Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    I&rch 15, 1939
    HonorableTams W. Cbzndler
    County P.ttorney
    HonorableThomas E. Chandler,Arch   15, 1939, Page 2
    prior to Ueoeaber31, 3938, ter-
    minating,the date oi thie oontmot."
    Yinoe the salver of the formerCountyAt-
    torneyoould cover only hie tern, and the pree-
    ent CountyAttornoyhas not waived,did the
    C~aalone~rs* Court exceed Its power in etlp
    ulatlngthe aboveexoepttion  or provlsi.on?
    Could the presentCountyAttorneynow take
    chargeof the suits that were Piled by the QOII-
    traotorpd.or to January1, 1939 (DeoaaberSl,
    rest, tbetiine d&b or oat&mot I?
    Dobe tam oontraatorbavb tim ri*t ta a
    lsp aaamlb~aonon any rboov4ry4.4the mttlb-
    mcab::0ra tar malt after Dbarpbbrail,1988?
    HonorableThoma R. Chandler,MarohM,           1939, we   3
    collectthe $100,000.00he had ~uarnnteedtc do
    by the expirationdate or said oontraot,Decaz-
    ber 31, 1938, (and to be exact, only e little
    lees than $80,400.00has bean oolleotedby Ire-
    amber 31, 1938.). Kould you oowider thiFscon-
    tract breaohed?"
    x8 will firstendeavorto axuweryour GuestfonNo. 1.
    ArtioleV, Seotioa18, of the Constitutionof Terra,
    af$er pmvldln~ for the eleotionof four oooinmfssloners
    in eaoh
    ozunty,pmvlden as tollowsr
    bythicrCoiwtlttatioaaa   thb    lawa at the State,
    ,. gnmttrlboU+”
    ar ar nay br kmreaS%ar
    Tiwe ir no wlmtitutlo~         pmedon   or ,8tptUt9
    barorethe aoust eaa aot?
    Tb9r9arenoT9xasagfpaxla~ 9ourtOa808
    quest&m, and there ls a mat gonfltcrt
    othbr   fatstee.
    EonorableThomae B. Clxmdler, Marok lS, lQZY$,
    Page 4
    Igdlam held that Wan a quorumof a oity ~ouuoll*as presentthat
    a majorityOS the votes cast (acmebeing presentend not voting)
    authorizedtileccu~cilto act. In a foot note to the case of Law
    z~&rs.   Ingersoll,puma, in Volume 6 of L.R.A.,the follovAng
    *Thle cnat~ emd the one next Sollowing,
    xiwlvl3.leoas 00. VII.xhtahT.ll.le,
    post. sls,
    by their shark oonfllctadd interestto 6cmo
    questionsahlch do not often QOBIBbeforethe
    *mua wbight or authorityis to the of-
    1                    Pth9awQrst~r‘``~                                  .
    Ch t   in   a   p x wwUa g         under Ar tisle P $ ,b $tb a
    that tu-th m s o t th e tultim
    fhmb p %wb nt tlna Yo tlng nut to te                             6a m   mmly   9o a -
    atwd’Artlolo O61, as& 1. rballyof 8~ v&tie to ualr fa t&s ew
    d &tat0 TO* OitJroi MaAUea,        thu wwt lib24that a dty
    ardlnaaoewtu lwella bm8aume t!??i!k-  had not elm   it, thh
    belngth6raalpafatendi~meinthaaa8;p        butthb4mtatblao
    uld, whiohrclare irurk ta stats may b4~ui8tu& th nPUd.ast
    *As mll ordlaanobbut  bb agqfravo4
    by a
    Mjorlty Ya4b 04 thaw pruoat Mu robl!a&ata
    mt u appbbr that Ste m nlrwnt      at a a*deMy
    k~ti8bWS      Vd8i?d3tb%8````*
    XonorableThoms 1;.Chandler,Maroh 15, 1939, Fage 5
    In that ease the 'mayorand four oounoil````~
    Wre present,
    and two voted *yes",one voted "no", and the xtayorand one oouncll-
    man aid not mte. The langu;uaCe in this ease indloatesthat JUdge
    Ryan, n?~owrote the opinion,Savoredthe rule leld down ln the aaae
    0r Rushri~e ias co. VS. city or itushville, a.
    As indicatedby the authoritieson the question,tbi.8is
    a very close an4 dirrfoultquestionto,dealde,edd we realize that
    we aan decide~onemy almostas loglaallg6s we oen deoidethe other
    way. Ziowever, m reel like the uuurt did in Statevs. Yates,
    after it haU reviewedthe evenly balancedauthoritieson both
    of the question,in w&oh it said:
    'We ar6 inullaedto thb oplllion
    that thb
    pro r x~&lcrth&ttho~Jho      r.malnsllant
    bharlbr&mmMta     auaatto the aotofthoeo
    l&o 40 vote'.*
    ml3 ruls   was   eated In   camp V8r Thumael, 86 8.W.   (84)   mc,
    a11 tolla*
    r* * * lbierypsrsvalsoharge4withthe
    knowledg#of the law tbat ooraeirrdon~ aourtm
    oan be bound by their apmamte only when theq
    aut a8 oourtsaxd by orders Uuly pessed. HO
    rl@ts uan be ae Wired aB aga$rmta twuntyby
    agrwatm       dth &I8 inairidual8eon1po6lagae~1~
    mlatiiolYbr6*  uaurt``
    Whir0 the evibnbb ahars that   the ammlb-
    alcmerr~00ur-tbae aoted w.kthkmmlb48e of the
    olroum~tanee6~0~4%that thb otbbr part@ to thb
    RonorableThoms fi.Chandler,Baroh 15, 1939, Page 6
    -allqed contracthas innooentlyplaced himelf
    in a situationuhihiahwill oausehim loss in ease
    the contractla not suataimd, it nay be con-
    cludedthat the county is boundthersbg. Ths
    ratlliaotion or estoppelmust be based upon ao-
    tion on the part Or ths oon!m.bsioafsrel oourt.*
    This rule or ratlfioationwan expressedin~the~oaees or
    Boydstonvs. RockmillCounty (Dr. Sup. Ct.) 
    86 Tex. 234
    , 24 3.X.
    vs. Pure Oil Co. (Ter.Cams.A p.) 78 S.E. (26) 929;
    272; ‘d.llisxs
    and ~elvostonCountyvs. Oreshsm (Tex.Clv. if
    pp.) 220 3.~. 560.
    The eontraotin qusetlonIs bated May 26, 1937, end wo
    do notknowwhat &s ~YRUW``I& ala00 that date. It may or pray&at
    b.~&y~g~pa~%`` Oopnt]r bRB Z%tif%mait aridifbm~gpab t0 a”’
    our mmwertoyourfirst cpzostAml.sthat byvlxtam of t&
    two to one efrlamtive vote by the oomll#doaers'oourt the oontraot
    ls vttUd:and in addttiontheretothe oontraatmight be enforolble
    oonstlt\rte ratifloatioa
    and ortop-
    anmuryour seooad qm8Moar
    The &atute uhloh autdaorltwthereidada ot wntraoti la
    78s5 or tam perlad ai*1 Statutva 0r Texas, 8auIit z06a+
    b part,a8 fbllowm
    %heawer tbo -~donarr'       ovwt OS any
    aountyafter thlrtfdyr written acitioo   to,tbm
    oouatyattonw 6r Qirsriot attorney te fflr
    6d.inquanttaJLsu%ta~hl.a iailaseto doso,
    &mlldeam tt neaorrmary  or axgedicat, 88l&crourt
    mayoontnaotwith u4r osnpetent atturnoyto qo-
    fora* or assist in the m~orcrownt0S the wl-
    leotion~orany ddlnquant Btata aad Qouutytaxea
    for a per osat on the taxes.a
    This oiiroshas heratetirat~held in Attorney &meral*r
    Opln.lon?&.0-237   dated February14 lQS9,tbata Omr~&relom~rs~
    court ldm3~.1*0&* term sn4ed IalbSs owl& notiluske      a wntzaot
    of thJa kind uhkoh wan aot TV take Wteot until lQI!M,  rtrema mw
    aam&oslonwe* hurt would be in oitloe,on the @wand that tym
    CWaiouara*      Court aould oat biad the rrsrtOaPnnLedoriemr*Court
    in pemonal    matters   fa? tJd.8 kl&       Hamwcwrya)till      not ea 80 iar
    as to hold t&at the @Wxmmy aaplqed by tie QWUBL$88LOn~(l'Court
    in oontraut8or thi6 klnd mUat ma00 work to the extcmt.oinQt
    proseoutingowmalafeedy flb4 $180 broaauea newa~sn~rec
    aourt an4 a ww ouunty Attorney himi taken             orrioe,   *vim   tbeu6hthe
    ooatraotspeaftigally                t;hst    the   attorney80 ~pbrail      shall
    HonorableThoms R. Ohasdlar,Haruh 15, 19959,
    Pago 7
    be allowedsir months afterthe temInatIng date or the oontraot,
    kich una also tie end of the CopBpisaiOner8'
    and the CountyAttar-
    ney*s term 0r orrioe, t0 proseautosuits alreadyriled to rinel.
    judgment. In this oaeo the oontraotmaker suah a provIsionand grants
    the attcmsy ID emplo~adths right to finish prossoutingthemaIt al-
    ready flledt        and we ballevs   t&t      the Caaraiselomrs~     Court   had the       ati-
    --thodty to grant tho attorneythis privilege, Commonsaxme dlotates
    that tho attcmmyvho fllodths suit md startedltuould be Iaabot-
    ter positionto prossoutethe mit to udgeumtthan some4other attor-
    n.ey,andthIs is exaotlywhatths ComairsionsrsthoughtInthIr sass
    *on tbsyput that pmvidon In the sontrasb.
    Tberoanno    antborItlenthatwomifl~&                        tbatbeardiraat
    4   a this sIt\atloatbrrt wo kl%o*a tht the nU                      atat.  %a 4 pae,
    On The Iar     or            &rd
    'Ooutraetr,        xd*,    8848,   applies   to thie 8~01 that
    mls bef.n6
    a8 iollas:
    ~d,atfm we     tho   8aooesrfulbid.derfar the
    HonorableThorns FL Chandler,March 15, 1938, Pace 8
    wculd clearlyhave been entitledto com;Jlete
    the orUer.*
    It ha6 been nu&gestedthst the new County Attorney,who
    took officeon January1, 1933, haa oertslninterestsin theee
    CGSeS.  liedoes have a vltel interestin the mite flled efter he
    tcke6 office,becausehe Geta e fee a8 ptided    in me     15% 3.S
    he file6 the mlts (and.thisw-a8$lven Sor one OS the xumaoneSor
    AttorneyQanerel’s0pWon x0. O-W?, referredto abow); but ba
    @.OOS Ilothave t&i6 interest iIltU    SUitEI that have @.bWdy    been
    filed by an outaiUetsx attorneybofcm he took atlice,and wh%ch
    suits are calf being pmcsecutodto Slnal judagmsnt.The zxmonhe
    dose not hnvo thla lntsrertAnthe tits alretiySil+4 by.ea out&de
    -ta x
    ltta   r a ey
    la b eo a a m h 8wo tlld wt x*& v* l fee la th o a r 8uiC8
    ‘ssla tk a tir Eyr i~r o r ~f````~r r r dsinp a F ti*~ib t
    cocstitutlonality of Article7335 was upheldby the
    SupremeCourt of Texrisin the csses of CherokeeCountyvs. Odom,
    U3 Tex. ZCB, 15 5.i..(Ed) 538; nnd Com~I.ssfoners' Court oGbEdi-
    son Countyvs. it~llace, 116 fex. 279, I.5S.V.'.
    (26) 535.      -
    quent to those cases the CommissionoS Appasla,Se&ion A, in the
    case of ';nstemooGvs. HendersonCounty,62 S.Z. (2d) 69, saldt
    "The power to provide for the colleotlon
    of dellrquent   tares, ad prescribethe oompen-
    sationto be p&G for servicearenderedin that
    res;)ect,   residesexclusivelyin the LegieLature.
    Under this power,tho cowzssi'oners*   oburt av?ay
    be grantedsuthotityto mske bindingaontrsats
    lookin@to the aollaotioti  OS deljmpuenttaxw,
    and to tha paymeat0r a      t as the aolleotioai3,
    88 amapamatlon Sin a0lA=oee putowed in that
    j  Otlrenawrto   your third qusstlon la t&t tba present
    UouatyAttarmy oaul(la~tatthm praaenttiwtslr;s ohargeoitha
    muits that were flleadby the QWqueat    tax attoraa prior bo ths
    tealnatiagdato   of the awttraot(Deaaubersl, 1MB T 1 In&ha ocm
    taltmohrggeat themattbe lndof rri,xmantha
    &at0 if any ar8 8tlll on the daeket,
    We rlll PQI give aansideratlon
    to jour fewtlaquwtlon~
    Theaaatreetpzrovldea that RaEutsonCauatyimto paythe
    tu attarm em oyod war tb eantraot WI per aant crithe amouat
    oclleoted0E:alpldeliaqubattaxna,peaaltgand intuwt+ * * eotu-
    ellyoalleated* + +, OS vhlah sbaaed Rsrty (tuattaraayll8l.iwtm-
    asatal in oolleotlx@* + + ".
    We Mvea~eady held laour tmawarto Qu88tioatwothettha
    tax attomsg~ls entitled ta eix mantlm attertha tsa&mtAag tit* c#
    th4 aantrsat Daamnbat3l.,3.9Ei3, lnwhlohta pm86autato ii&ml IV&-
    Wat (Nit8 drSGdySl~&      8.d we hare held inour M8mrto      '4-S t 011
    three thatdurIng that If,xmcnthe periodthe Ckuuty Ati``rney   aauld
    not teke aharga of the tsx suits ~l.re~ClgTiled by the tax attomep.
    Eruitathat ere Siledbythstar attorney bdn&     theaim-
    tmot perlo and eettled by himwithin 8i~mnthrr sitar tb0 tan&J&-
    ing date me alesrly aantanpktedby the aontZ%ot,and ths pOd8iOn
    referredte above that providesfor payrnant to the attorMy of 1%
    OS the mount aallaatedapplisawithoutqwirtion to th880 Qaao6i
    OuramwutoyaurZ'ourth qubooionia that thsooat~ofor,
    the taxattora~,has the xtghtto alf4j4aamslmloaona mr@YO~ls
    the 8ettlrmeat of a ta%atitaSterDeasmibersl.2938, pkwV%dtith8
    suit was riled by the tar stboxmy prior ta Deomaber1IL,lQIBB,darines
    HonorableThoms i..Chnndlsr,Usrch 15, 193Q, Page 10
    the term OS tiiouontraot,;-ad
    wu5 settledwithin six monthsOS De-
    celnber31, 1938.
    will rlowt&e up your SiSth question.
    This contractdoes not expresslystate that t&m is OS
    the essence. IS a law suit shoulddeveloptjotween  the partiesto
    the oontract,it is iqossiblt? for us to sey nt this timewhat
    gle&dingswould lo tiledwd what evideme woilldbe odmitted,'but
    it Keg be ttit the 1~ ouit would developso that the rule in Taylor
    allin;:Co. W. ~knricankg Co., 230 S.ii.782;would apply,whioh
    rule is in vmrds CE follows:
    Vhether or not tinr,it3of the essenoo~or
    a oootmot ls~a quetuttion   at femt fbr a jury,
    UdLdSS the eaatraotwpre66lyat¶keeitso,ar
    utihss the tmbjeot-matter    OS the oontraotis
    euoh that aoourtullltake judlolalknowledge
    ar the taatthat the pll't&OS    obvlouelylntsn888
    that t3.w ahaul bs ab me 08-01) OS ths aoa-
    traat.   Suahwiuld bet&~ oaselnauontraatto
    deliveraotlm ox-wheat, or any art~oleOS nblah
    there Wi8 a aonatentl SulotQatinglm~t, a8-
    outalrsble by estab dab edE3rkutquotatWa6.
    *The modsrnteadsnoyls tohold that time ti aat
    Qs the a6banooOS a aantraot     woepttM*r tbs
    alrouwtaaoos above &atodr'
    Tbi.6oifioebk8 bonoti18d OntO MEWr~QWStiOW,
    and '10hkIV8vSnt``O8Our OpitiOaRon thereWa(1#Uah a &Jk Or au-
    thorltythstitawtante8 only to a me88 a8 torhattb8aourt8weuXd
    yobuuE'Qd3.l not ga 60 r= or be aa reaklesea6 to tsm66what a
    On aoootant
    cU the Saot that this may developinto a &XT
    qwtetlon,we believeth~titwouldbb inpmperfarus to attmptto
    GMweu it,.
    we wlu now endsavorto anaveryour sixth quwtlon.
    In paragraphYII OS th8 aontraotit ie mvldad that $ab-
    erteonCounty is to pay ths~t``attaney bnp%yed under
    %3 peroentot the amount
    otor OS taxes durine:the
    (t   tt      )iei    t    tal 1    11 tl
    the &es:to:~ "iii% is "tii t%?iS t&t%n~o%?           In para&ra~h
    VIII it is pXOti’b8 that “thi8 WtiXWt 6htkl1 be iEl fQl’W inw. 8UW
    1, 1937, to DeoenberXL, 1938, + + * end at ths expirationor 6&d
    periodthie 0mtraatehel.lteda6te * + *,* Tek%ng+heeepmVi6-
    ians a.low3into oonslderation  wwmii.6 aanoludethat the aontraatcr
    HonorableThomis Ii.Chrrndler,
    -oh      15, 1939, Page
    (tax nttorney)oould only reoeiveoo``~&~alons  fro=
    1~ the tern of the ffintrnot whioh was rnxu June 1, 1937, to koember
    31, 1938, and that he oould not rsoeivecommisslone  rmi gnymsnts
    rnndeafter that tiae; but there is anotherprovisionthat mat be
    considered, and that is that pert of paragraphVIII which prorides
    as follae: wExoeutthe oontraotshall be alloweds$lxmonthsin which
    to Prosoouteto final fudaumt suits 1-d mlor to i)eoanber     31. 1930.-
    In oonstrulngthis last quoted provisionwe held in our an-
    ower to your seo~ndquestionthat this provisionwa8 valid, end that
    ths tax attormy has the ri&t providedfor in this p~uvieion. If
    the tax attorney"is lnstnueentsl      In oollsotln~"these taxes by tir-
    tusoShad.agflleda         suit, that ie ifthssultoau``edthe paynwmt
    of them taxoo, then surely the tax attor``eyIa entitled to reoslvea
    6omldon,       be0mls0 ii the tax attQnwp oanaot rwelve these OoQals-
    tdonn lt'wouldbo wsless (LIfar a6 he *a8 oonoornod-to ~sseute
    to iinal   judpent”~after    Dewmber Sl, lVS8, suitsthat he had fU.od
    prior to that tlms, and tlm abare quoted pr~tislon    from Sootion VIIX
    of the oohtraotweuld be meanlng&s~, &oh a aoaetnrotion         weld not
    be hes4 011this ooatraotby aayoourt, but the rule axprsrssdln
    10 8ex.Tur.884wmldbo          applkd,thatrPlsbslng ariollms:
    l1 tla to b s
    Ouranswwto    your ulxth queasttonlrthat the 6outra6tor
    (thetaxattornsy)     oeuld aoteoatinuste  reoelrsoomml.emlonm oa 00X-
    ~leationo -de by t.b Tax AmesmI”CIOlle~t~      after DsoaaberZl, lBS8
    with the eraeptlonthat be is entitledto a ooamisrlonon money ml&
    totho TaxAeam61~0or-Ooltootoru~ta ml      19f59,
    fish&was    ti@tru-
    mu&al in aollsotlngby vfrtu6 of havS.4$fhsd a cult @or to DOOOBI-
    bar 3l,lUS,
    we4till now ensweryour mmutth qqeetlorb
    It 1s our oplnlon that mar 8x1-r  to que8tian  sit alao an-
    SWSXVBI&IS qutw,loni.YOU se at tmat rate the ooauisnW          #houla be
    paid, and that ie already set out at 18% ot the arsouat 6ol266t&
    RonorablcThoms S. Chandler,Um-ch 13, 1939, pnge 1%
    Cur mswer to your seventhqestion is that the contraotor
    (the tax attorney)could not receiveoo.missIonsfmlr.thapaymnt af
    delinquenttares cf't~ Ijeoe:ber 3l, 1938; wItA the ezoeptionthzt he
    ie entitledto licozA.solonon colleotlonsup to July 1, 1939,whIoh
    he wae instrumnttil in collectingby virtue of ftavin(;filed 6 adit
    prior to Lkxxmber31, 193& and his rate of cox~Issionlntlxme lat-
    ter onses is 13 per cent of the mount collooted.
    Se wIl1 now discussand aaaweryour eighth,and last, ques-
    Xe are unable to find in the contractany wordo by which
    the tax attorney&uarsnteesto solloot$100,000.00In delinquent
    tsxm by Deoember   31, lOSe$ and, thonfiwe, ws oonaludsthat ths
    repremntatioae and guarantyn   to rhlohyourererin your question
    w4r4 orallymade at th4 tlm of tbo ae~tiationsl~dluguptoths
    luaungoi the oontraot. Tha only ps+vldon lnthtroontraotthat mw-
    tlonsa ?guarantee*ie SeotlonXVI, whloh rsads as follows:
    4hangsin tho fWo&6g pnnisions of this 6on-
    tS!LOt, to-T&J   &OOoldPJlX’ty&f&l1 ROt X’OOaiv9
    say oomp~satdon uhatmsrer umbr and by rirtps
    of this aoatl'aet
    until Cm l?uadrsdThouscudDal-
    lams (#lOO,OOO&O)shall hambmm    soLlootedby
    saib gwty or th0 64ixmdpit. .zr as, a04Whsa
    ahall be entitledtc ad must be PaId the !Phire
    tom psr oent (1%) aolaskrlonset out abovo,.gnd
    thereaftersaibpartyoftbs astmdpartshallbe
    The above aomission of X3$ uhlo~his w&h-
    held is a guaranteethat One IkudredThoumnd Dol-
    lars (#100,000``00)will be oollsotedshall be
    plaoedin osorow,payebB to ths .partyof the so+
    ond gmrt upon proof or the oolnotIon of the
    $lOO,OOO.OO,the benk or banks to hold the esorm
    money being,neuSadby prey of tti samad part.,
    said bank or banks ta bs situatedin Robertson
    colaaty,TexaII*party or creoondpart rurtberagreea
    -not tc eend out any notlms or tile~eu.ky
    suit qainet
    delinquenttaxpayersprior to August IBth, A.D.,
    This provlsioaooulitnot be oanstxwd a6 a guwanty that
    tbs tax attonvrywould oolleot$lOO,QOWQ
    lb msrely pmofdee that the t&z attornsps
    upuntilhe has oolleoted$LOO,oOo*OO~end
    amat be rememberedthat ha is entltbd to 6i.x mm&&w atiar DeOaab~
    IionmcbleIZm?zsZ. Emadler, Wimh X5, 1959,Pags 19
    1, 1928, in d.i~h to wos%%ut% to findL jtipti suits alr%a& filed,
    2nd it nit?*       the total of O,lOO,OOCi.oO
    will be reaoh%dtir
    hce%?r 31, 1938, xhflobe is so pms%outln~thoee suits,aud tha
    5% r;c;uld
    hu a?titAedto hi% cou~nsation.
    In ragam to the oral agr%%nmt +u3ntliohyourefsr by wbi%h
    thetex attorneyreprnreaented aailgwrante%d t&t h% would %oUeot
    p100,033.00, ~6 must.not overlook the x-tile
    stated in 17 Ter. J'Ur.
    844, cs r0u02f8:
    Ykcl evidenoe is l.radmlaalble
    to vary en
    unoontitLona3.pmmisato paynmn%y by shea
    we4 notabsolutalypayable- as, ror sxswplo,that
    itehouldbepagablso~yuponthe     psrfolmllos0r
    h speoiried6onditionor the happenin of a o%r-
    tainoantingsnoy,orthat;Iaym%& should bsmads
    ootorapa~calar             tun0.*
    Am.1 86 8.8'.@U) lslr Robert&St. fohu Wtor Co. vs* Bpriqpasr, 66
    i   8.U4 o!a)8991 aad Hldal Oarmty Wati4r  JmpmclrwntDiet6Hoe 4 ter.
    Feutara Iat%&%r& 06.1'9"U.S. O&A.) 16 ted. (&I) 89% It may be
    t&stilleUw wilt ooaur8 lnmlringthirraontraottlatfraud,aoof-
    doat or aistnhawill be alleged and thereby makeoral rspremnta-
    tlons admlsdhle lu evldems, but we lmv6 only tlm oontraot be$wp
    uslnsnswering yourrirrsstions,andaecsaonlyba``~dbgthe
    words or th% 00ntra0t*
    mraatswer        toyouraighth   qasstlonlstbatualerthe Rrcrts
    tbetyouhave &mm us ontMs             questionwridonot oonsiderthatthe
    contracthas bean beaehhsd.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-237

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017