    for eaoh acre in the permit a lease shall be issued
    for a term of ten (10) years,or less, as may be desired
    by the applicant,and with the optionof a renewalor
    renewalsfor au equal or shorterperiod,end imaedlately
    after the experaticm(expiration) of the ftiet year after
    the date of the leaae,the sum of (two) ($2.00)dollars
    !peracre shallbe paid duringths life of the lease, and
    in additionthereto,the owner of the $?a80 shallpay a sue
    of mcey equal to a royaltyof one-eighthof the value of
    the gross productlouof petroleum. The owner of a gas well
    HonorableBaama Gilas,page 2 (O-523)
    shall pay a royaltyof oue-teuthof the value of the metre
    outputof all gas disposedof off the premises;provided,
    howevm'that the provieiom hereof as to the paymeutof
    two ($2.00)dollaraper acre duriug the lease period md
    the life of the said lease shall not apply to leaseeof
    bays, marshes,reefs, saltwaterlakes or other submerged
    lands containingas much as 0110hundred (100) acres but
    not in excess of five hundred (500) aorea upon whioh 88
    many 88 five wella have been drilled,and upon which BIGex-
    penditureof as much aa one hundredthousand($lOO,OOO.OO)
    dollarehaa bs6P.mada. The drilhlngof said wells and the
    expenditureof said amount to be eatabliahedto the satis-
    faotionof the commissioner:'of the land office."
    You attachedto your lettera certifiedcopy of the lease
    issuedto Mrs. O'Brien. Such lease ou page,1 thereofrecitesthat
    a permit to proepeotfor oil and gas had bean previouel.y
    Mm. O'Brienunder the provieioneof Chapter83~of aiiAct of Meroh
    16, 1917, and Acts subsequentthereto. Paragraphnumberedlonpage
    2 of said oil and gas lease, in part, made aa follows:
    "Ynadditlontothetwo dollarspar acre already
    paid on each aore luoludedherein,the owner of the rights
    hereinconveyedshallpryalike aumannuallyhere&%er in
    advanoeon the mea iutsluded  herein,whioh ehallbe paid
    on orbeforethe expirstionof each year durlug the life of
    this contract,and In additionthereto,the owner of the
    rights hereiuoonveyedehallpay to the State ofTezae at
    theGeneralLendOffice ofTexaa,atAuetiu,Texaa,asum
    of money equal to a royaltyof me-eighth of the value of
    the gross productionof petxoleumaud ehallpay a eumof
    money equal to ten per cent of the value of all gae cold."
    You'furtherstate in your letterthat the firat yerr lease
    rental of $2.00 per acm~was paid in 1929 andbike paymeutwaa made in
    1930; thatbeginniugwiththethMyearleam          rentalthe paymentwas
    reducedto 25 cants per acre under provleicmsof Section 10, Chapter
    271, Act of May 29, 1931, and that all.subsequentannualpaymentshave
    been at the rate of 25 ceuts per acre; that the 10 year periodfor
    which the leasewas iaauedwill expireApril 30, 1939, aud that the
    lesseehas writ&u to you making the requestthat a rem@      be issued.
    As the lease in questionwan issuedon April 30, 1929,when
    Chapter83, Acts of 1917, as mended by Chapter'.lkO, Acts of 1925 was iu
    foroe,we are of the opinionthat the paymentof rentalson such lease
    is governedand controlledby Umpter 140, Acts of 1925. The affectof
    Chapter140, Acts of 1925, iu our opinion,is to requirea cash payment
    at the time of the issuanceof the lease of $2.00 per acre for each 8Cm
    includedin the originalpermit,and a furtherannualrental paymentof
    Hon. BasccmGlles, page 3 (O-523)
    $2.00 per acre during the life of the Lease,ami 2~ additim themt'.,
    the oil aud gas royaltyprovidedin said act shall be paid in case of
    production. The statuteplainlysays that *the 8um of $2.00.peracre
    shell be paid during the life of the lease.' It IS kaiaputabh   that
    the life of the lease in questionto Mrs. O'Brienis flaredboth by the
    terms of Chapter 140, Acts of 1925, aud by the provlsiouein the lease
    Itself,at a,periodof 10 years frm April 30, 1929, with a right to
    reuew the same as providedia Chapter lk0. Therefore,a requirement
    of the paymentof rental of $2.00 per acre during the iife of the lee-x,
    in our opinion,requiresau annualpaymentor $2.00 per acre for each
    aud every year that the leaearemains In force, Includingany renewal
    term. We do not believethat the 39th Legislaturein euactingChapter
    140, Acts of 1925,whioh chapterexpresslyameorda   subdlvisiou2, section
    7 of Chapter 83, Aota of ``17,.35thLegislature,iutendedtherebyto re-
    lease the State% lesaeefrom the paymentof:mmal~rentals~stlpulated
    by the A& iu case productionwas secured.'The only ohangewhich Chap-
    ter.140,Acts of 1925,made in Chapter83, Acts of 1917, was to insert
    the word "immediately"in place of the word “annually” which appeared
    in the 1917 Act end to add a provisoto the 1917 Act which proviso is
    not relevantto your inquirymder the facts presentedby your letter.
    We cauuot esoape the ooncluaionttvrthadtheLegislature
    Intendedto hbollehthe requinrmentof the 1917 Act for the payment
    of annualrentals in case of produatlou,itwouldhave used lmguege
    ~hWly iadiaatbg .suoh~aninteutdbn. Such inteMiou 8lfi0 ~0ul.d have
    been olearly Indicatedby the Legialatum by simply strikiugfman the
    1917Act the phrase O%hall~bepaid during the life of ths Lease*. In
    the absenceof any such aut%ou ou the part of the Legislature,we must,
    of necessity,hold that the Legislaturedid not intendto releaseleas-
    see8 frm the paymeutof the $2.00 per ame auuualrentals. The proper
    constructQm o?A.vticle53J&,in our opfnion,.  is that mch articlere-
    quiresthe paymeutof annual reutsleof $2.00 per aore duriug the eut?ze
    1FPe of the leaao emu after produotiouis eszmed.
    The furtherquestlouin ~eeeuted byeym? requestfor eu
    opinionaa to the effect of Sectiuz10, of Chapter27~1,Acts of 1931,
    RegularSession of the k?nd Legislature,whfoh appearsas Sectiou10 GE
    Article5421a,Vernon'8Aumtated Civil Statutes$ 1925.
    section 10 of Chapter271 read8 as followa:
    "The a?eas inoludsdherein shall be leanedfor a
    comlderation, in additionto the oath mouut bid tier+
    for,,of not lese than one-eighth(l/8)of the gross pro-
    dudson of bil, or thr value of 88100,that my be ~pmduced
    and saved,'andnot lasa than one eighth (l/8)of the gross
    product:ouof gas, or the value of same, aud not Iem than
    one-eighth(l/8)of the gmae produc,timof sulphur,or the
    value of mme that may be pmdumd, that may be prodmed aud
    Hou. Baecaa'3llee,p4ga 4 (O-523)
    sold.offthe area and not less thsn one-sirtdenth(l/16)
    of the value q allothern&wrals thatnmybe pmduoed,
    aud m additimul mua of twenty-fivecents an acre per year
    for eaohyerrthereafteruutilprdcldctiou   is scoured. When
    pmiuot&n ham beeu mmured In ocmaero  i4l quautitiee4nd
    the pigmentof royaltybegins and coutlnuesto be paid,
    the owner shalibe ese.@?frmfurther4unualrentsl~nte
    orthe 4oreage. The provisl~ of this utiale inrespectto
    p4ymentmofrent4laf'tergroduotimmdthe ceeart          of pro-
    duotioneh4llapply to lemes heretoforeissuedby3!e St&J
    onsnfarea exoept Linda belcmgiugtotha Stata lJuiveraity4nd
    el.e~aynu.y institutions. Lp productlon8bxd.d aease and
    royaltynot be paid, the owner of ths lease sh4ll, at the end
    of the lease year inwhiohthe myaltyaoraedto be paid4ud
    annu4llythereafterin rdvanoe,p4y twenty-fiveoeuta per
    aore so lcmg aa auohownermydesire tomaintainthe righta
    acqutid under the lease,not to exceedfive (5) yeun from
    the date of said le4ae."
    Youwlllobeerve th4ttha fiualaanteneeof Seotiou a0
    aboveliiaitsthe time ftiwhtiha leasewbe      keptinforce bywnt
    ello@Minti-*oCiacWlto         4perWoffive     yem3. In your letter
    yotietate that th6 leseeeof the pmtioular lease in questioubegrn tha
    wt      of redacedrentalsof 25 mute per aore in 1931, or eight yeti
    ago. Ue think olelrrly tht If Beetlou10 of"Oh4pter~looaldbe held
    to 4pply to the river bed levee-JnquestionwhichMS iseued in 1929,
    neverthelese,such learn after the yeu 1936 wae not entitUddto thebene-
    fit of the reducedrentalproviaicmsof Chapter271.
    However,48 the question4a to the effeotof Section10 of
    Article 9210 wil.Ldoubtiees often vise in the future witheepeot to
    riverbed Imae wherethefive ykr limit4tionperlodhrsnotekpired,we
    believethe questionof the applkaticm of Chapter27ltaang moh leases-~
    on river beda cau 4ud shouldbe -redatthistimewlthoutrespwtto
    the expirationornon-expintiou ofthefive year LimitationperIod~ In
    determiningthe effectof Section10, Article 5b2lc on river bed larsea,
    two questioname involved. Fir&, doea Section10 by ita terma apply to
    or pnrpcgtto apply to river bed leases? Ebcond,Ff Section10 is con-
    strudd8asapplyiugto or purportfngto apply to river bed leasea,theu d.6
    suah statute,so donstrued,conetitutionali' Upon ekaiu3ng the caption
    of Chapter271,Acts of 1931 (Vernou'sAnnotatedCivil Statutes;Artisle
    .9&2lc),we do not find in 4uy pm% thereofanymenticmccdW4subjectrekat-
    lng to tha lame, srls or developmentof river bed arem. The o4ptim
    ie c&tied to aetrtementthrtthe aotia one to "ragul4tethe s4leand
    leue of lende setapartforthebenefit of the public free aolmolfmd,
    and to providefor the diepoaitiouandsale ofminerale oontainedinall
    islands,salt w4tere, lakes,bay6, inlets,marshesaud nmfe owned by the
    endilluueoldpublic free a&ml
    State within the jurisdictionof Texae,,
    m.         Gilee, page 5 (O-523)
    landaboth mrveyed aud uumrveyed". . . and "providiuggenerallythe
    method end meaua for the sale of public,
    school lauda and the lease and
    developmentof the,publioschool lend&and ooastalareaa." Upcm exfaain-
    ing Section lof Chapter271, whioh motion purportsto exummate speci-
    fioallythe lauda aud areaa which are subjectto ooutroland sale uoder
    the proviaio~ of Chapter271,we find this significantlauguager
    "All landsheretoforeeet apart to the publicfree
    schoolfunda under the Constitutionand3.&a of Texas,and
    allofthe uuappropriatedandmmoldpublic daaainrunain-
    ing in this State of whatevercharacter,exceptriver beds,
    emdchnneltr,mB iaLradejlakes audbaye, and otherareas
    withintidewaterlhuits, EQ% aubjeotto aontrolaud sale
    uuder the provieionaof this Act."
    Thw we find t&t the captionof the statute in question
    fails tonention atanypointthatone of the subjectscf theAotis
    riverbed8 or leasestherecnorthe paynentsofrentala colsaidUasee.
    We furtherfind thatSe&iCp 109 the Aot embaly      exoeptsriverbeds
    md``chanue~ flwn controlorsale under the'Aut, It ie not until Section
    lauds other than those expreaalydesignatediu Sectiona~of the Aat ahd
    even Section 10 of the Aot doea'notexpreselyrefer to river beds or to
    le4seathereon. In foot, Seotion 10 of the Act beginswith the language,
    cths~ueaa inoludedherein-shallbe leased* * l", therebyindioating
    thatSeotionlOvillderl~wit;hthe        ueaa apeoifieallyenmaerated   in
    Sectlonlof the Act. The only-          in Section 10 which la susceptible
    that sentenceof Section10read5ng aa followw:
    "The proviaion~of this artiole inrespecttopaymenta
    of rental after produotionand the cessationof prodw3ticn
    shallapplyto Isamesbsreto~      issuedby the State cneny
    area except lands belongingto the State Universityaud al&e-
    In State v. Bradford,50 S. W. (2),1065,the SupraneCourt
    of Teuaa held tlmt Article 5k16, 1925R. C. S., did not includenor have
    the effectof'settingapart river beda to the PermanentFree School E'und
    ofTexas,notwithstandingthefa&tbatArticle 916 containedthe follow-
    in6 Language:
    "AU lads heretoforeset apart under the conatltution
    and lawa of Texas, and all of the unapprolniated
    radning iu this State ofwhateverobaracter,andwheresoever
    located,inoludlngeny land&hereafterrecoveredby th? State,
    except that inaludedin lakes,brys andislende alongthe@ulf
    of Mexico within tidewaterlimits,is set apart and grantedto
    thepermenentschoolfundofthe State."
    “In viev of the impo~e~of thisatatter to the
    State an&thevhole people,the courtsof this stat+
    have consistentlylsla that all grultewith rwpecrtto
    landa mdernavQablewatemi,suohaa     riverbeda a'
    ohuule~, are t3trtatly  oonqtrued agalnnt    the grrntse;
    that, if there IE any alblguity’ip   the rot,    it will be
    0cmBtnled In favar of the 6trta3 ma, tml#ls the act
    0oIltaineplainmdunlnietakablelmguage expmsslycou-
    veying the land under river bade aud ohmnels, it``vi.Ll
    not be croMtrued-to3ncd.uae them. Ih othmr voraa, be-
    navigablewdxr6,suchasrlverbedn anddmnnels, itvlll
    havu to be eqa~eed ia plain and poeitivul@ua@      rrd'
    notingeneral l&uage.~ Ian&ryP.Robiscap,llOT0r.2``
    219 S. W..819;8203 Robe&% V. T-U.,      1OlTex. !Yri-,
    S. Ii.-7333City 6f Galvestonv. Menu%, 
    23 Tex. 349
    Ro&orough v. Pi&on, 
    12 Tex. Civ. App. 113
    , 9 5. W.
    791,43 8. w. 10333Rynes V. Paakkra'p2 Tear.49, 45 S.W.
    5Q;aolln~.wuser,49 s. w. (26)69y(notyetrqajeea
    (instateeqort)l Wiel on waterRlghtsim,the me-tern
    In VihiOf'thef-t tlendther the oaptlon~ttlhe body
    ofeCha@6r 271, Acts 1931;at any pol.n~mentlosu~
    b&k, ipd ilso ia viev ~ofthe ~factthit Secti- lof eal(LAot+lprpressly
    exoeptnriver beds frcm the Luada eubjeottb cc&r61 or sale under Said
    hat, we 'fed canpelledto hold, in harmonywith Stat. v. Bradford,snpra,
    thatrlverb4W or leasee~thereon,   Ortho pqmentof rentaleon snob
    lerrres,are not affeotedby Section10, chrpter271, ma that leaasson         f
    snchrraasmmtbe ocmiaeredinthe seurtenumnerm~      if mid Acthadnever
    been prsaed.                                                                   ..
    33 vv are in error in the conalueionjnst ezpreesea,ena if
    river beda qlpld   properlybe heldto be inoldea in Section 10 of Chap-
    ter 271,we, neverthlese,    must con0hae thatseation10 80 0onstraed  tronld.
    not be effeotlve to reduoe fmu $2.00to 25 centa per acre the rantal~
    payableon the river bed leaseIn question..Thla   conclusionla expressed
    beccke oftheprovieicum of Article3,Seotion 35 oftheConetitutionof
    Texss,which, inpart,provides M follows:
    * *%o billeroeptgemerrla``ationbilla           ehsll
    oontdnmore thafime subjectwhich sImll be expressedIn
    ita title",and that as to any subjectwhich is not expressed
    in the title of the bill, such act shall be void.
    To ocnetruethe body of Se&ion 10, Chapter271, aa inclnd-
    lng and apply- to river beds and river bed leaseswould bring the bod$
    of the bill in oonfliotwith the captionthereofadwiththe oonstitu-
    tirmalproviaim above quoted,and the necessaryree     Gould be that
    such portia of Seoticm 10 u1 appliesto river bed lesseewould be ancon-
    Ron. Besom Gllea, pege 7 (O-523)
    Althoughwe entertainseriousdoubt aa to the oonatitutiou-
    ality of the pr``iaion~ in Sectim 10 of Chapter271, with respectto
    reductionof rentals to 25 cents per a6re after productionon auytract
    of State laud covered by an oil and gas lease executedprior to 1931,
    we make no deoiaionof such questionin this opinionfor the reason that
    such questionis not directly$reaemtedby your letterand Is uunecesaary
    to the opinionerprcssedabove.
    The oonatruotionwehave given in this opinionto Article 5344
    is oontxa5yto the constructiongiven to such Artloleby a former Attor-
    ney General in an Opinionwrittenby George T. Wll&ong,Asaistant
    General,dated October2'7,1931, addressedto Ron. J. Ii.Walker. Acoord-
    inglysuchopinionand amy other prior opinionswhi6hoonstrueArtiole
    5344 or Section 10 of Article54210,VenxmfiaAnnotatedStatutes,in cm-
    flictwith thie opinionme herewithexpreaslywithdrawnand overruled.
    You are, accordingly,advisedthat in'theopinionof this De@-
    ment,~Sectlon10 of Chapter 271, Acts of 1931, did not repeal the $2.00
    per acre lease annualrentalpro~ed in the lease in question,and such
    act did not reduce such rental to 25 centa per acre. You are furtherad-
    vised-thatit ie the opinionof thin Departmentthat a renewal lease
    dmuld not be fsauedcoveringthe area in questionuntil all accruedrontaleat
    the rata of $2.00 per aore per year are paid in full..
    By: Robert E. Kepke /s
    Robert E. Kepke
    This opinionhaa been consideredin conference,approvedand
    Gerald C. Manu /a
    G&ald C. Mann
    AttorneyGeneralof Texas

Document Info

Docket Number: O-523

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017