OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN / Honorable R. A. Barton, Page 2 our lnveetigation of authorities ..- disolosed - that fn a large number of states snob a Jornaer or separare owners 01 separate and distinct parcels of land, in a sing&a cond~emnation prooeeding, is provided for br statute. Sea hailroad V. Christy,
92 Ill. 339; Barton v. Eleotrlo Railway,
220 Ill. 99; Taooma v. Bonell, 58 lash. 595,
109 P. 60; Friedenwald v. Mayor of Baltimore, 94 lid. 116. Other states, like Texas,.do not by statute speoltlaallyprwfde tar the joinder of separate owner8 ei separate tract8 oi lend In a single oondematlon preoeedln& The courts in two euoh states, Xa8aaoBusetts and Ohio, wla%eh iOllow the oommon lew syeite%O? practice, alearly permit 8a0B Joinder erea In tha absenoe,oi stlohstatutory qutbority. See City of Springfield'I.Sleeper, ll6 Mass. 589; Barton T. Wigglesworth,119 Bare. S368~Qlesy t. Railroad, 4 QUO St. 308. A rsooguized text writer on safnent bmai* atate8 the rule to be aa iollowsr "Sa the abeenoo of any expresrr~ statatarf prorl~loa Ltrould 8eeivta re8t ia ,M%edl8ore- tlon of the court whether diatinot alalms to? dartwageby the same work d-1 improvementrrhomld be tried aopamtely or togathor". E Lewis on Eminent DomaIn ll5, hation 666. In Texa8 the general stat6ties whloh @orem the exerofss ofthe pewer OS maiaerrt demaia are Artloles 5~664%91, inoluslte, being Title 56, Other titlea rhloh we will not list here prwl%e for the ereroise of the pewer or eminent demaln br epeaifia bodies. By Artiale 6694& it is prorfded that the Hi&war G~ission in the oondaaarihion of laed for highna purposes shall foll#w tb proaedure set out ia Title B2. 5he faot that this road has been deslgp nated as a highway by the Highway doralseionplaces these proaeedlngswithin the provisions of Artlale 8694% Fer the purpose of this dlsauseion, it is neaessary for us to exe~%e only three of the artlollss under Title SE. Among other thhga, Art.loleSe64 provides for an Honorable R. A. Rarton, Paga 3 attempt to agree with the landowner on the amount or damages ; appliaation to the oounty judge upon failure to agree on damages; appointment by the county jadee of three special oommissionera to asaess damages; aud esrvloe of notioe on the landownera of the time and plaoe of ths hearing, either personally or by publioatlon. ‘trader Arti- elk 3265, the Legislature has provided for the method to be rollowed~ in assessing the damages. q’he proaedure to be followed in appealing from damages and oompensatlon as- sessed by the emwissloners is provided in Artlale 3266. OUT courts have often pointed oat that s&as tke powet of om%nsnt domsla le in derogation ot the aoma rl&t, statutes waiah govern Its areroise ,arato bs atrlot3j eoawtrasd and are not to be extended beFond their plain provlsiQns. Van Ya~kenburgh v. Ford (Giv. App. Galrestan, lSl8), 209 8. W. SO4j aifimed (Gwma. App. Sea. %, 192X), 22B 8. 1. 3.941XaIarerbeklmaT. &lo
109 Tex. 106, 204 8.W. use fl8l8); Oi3@ f. ztexar aowntrfeir. 4p. M95). 23 B.W. &a, al88, 2 Dill on Bukisipal t?orporat1oa8, 5ao. :2- Prooedur%l 8tetut68 or thl# nature ara seldom 80 mmprehuaat+e aa to rssolrs e+ey question that say arisu in regard to their applirrattcm,and it oftmi bemaea aeeeasery to rseort to othar aathority to dettmalme mathr8 Rat speoifioally aavers& by tihem. ConQemnatloa preoeedlng8Pabar Title 8,2, in thalr earl7 phases spa far as drtermluat,ion of the land- owner*e damagua is ~onoernud, bear i&1%&t rerramblanoe to trfal 0r otbar 68uilel. After rafiure to agree oa daamgesthe untlre praowdzSg8 PM &errfad oa bafe~a a faot-finding,quasi-Jwdiaialbodr eonalsting,of ttuee aom- miemloneru, who hear erlaenoe and asasss the damages. The werds *plaintffP aad %lefemlantw at thin stage oan ba ased only in an auaommtmand liberal seasa, for the plaintlih ceompla3m or nothlng,iand the defendant de- afes aa past or thraataaedwrong, but both partias are astora, ohs to aaquire title, the other to @et as larga compansation as he aan. 15 Am. Zw.r.96S. Sea. 520. Hnmwaus deelsione have ~aa``analo~lee to pro- Honorable R. A. Barton, Page 4 acedings In our courts and have daolared that this special tribunal is governed by ths ordbnary rules of law and equity controlling the trial of oausea. Jones v. Xlssouri, Kansas and Taxae Railroad (Cir. Ap ., Dallas 1929)
14 S. W. (2d) 357, atf. (Comm. App., 1930lp 24 S. W. (26) 366; Davidson y. Railroad (Clr. App., 1902!
57 S. W. 1093~2$o```` z;,,, Small (MT. App. F‘t.Worth, 1930) 2S S, vi. rsfuaed. Lfbaral rule5 or joinder anaoanaed By ear oeurta apply with *pa@ ig%m ta them trtbugala. Ibaoe, t&a at- tea&tat atnra plaoad by ear oourta on eroidanoe af multi- pllsit~ of aq&W must ba otiaaidarad.In ardor to are&d rultipl:oitJ or suits. our reurtr shareallowad litiganta great latitude in'Mltrw dirrerm demand8 * a al suit, and ire'quaqtlTr, diatlaat *au386 hmwo baan pUZP to be joined vhaa aueh jolade* was not Miapaaaabla. &d 1 Tar, JW,. ,487,,800.91. Bae also aor f. Cmr, 7S mx. 196, 11 SC 1. lB&$ Craddook 7. Geodria, 9 4 hr. 678181 Hert%- authority iOr tlrsaeatamplatod jeiadar, tn wiaw at tiha re0t that aoadamti?r-plaIntIffUrf$f#S the am 6p00iri6 ri&t cr&eat eaoh evaav bet we amtd net rely ox6lealte~ en thslr geaeral oeatrxt~ *&fnarily whara,oo~aolidatienef oauaea is pax- mltted, joiad%r vi oaaaea aamet be obje&l``abh, aad tlati la aspoolally tma vhan ooluellaatioa is panrittad deapfte pretaat ef *as of *ha litiganta, In a mms%%t 6aaa deolded by tha Wmaia6f06 of A~paala, appellPant*asxoaptionto the oenae2idatlon a? aererrl diatlnot actions agalaat earersl separate ewaara or separate and distisat traota et land was evwruLed. Uilliaaa 6t al 1. Headarson 00-t Leres reremeat Dfstriot iQe.3 (Ccnnm.Appp.Sea. 38,19553 90 9. 81. %d, as. uhilo lb is tree that tha oourt aited Artiola 7995, whioh SpeolriOally provides rep aazohoonaolidatlen, 'wa bellera t&a rollewWg laaguage bl Taatlos Short la auffiolentlybread to OQY~F oonaolldatlm sad joiader la ~tiharooridmatlea proooediqga, and that It is, at laaat, Indioativeei the attitude Of the present aeurtir Honorable B. A. Esrton, Page 5 "The trial judge, In the exercise of his dlsoretion, oonaolldated the suits. The mite were tried bafors the court without a jury and there Is nothing in this reoord to show that any harm hes been done the litigant by aonsolidatlng these suite. This holding is in line with the rule announoed by the decisions that It la tha publio pelioy of this state to avoid a multi- plloit~ of aulta~w A startherindloatleathat our oenrts do net ra- gaxd the Iclinsnt D0aal.a 6tatatsa as beisg inflaxlbla and all-inolaaito,is tho fellewing langusga in Davidson f. Bailxead, aumt *J&may atataa thu right to make eppeam 0k&166646 parthi %a oettSorred br atatuta.~ WIQ it aagu fe us that this right mriata ln the a&- nenoe or apaaial prevision,end is a nuouaoa~ fnoidaa$ to the right to oendema, fer it neul4 be idle ~to oqUer the pmmr to omsUamn aad at tha 66mo tira 60 restriot a rf%pt as to dear thu &all- read Cs a fu&gsentrhfsh would pmteot ita pssaeaeien and pr&eet it qgainet a dot&lo ru- ow~s~; aad our atetut-uegevurnhg the praoeedisg wInanthu ebjeot 00 be la o eq )iia hisa dceruidarad are ralz1.yauaoaptible of tha oonrrtraatioa we hare plaae4 epen thu.* Approa&iing tha problem trm anethw ax@., lat ma take into aeoowt the fast that a mejeritf, ii aet all, of the landowners sited by pablloationnilX net appear at the hearing fox! eaaussaiant of dsmagaa and ooapeaaatlea, aad that thuy will tall to appeal from tha desisle~a or tha ma- mlseienerawithin the wquiatto ten days pmvidod .iaArtiolo 3266. Such owners would soquiw the atatwa of derondaata against rhea a default jad6auat had been taken, ahmu upon the expiration of that time, the ooanty jadgs ia reqaimd to szoE; deQiSiO6 0r the oemmissio3ers se a judgmentOS Binolalr T. City or Dallas (Qir. App. Uaee, 1OSlL), 445 S. W/(&d) 465. Cn appeal, or in any other dirsot preotleUiag, 660 Honorable R. A. Barton, Page 6 allgfng that service Is suffioient, the appellants wowld be entitled to have, the declsfon set aside or reversed only If they oould show fundamenttil arror or harm and io=-T* Fennesa t. First X?atIonal Bank (Clr. App., 1923) 256 S. J4. 6341 Fenstermaker v'. City of San Antonio (Glt. App. 1926) sff. (0omm. App. Seo. B, 1927) 290 5. V. 532. 3ut mIsjoInder of oausea or parties doea not constitute fundenental error; it la not reached bT generel demurrer; on the oontrary, It must ba raised by a plea In a&atement, whloh Is qsited It not urged In 1ImIne. Bactoa v. Barmers' State Bsplit@mm. App., ;FeO. A, 1985) 276 6. It 177 an8 ea8aa aft&l therein. Thus, oven t&cm& it shwld be.hei# ibit tba prepor pzocebure lmolu~ss a .sepaPa+e.hearIng ti to eaoh separate traot, the right to soah,a hclariag Is .nIred if mot pres4Med at t&s praper *Ms. **ton t, Pamam* " &ate 'Btbnk, 8apM. 'It Is 01ireoneluaIan,tikerefoxe, that In Teuu a joinaer, in a 8ingle 6Qnbmnatios proessbIng,~fseparak ewaers af separate and dI@tlnet tractsof land is pmmlmsi- bl.. TrustFag that tti6 opinion ``111 ful&r snswsr rour question, and that rm will (~13 upoa as It a~ addItIona inr-ti0n ia m&reQ. lid a~b A~PROVFDOcT 2% 1939 h,*w ATTORNEY GIGNERALOF TEXAR
Document Info
Docket Number: O-221
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017