Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1986 )

  •                                 The Attorney           General of Texas
    S~q,tmber 15, 1986
    Attorney General
    Supreme Court Building         Honorable Danny Anct,ondo           Opinion No. m-544
    P. 0. Box 12548
    El Paso County Attorney
    Austin. TX. 78711. 254S
    5121475-2501                   Room 201, City-County   Bldg.       Re: Whether a political subdivision
    Telex 9101874.1367             El Paso, Texas     79SOl            may annex territory which the legis-
    Telecopier   512/4750288                                           lature has designated as territory
    to be included in a new special
    714 Jackson, Suite 7CO
    Dallas, TX. 75202-4508
    2141742-8944                   Dear Mr. Anchondo:
    Pursuant to article XVI, section 59, of the Texas Constitution,
    4824 Alberta Ave., Suite 154
    El Paso, TX. 799052793
    the Sixty-ninth Legislature authorized the creation of a new water
    91515333484                    conservation and rwlamation district to be known as the El Paso
    County Lower Valley Mater District Authority. Acts 1985, 69th Leg.,
    ch. 780, at 5611. The act authorizing the'creation of the district
    leq!    Texas, Suite 700       contains the followi,ngpertinent language:
    ston, TX. 77002.3111
    i W223-5888
    Before thaa authority is created, a confirmation
    election must be called and held within the
    SO5 Broadway, Suite 312                  boundaries of the proposed authority in accordance
    Lubbock, TX. 79401-3479                  with Sect:Lons54.026 through 54.029, Water Code.
    Creation of the authority must be approved by a
    majority of the qualified voters of the proposed
    4309 N. Tenth, Suite S                   authority voting at the election.
    McAllen, TX. 7550%1685
    Id. 52B at
    200 Main Plaza, Suite 400           The El Paso County Water Authority , also a water conservation and
    San Antonio, TX. 78205.2797    reclamation district, was established pursuant to article XVI, section
    51212254191                    59, of the Texas Constitution in 1961. Acts 1961, 57th Leg., 1st
    C.S., ch. 32, at 136. See also Acts 1969, 61st Leg., ch. 718. at
    An Equal Opportunity/
    2098; Acts 1971, 6:!nd Leg., ch. 314, at 1254. The El Paso County
    Affirmative Action Employer
    Water Authority has the authority to annex land. Acts 1971, 62nd
    Leg., ch. 314, at 1:!54,1255. The board of directors of the district
    has received petitions submitted by a number of landowners requesting
    annexation to the XL Paso County Water Authority. See Water Code
    6650.051, 51.714-51.717. The land described in thesepetitions lies
    within the proposed boundaries of the El Paso County Lower Valley
    Water District Authority. Your office requests our opinion on the
    following question:
    p. 2505
    Honorable Danny Anchondo - Eage 2   (JM-544)
    Can territory des:ignatedby the legislature to be
    included in the [El Paso County] Lower Valley
    [Water] District tYuthoritybe legally annexed by
    another political subdivision prior to the
    confirmation election as called for in the
    legislative enactment of the new district?
    Assuming that the annexing apoliticalsubdivision has properly acquired
    jurisdiction over the dispumd territory prior to the commencement of
    legal proceedings over the :sa.mearea by the newly designated water
    district, your question cm be answered in the affirmative. The
    effect of such annexation muld be to detach the annexed territory
    from the territory of the pmposed district. An explanation follows.
    Water districts are pol.iticalsubdivisions of the state and stand
    on the same footing as counties. See Tex. Const. art. XVI, 159(b);
    Sears V. Colorado River Municipal Water District, 
    487 S.W.2d 810
    Civ. App. - Eastland 1972, &it   ref'd n.r.e.). For the purposes of
    article III, section 53, cf the Texas Constitution, however, water
    districts are regarded as municipalities. Attorney General Opinion
    V-787 (1949) and authoritier;cited therein. Further, it has been held
    that the orinciDles acmlicalAe to annexation bv mniciualities should
    also apply to water districts. See State ex rel. Spring Bill Utility
    District V. City of Longview. 642.W.2d    544. 549 (Tex. App. - Tyler
    1982). rev'd on other grout+, 
    657 S.W.2d 430
    (Tex. 1983).                -
    The general rule in thJ.s,
    state is that two municipal corporations
    cannot exercise the same nen,eraleovernmental authority over the same
    area. See City of NassauizT V. City of Webster, 600 i.W.2d 905 (Tex.
    Civ. Apt - Houstonflst.s:t.]     1980). writ ref'd n.r.e. per curlam.
    608 S.W.2d 618
    (Tex. 1980); City of Galena Park v. City of Houston,
    133 S.W.2d 162
    (Tex. Civ. ATIF'.
    - Galveston 1939, writ ref'd); Attorney
    General Opinion~JM-400 (198j;j.
    In resolving disputes between municipal corporations which assert
    jurisdiction over the same territory, the courts have adopted a rule
    of priority. Between two political subdivisions of concurrent or
    coordinate authority, the courts adhere to the following rule:
    The municipal aut~xlrity,be it one having a legal
    existence or in the process of organization, which
    first ccmnences legal proceedings asserting
    authority over a given territory thereby acquires
    a jurisdiction over the same which cannot
    thereafter be defeated by a subsequent attempted
    exercise of juri~~dictionby a similar municipal
    organization. [C::tationsomitted].
    p. 2506
    Honorable Danny Anchondo - Iage 3   (JM-544)
    State ex rel. City of Fort Worth V. Town of Lakeside, 
    328 S.W.2d 245
    247 (Tex. Civ. App. - Fort-Worth 1959, writ ref'd). Applying this
    rule to the present inquiry, it becomes necessary to determine what
    constitutes the commencemen!:of legal proceedings sufficient to grant
    one entity jurisdiction omx a given area to the exclusion of the
    other. It would be helpful tto begin by discussing some matters which
    do not determine the questim of jurisdiction.
    For instance, it is clear that the legislature's designation of
    the boundaries of a propased water district does not confer any
    particular rights with respect to such boundaries. A water district
    is not "created" until it mceives the voters' approval at a confirma-
    tion election and may not exercise any of its powers prior to the
    confirmation election. See Water Code 954.026; Attorney General
    Opinion Nos. NW-380 (1981)7%7-1 (1957).
    In addition, the court:3hold that a political subdivision has no
    vested or contract rights Lu its designated boundaries. See Lyford
    Independent School District-v. Willamar Independent School District,
    34 S.W.2d 854
    (Tex. Comm'~~ App. 1931, judgmt adopted); San Diego
    Independent School District V. Central Education Agency, 
    634 S.W.2d 50
        (Tex. App. - Austin 1982, no writ); Hunt County v. Rains County, 
    7 S.W.2d 648
    (Tex. Civ. A?l,. - Texarkana 1925, no writ).            The
    r   legislature may provide methods whereby such boundaries are reduced,
    provided the reduction in territory does not prevent the political
    subdivision from meeting itf,lawful indebtedness. -Id.
    The legislature has provided such methods in this instance. The
    boundaries of the El Paso County Lower Valley Water District Authority
    are subject to the creation of two municipal utility districts also
    authorized by the Sixty-ninth Legislature. See Acts 1985, 69th Leg.,
    chs. 683, 684, at 5121, 5132 (authorizing Homestead Municipal Utility
    Districts Nos. 1 and 2). If'either of the municipal utility districts
    is approved at a confirmation election, the territory of the approved
    district is to be excluded from the boundaries of the El Paso County
    Lower Valley Water District Authority. Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 780,
    §2A, at 5611, 5616.
    In one instance a cour'cheld that a water district could condemn
    land entirely within the boundaries of another water district where
    the power of eminent domain was granted by statute and its exercise
    was essential to the operal:ionof the water district, and where the
    latter district was no more t:hana bare legal entity, having exercised
    none of its authorized powers.      Lower Nueces River Water Supply
    District V. Cartwright. 
    274 S.W.2d 199
    (Tex. Civ. App. - San Antonio
    1954, writ ref'd n.r.e.).      Thus, we do not believe that the
    legislature's "designation" of the El Paso County Lower Valley Water
    District Authority constitutes the collrmencementof legal proceedings
    so as to confer upon the proposed district exclusive jurisdiction over
    p. 2507
    Honorable Danny Anchondo - I'age4   (JM-544)
    the disputed territory. Cf. Jackson V. Texas Water Rights Commission,
    512 S.W.2d 696
    (Tex. CivT$p.   - Beaumont 1974, no writ) ("designa-
    tion" of a "ate; district &Les not confer authority to act prior to
    its "creation").
    The courts hold that tne submission of a petition for annexation
    which is regular on its face is sufficient to invoke the jurisdiction
    of the political subdiviriion to determine whether the petition
    satisfies statutory requi1:ements. School Board of the City of
    Marshall v. State, 
    343 S.W.2d 247
    (Tex. 1961). This jurisdiction is
    effective against subsequent attempts by adverse parties to exercise
    jurisdiction over the same territory. Pennington V. City of Corpus
    363 S.W.2d 502
    (Tel:.Civ. App. - San Antonio 1962, writ ref'd
    n.r.e.). cert. denied, 
    375 U.S. 439
    The courts also holi that the filing of a petition for
    incorporation as a separate municipality marks the commencement of
    legal proceedings so as to give that entity jurisdiction over the
    territory described in the petition and to preclude the subsequent
    attempt of another municipality to annex the same territory. See
    Perkins v. Ingalsbe, 
    347 S.W.2d 926
    (Tex. 1961); Universal City7
    City of Selma, 514 S.W.2d (14 (Tex. Civ. App. - Waco 1974. writ ref'd
    n.r.e.); City of El Paso v. Eltateex rel. Town of Ascarate, 
    209 S.W.2d 989
    (Tex. Civ. App. - El PiGlo 1947, writ ref'd). However, one court
    held that where the filing of a petition for incorporation did not
    result in the procuring of an order from the county judge calling for
    an election on the question #ofincorporation, a city was not deprived
    of the authority to annex t:he territory described in the petition.
    State ex rel. Wilkinson V. Self, 
    191 S.W.2d 756
    (Tex. Civ. App. - San
    Antonio 1945, no writ). But%=
    ---     State ex rel. City of Fort Worth V.
    Town of Lakeside, 328 S.W.:!d;245 (Tex. Civ. App. - Fort Worth 1959,
    writ ref'd) (petition for in#corporationwas offered to county judge's
    assistant for acceptance, but was mistakenly rejected by assistant;
    court held that this was s;ufficient to confer authority upon new
    municipality and that city's attempt to annex same territory one day
    later was without legal eE:Eect). These cases do not address the
    situation in which the formation of a political subdivision is not
    initiated by petition, but by an act of legislature. Nonetheless, we
    believe that these cases do offer guidance in resolving our inquiry.
    In determining whether one political subdivision has acquired
    jurisdiction over disputed territory to the exclusion of another, the
    courts require some officia:.act taken pursuant to law which manifests
    the intention of the political subdivision to exercise jurisdiction
    over the disputed territory. See. e.g., Perkins v. 
    Ingalsbe. supra
    (filing of petition for in'zorporationfollowed by order from county
    judge calling for election on question of incorporation); State ex
    rel. City of Fort Worth v. Jown of 
    Lakeside, supra
    (same); Universal
    City v. City of Selma, sa(s"e);City          El Paso V. State ex rel.
    p. 2508
    Honorable Danny Anchondo - P%Se 5   (JM-544)
    Town of 
    Ascarate. supra
    (sane). See also School Board of the City of
    Marshall v. State, supsa (inftiation of annexation proceedings by city
    coxaaission);Beyer V. Temple=,      
    212 S.W.2d 134
    (Tex. 1948) (first
    reading of annexation ordinanjcein accordance with city charter); s
    of Arlington V. City of Grand Prairie, 
    451 S.W.2d 284
    (Tex. Civ. App.
    - Fort Worth 1979, writ refTd n.r.e.) (same); Pennington V. City of
    Christi, supra
    (initiation of annexation proceedings by city
    council); City of Fort Wort,h V. State ex rel. Ridglea Village, 
    186 S.W.2d 323
    (Tex. Civ. App. - -Fort Worth 1945, writ ref'd w.o.m.) (city
    council's adoption of resolttion pursuant to article 1171, V.T.C.S.).
    In the absence of any such official act, the political subdivision is
    deemed to have abandoned its jurisdiction over the territory. -See
    State ex rel. Wilkinson V. Self,
    -- supra
    Accordingly, the El P.aso County Water Authority may annex
    territory within the designated boundaries of the proposed El Paso
    County Lower Valley Water District Authority if it has received valid
    landowner petitions for annexation and if it has not abandoned its
    jurisdiction over the temitory.      i.e., it has not rejected the
    petitions for annexation. 3ee WaterCode 1950.051, 51.714 (addition
    of land to water district by-petition of landowner); 51.716 (hearing
    and determination on petition by board of directors). The authority
    to annex the disputed terr:.torywould not exist, however, if it is
    determined that the El Pilao County Lower Valley Water District
    Authority had taken official action with respect to the entire area
    encompassed by its proposed boundaries before the petitions for
    annexation were filed with the competing district. For the purposes
    of this opinion, an order b:r the temporary board of directors calling
    the confirmation election would constitute the conxaencementof legal
    proceedings sufficient to ccnfer jurisdiction over the disputed areas.
    See Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 780, 02B. at 5616-5617; Water Code
    -4.026-54.029    (relating MI confirmation election); Election Code
    $3.004(b) (requiring the governing body of a political subdivision to
    issue order for election relating to the affairs of the political
    subdivision when laws requiring the election do not delegate such
    You have not supplied us with enough information upon which to
    base a complete answer. Ahmming, however, that the El Paso County
    Water Authority has properly acquired jurisdiction over the territory
    described in the petitions for annexation and has lawfully annexed
    such territory, the legal ef'fectof this action would, in our opinion,
    be to detach the territory :Erom the desisnated boundaries of the El
    Paso County Lower Valley-water District-Authority.      See generally
    Lyford Independent School Jistrict V. Willamar Independent School
    District, s;     Young v. Edna Independent School District, 
    34 S.W.2d 857
    (Tex. Comm'n App. 1931, judgmt adopted); San Diego Independent
    School District V. Central Education Agency, w.
    p. 2509
    Honorable Danny Anchondo - Pz~ge6     ~(JM-544)
    Territory situatkl within the proposed boundaries
    of a newly designated water district may be annexed
    prior to the designated district's calling of a con-
    firmation election by another water district which
    has acquired jurisdktion over the territory.
    JIM     MATTOX
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney Genwal
    Executive Assistant Attorney General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Rick Gilpin
    Assistant Attorney General
    p. 2510