Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •                                                              -.
    -   -
    %-JXE   A-rro~n;~u         Gmnzm~
    March 30, 1939
    Gerald C. Mann                  Au-      Il.TszxAEs
    A-mm- OXXIIAL
    Honorable Ben J..Dean
    District Attorney
    Opinion No.O-513
    Ri: Zliblgllity of County
    School Trustee to serve
    as Election Judge 6r
    Clerk In'Independant
    School Trustee Election
    This department is in receipt of your letter of
    March 14, 1939, requesting an oplx$otyuponthe following:
    "+asmuch as under ,thep&vieiom-~of'Arti-
    cle 275s tbe~.electlon.ofm9mol -tm$eee. of ,831.
    that portIon of..the~-S~hool:,Larr--ie.-deq~ated,
    for the.``.flxyt:
    Saturda~Xn Aprilil.%%:;it your
    opinlon,Wat .&‘manppho~.``(~s.holding.the
    of count;;v.
    school trustee:underArticle 2676
    would ``prohlbL$ed~f&ym,ac$~ing .a8,a judge-or
    clerk oi.-an:
    of Article ?75&IR.S.:agenera``L(lection.or
    special election?!
    Article -26f~i7.R~c.s.:
    1925 pOVide8  that county 8chool
    trustee 'shall~bepaid $3.00 per day,~but not to,exceed $36.00
    in one year". ,Theg are elected.under Article 2676 and have
    numWous duties to perform as provided by the various statutes
    pertatnlng to public schools.
    .Artlcle2758,.,R.C.S.1925, pertains to the election
    of school trustees in independentschool districts created
    Ben J. ;iean,Maroh =O, 1939, ?age 8
    "Any CormdOn crohooldi8triCt containing
    seven hundred inbabitaotaor more may fern
    an incorporationr0r free Oohool purpose8
    only, rhloh may OT may not inolucO tithln
    it8 band6 eny town or villago lnaorporateb
    for aunloipal purpoae6,the 8am not having
    O88uEMd control of the publla $TOO SOh0016
    Xithin it.6limits. The territory 80 inoor-
    poratea     BbeU hOmlnafter by Oalled nn "in-
    dependent sohool di8triOt" and 8Oia @OOr-
    poration     8hOllbO 18u 0.w in 8 lqu8r*l 8
    888~ u      nay be pnotioablo                  with nforaoe                 to
    of l lbool buildm.g
    t& loootlon
    am5 ooawn8 ah0iollowbgprov1oioa1
    Artiola 8940, R.C.S. lQ%b, xuWr Title %C, XLOOfiion~,
    hill8   th8   f01bW~          pl’Oti8iOIl;            .,;
    *No one who hold8 an                 0rti88        of profit or
    Crud      pllaor    the United matoe 011this                       state,
    or in any alty or town la thir @Bate of wlth-
    in     thirty   Ely8       after   rO81&Xbring         Or   baiq       die-
    mlsao& tray any m&h offioa, oxos# a notw
    pobllo, or whe i8 a ourdfdak r0r 0ffi00, or
    Honorable Ben J. Dean, March 30, 1939, page 3
    "No one who holds an office of profit
    or trust under the United States or this
    State, or In any city or town in this State
    or within thirty days after reslgnlng or
    being dismissed from any such office, ex-
    cept a notary public, or who Is a candidate
    for office, or who has not paid his poll
    tax, shall act as judge, clerk or supervisor
    of an election. . . .'
    You also call attention to Chestnut vs. Wells, 
    280 S.W. 351
    , and 
    278 S.W. 465
    , as holding that Article 2940,does
    not apply to a special sbhool tax election, but applies .only
    to general or primary elections.
    Chestnut vs. Wells (T.C.A. Ft.Worth, 1926) 280 s~.w.
    39, lnvo1ved.aschool tax election contest in a common school
    district on the ground that an election officialwas a school
    Chestnut vs. Wells (T.C.A. Ft.Worth, 1926) 
    278 S.W. 465
    , was a contest of an election-to determine whether school
    districts should consolidate. Two ground8 were presented ln
    this case, Le., an election official was a trustee of one
    of the districts.and the electaon judge failed to write his
    name on the outside of theballot.
    In each of these cases the ground-of contest,was
    one provided only under the general lay. The court;relylng
    on the holding and-language-ofChief Justice Gaines ln:Waills vs.
    Williams, 108 SiW. 153, held that the elections In question were
    purely apeclal and the provisions of the Terre11 Election Law
    were not applicable. The speclflc holding in Wallls v8. Wll-
    Hams was that the general law providing for the prlntlng of
    ballots did not apply to a.speclal election to locate a county
    seat since the general election laws were not applicable?
    InScherz vs. Telfer.(T.C.A.X&tin, 1934) 74'.SiWi
    (26) 327,.the court held that the general law providing for
    the signature of.the election judge on the ballot was appllca-
    ble to common school trustee elections since the general.law
    would apply to all matters not covered by Articles 2745, 2746
    and 2746a.
    We are of the opinion .thatthe reasoning of the court
    In the foregoIng case Is equally applicable to elections held
    under .Artlcle2758, and that It properly dlstlnguishesthe
    cases in'the light of Wallis vs.~Wllllams. The court in Scherz
    vs. Telfer states:
    Ben J. bean, Narch 30, 1939, Page 4
    Suoh elections as above enumerated are oleorly
    local in character, of infkequsnt ocourrenoe,
    apply only to a given looallty, em usually
    final, the matters voted upon einposea  0r st a
    single eleotion,and are not recurrlng in abar-
    aoter. * 4 l ke think the eleotlon of oozzon
    sohool trusteea does not oonstitutea special
    elaotloa dealt rlth In the abovo -4eolslona.
    Suuh eleotion is not confined to any given lo-
    uality, nor to any glvon lndlvi4pa1,nor to say
    limited alaes of lndlvlduals. On the contrary,
    artiol~18-2745,Z744 antI 8746a relate to all con-
    ~88OhOO1    diStX'iSt8   thlW&AOUt   th0 StStS,   and
    O ollOOtiOa   Of the t-t@88   thOrOOi, proride
    iOr OUOjl llSOtiion lMh fe8E t&OU@lOUt t?lO 8-t..
    ~4 a r e?hr efol88ontla&ly
    ro          g8norol lntlmir
    lpplioatloa. ft.18 llOW SOttlSd that S SOhOOl
    b i8t00   t  l 00mty  oirhr,   r 0~u lr 0d to h k 8
    thO~OOll8titUtiOlul Oa th Ond that 0 OOntOSt a       t
    ‘h i8 llOOtiO~ 18 l'8ftBd. t0 th8 &8lWWdl’hW.’
    Wo ore of thn opldoa that a min holding'%hodSioa     of
    8OhOS~tZ'ltStSSUZM3S~&t%Sh~676UOuld      be~rOhibitidliZ4br
    ‘AMole8940 irolnEating es a jut&B or olork of t3ndlooei611 for 8OiWO1
    of an lndepsndont
    trrut80                  SShOO1 dA8triot held ua6.r Jbtiole imeJ..

Document Info

Docket Number: O-513

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017