Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •               OFFICE    OF   THE   ATTORNEY      GENERAL    OF   TEXAS
    .Dc. MIHU                                                  Maroh 1, 19S9
    “” .**PY
    Hon. f. FL Hendcmon, Jr.
    &wirtant county Attorney
    Hardron County
    Narrhall, 'Poxa
    Deai Sir:
    mitted with you
    t8nor in parain
    Revised Citll
    on 3a of Irtiola 2902, lp r a ,by itr terms
    n oountlsr harlng the population of not
    leas than 48,900 and not more than 49,000 lnhabitantr,
    aooording to the preoeblng Fedora1 oen8u8 the #au$ttr
    e On.
    p er
    y a 8Oll
    00b o o llt,
    korprr and 8tenographer at a 8alary to be fixed by thr
    oounty Judge not to exoeed $1,800r00 per annum la tuulve
    8QUal monthly instdlmentr out of the tinoral ?und Of the
    Hon. J. B. Hendsreon,    Jr.,   Maroh 1, 1939, Page 2
    ;;i; ialllng within theterm8 of Seotlon 38, Art1014
    Th. pOpti4tiOllOf &rri8O!l COUllt]r
    18 48,937,
    . Hamiron l?ounty18 the only oounty ln the Stat4
    whloh, aooordlng to the preoedlng TeAor   oan8u8, that
    had a population rlthln the limita 8p4Olfl4d in Saotlon
    3a of Art1014 3902.
    S4otlon 56, Art1014 2 OS the Stat4 Conltltu-
    tion   prorlAe8 In part a8 iollor8:
    mo  kgI818tum   8hall not, exoept a8
    othorwl84 provided ln thI4 Oonrtitution, pa88
    anJ 10081 or 8p4Olti 1aW8, authori     ....
    regulating                           T tlol,
    the affair8 of OOtUitlO8,o
    tOWn8, ward8 or rohool diltriot8...dnd in
    all other Oa408 whero a general law oui b4
    mad0 applloable, 110looal or 8p40181 law 8ha11
    bs ennoted; prorlA4A, that nothlng h4r4ln oon-
    talnsd rhall b4 oonrtru4d to prohIbit’th4
    bgirlatura irom paseing 8peaial law8 for the
    pr48enatIon of gaa4 and flrh of this Stat4
    In oart8In looallt148.a
    8aotIon 87 of Artlola 3 of tha State Comtltu-
    tion   mad8    as follow83
    "Ho local Or 8paoial law 8hall b4 pa8846,
    unl68r notioeof the lntantlon to rpply thara-
    for 8hall h4r4 b4an publlrhrd in tha looality
    wham the mattar or thing to bo lii4oteA pay
    be rltuatsd, whloh not184 rhall 8tata the rub-
    8tanOe o? tha oontearplatrdlaw;and ahall ba
    publlehed at least thirty day8 prior to the
    Introduotlon lnto the Laglslature of auoh bill
    and in the nmnnar to b4 provided by law. Tha
    erldanor of suoh'notloa hating been publishad,
    8ha11 br 4xhIblteA In the Lagialatura, before
    auoh not aball ba pg(a4A.n
    We hat4 Iarormatlon
    ._.   iron
    _ yr   brlai, whlop w8
    mU8t aasuma aa oorreot, tnat 8uon notxoo yfa4aot puo-
    llsh4A looordlng to tho abort-quotad Saotion 87, Art1214
    3 Of tha Stat4 COn8titUtiOn.
    In the oam, Gray ~8. Taylor 227 0. S. 31, tha
    &pram4    Court   of tha Unltad Stat48 adL3a a 10081 law
    “Th4 phra84 *looal law’ mean8 primarIlr,
    ,    ’
    .        SsB
    Hon. J. B. HmAar8on, Jr.,   Uaroh 1, 1939, Pag4 3
    at loa8t, a 18W In riot  If not In ?OX'M,18
    dir~ot44 only to a 8p4OifiO 8DOtr*
    Tha 0884, aity Ot Tort Worth tie Bobbltt, 36
    SW (&A]   g'F0,hold8 aaong other thiXlg8,that.t
    "hitnot aDpliOabl8 t0 OOUUti.8 haVin&
    a gopulatloa or tram 33,190 to 3b.300 ~88
    4varlt4 and 8p4ola1, 4Itlng Hlxron ~8~
    Bur8on. 64 Ohio Stat4 470 OW48 Ootmty Om-
    mi88iOll4?8f8. 8'&Wlgl4?,i59 In4. 876, an4
    thrt a8 8ot authorirringbond8 by oitis8 hav-
    ing batwaaa 100,000 an4 110,000 Inhabitant8
    by 1920 oaa8u8 b4Ing applioabh   otiy to on8
    olty hold looal law within oonatltutlonal
    protI8loa.~ Oon8tItutIon Art1014 3, 34otIon
    Th4 4a88, %XM   ~OU!lt~t8. mll,    4t d,       97
    8u (2nd) 367, hold8 lo 4ft8Ot, that:
    "COU?t8 in btWHiI%ilrg WhOth8r bW 18
    publlo, @maral, 8paolal or looal wlll.look
    to it8 8Ub8tano4   an4 praotloal oparatlon
    rather than to it8 tit14 form, phra84OlOg5,
    8InOO Otheni84    prOhibItiOn and ma~4nttd
    law agaln8t apsolal l4gIalatlon would ba
    nugatory. The hgf8latUr4 may olarrliy
    OOWlti48 on ba818 o? population ior pal-p088
    0s rixitig oomp4nsatIon at oounty and pr4olaot
    oSfIoar8 but olarrifioatlon mU8t b4 bass4
    on r48l airtinotion -4 mu8t not b4 l    rbltqgrz
    11~ d4TI84d to gin what i8, In lubrtanoa; a?.
    loon1 or 8proial law the fern of g488rti law*”
    Aotr raau0ing 8alarIrr of oftIo4rr In ooun-
    tie8 Of mo,OoO Md 1088 th8XI319,000 DODtia-
    tloa ha14 orrFea8onabla  and arbItar7  In it8
    Ola88ifiOatiOlIan4 void aI a 8DOOial law.'"
    U4 b4lIat4 that whather tha rot In quo8ttob I8
    to ba ragarddsda8 8p4Oiaf and whethsr it8 oparation $8
    tumom   throughout tha Stat8 d4pMd8 upon whathor popula-
    tion afford8 a fair barir ior the o~.a88ifioationOf OOUl-
    tlaa with rairrsnoe to mattar to whloh It rel8t88 and
    whether tha rrsult it looomplisher  18 in faOt 8 -81
    olasrifioation upon that baris MA sot a A48ignation Of
    Hon. J. Be HeaAar8oa. Jr., Ataroh 1, 1939, Paga 4
    l 8i@4     4OUnty t0 rhloh alon          it 8hall apply tmdar the
    gUi84 Oi   8uoh 01488iri44tiOn.          ‘phs     law in   qIm8tiOll   ma8
    80 drawa that it 18 g4n4ral ia form but only appllad at
    th4 tlm4 it w4nt Into asriot to Hafi18On COue~ -4
    probably oould nafar  apply to 8nothar oouat    We think
    that a OOuaty oan b4 A481gnat4A by A48oriptI'on ju8t aa
    lr r 4 0tir a 481 oan
    It    ~ ba.nama -4 that tha lpplloatlon
    Of thi8 lOt 18 80 infloxlbly ?iXOd a8 to Drrrent it
    aver balng applloablo fo other OOWlt148.
    Sootion8 of Artlola 39124, Rat1844 Olrll gta-
    tuts8 prorld48 aa fOiiOW8t
    *The CaPmiS8ioner8' OOurt Of suoh
    oOunty 8h411, on lpplioation    to tha Co unty
    Judge, authorize tlm County JuAg4 to 4mploy
    a 8trnogtaphar at a salary o? tram On4 Htllr-
    dr4d &llqa (#loo.oo t0 or14HUtIdred8nd
    Twmnty-fir4 Dollar8 (1125.00) par month,
    and~ruoh extra hrlp as tha Commi8aIoa4rrB
    aourt MY a40m aA+I8abl4 8nd neoeassry        at
    a ralar or not 4ro44aing     Thirtp.Dollarr
    (#so.OO~ par w4ek, prOvidiag    8UOh 4xtctz8
    h4lp rhall not ba 4BIpiOy4d?or 1a0r4than on4
    p4r8On for three (5) month8 In any on4 oal-
    endar year. Th4 salary     of ruoh 8tanographar
    and 8uoh extra hrlp 8ha11 ba paid out o?
    the @noral ?Undr o? the oount~.m
    This art1010 appllsr to oountlar hraig-rror
    193,000 to 200,000 pop~ation.    uader,the aOt in qU48tiOn,
    the maxImum oompsnsatlon o? an offi    as8irtant, book-
    kaeper 8lld8t4nOgraph4r O? the OOWlt7 judge 18 rai84d
    abow tha marim    4llOneA like OffIO4r8 In OOullti48Of
    195,000 to 200,000 population -4   the 0884, Beur oouatr
    ~8. Tymaa lt al, 8upra, olting thr on84 of Clark t8.
    54 S.W. 343
    , aa08 the following languag4t
    ml8   oourt   l’4OOglli84d      the     8Ubrtantiat.
    airr4r0n00 in pOptiatiOn8 oi oountI48 00~14
    ba mad4 a bar18 or 14gIrlatlon ilxlng OOlDI
    p4n88tIOn o? 0??104r8, oa th4 th4ory. a8
    tha oourt olaarly r400~1244, that tha work
    44r4lopIag upon an 0??108r Wa8 in 801~4aegrao
    proportion&a to ths population of the county.
    Hon. J.     B. lbadarraa, Jr.,   Xaroh 1, 1939, Pagr 8
    Thlr hrr fnqu8ntlJ b44a raoognIr84   by the
    oouft8 a8 onatlag   8u??IoI4nt ai8tI~otioa to
    jmiry   larg4r oosp4n8atloa for oounty off;-
    oer8 la oountlor hating a population a8 oop-
    parad with oompenaatlon  to like of?Io4rm In
    OOUdh8   having a 8I8811population.'
    I4 think it true that If the Legial8tun lgnorss
    thr obriour f8Ot that the work o? an assistant,        bookkeeper
    and rtanographar or tha oounty judge 18 proportIonat to
    population and Ola88iiic8 oountie8 in ruoh ray that tha
    oaopamation     ot r uol  h
    8aiatant,  bookkaapar  and rtanographrr
    0s thr oounty     juag4 In oountl48 having 4 amallsr popula-
    tion 18 ilred    at mm4 than the ;oaxImu3oomg4n8atiOtl al-
    low44 11ka offlorr or amploy        In oountiss hating a larger
    pODti8tiOll,8uoh BOtiOB rPOUllt8     t0 fiXill& 8 Ola88ifiOatiOn
    whloh 18 arbitrary aad &Ioh ha8 no true relatanoy to tha
    pUl’pO84   Of thr 14gi8latiOn.
    In rlsw OS the for4going authorities,you am
    * r48p4otrull~ 8dVhd   that It Is the opiniono? thlr D8-
    p8rta4nt that %?Ot1On 3 O? Art1014 3932 18 8 Bp4Oi.83. 18W
    an4, th4r4ror4,.18 unoon4tltutlon41 and void.
    Trwtlng   that tho ioragolng ansrr4r8your ln-
    qulrt,     -4   rcmaln
    Vary truly   your8
    Ardsll WliilaEI8

Document Info

Docket Number: O-364

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017