Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • . . OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ?.8ml8ry 8, 1939 0r ttr a r mla will l8b le th la 9 0 togtha c p uta ir r ia talned ln aald lott lrentlTloundthatyour a wutl thoumad roomding to the last pra- aoding rodoral ooamu. mn. Pat aman., ``wuu~ 8,.1939, Plhgoa thbr0in e2-b •XOLU``TO oi pu. 0tbrr 004 3b nmi0n ior luJh ronioo8. l&o oouaty of bi8trlot dtoraoy would aot be lntiti0d to my 00mi00i0a i8 addition t0 thb r008 pro- tIAoA *or in mid eFtIo10 tot hi8 luv100~ in tho f t;lfn( did p3-0bbmLon 0t a0iinquut tu at8 r0r th0 80ub0- tion OS tax.* dua on real l8tata. mldor .ArtlOlO 335, 10% aoJnaImioa on sonar 00u0ot0d ia th0 prbpu8tion. ruing 0na prooooutIon of dolinqmat tax ouitg a¬ porwnal DroportZ hmo boon allowed thb county Attonmy uncut row rullnlgs or thb 3oportaent whlah mu agrbo. All ouch oomnir~io~ with under said utioloo era aooountmb& anA are not to bo ellouod OTOC aad eboro tha maxima allmrd wador tho pro- ti8i0ru or utiob 366~ rod 3691. Tow lttutioa I# ?oopootfuU~ oellod to miola 3698 whioh dabus tha Com.tobloaua'Court froa allowIn oompoaa8tlon to? lr-offioio ronIoo8 a8 prorlAoA thoroin tub5 the ooqona~tion and lxoooa foe8 uh.loh they era al- iowod to rotain ohall roaoh tho nurimumprovlAoA ror anA whiti io to bo oonatruod with the vazioua eoto pwtod. rpp1~i.r~ the &ovo prorlriona and rormar rullngl or thib D~partaant to ~OOUF quootion, it i0 the opinion Or this Deputmnt th a t luah Qoatraot &mUtig tho Couatr ALtOrnOy tbn poroent 0r tho dollllQuont tax.0 would bo tin- valid, oxoopting aa to ouch ton puobat wm~LooIoa so pro- rldod under &rtiolo 350, lpplIo@ble to pormuel proparty to uhloh he would bo lntltiod In w t& ~xiawn allowad him. rho Cozmlaslooero* Court ner aorroot Its order mafry- ia6 said contraot in kaoping ~4th the eboro. As to alla- i56 auoh OOiQWll~ation Or Soa0 in Of0004 Oi tho ZJUISU allmod, tho CoSrDiaslo~rr* Court wuld ba p~hIbIto6 under n~tlolo 3, ho. 53 0r tho Constitution0r Toms to do 00. Truatina whet tho eboro i8 suftloiut to answer Jour quootloaa, we r.mIa VU? truly your0

Document Info

Docket Number: O-87

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017