Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • . - : __ : OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QrnAW c. MAWI Ilnr.n .‘““a& Jmuary s, 1939 a. k. L. Crorler countyrttorney Johnron County Slrburnr, TOxal Des Ur. Croelsrr he &&mm roe bill, vhloh 0 in 19%. Oh&n60 the pro- L994, RcYI8ed Cl011 Sta- &s&oh o? thoro querticnr Involve the e&aln- lstrstiva epplloatlcnof Artlole 2994, Retired Cl+11 Statutes, 1925, as e!nenPadby the Forty-?irst &girlsture, Fourth Celled Sardon, kota oi 1930, ld It.8relation to the msxlnus fee bill ~rotIrIons ea ln cfteot prior to the yoarr ot 1933, 1934, and 1933 under Title 61 or the RetIBsdCivil ststntse, loerr,a dlsoursIon cr these Mr. R. 1. Croalor, Jantmry S, 1939, Pago t tarioun lota will naoaaaarlly omsr both qua&tIoaa. YOUR attOntiOn ir 0&d t0 uti0iO-mot, l* s amendad br the 1953 aot ot the forty-firatLeglalsture, Fourth Callad Eiaarlon:, and you mill note that the iollau- ing word8 are aaNte from the former Artiolo 2994, RO- vised Civil statutes, 1925, "Axidauoh foea era not ba be aoaountod tOr 00 to80 Of OftlOO.* This department, Ia a letter oplnlon, rendered In 15(33,held and I think oorreotly, that the Legislature In 1930 In o=ittIag the language quoted above olearlx maaifosted 8A iAt0At that OUbOaqUant t0 the aifeOta& date OS the Act of 1950, rhloh was January 1, 1931, the tax oolleotor abould Inolude In his report teta oollsota6 f;~nIasuI`` all tax reoeI:As end oertlflcates o? asasp- . This is rurther austalned by the faot the& %OtiOA 10 of the :-etof tha Fourth Called Sassion of the Forty- First Leglslaturorepealed Artiale~3900and 3912 of the Revised Civil Stetutes of 1925. YOUr attOAtiOA 16 further called to another ohenge -de by the leeir-latlre Aot of 1930 In omitting the words after word ~oollaotora*,%hoae aalarIea are rixed by tbr Fee Elll......*,.and aubatltatedthe words, “iA counties harlng a.~opuhtion in ``0400 Oi twenty- firs thoaaazA as determined by Artlola F1889....~ It seem further evident by the a&wo aubatl- tuticn in language together uith the omt;tin& of tbo latter portionof the Artiole oalled to four sttantion abne, that the Leglalature intended that thla 3aotIon I or the 1933 kot, Fourth Called Serrlon or the Leglalatura, anrending;crtiole2994, veaato be ~oonrtrued in pari aaterla with the other section8 and pro?ialona, amonly kmmn aa the naximum Fee El11 or amended. The lorty-lliat Leglalatura,?ourth Call.6 Session, Chspter 20, page 10 of t30 1930 Act olaarly un- dertook to pass ltglaletionnhloh mtuld regulate and Mr. ii.L. CrOaIar, Jamary 6, 1939, PO&O S limit ln ganaral r600 or orfioa la all oormtIa5 o?.uhat- aver pop~atiOn~and in Sootion I Or thlr A&, we find our proBent lrlZlolaZ994 as amended a8b0dled anear the same hood and tit10 as mtlolaa under tltla 61, atylad ?ME or orri0d and partloularl7Arrlolo 3883 05 amand~4, with the folbwlng Saotlona Z through ,ll repealing or uandlng oartaln protI5Ioaa limiting an3 regulating toes or aount* o?rioIala in general. ParaIt me.to rater you t.0the ilrst part o.? the last par0graph.d Seotlon So0r.tha‘1930Act, Fourth Called SasEion, Chapter e0, found on page!34, amending hrtlcls 3891, rhloh reads: “The oozc~ensathn,lisltatloda,and sumI- heroin ilxed in this Chapter ?or o??Icara lpul~d shall InclWa and apply to all reer and ocmpan- nation niaateraroollaotad by raid offlcrrs In thler offiolal cspaolty', whether acoountablea5 tees o? otilce uuder praecnt law cc not, and shall elso l.?oludeall c0r;~en55tIoc for certl- rled or umsrtiri~d ooples of any record or paper, and all ?a66 or cospenaation tcr any oertlflcates15sued,n any lma, &enertl or cpe- 0181, to the oontrary notmithstandlng,.andparti- oularly shall inoluda all fees now allowed by lam to o?rIoar5 pertaining to delinquent tour 'and tax certifioater,tut thin anuaer5tIon shall not be oonstrued so.%8 to exluded any other iaes from the operation of this Chapter." and turtherSaotlon 10, round on page 38, mhloh mods: "Artlolan 3900, SQlZ, and 389d o? the Tie- rlred Civil Statutes or Texs8 tar 1925 and any prorIaIotia o? law, general or 5pee101, re- latlng t0 reas of oounty cr dla5trlot offloar6, In oonillct rlth the prorlaIona of tbl8 Aot,are hereby expressly rapaalad. Oifioera mad In xrtIolao 3885 and 3883-h in OOkuitlaO baringa pop- ulaticn oi twenty-?iva thousand or lass as wall as in all other oountlaa shall make the report and kaep the atetenant roqnlred in &tIcla 3896 . rake tha nport end kaop the ltatoment re- qulred In mtlele S896 end 869’1, and ehall bo &pg&tioas and roauir~nnt8 Substaotrilly th8 same llmltatiba or quelliloation@ olaure foes qookd oa paw 3 Of thir 0pln10n hate been brot@at on down tlth the later amendmentby LoglrJatlve Aot, 1933, ?orty-third Regular Seoaloa, Chapter ZZC, found at page 737, rlth 8ame exbodled lo our present A.rtlclo3891'as axon606 . -- In the light or theas rarlous enactments and la view ot the above provlsiorm,it 1s evident that the Laglalature la pas5hg the 1930 Aot amending krtlole ZOOI intended UO!I faer to'k re ortad and their dls osition oontrolled under nrtlolo 3& 1 as mondod an6 otiier soo- tlonn of tie 1930 aot ot the Forty-Hrst Leglalature, Fourth Called Session and round in Chapter.20 and in all leter amendm~ts. 1.an tbererors oonstr~lnsdto answer your rirst uoatloa in the negetlva, and I aa of the oplnloz~that the L gislature Intended to ccver the whole rrubjcotnatter under 8onifderetloa10 its 1930 sot, Fourth Called Session, ofteotlve as or January1, 1931; and also In tier OS t!m last abovo.~woted Sootlon 10, such fees oollkoted under ~rtlclc 2994 tisamended and la etioot alnoe fannery~l, 1931, are oontrolled and tbelr dlspoel$lon made 8ubJeot w acoouatabllltyand dlapoaltlonunder the bubwquent foe bill prwialons OS maid sot. Ittrust the above aaswcms fully your quostloar. Tourr *eapootrul~y ATTO!?EEY GXSDZ!.LC? TEIAS (S) m. J. P. King A~mistant APPIzOFE3: (S) Gerald S. Yann AlTOSFEY CD OF T'XAS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-16

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017