- Mr. R. B. kaol4y countyaulitor collln county MoKlnnoy, Toao DOOF a&: aplnlon loo.O-512 Ro: Should looal oc forolga oounty pay lo no ta b l4 So oo oofo rlo r r lng p r wo o o fo rSo r o lg WuntlO8? n Tour roquoot for on oplnlon on the 4b0ro 1. ~-,;ototaa quootlom bee bean roo4ltBd by thlo ofiloo. a0wt0 xii w0. 5, A0t0 0r a+00na c4iba &alom, @hh kgioloturo, 6ootiou 17b, rood8 la part 40 tollwar al oolultloo rha-oln th4 lwnty cuil- 0~0 80llcbdinthi0 liot ~4 l~p0ti40ka OIL the baoio of an annual 8alary, the atato of Taxes ohall not be ohargeb wlth and rhall not pay my too or oommleolon to 8nfprwlnot ofrioor for a nyl4rvi040 by him periorm0a, h t l0iu 0rri04r oh411 b4 pa w th4 40uty out of th6 ~ri04r'O Salary Fmd, lUOh So48 and om0l~o4lon4 00 u0tiia othorwloo bo pal& him by the Wats for 4uoh ooniwo.m a4 or0 ini~0i4a by th4 aomptr0l14r*o 0fri04 that Collin Count ho8 ‘a population or 46,180 lnhabltanto looordlng to th4 1 eat F4aw01 04~8~4, tm4r0r4, kilrg one oi the oountieo In whioh ths oounty oirloiolo an lompwootod on the bsoio of on laual lolory. Xhportwnt ho8 rooently Thlo held in oplnlono Ro. O-133 4nd O-155 that when a oomtablo In on over oounty who romalno on a foe boolo and who r4oslt40 a aubp~em of mother eoMty to k oemod ln hlo proolnot should, upon the roooipt 0r a propor oartirio4t4 rm the foreign oounty, bo paid out 0r the (2lri00r*4 fJ414ry Fund 0r illsnotiv4 oounty. The ab0Wa4Otlonedartlolo by it8 tormo, provlU44 that 411 Se88 horotoforrpah by thb Etato ai Torso ror Oarrio4a rondorod ior preolnct orrlowa oholl horooitor be paid by the rounty out or tho.Mfloor~o . Salery Fund. In tinV of the io&41~ ot&ut40 4a4 4plo- looa roforrod to, you ore rsepootfuUy mltlo)d Chat - it lo the oplnlod of thio Departmeat that 4 oonetobls / . - - _ . e, R, RF D44*14f, hroh 23, 1939, -80 2 im an ovu wanty who rwdM on a iw bole oradwho te04lvoo a labpoona fr4m anothor ooanty to b4 44rwd la hi0 gm4olnot, lhonld apon th4 rwolpt of th4 propa be p4ia out OS $& 44Ttlflo4t4 srosl 4 hr4lgm 4orllIty, oii14a~0 84lrry Ma of go nmtito l omy. mlotlngth4tth4 iorrg414g 4mw4ri yoarln- qairy,wo r4mlJi
Document Info
Docket Number: O-512
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017