Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Soa. 40, Art. 16, above referrod to, .0dttiw VO~IOUS ~XCO,?~IWO i~terifd her8 -as 6~ rdi0mr: Wo pomon shall hold or rrrereiso, at the aam8 t&m, more thrm.on8 oivil ofilce of wltmemt c u I " ‘.. lX3 ,by'takingtfm eonstltutlonaloath of oftloe before ixnofricer authorized to adnlrnlstcroath8 wlthln this State, at&,upota jmssentationof MLahoathof oifioe together *ith the oertlfloate Of th& &tppointm, the 9sarekug Of stats abal.1insue cacuel8alansto thrsl, w!ilahshall be erldance of thblr author- ity to set a8 ~wh.* be qmrated under 0 charter provldlng for u Liffemnt mathod of aeleotlngcity @ysiclons, in uhleh aunt the csfflee of citr.heulthol'floershall be tilled em is now f:lled by tbo alty phyt314lan, but fn no tntitenes sh0.u the offfos 0r alty health offioar bm abollahed. The city health offloer, after appolnttssnt, ~helltukeana ~ub80~b0t0tb0 0rfioial oath,anG shallfllea~o~yofmwlxwOih aadaoo~ofhlm~ppointwa(;IdthMm T6B~8t&*lklWdOi``QDd~ tlldew Aftarmmi~tlmabcmqwtMelM- adi8,itl.8Quraploiapthat~eJltyllrwlQh~- aa8,theeountyhaal``o,u4~ Q8thostato.Bmm¶QsItms&wrU.ol+UQfffm rlthin``ff~?lu.4aQrtkauutl~ -P-m@- w.sulf~ fhu8t8a ~m?apQwulmootthuopo8~ttLoarw~e?rodby law, end the dantiaa of tbyu~bm tam8 ercfffloei8f%xouy SaaM asan P..x?.sPs -The 8tdt&tw or thb +tntm pro- rid% that 'all oounty al&dm8dofQal puaranthaoehallb8 l abartiW~,~tibjeot t0 aa retpimsd by rwah rule8 aa regu- latium ok may be graseribadby the GQV- ornor or State I,iealth Offloer' (HOI. St. d% 4X88).and a3.m that *aUhaalth authati6fj 0s tha d44t~, f2r0r cram00u11- ty or elty there&, ahall obey the rule unaregplattms prasoribadb the&trar- nor or stute l:salth~omoe* faev. St. bow ef tlm etato Ihard of limlth arh entttlm& WeBDnQlud@th&th%8 omqaw&lQ~ Yinas it i8 uuxhol~thatttb pod- and OOUltty-th thi8 Of f3it.y dfiWJF8 8ad where of the state Eoard of Health are "aIri OfflG~8 Of WhiW&" it i8 OUl?fU&hOr OpinitE8l that ths ooxmtitutionalprehibitianuontalnod in mials Is, seation 40, against w per- hold- lion. Fred ‘2. ~'orter, ApTI 20, 1939, Page 6 ing or exctrcislng two such offices at the same . time Is applicable in both the situationsyou dmoribe. A parson caxinothold the positions of olty health officer and also the posltlonof county he.fiLt~ offlour without rlolating the Can- stltutlon. liar can a parson hold both the posl- tlcm of county health offloer and membershipon the St&e Uo.:rdof U‘:althfor the same.mas)n.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-518

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017