- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATIORNLY G~NSRAL Honorable Robert 1. Cherry county i4ttomty Etrldlmn, Totar Dear Slrr a by reaolutioa 48 rtoovsrtd rraa relly arrived at 4 given gaer of a, is a resolution pansad by 8 and R statement or fecta, udftors has audited the books of a your oounty sad as a rtoult 0r safd audit, that ml& tax aollsator fniled to account ry for ell or tho school tares colltottd by al alnount 0r taxta oollsatetd and not account5 1935, 18 ln the ag&-rtgnttrum of ~e,839.16 or has been datmnlatd to be dus th arorgan strict and :Z 738.16 is due to the eomon school dlstrlot8 0r the county colitctlvsl,. Since the dtllnc,uant tax roll8 drs ia bad shape, end it 18 found thst it ~111 br dirricuit 6nd ~X``I~VIB to dboorer acourottiy the amount Out dr the tote1 mua rsoovarsd rt,lch lrhould be ored ted to eaah lndlvldual comaon school district In tP.:s oouaty, ths aounty board of school truotces hsa psstd a resolution whsrtby ths, county vuprintandent Bon. Robert F. Cherry, April 8, 1959, Aga E la authorlrrd and lastruatod to dlatrlbuta $100 of the mcney re- oovrrod to the Korgan Indapradent School Dlatrlot and the balance to tha oomon le?ool dlatrlot aocordln~ to their leaoead rslua- tlona ror the yaar 1938 to be orsdlttd to thtlr local aalnttntnar aad.riaklng fund Lnrtaad ot making so audit to datermlnt the rust lmount:dut eeoh dlatrlot and lnr!ruotlng the oountr dapoaltory to oredlt eaoh oonnon lohool dlatrltt rlth the amount of tame collrct- ad rrim luoh school dietriot. Artlole L7Ws Rarirrd Civil Statutra, lVe5, prorldtr that the oommls8lonora~ oourt~ahall lrry thr oomnon aohool dlatrlot taxes at the aerme tlru or lawlag tarts ror oountp purpoata, an4 it 18 rurther ~rovld56 SD roil-3 “. . . The tax aaaoaaor shall aam8ae said trx as other taxes nrt aaeaaeed and make an lbatraot showing th e a mo untor l poolal ~XSS 666e660d lgalnat oath rohool dlatrlot in his oouetp and furnish the aema to the oountr luytrlnttdmt on or bsrorr the first day of se;)twaber of the year rot wtloh aald taxes era arsearrd . . . The teat collaotor aball collrot aald taxes es other taxoa are 0011ected. The tax l66ISIDC shall reoelvt 6 OOm6iSSion 0r OnI-b&if 0r 0110 ptroent ror aas6aain~ 6Uoh tax, and the tas oolleotor a c~mlerlon or one-halt of one per’rant ror oollaotlag the lemo. The tax oollootor shall paf all said taxes to the oounty trtnauror, a ndlald tre8aurer abell Oredlt aaob lohool diatrlct dth the mouat b6long- ing to it, and pay out tho aemo ln aocordanco ulth l~.~ Arti e888, ROYid ciTi1 SthitOS, lwio deriW8 the tern *county treasurer* as roilom “The ‘county treasurer* sod *county treasury', tan8 as ured In all prorlalona of ler relating to lohool funds, shall be construed to atan the Oounty drFOSit0~. Thr com~laalonera oourt ahall file rlth the Steto Department or :dua~tlon a OO~J or the bond of said dopoaltoq to cover 8CbODl anda. Ho com!nlaalon shall be ,mld for re- calving sod dlsburelne school fuada.a The r0reg0ing artlalsa clearly damon6trr?to that It wae not rltilln tho oontemmplatlon or the LeglslatUro that the county aohool board or any other OfflCtr6 rhould X&S sny SllOC2tiOn or tr266ier Of the local tame oollsoted In the COpI-ZDllschool diatrlata ot tho county. Timee taxes when ODl~aCted tom a prticular lohool dlatrlot are to be :laced to ths credit of such lohool QlatrlCt to be ured HoR. Robert F. Cherry, A,ril 8, 1~39, Page b for SOhO purpoara in that dlatrlot. Tho mora tact that ths taxoa larlod in the va r io us oommon lohool dlatrlcta may bo col- loctwl by the ode prroa or Oirlosr does not thangt thr chnraotar Or three Honda nor would they loo66 thrlr ldimtltr. In Uataon t. IS1 ~660 County, (T.C.A. lOId), PO2 8. 8. Ub, It was hold that tho oounty was not ruthorlrrd to bring lult lgalnat a county tax oollaotor lchDol funds ooIlooto6 to r to o ver for oomaon school diatricta under faata llml&r to thoao proamtod here, but that tho trusttar of the vr.rloua comon school dlatrlota wore the proper psrtlaa plelntlff to reoovtr suah runda. fare contain varlo88 provialona authorizing Our school tho county board of trustroe and the oounty ruprrlntandrnt to lp p o r t&ateta o nand county avallabld lohDol funds 6mohg the various dlstrlota but ln raoh lmtsnoa thr funds whloh arn apportioned to the dlatrlota by therm offlOor h%vs barn 6:portlonod to or collected by the oounty rra a unit and thon dlrldod anont tho dla- triota la tho CDUntJ. In each lnstence, tho rprolflo method and baala ror asklry such apportlqment la prorldad lo tho ltatutoa, and Artlclo 9699 oontalns the further provlalon thnt *no part of the school fundr lpportlonrd to any dlstrlot or county shall be trsnafarrrd to any other dlatrlot or countyIm except aa provldod by the tranrfrr statutaa. It ‘18 aanlfost that an crrbitrary distribution of looal aobool taxoa, oollooted by the oomnonschool dlatrlota over a.parlod _. or yaars, Baaod on17 upon the aaaosatd valuation for,ono glraa foar would lfroct a trunsfer of a ,;ortlon or auoh run.36 frog ow :I: i 3.’ ~ dlatrlot to the Barnsilt Of another, and wa hare bean unoblo to fled any statutory PUthDri66tlOn for auoh actloo on the part of the county board or lohool trusteaar ~!s are of the o~lnlon that your qurstlon should ba alllrrrer- 4 in tho negatlvr. Yours very truly CCC:E:lw m A?iwV ED (3) GWA.LDc. XhNN OT.NIik.LCF TiXhS ATTCiiliZY
Document Info
Docket Number: O-375
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017