- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN kfarch31, 1939 Xr. J. F. Bryan County r:.ttoIney Bmzorie County An&1etor!,Texas attar to 8lwPiff sohnsoa whether or not eizsoe oted In tw.s oounty ywl to IupOutxdoattle in the here are no feness along the hlgh- oad; that is, the landowner's proper- ty Is not fenoed off I’POJJI tha highway and there fe nothing to keep his oattle irem going from hia land on to the highway. -YQU want to know if, when ialsuoh a *aEm Mr. J. F. Bryan, Maroh 31, 1939, Page 2 where the ownur IS not having his oattle herded but the cattle are not on the high- way, tbat you could go on the owner's land and Impound the cattle. It is my opinion that you oould not do this." 'Healsh to express our appreolatlon for the able brief whictiyou submitted to ua. This exoallent brief has aided us greatly In passing upon this quegtion. Artlolc 6965, Revised Civil Statutes of Tezae reada am rollows: ?‘fi. any stook %arbi.ddoa to ‘mm a$ -Jar- aball antei.~.thsinoloH6 landr;‘or &all, without being herded,.~fobi'aboutt"the'reslUsnoo, lots or oultitated lkixide~ofany persuiiother tha# the owuer of sluh #took wlthout his eon- ml6, in-any oouaty OP embalt~alon In WhiOh the p~ovloloneof thl8 ohaptar harQ bsooae operet2re in tha auumr .prorided, In this ol+p- tar, the owner, laseoo, or pereon in lawful poeassslon of suoh l8nds nay islpetmdmob atook and detain the 8am until his fee8 and all damages woasionod by Bald 8toek’~ pdd to bimr provided that a0 aalma shall be Xr..J. ? . Eryan, Xaroh 31, 1939, Page 3 impounded except as provided in the preoed- Ing article, unless they have entered upon the inclosed lands CT be found roaming about the resldcnoe, lots or clrltlretedlhnd of n1:other,bmi, whenever any stock Is impound- ed, notice thereof shall be given to the owner, If lzown, and such owner shell be entitled to thefr postx9f5slcm upon payment or reeseand damages." ." Artlols 6938.3e~loqd 01~5.1Statutes of Tsxas, mad8 as iollowst .wIfiany&ok .X?rbIdd&'to~runat Lar* shall enter the lnolomed lands, or shall without being h6rd6d;rwa &out the rs& danoe, lots or oultlvats&Land.~ofsny parson, other -&artthe owner.oi.auoh,tt&okrithoub ' .hIa oonssnt, In anf ootsity``or;%iEdi``~io%:~ In whloh the provIsIons.irl fhis rubdI~aIo@ ha- beoime operatIM In thq.miunerprovldd In the prsaediry artlolss, the ounsr, &msoa. or persoa'~In l6wfQl ~posm8aslonof soah haar: sky Impound said stosk.and,ds%aInthe s&i6 until hItiises and all dimages.~ooaslonsd``b$~ aaid stbok.arspaId~.to.Umi ``o.anlmal8~WaZl bitImpouaaeauQless alo li6v6entema .ttpon ~. L.' : ~theinalossd land8‘~ i q!& $l .be fouql awmI~ ibout the rssidenoe, O'i, Or ultlvatmd: '. .. land of doother; a&d wainsvsrany~stosk~$8 : is&sounded notlde thereiN shaX1 at onoe bs ..~ .glvento the ownsr. if Snam, and snoli~:omsr shall bs sntitled to,$he$r pqs8e8s~o%opbll p6)msn.tof.r688 6na .mgw.* ~.:. Art1016 1369, Penal cod& of Tszas, ,x6668am tollow6t "Wboe~e~ ~shallrilfully turn out or 1 oausa to bs'turnedout on land not his own or and& his oontrol ok rilfully fa'llor r8- rums to keep up any stook, prohibitedby law rroq running at largs In any,oouaty or riub- ~XlvIsIonof any oounty in whioh the atoak. 3dr. J. Y. Eryen, J.Xarch31, 1939, Page 4 lsw !~a bv:.nadcgted, or wilfully allow Such stcok tc trespass upon the land of another in suoi:count::or subdivision thereof, or wilfullg permit tc run at large any stook of his own, or of which he is the agent or or which he hss the aontrol, and not per- mitted to run at large In any county or aub- division of any county In which the atook law has been adcpted, shall be fined not less than five nor more than fiity dollars.* Artiole 1370, Psnal Oode of Texas re,ads f0llCWSt Wh&+ar 8ballkno&ly'pirmlt any her- sea, males, jacks, .jqm$ts, ana oattle to . 'km at.&arge in any territqry.inthis State. !, _ whw-4 *Itaplvvisions~.~t&e lrlreor thti State bqa been adopted.prohlbltine arty er . suahaalmals fro``ruan%n&atlarigesh&ll.ba ~. tine4 not less than,five.normore than two. - huMFed ,$ollars.* ... : ...y.. T&e Ju.rita``dei&, Vd. 59, +z& 2369;~&~..‘8S . read8 as followat 'In ti, territory in w&h the .X& Ms. bean’.duly adopted, th@lsnQ owner 1s ,gu,l.lty ', oi no fault or negll(pmom in foiling te%enao lgdhst the animals wh$eh are ftirblb&en .to : roam ths:oountyat will. The ounerd~of auoh sh&jc must'keespthe ssme oonflnad at their.. pefll;~dlss they will be held liable to aa- oount for.the damages ti,lahw~ba ~lnflloted on ~thelrneighbors by .suohanlmale.* .I lZi&@*se La*, page 1146, reaae .lspart a8 follollst The Right of the State to kaaet.1e@211;A ")I', . Er. J. P. Bryan, Harch 31, 1939, Page 5 latlon prohibiting animals from running at large and providing for the teEin up and impcundlng thereof when so fount, Is unques- tionably a legitimate exerciac of the poliae power desll;nedto proteot the public at large in the use and enjoyment of the publia streets." Corpus Jur?s, Vol. 3, pago El, Lea. 61.2, reads as follows: %I animal cm.the land or it8 owner or on the land of another:, w&at-herwith or with- out the nuimsLon'eSthe lattar 1.snot at -49 lx ass the statuttiso provldea.*~ Oorpw Jurl~Seoumlum, Val.J,pagelesB, nag8 l i011ows::: nAnlh~ on the laid of their orme* am3 not at.large.- Corpus Jtirlm,Vol. 3, page 186, Sea.-653, reads in.part au follows: the atatut?tw Thenwrore, y0.q.ars'rsspeotfullyadvfsa$ that it is the .~plnlonof .tblsDe#artment that errlong ar atook re~inad on the owner's own property, theWwould not be running at large, .norwould the .sherlfSthen then, nor would the 'qor then hare the.rfght to ,$.mpound be guilty of orimlnal violation of the stoak lnws. WJFtAW
Document Info
Docket Number: O-453
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017