Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • ‘_. -. . . OFFICE OFTHEAWRNEY QENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN Honorable S. B. Buchanan, Jr., Page 2 of said county are compensated on a fee basis. Articles 3S96 and 9897, Vernonls Civil Statutes, read as follows: "Art. 3S96. (3S94) To keep accounts - Each district, county and precinct Officer shall k88p a COrJT8Ct statement of all f88S earned by him and all sums ooming into his hands as deposits ror 0ost8, to- cg?ther with all trust runds placed in the registry ot the oourt, tees or orrloe and oommlas5.on8lnabookorlnbookatobe , provided him for that purpose, in whlah the oifleer, at the tlzae when euoh aepoalts are made or swh tees au6 aodwl8~ are ea.3medanduheneayorallofsu0hrunds crhau ooM.blto hlehanae, eballaoterthe wme~endit 8hau be the qutyor the aoan- ty audltor in ~ouutles bartaga oowtyem- Utorto ammallyexadnetheboo&an~ accounts or awh orfloam and to report hi8 filld%U@ t0 th8 l&8* SU6OeO6iIQ &lWl& Jary or dietriot ouart. In ooumtlee hat- ing no oounty auditor, it shall be the duty of the C6mmteeiowra*~ Court to make the ox- amination of sdd books and aaaot~&s or hare the samemade and to mako'report to the grand Jury as hera%nabove provided. *Art. SSO'I. (3695) Swora stateme& ~- Eaah dietriet, aeunty and preoiwt offleer, at the olose OS each fissal rear (Deeember Slst) &all make to the dUJtrlet cart of the county In uhieh he remidea a shorn statement in tripli8ata (on forms deelgwd and approved by the State Aaditor) a copy of whioh stat-t shall be iosrarded to th8 state Auditor by the olerk 0r th8 dietriot uourt of said oorrnty within thirty (so) days arter the &me hae been riled in his ofrioe, and one oopy to be filed with the eoaaty aaditor, if any; otherwise said oopy shall be Wled with bh8~Gommlesion8rer cmlrt. Said report #hall show the amount 0s~ all feea, &mmissioas and aompensatioma wbatemr earned by mid orilcer Dada the Honorable S. B. Buchanan, Jr., Page 3 fiscal year; and secondly, shall show the amount of fees, commissions and conqensa- tions collected by him during the fiscal year; thirdly, said report shall contain an itemized statement of all fees, cora&.s- SiOnS and COinpenSatiOnS 8rGm8d during the fiscal year which were not collected, to- gether with the name of the party owing said fees, commissions and compensations. Said report shall be filed not later than February 1st fOuOUing the OlOS8 Of the f18aa.l yeta and for eaoh day after said date that said report remains not filed, said officer shall he liable to a penalty of Twenty Five ($85.00)Dollars, uhIoh may be reuorered by the county in a wit brought for such pareses, and In addftlon Said offifwr s&all be subjeot to reatov~l from aSfloe.* The last two paragraphs0s A&la18 sf3m1,lfermn~s Revised civil statutes, r8adzaS followsr The wmpensatlbnq,lIaktatIons as(L - h8ZWti fixed in. this AOt iot 0lrIoers shall Inala& and apply to all 0fri68~.~ti``ah8~inin haohand every oounty of this aate, and It Is hereby de&wed to &I tbs ~te&Ion of the Legislature that the pxovIslons of this hot shall apply to eaoh or 8aia 0irIa9rsi and anysp8eIaLor general law Isoosslstent with the provIsion hereof is hereby ex- m8881y repealed In so far as the same BleJ be Inoonsistent with this Bat. Vhe oompensatIoa, lImitationi and maxsmlins bereln fiX86 shall also tip&y trs au r88S and oORIp8M%tiOE VIhatSO8V8r 001- lected by said orrloers in their 0rriOial capaoity, whether aOCOllatabl8 as r888 af OffiC8 ander the present law, and any law, general or sgeoial, to the oontrary IS hereby expressly repealed. The only kind and charaater 0s oompemation ex8mpt from the provlslons of this A& shall be rewards reueivsd by sheriffs for apprehesaion 0s Honorable S. 8. Buchanan, Jr. Page 4 criminals or fugitives from justice and for the recovery of stolen property, and moneys received by County Judges and Jus- tices of the Peace for performing marriage ceremonies, which sum shall not be ac- countable for and not required to be re- ported as fees of orfice." It appears that the terms of the fast’above 4uof8d article are inclusive to the extent that 5.uOrder for f888 to be exempted thereunder, they must be specliloally exoluded. III th8 OaS8 Or xi&Ou V. wV8StOZI cOU#tty (8Up. ct. or Tex.. lOS.l.),226 S. 8. 547, Galveston C3ounty euedthe appel- lant to rewrer oertaiu f888 and aom``Issions reoeIred by him as Tax ALssesaor and Colleotor of &ilvestoa Qouuty, who alw par- formed the duties of Aaseasor and Colleotor for brainage dIs- trlet for rhleh ``..se~les he m30it8a a ~eoapensatIon for rhioh l!eOOY8ry was &&at. TheQourt, ineonsideringthe $ase, wnqmred the artleles phder rlrioh eoqpensatIm is allowed to Tax Asseswrs and Collootors for their senleeb 'In aasessIng and oollectlng taxes 0s bralags districts to th8 artiole ima& uBioh -the Tax Asseawr cud Oolleotor or the aounty.may be de8Idnsted Assessor aud Colleotor for an Independent ash001 diatriat, aud reoelte in rmarn r0i asting as such aertaln eommlssIons. The -Court COnSidaZed bitFlatiOSS Ur$siag uuder each artI618 with res- 'peat to aooouutability 6s eomuissiess r’eaOir8d tbieretmder to be 0olPpletely andlogourr. The Qourt aited the ease 0r Ellis Gounty v'. Thompson, 06 6. w. 49, qtmting rroa suoh~oase in the folleu- ins 109gwe: =The phrase *rws or all kfnb8* smbraoea every l&ad of eompensatloa allowed by law to a clerk d th8 eOW&y CO-, ~eSS'OXoOpfe6 by so``~p~isloi 0s the statute * * ,* The e~asptlens are so definite that bp i.``lIea- tiou all f888 not mentioned iu the exaeptIons are excluded thereirO& aad tb8reby in&laded within the requiresmut oi the sot? In Viea 0r the iOr8gOing statutes,~ you are respectfully advised that It is th8 opinion of this Department that the above mentioned eompeasation reaaired buyth8 Tax Aas8ssor-Colleotor for preparing tax crertiiloates issued at the reqaest,of abstraot QOm- pdes mst'be aooppanted ror aa rees of orrm. Honorable 5. B. Buchanan, Jr., Page-5 Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your in- quiry, we reilein Yours very truly ATlQRNEYCENEXAL. OF TZXAS AW:RS ATTORNEY GEXERAL OF TEXXS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-456

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017