Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •            OFFiCE   OF THE      ATTORNEY           GENERAL               OF TEXAS
    February 2?.,1939
    lion.vi. 3. Earcon
    couniy.5ttorno~                               .
    &irCS         CO~URty
    .   .
    hnderson,          TSXRP
    Dar         sir:                                               .    .
    .             ..
    Opinion no. O-366                   -_                .
    Be: 14 the gml0 knwm    iia 'Bingo" a
    ololal.loXi of the Feel   Zcde?..
    Your rsqudst foF 'an opinion on the ,obo*e
    stat85         qucrstlon hss bsog~ro&qd:by    *hIa offios.
    IT? tish to l&s&  ybu,for.&    very sblv ;?r14s
    SUbwitted i::l\hYOUr iaqoiri, ths,tsCl4%4iir~ of gmat
    saas.eca?lcein pccs~thg’uponyt3v qtrsstion.
    ,       *.     ,       \
    33 qCi+'f'*om'~our             brief       aa follow6:
    .    :
    Tje d'ssor1pii~n'*0r tbs iguas of alp.0 1s
    sa follOwi:‘=
    *tThb.~ks~cper ofA.h
    =--.I;,game provides oarda
    oki-i@loh sip+      nu$iberp in ~0~6.     Thsrs srs
    flve'nwbera'in     ciGoh.&w borlrsbtallr      an3
    verti&my.       hiis number Of player6 oan $ay
    rupcith4*~6ymeat       ot a starpa 0: 10 onnts a
    \           .g6Rce...Ths'~Jrsspersslsote st rsndom 4 player
    who -itches      bal? late a.box aad whntever
    . ;.-          nrmbih;rIA+ b %11 stop6 on;th&        numbsz ?s
    ~0alLcd i3y tlie ti.ssper snd the ~lfiysr who66
    0n.A trira.thr 6635 number eover5      the nwibsr
    vdkh eoae @b&sot, suob.ee a bean, buttcn 91'
    ,yrsl.tM oorn, which is prOQiba*~ by t:,c kesp-
    er.   'i'hemethti of nuuibsr selectlon.azI oall-
    in&+,ccw:.tnus6 wt.11 a plapar 007ess 03 en-
    tire rc.. of nuAer6,      Wh6thsT   the raw ti6
    :~orisontel, oertionl or diagonal.         The ple'ltr
    tnouts "Kcini30*dn6. the g't:neents.. 5%        wtnzina
    player is &ven      ii tl0lce.t or etub whloh is
    redeemable either In m~rohandi66         or monensy.
    I                                                             --
    The 4ceJ!cr ~ct*~mities the amber    Of point6
    theI, ewe word :n sodt igloe. Ii the keeper
    ounouimea a %undmd      point* gaac, the oasi.
    .ptize thn wlmer    reouives   ia ten dailars;
    ir R Vlfty      ?ointm eam3. t!m award is rive.
    dollar6 end nogn.     The nlraost unlPsrS61     ,. *
    praetlos ~093~ rifinlnr,~pleger4 Is to M-
    d6ex-l;;-.sirtickets in motlc~ whioh t:bs pl6y-
    er cbtaS3s by tcnileriaa his tiokirt to tho
    eSsliMtor or kccpcr of the gmn.       .?Bsts,
    o~unilt~roor tables annB bulUlog    aro fur-
    niahe6 by the eshlbitor.'*
    wtlolco     019,   820 on3 t%., ?sml          F,o.:e,read
    as ~all.IOICs:
    "Art. 619.  If any p4rso.u s&Al  dlrsot-
    ly, or &a sqmt  or 4m~loyo for another, or
    t.broui!h   say n**
    * .. ..Ang iwarn& table, bcnk, rrherf, or
    34~144 of any mm4 or dssorlption      rrheterer,
    . . .-of any kind shataoevar, re~ardleub of tht
    .*.       nme ox wbvther newd or notl....Y
    $. .              ahftroin Arttolo 621, Penal Codu, supra,.aomo
    & ,  ocmas al-6 spcitfo~ly         set forth in the etottrt0, th0
    ;?. gwao oi Xtno is asentloned, vs think that tbe germ o:
    a:., Viwc"      1s R *?lght wklifioa~lcn        cr variatIa:7 o? t!bs
    $' ~'9.. r.t &IO,       t?lQ t'V< @qQ3    \4fZlp.-'fZ=!Z@t3k?~ dkkfi in
    tb3t nn3 nndwr       or perrrorss oa?1 pi&by; the oerds used in
    C-C eaoh  aem    are   &Ike;    the Bethod cf +inn%be; 5s L?w ~am4f
    -: aumbem em selaoted by ohanoe; anfifhe t4uwr is .qivctn
    ; .3n award or yiz~.                                      :-
    f'              The leedin       nleosnti~of    $1 gaming tsble
    P        or   bank   ares  (11  It  is  a game*  .!Z) it   baa a
    ,       keeper, dealer Or exhibitor;          15, it is taeed
    OR tha pxlno5.pol of-Qpe s@inSt           the IAWJ;
    (4) %!I4 keOe0pw, bebier       Or exhIbitOr wlcrztp.B4
    e~clmt      the b9tfor8, dfmttly       cr iad%r04tlg.
    . . ...'&a eapre.ae test of a pcdrcg tsb$e or
    betwcik L3 tbo one rprtnet m~ny.~         Tax. JUT.;.
    . :_  Sol.    20,  p..646,647.      Citlw   Stutarnee   -8%.
    .. State, 31 TQ~. 892; Rlrcl v3. 8tete, 148 85
    738; Hayo VS. State, 82 LRi 616, Chrietcpber
    _.     PO. ntats, 63 2% 662, aud others.
    *Ths o?mraoterJatio   yr3noSyle or ale-
    arent cf the gmlng   tablas or hanks spealfied
    ia tha 0068.6s fara,.aonte,     eta., is tbbt
    they have a kerqer, dealer m erhibltor and
    opsratm    on the baeeia of one n:faiaat t?m.
    many; tha dealer, keeper or Bxhlbitor e*a*nst
    v2.e bebtsra, 6Sr~otly or indireotly.
    9s sows of tbtm thi& prlnolple is cabvlnus.
    Gbe keeper betting directly qeiuet           each and
    all the batters, and t&y        cq?c.nat h&r     *a in
    30-0, blrgt-un, &a.        xn others it 15 abpd50a
    acd tH6 better8 aaes( to be oontendlag         acriipst oae.
    asotiier. Suah Is the ease in pool and !ceuo.
    She keeper oharges an6 takes a ger oimtnp,e upon
    all the beta that are made, eild 1s tbelefore
    intsraatea     in atinulatinq   s&d 2rotrootin:r the
    b=dA&~.       The sort3 18 bet, t!w mm8      he +ikee.
    krd if    ttw  name oontlnues   long  enough,    fit tili
    hare 011 the ffioneysnil the betters hove .GOWi
    l3mi it la rhst the ttiue 3rinolple         of tlla @me
    .I ia un7eiled -- OD? aanlnet the may.             *int 80
    With bil~ifllh Fl?Optlr.      The  players   rent   *be
    tobJa for the c;inieoaanpieb In playiw            0 cam;
    ,end the imepar hae no eqwl        inttarest,.w>?the,r
    tht3y play for th0URsna8 or for 4wmv3reont.          In
    soon 9f Lh.5 ~fliiwt3 this &treat find in6jrect %3-
    velqmmt       of the prinoip'la of eta *g*lnat the
    many ie oo~binea.       The keeper my      hero $3 fUQa
    of i:is 9~3 urhibltea,     oalled a bank; VllcLchis
    usually ,oone~,'buIt;msy be snything.valueble;
    801 which Is his condltIone1       tender to all the
    * betters, as-i% faro,&o.,         or bo may oulleet au6
    "IC 2 yir?.y dlc;:~Jtl a8..*tljs~* *.aItiN
    s tnblP fop (isqiixic.
    i)r:.:pp.                      i)ljT;WaeS %ncr u*:r;
    ii. CT, hiz.4clTr wlthwt     Sett!:iri qxn     it S-r-
    fzulf,  bait to Onablr other5 to bet, arid
    u:m:Ld, lnn*ea? or nbarjzio$ h peru*nt9ts
    u?on tba bets, dqmd        upon the custoc of
    t.hu bettoss at ‘Ais thw t0 oodtp8nSatb hhl,                   *
    the 9vil maid      be ao J&W.     ‘oouause   ?.o per-
    haps zmde 19~5.      20 .tlinhtBVCii not ba pro-
    ssnt 311 the tim      duri~   th:+ plap1&*, Ln
    sme   mob   aas8 that mipht ba deviaed.           1:9ra,
    olthcu*,    acuordiny l.0 the rulrs Of hut,';
    gaueo, he could not atriotly be said to b-9
    the keeper or stilbitor, at113 the ``!~unity
    would not Do clsled i-p suab a than@            irr tto
    -rnese mode of U9riviri his rgalna, anii :t
    WOUlAI bQ SPiis, 'in aumon      Ssrigua~9’,    that
    *he k9vt. or exh%bitad tha t.abls.n
    The afl50R, Shaw vs. f%ste, 33 S 1078, EQll
    7s. *tato, :'2 * 667, kvarlmrt vs. tita'be,ie Z3W 426
    ant Lyl* v*. State, 
    10 S.W. 765
    , hold in effscrt that it
    is difflsult to Imagine 5 epeoles oi a tsble cr bank or                       .
    crar~lrig ilevloe reeemblin& eithsr that ia:kept <@I: em&&
    that, woul& not br irrclud9d in the ~lauaes o;' the 00&e.
    :                 In view of the toregolnu authorities,     yob am
    respuotrully'aflviaed  that it 1s the oplnlon      thUWI0- or
    parkoent that the dam9 of *%n~o      ooues within tine j$rO-
    hlblticti of ?.ha ab&s  quotsd statutes o_C %?&a j%tal Cods.
    ana that any person who operates a wRlggo' ~cu?Ln~ table
    or bank 13 ~subjeot to proseoutian   under ?\rtiule 619 of
    tbe '=snal Cods.
    :: .
    Truetin.q that     the foregoing       answsfs       your   in-
    i:.ipuiry, we reaa3.n
    Very    truly    yours

Document Info

Docket Number: O-366

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017