OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Febsuary 10, 1939 ison. Y.L. iiigltor, Liecrst1wy state i!a:ir2of Fis~istrotlon rm FrofosaianrCl XninSlneers hu3tln, l‘exus othr tiia Your re~a?st f ",Stor tl~c~i’bst day of J:mery, 1930, It siutll be unlawful for this State, or for any of its ?olitiosl subdivfsions rOr any county, city, or tmn to en;;?lgeiA the con- strdction of my ?dtlic xxk involvtis mo- non. F.E. Rightor, Pobrusry 10, 1939, PaOe 2 feosional onglneorine, !?horo publio honlth pub110 wolfnre or publio safety lo involved, unloos the ewineerin~ plnns and sRecifloa- tions, and ostlLd&S hnva boon prepured by, xnci tho en,rincerinf;oonstruotion is to be cx-,cutod um!cr the direot aupervislcn of a rc.Gintcrcd profcsulonal enelneer; provided, thirt.nothlq in t.is Xot shall be held to up?lg to any p:lbllo :tork whorein the oontm,+ plated ox?ondlture for the oonplctad projeot does nut cxcmd TS!oe T!:!;oumnd ($3,000.00) Dollars. ,?rovidsd, that this .iot &all not apply to any :o:ld minicncmae or betterileht wvrk unrhrt” + ..-en by the County Co.~d:~s1oner`` court. n Subdivision(0) of Ceotion 20, of Artiole 327la Revised Civil .Stztutes of TJXW, reads MS follows~ uild,hlne in t!~:lsimt ol:uil be constru- od to apply to pm'cons doing the actual ?mrk 0r instnllin~, opcmtlnC, repairinG, or sorvlo- Inng lommotlve or stotioz.ry engines, storm boilers, Dioml onzines, inCernn1 oorr.buntlcP en:$nes, refriCerntioh corlpressors and systans, hoistine arqinas, eleotricnl e~ihes, air oon- d?tionizqT 9qUip!2?At nnd systezs, or ncohani- oal and oleotrlonl equi_ar.mt and apparatus; nor 3hall ti:ls 'ict bo cmst:~ed to provent any cltize;l fron lc:entifyinc himelf in the awe am! trade of my CnCindcrs labor or[;m- lzut?on ..;ltbXXOh he :my to afCili?Aod. pro- vided, !m!over, that nothing in tX3 .\ct 3Lall be cmstrucd :13 RcrxittlnO any person other than a licenxd profomio~lal cnSincor ufflx- in& his ui~aturo a~ such to en&ncerinC plxs, speclfi0otlons or estimtes.” Subdivisicn(f) of &lotion ZO, or Artiole 32713 Revised Civil Stntutss of 'i'ox;~s, rcuca US follms: Tiothin~, in t!:ls Aot ahaL be constru- I I‘* ’ P Hon. F.E. iU&htor, Bobruary 10, 1939, Pace 3 ed to apply to persons OreOtine or bulldIn any private CwollIng.w Scotia I of Article 327la, RovIned Civil Stat- utos of TCSZAS roods ns follows: "Xat lh order to Irclfoi;uard life, health, ccc! 9ropwty, my peroon praotiolng or offer- iha tv ;rsctlcc tho profession of enelncerIng as hereinafter Cefihsd shall hereoftor be ro- ylrod to subriit OYi&3AOO tht he is qualifi- e.d so to 2rrectIce asd shall be registorod as harolnnftor provldd; 2nd it shall be unlaw- rti ror my pr:ron to ?motIco or ofTor to practice the prrjfcuAvn Of cn@uxxin;; in this State, or to uw in conncotion \:!th his name or othor;:se ww~e, we, or cdvortise any title or Gesorl?ttion tondInS to convey the ImprossIon thrlt ho Is a prvfeoslonal cnSlncor mlosa suoh ?erson has bmn dully rcSlslcretl or exsr-.>tcdunder tk& provlsiors of thJs Act." smtion 2 or .kticle x710, Revised civil stat- utas of Texils, rcrlC0 a3 follo,:S: "The tmz profwsional ohglnccr us usod lA t!J.is.:ct sF;p.!.l ~rxu; II ?crson ~f.o, by rea- 3vu oi kin !z:cs.!l~-d::c of xthcratlcs, the phy- 3:onl ooicno``, vit: t!le >rinoI>les of cngl- necrinc, ao?Jlred by professional eduontlon and procticxl cxp'trlexc, is c.ualIflod to on- Sz!';eIn engineerin:; pmcticq ns hcrolmftor doflhcd. The pr::ctIce of Profcsoioml en&em- ins ‘;i!LhIri !A* :imiA:: ant! ?ntoct of this Act ihcludeo cny ?rofcsnion?J. mrvlco, suoh as con s-At>tlon , IllV8Stii,titiOA, OVnlQotiOn , pl.f+-pn- ning, dcsi,nIr.;3,or rceponolble oqorviclon of construction In cohncction v:ith any publlO or prIvr,te utilitloo, s'zucturcs, bu!lding, mct~l.ncs, c?;``iy.cnt , processes, f:ori:sor pro- jeots, vhereln tho :-ubllo wclfnre, or the 1:0n. F.E. Rightor, February 10, 1939, Pa;,e 4 eareguerding Of life health or property le coserned or involveb, xhen suoh proiesslon- al scrvioe rer,;llresthe applloatlon or en& neortiA:CZ prinoiples and intarpretation or en- &worin[: data. The torn ‘Board’ (1s ‘used 1~ this Aot s:;ill Eenn tho State Board of Ro($stration ror ProfeoAOnal Ewinoers, provided for by tfiillAOot.” YOU 00 r0spOOtruliy advlsod It 113 the opln- ion or this depart:..entthyt tIlo dosUp and ~uprvla:`` of any alterations or addltlons in oxoess ot ~3,000.OO on any buildtic other than a roslde;loe, should bear the seal or and be suparviood by n rey,istered professional OneSneer, QS nrovlded for by Soctlon 19 or Artlola 327l.a’ If such profesBiOnjl servioe require8 the applloation of engineering prinolplee snd lnterpretntion of ecgl- neerlne data* YOUare further advised, ii suoh pmression- so service does not require the appliaatlon of engineer- in.g prinalples and interpretution of engineering data, t5en in that event, suoh alterations and addltlons need not boar the seal of and be s..porvised by a registered profassional eneineer~ You are rurther advined there is nothing in the Act of Article 327ti, *M.oh shall 50 aonstrued to npply to psrlons dolw the aotual work ot lnstallln~, operating, repairinG or sOrV?Oine air aonditioniw e- &pent and wst=.s, but, !?owovor, th& nothinf; in the Act shell be construed as perxlttlng any person other th a llconsed professional engineer fron aiflrirG k&a sipture a? such to en&nearing plans 8p00iriofit 10n0 or ostiuntes used ln smh Hark as prov i: ded for in Zeo- tion 20, Subdlvlslon (e) of Artiole
327l.a. supra. Hon. F.E. Rightor, February 10, 1939, Page 5 Trusting thin answers your lnqulry, we are Yours very truly AIITORNEYCRmWLOFTEXA3 KJF:ob
Document Info
Docket Number: O-295
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017