Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1995 )

  •                             @ffice of t!je !Zlttornep
    Btatr of Qexae
    AlTommGENERRAL                           Januq 25.1995
    Honorable 0. H. “Ike”+rris                    OpinionNo. DM-319
    Chnmittee on State Affairs                    Rez Whether eection 395.011(c) of the
    Texas State Senate                            Locdciov ernmalt code authorizes a
    P.O. Box 12068                                municipality to contmct to provide capital
    Austin, Texas 78711                           improvements to an ares outside its
    caporate boundaria and extmturitorial
    jurisdiction if the uea lies within the
    boundaries of another municipality end
    dated questions (RQ-669)
    Dear senator Iiimis:
    You asked us several questions invotig the proper interpruetion of chapter 395
    of the Local Oovemment Code, which provides a method by which municip&ies end
    certain other govemmental entities may linancc capital imp-’            .wwsw      to
    accommodate new dwelopment. See generuI& Bray, Caudill, & Owen, Once More, rhe
    TtiIo~, In Retrospect: An w    on the Virtues of Lkvelopmen; Agreementsin Tkas, 32
    S. TEX.L. REV. 1. 12-14 (1991). You provided the followingfkctuel background for this
    The City of Leon Valley is cumntly in negotietions with the City of
    San Antonio in regard to a wastewater contract. The Cii of San
    Antonio is the regional collector for eUwasteweter. . . . Negotiations
    between the City of San Antonio end several e&urban municipalities
    [chapter 395 of the Local GovernmentCode].
    We understand that the suburban municipalitiesbelieve the Cii of San Antonio may
    collect impact fees for the wastewater service puraant to ci contract for collection if the
    city recognizes them es impact fees belongingto the city ud includes than accordingly in
    its apical improvements plan. We undcrstau$ on the other band, that the City of San
    Antonio contends that the impect fees belong to the arburben municipalitiesend that the
    lmrnicipalitiesthemselves are obligated to pay for the wasteweter collection service.
    You first ask whether section 395.011(c) of the Local Government Code confers
    upon a municipality the authority to contract to provide capital improvements to en err
    p.   1689
    Honorable 0. H. “Ike”Harris - Page 2         (DM-319)
    outside the municipality’scorporate boundaries and extraterritorialjurisdiction if the area
    is within the boundaries of another municipality. Section 395.01l(c) provides as follows:
    A municipality may contract to provide capital improve
    mcntsl, . . . ..torarrrawtsideitscorporatebounduiesMdaara-
    thtoxial jmisdictio19 and may charge an impact fkS under the
    LaalGovYcadc~395.001(1). “8enicc8fra,“rrmmtMmtdie(A)abovc,llIaIlsulcuratilhiathe
    bmmdecs er 8xb8lalitoridjulisdidm . . ..dIbe p&ic8l8utdivisio8” ul8ttk caplml
    z          will mrw. If. 0 395.001(9);
    see fnqiumtc 2 (IkGniag%nxadcd   jllrw&ll”). Bur
    Jetf&l pages6-7 (amumlngddllltiond”8clvie 8m”).
    ‘seaioll395.001(9)dtk Locr Govcmmw cakd8Eaing”mvicc8ru,“rspuirrrrpoliLical
    -ante-iuatruan                  ‘~e@J``==-=             withdmper42oflbcLocr
    ClmummtCnde. hunu~1tostion42.021’dtkLocalGoxmmat             c&,8     lmmiciJt8nty’r
    . .
    -jwirdidiosl~tbc~                             am6gnaumtbewlidp8li~‘scorponte
    ‘A85alp8ct~”        .    l8famdto8s8”c@8lI8covay*“k8bPcilnpaalllpoamv
    dcvela9mcotlopryfolpublicfuilit*llluIncw~necadtrtcc.     seeHaIinpollH.B. 1011Bdorc
    tbc HouseComm.on Nat lks., 701l1Leg. (Apr. 8.1987) (smturmtOfLyle--
    Dimor, Tcxa Ass’nof Builders)(oqvyavailablebm &use Commie tkmdhmr); Bray,CmdiU,&
    Owm OnceMore, fhe Trffqy, In Rebarpccr:An Ewoy on fhe k7rhres
    of hdqment Agreementsfn
    T``~(,``~.TW.L.REV. 1,13(1991). 8euioa395.001(4)d&m”ia``6ec-u
    p.   1690
    Hononable0. H. “Ike”Henis - h&e 3          (DM-319)
    must comply with this chepter: Footnotes edded.]
    The le@uure wdihd chapter 395 in 1989. See Acts 1989, 7lst Leg.. ch. 1.
    Q 82(r). The legishture intended the codificationto be nonsubstaotive. .!ke Acts 1989,
    716 Lq., ch. I, 0 82(e); see u&o Acts 1989.71st Leg.. ch. 566. 0 l(a). The legislahur
    enacted chapter 395’s prod-,       V.T.C.S. rrticle 1269j-4.11, io 1987 es Senete Bii
    336. See Acts 1987,fOth Leg., ch. 957. Ds l-11; Brey, Cudill, & Owen, SIIPP(I.
    at 12.
    In 1987, during the second reading of Senate Bii 336 on the House floor,
    ation 395.011(c) of the Lucel Gwmunent Code-the subsection ebout which you
    inquire. Debate on S.B. 336 on the Floor of the House, 70th Leg (May 21. 1987)
    (statement of Representhe Millsap) (tape available hm House Video/Audio Savices).
    Representative hIiUs8pexpl8inedthe addition simply es an amendmentconcerning I c@G
    extraterritorid jurisdiction. Id We found no other legislative history iodicating the
    On its face. section 395.011(c) euthorizes e municipelityto contract to provide
    capital improvements to an area outside its corporate boundaries and extratdtorial
    jurisdiction and to cherge an impact fee under the contmct. See 13 E. McQuILLIN,
    MUNICIPAL     c ORFORATIONS   $37.11. et 51 (3d ed. 1987) (stating that, io geoerel,
    municipalcorporation lacks euthority to provide improvementsbeyond its ckpomte limits
    unless legislature has provided otherwise). Nothing in the statute limits e numicipelityto
    contracting to provide capital improvements only to areas outside the corporete
    boundaries of another monicipelity.5Nor does the stetute limit a “providing”municipality
    Section 402.001@)
    of the Local Govemmeot Code authorizes a municip8lityto
    prch8.w or operate 8 utiUtf8ystem within its boudmies. S8e uhv Loci4 Oov’t Code
    5 43.056(a) (rquirhg munitipality that proposes to annex area to provide, “by any of the
    p.   1691
    Hononble 0. H “Ike”Hhs       - P8ge 4     (DM-319)
    methods by which it extends the 8enks to any other IIu of the municipality,”for
    extension of municip8l sehces to annexed area). If a municipality drooses to provide
    believet@itmay.       Furthamorr,iFthenoeiviagmuniciprrlitychoo~topryforthe
    capital impmMwnts tbt the providing municipaky quires by permitting the providing
    municip8lityto charge imp8ct faq we believe that the receiving municiprlity may. If a
    only ifthe conhact with the mwiving munic$dity complies with chapter 395 of the Local
    Government Code. See Local Oov’t Code 0 395.01l(a). Fmthen0ore, the providing
    municipaUtymych8rgemimpactff8eonlyin8ceodam                with chapter 395. See id
    0 395.01l(c).”
    In short, we conclude tbt rection 395.01l(c) authorizes Bmunicipalityto contract
    to provide capital improvements to an area inside the corporate bound&es of another
    municipality. MditionaUy, section 395.011(c) authorizes the providing municipality to
    OI@if the path have wntmcted awmdhgly md if the pAding municipality complies
    withch8pter395oftheLocalGo        vernment Code. C!! 13 E. MCQULLIN,THEIAW OF
    MUNlClFAtCORPORATIONS      0 37.11, at 51 (3d ed. 1987) (stating general rule that one
    municipality may not tax its own residents for improvananwithinlimitsofulother
    You next asked whether, under 8ection 395.0455 of the Local Government Code,
    a providing municipfdity that wntmcts to charge an impact fee to 8n area within the
    jmisdiction of another municip8litymay indude the 8rea in the providing municipality’s
    apitd improvements plan. Section 395.045!(a), which per&s to “Systemwide Land
    Use Assumptions,”provides in pertkrt part as follows:
    (a) In lieu of adopting hnd use asmmptions7 for each service
    ma, a politicd subdkion may, except for storm water, drainage.
    flood control, and roadway kcilities, adopt systemwide Land use
    the politicalsubdivisionfbr rhc pupas8 Of impusingimpucffees
    srnukrfhisChqDfer.pmtnote Md anph8sisadded.]
    p.   1692
    Honomble 0. H. “Ike”Hanis - Pege 5         WM-3 19)
    The legislature added section 395.0455(a) to chapter 395 ofthe Local Government
    Code in 1989, following the codification. &e Acts 1989. 7lst Leg., c-h. 566, # l(b)
    (House Bill 1786). House Bii 1786, which proposed adding section 395.0455 to the
    Local Chmnmnt Code, added to chepter 395 other eecdons, all of which the kgisleture
    See House Comm. on State A5irs, Bii Anelysis,H.B. 1786.71st Leg. (1989); Hearings
    on HB. 1786 Before the House &mm. on State Affrirs 71st Leg. (Apr. 25,1989) (state-
    ment of Rcpnranatiw Laney, au&or of bii) (tape aveileble 6om House Video/Audio
    savices); Hearings on H.B. 1786 Before the Senete Comm. on Intergovemmental
    RdsUions, 71st Leg. (May 25, 1989) (stetemmt of Senetor Am~brister)(tape available
    hm Senate Staff &vices). Sarrtor Armbrister.k&o presented the bii to the Senate
    committee on lntKgovKmKltd Relations, explained that the process adopted in 1987.
    with the mactmcnt of V.T.C.S. article 126$4.11. wes I burdensome one for cities
    beuu8e the statute required a city sepaately to 8dopt two plans, a lend use assumption
    plan and a crpitd improMnaas plen. Id.; see uho Hearings on H.B. 1786 Before the
    House Comm. on State ASirs, mrpru (statancnt of Fmnk Turner, Planning end
    Tmnsportation Director for Cii of Plano). Thus, the municipalitywas required to hold
    two eepamte harings end comply with statutory notice requkements for each heering.
    liming6 on H.B. 1786 Before the Karate Comm. on IntergovernmentalReletions, supru
    (statement of Seator Armbriar). To elleviete the problem, House Bii 1786 proposed,
    among other things, allowing municipalities to use m-wide adoption plens for each
    serviceuea. Id.; see u&oid. (statement of Cerl Shahady, representing Texes Municipel
    League). The municipalitytherefore avoids having to edopt a land use assumption plan
    for each individualservice erea. 
    Id. Initidy~ we
    note that, in your second question, you cited section 395.0455 of the
    Local Government Code, which epplies only to the adoption of systemwide lrmd use
    axwmptions, although you asked ebout a capital improvements plen. While both are
    newssary to the adoption of an impact fee, the two are distinct. A land use essumption
    describes the service area and projects changes, eg., chaoges in lend uses, densities,
    intensities, end population, that the municipality believes @ occur in the service erea
    within the aLaring ten yea-s. Local Oov’t Code $395.001(S). A capital improvements
    ommnent may assess unpact fkes. 
    Id. 0 395.001(2);
    id. 5 395.014
    requhmts       for capital improvementsplen).
    Prior to the 1989 amendments to chapta 395. e political subdivision considered
    and adopted the hod use UswnptioIu and capitel improvements plens seperetely.
    Furthermore, the political &division bed wnsidaed the lend use eamptions end capital
    p. 1693
    Honor&e 0. H. %e” Hhs          - Page 6        (DM-319)
    improvments on 8 serviw-m-by-da                   basis, rather than 8 systennvide basis.9
    since the 1989 amendments to chapter 395, a political subdivision, including a
    municipality.may abbreviate the procedure descrii above in two ways: iirst, pursuaot
    to section 395.0515(a), the politicsl subdiioo may adopt the hod use assumptions. the
    capital improvements ph wd the impact fee simultweo*              and second, pursuaot to
    sectiod 395.0455(a), the political subdivisionmay adopt systemwideland use assumptions,
    which cow alI of the m subject to the political &division’s jurisdiction for the pmpose
    ofhnposingimpactfkshuterdofonlytbeuuwithinrriaglermriama.                     Bursreti.
    0 395.0515(d) (prohibiting political subdivision &om consolidating harhgs on land use
    x;ns         8nd capital improvemeotsplao ifperson timely quests, in writ& sep8rate
    Section 395.0455 expressly authorizes a political subdii~                 inch&g a
    municipality, to adopt land use assumptions th8t wver “all of the area subject to the
    jurisdiction of the potid& s&division for the purpose of imposing impact fees under
    [ch8pt~ 3951.” We believe thsL in the context of section 395.0455. “ali of the 8rea
    subject to the jurisdiction of the political &division” includes all of the area &omwhich a
    municipdi~ wkts impact fe+ purswnt to section 395.011. tJnda section 395.011. of
    wur8q that area m8y be located withio the corporate boundaries of another municipality.
    Section 395.0455 patains only to land use assumptions, M,                 it does not a&t a
    municip8lity’sjurisdictionto prepse 8 ~capitalimprovementsplan wveriog the ma within
    the corporate boundaries of another municipality.
    We note that, while section 395.001(2) of the Local Oovmmmt Code defines
    ‘capital improvements plan” without limiting the scope of 8 plan to a service q  0th~
    8ections of chapter 395 appear to do so. &e 
    Id. 5 395.014(a).
    (b); 395.049(c)(4);
    395.0515(r). For purposes of chapta 395, 8 “service area” is “the area within the
    wmmte boundaries or extratenitorial jurisdiction . . . of the political mhdivkiw” that
    the caphI improvements will serve. See 
    id. 0 395.001(9).
    Coratming “ervicc area”in
    the v&OUS   pr0~%011S   Of ChaptK 395 to bit    a Ktpid   hprovKmnts   @II   Ody t0 the Kca
    p.   1694
    Honoreble 0. H. “Ike”Henis - Pege 7         (DM-3 19)
    within 8 IIUUIiCip&y’S wrpomte bound&s end extraterritorialju&diction is, we believe,
    problem&, given the legisku& express stetement in section 395.011(c) that a
    municipality may contract to provide upitel impnwements outside those ereds. ZB N.
    SINGER,STATUTES      ANDSTATIJKRYCu.~s``ucno~ $53.01. rt 229.30 (5th ed. 1992)
    (stUhg th8t comts must construe 8t8tutes lumnoniously lf such wnstruction is
    sason8ble); 67 ?BX. JUR. 3D Stdufes 5 133, u 740 (1989) (stuing -on                   that
    legislature intended provisions reking to seme subject to opemte hsrmoniously).
    Fudemmc, a providing rmmkipdity will be uneble to determine the true extent of
    capital improvrments and the tme cost unless it may include in its cslculations all of the
    area for which it is &ho&d to provide such.wprovantis.        Accordingly, we wastrue
    the definition of “service wr” to in&de ell of thet uea to which e municipelity is
    authorized to provide apitel improvements, +ther becsuse the ~a is within the
    municipality’s wrporete bound&es or -torial              jurisdiction or because the
    municipslity hes wntmcted with enother municipal&yto provide capital improvementsto
    thu Kea.‘O
    You predhted your third question upon a &ding that chapter 395 provides no
    mechanism by which a municipalitymey cherge impect fees within witha municipality.
    Because we hwe concluded thet e providing municipelitymay collect impact fees under a
    contmct with the OtbK municipdii or by the wnsellt of the OthK municipality,we need
    not enswer the third question.
    ‘%wesmtedabw&seeJ4mpage3.I+            .-. MillppFw-Jddiao~-
    pfakcaw te 8ectloIl        d tbc Local GwmlmK4codce8tbcneoroftbcHou98dmiagtbc
    a~anwl1eadiqd8caatcBiU336. ?btctdioltiond”oavloc~“wblchpmvidcdamarntLUy8si1
    do~am``&,ludbocnad&dpm4ouly. SrrC.8.8.B.336.&ameCtmunmEca~mdcDcvdoplPmS
    p. 1695
    Honotable 0. H. “Ike”Harris - Pege 8      (DM-319)
    Section 395.01l(c) of the Locdl Government Code euthorizes a
    munidpalityto wntmct with anoth~ municipdityto provide capital
    8mmd municipality.Section 395.01l(c) authorizes the mnicipdity
    thativishes to provide the capital imm         toch8rgemimpact
    fee within the caporate boundaries of the municipalitythet wishes to
    IWcive the Cqital bnprovementsifthe municip8litieshave wntracted
    WXdill&’    Md   th providillg
    muniCi~          WlIljk    With chapta
    395 of the Local Government Code.
    Section 395.01l(c), in wnjunction with the definition of “capital
    improvements plen” in section 395.001(2). authorizes e municipality
    that wntmcts to provide capital improvements to an lvea outside its
    wrponte boundaries end extreterritoriel jhdiction to include the
    SKI in the municipality’scapital improvementsphn.
    Attorney Gend of Texas
    Fii Arsistmt Attorney General
    Chair, Opiion Committee
    prepared by KymMy K. Oltrogge
    Assistant Attorney General
    p.   1696

Document Info

Docket Number: DM-319

Judges: Dan Morales

Filed Date: 7/2/1995

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017