Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •        OFFICE     OF     THE   ATTORNEY     GENERAL   OF   TEXAS
    h.tw~ry      aS,   1958
    Xonorabla C&aarlsyLockhart
    state Treasurer
    Auetln, Texae
    3ear   Kr.   Lookhart:
    sour repuest
    isinsaoauuy for an abbt
    mentioned t,nArticle '104
    entitled at reoord, and
    $@Elent murt have new a
    uhioh it amp be ss00dea,                               at this omao*
    Cirll sttatutm, read6
    ae follovar
    Honorable Charley Lockhart. January 25, 1939, Page 2
    .tlon;and.provid1x.qfurther that the provisions of this
    Section shall not apply to renewals or extensionsof any
    notes or obligations,and speOifioallyahnll not apply
    to refunding ot existing bonds or obligations. hnil
    ,    providing further this Saotioa shall not apply to notes
    snd obligationsor instrumentsscouring same taken by or
    on behalt of the United States or any corporate agenoy
    or instrumntality of the United States Government in
    oarrying out n governmentalpurpose as expressed in any
    Aot of the Congress of the United States."
    In Itself an abst?act of judgment oreates a lien on
    nothing. TNCI, when it is filed, reoorded and properly indexed,
    the law creates a lien to seoure payment of the judgment, if the
    debtor happens to own land in that oounty. There may be some
    similaritybetween a oontraot lien and the abstraot of judgment
    lien, a statutory one, but among their dlfrerenoes is the very
    prootioel one that the oontraot lien is given by a debtor in
    most instanoes able and willing to pay, vhile the other lien Is
    given by statute to help fame payment where the debtor is either
    unwilling or unable to pay, or both. It would not have beea
    an unreasonableview for the Legislature to take that 'the
    usually mrthless or near worthless abstract of judgment should
    not haV8 to bear the seme tax stamp as the usually valuable
    vendor's lien or deed of trust.
    Furthermore,the liens speoifioallydescribed in the Act
    ordinarilysecure payment of a negotiable inetrument,the long
    esoape of which rrom taxation probably preolpit'atedthe passage of
    Artio1e 70476,  No suoh instrument is secured by the abstraot of
    judgment,even when reoorded in a county where the debtor holds
    real eatate.
    The Act speaifioallyenumerates oertain contract liens,
    and the general words following should not be oonstrued in their
    x-idestsense, but should be held to apglg to liens or the same
    kind or olass. 39 Tex. Jur. 2023 Shelton vs. Thomas, 11 6. K.
    (28) 254; F. &M. Net. Bank vs. liar&s,137 S, ri;.1120,
    Ja30, the oaption of the Act nay be looked to in deter-
    mining the intent of the Legislative Body. Popham v. Patterson,
    51 S. Vi. (Zd) 680, Sup. Ct.; Tsxarkaua & Pt. S. Ry. Co. v. Flouston
    Gas & Fuel Co., 51 23.Y!. (2d) 284; 39 Tex, Jur. 226. The only
    part of the caption to the bill In whioh Article 7047s was inoluded
    is found in Acts 44th Leg., 3rd 0. S., Ch. 495, p. 2040, an& reads
    as follows:
    ~;: ,. .,   .t:.
    .,, :
    TionorablsCharley Lo&hart,     Ja11ua``eCr,~l939,-8'3
    ". . . mending Artloles 4839, and 7049, Revised
    Civil Statute8 of 19868 amending Seotlon 4OA, of
    Artiole 7047, Revised %jtatutss of 1925, as amended by
    chantm 212, Action 1, Acts of the Forty-seoondLeg-
    islature;amending Section 3, ChclQter73, Aots of the
    Forty-secondL8g:islatur-e';lovyini:a tax uQpn oarbon
    black, and provldlng for it8 oolleotloa; levying a
    tcr upon ooin-operatedmaohines, eremptlng aortain
    olasses of maohlnes, providing ior the aolleotlonor
    Prlor to said action of the 44th Legislature,Art.
    7047 oontainedno pr8vlalon,requlrlngpayment OS 8temps on ang
    suoh lnetrument$, Artiolo 70478 a pearmr~r    the fir& time in
    any Sorm in said Act of the 44th L          .
    I?enae,the term ussd in the oaptlon "lovylng 8 stsGlp
    tax upon osrtain promlesorynote8, and rQvldlllg   for the oolleo-
    tlon ther8oi.v reti#rredto what 18 now E rtlalo 70478 and no other
    part of the bin,' and is the 0~14'deeorlption of Art1018 ?oCVe
    ma in the caption.
    It oouk herdlp be argued that 8 JuUgment 16 8 protllfseory
    or judgment,if the mm8 must be imm8dlat8ly oon8tru8d out be-
    oause of an infJwri0ient oaption.
    5iving'whateveretfact to the general rules of oonstruo-.
    tion that should be given, and oonslderingthe oaption, it IS our
    opinion that the Lsglslature~&id not intend to raqulre the stamps
    to be crrixsd to abstracts of jungment. Roth of your questions
    are answered ln the negative.
    The opinion of J. E. Broadhurst, Assistant Attorney
    General.,dated November 17, 1935, ho161 oontrary to tho above la
    hereby overruled as the opinion of thla2 spartment.           *
    Youm very tmlp

Document Info

Docket Number: O-79

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017